Mechanical Metallurgy Practical Guide (Tensile Test)

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Mechanical Metallurgy: Laboratory guide:

Experiment 1: Tensile test

The objective of tensile test is to understand the principle of a uniaxial tensile testing and to
determine certain material properties which includes Modulus of Elasticity, Yield Strength,
Ultimate Tensile Strength, Elongation, and Reduction in area of the specimen after it has been
Experimental procedure:
Materials and equipment used:
 Tensile specimen
 Marker
 Vernier calipers
 Universal testing machine
Measure the following before the test:
 Initial gauge length of the specimen
 Initial diameter of the specimen
Measure the following after the test.
 Final gauge length of the specimen
 Final diameter of the specimen (where it necked)
 Draw the engineering stress-strain curve.
Determine the following mechanical properties from extensometer.
 Modulus of Elasticity
 0.2% offset yield strength
Determine the following mechanical properties from engineering stress strain curve
 Ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
 %Elongation
 % Reduction of area
Report Layout:
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Literature review
 Experimental procedure
 Results & Discussion of results
 Conclusion
 Reference list

Summarize the entire report (experiment) focusing mainly on the purpose, key findings,
significance, and major conclusion (material used in the experiment, how the experiment was
performed, the main results obtained and conclusion from the results.
List at least 5 keywords underneath the abstract


Introduce the topic, highlight the main aims and the purpose of the experiment. You can also
comment on the flow of the report. 

Literature review

 Give a full discussion of your material (the material you were given) include chemical
composition, mechanical properties and where the material is used (application).
 Discuss stress-strain curve.
 Discuss all measures of strength (yield strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength).
 Discuss all measures of energy (Modulus of elasticity and Toughness).
 Discuss all measures of ductility (% elongation, % reduction, yield strain, uniform strain,
and fracture strain).

Experimental procedure

List all the material, parameters used during the experiment. How was the extensometer used and
state the removal point. Schematic diagram showing how the samples were prepared, the
measurement taken before and after tensile test.

Results and Discussion of result

Results must be neatly presented in the form of graphs and tables (do not forget to label the
graphs and the tables)

Analysis and Interpretation of the results. Compare the laboratory results with those obtained
from literature review.

Summarize the key findings you discussed throughout the work, and state what you have
Reference list

Use Harvard referencing style and a minimum of 5 references is required. Make sure that all the
references used in the report, appears on this list.
Report Rubric:

Objective Marks allocation Marks obtained

Report layout: 5

Table of content & figures

Abstract 5

Introduction 5

Literature review 8

Experimental Procedure 5

Results and Discussions and 15

Conclusion 5

References 2

Total 50

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