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Material Flows of Polyurethane in the United States

Chao Liang, Ulises R. Gracida-Alvarez, Ethan T. Gallant, Paul A. Gillis, Yuri A. Marques,
Graham P. Abramo, Troy R. Hawkins,* and Jennifer B. Dunn*
Cite This: Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Today, polyurethanes are effectively not recycled and are made principally from nonrenewable, fossil-fuel-derived
resources. This study provides the first high-resolution material flow analysis of polyurethane flows through the U.S. economy,
tracking back to fossil fuels and covering polyurethane-relevant raw materials, trade, production, manufacturing, uses, historical
stocks, and waste management. According to our analysis, in 2016, 2900 thousand tonnes (kt) of polyurethane were produced in the
United States and 920 kt were imported for consumption, 2000 kt entered the postconsumer waste streams, and 390 kt were
recycled and returned to the market in the form of carpet underlayment. The domestic production of polyurethane consumed 1100
kt of crude oil and 1100 kt of natural gas. With the developed polyurethane flow map, we point out the limitation of the existing
mechanical recycling methods and identify that glycolysis, a chemical recycling method, can be used to recycle the main components
of postconsumer polyurethane waste. We also explore how targeting biobased pathways could influence the supply chain and
downstream markets of polyurethane and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and the exposure to toxic precursors in
polyurethane production.
KEYWORDS: polyurethane, material flow analysis, recycling, circular economy, biobased feedstock, sustainability

Polyurethane is one of the most versatile materials in the
landfilled, creating undesirable environmental effects, such as
land resource consumption and toxin and GHG emissions.
world. It can be produced in various forms and used in a These health and environmental concerns associated with
variety of markets. It ranked sixth in worldwide polymer polyurethane and its supply chain have led to several policies
production in 20181 with a global market of 65.5 billion that aim to reduce polyurethane’s environmental effects. For
dollars.2 This market is expected to reach 105.2 billion dollars example, several countries (mostly in Europe) have banned the
by 2025.3 landfill disposal of municipal solid waste, which limits disposal
However, polyurethane poses environmental and human options for many types of polyurethane. Both the European
health concerns at various points across its life cycle.4 Like Union (EU) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
other plastics, this versatile polymer is made from fossil fuels (EPA) have issued regulations to progressively or potentially
and its production emits greenhouse gases (GHG). Nicholson ban isocyanates.4,6 To increase the safety and sustainability of
et al. reported that the United States (U.S.) annual GHG
emissions from polyurethane production is estimated to be 7.8
million metric tons.5 Additionally, methylene diphenyl Received: June 4, 2021
diisocyanate (MDI) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI), two of Revised: August 30, 2021
the main precursors for polyurethane, are classified as Accepted: September 14, 2021
carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic (CMR), which could Published: October 7, 2021
cause health issues after prolonged exposure.4 At the end of
their life, polyurethane products are mostly incinerated or
© 2021 The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society
14215 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
Table 1. Summary of Data Sourcesa,b
category reference description
primary energy primary energy to isocyanates and polyols (except polyester polyols) 32 material and total energy consumption of crude oil and natural gas to
isocyanates and polyols (except polyester polyols)
primary energy to polyester polyols 33 material and total energy consumption of crude oil and natural gas to
polyester polyols
primary energy to additives 36 material and total energy consumption of crude oil and natural gas to
blowing agents and flame retardants
precursor chemicals TDI, pure MDI, and polymeric MDI 29 demand of TDI and MDI, distribution of precursors to intermediate
specialty isocyanates, polyether polyols, polyester polyols, PTMEG, acrylic polyols, and additives 30, 31 demand of specialty isocyanates and polyols, distribution of precursors to
intermediate products
production of polyurethane products 31, 37 total polyurethane production amount, share of polyurethane production by
polyurethane materials type
rigid foams to appliances, rigid foams to building and construction 39 share of rigid foams used in building and construction, and appliances
Environmental Science & Technology

rigid foams to packaging, transportation, others 40 quantity of rigid foams to packaging, transportation, and other end-use
flexible foams 39 share of flexible foams by end-use markets
adhesives and sealants, binders, coatings, and elastomers 30, 31 demand of adhesives and sealants, binders, coatings, elastomers, and
distribution of these products to end-use markets
end-use markets building and construction, transportation, EEE, machinery and foundry, packaging, textile, apparel and 38 distribution of polyurethane by end-use markets
footwear, furniture and bedding, and other end-use markets
waste collection building and construction 50−52 construction waste amount, share of plastics in construction waste, and share
of polyurethane in plastics in construction wastes
vehicles 36, 53, 54 number of vehicles that became waste, share of plastics in vehicle, and share

of polyurethane in plastics in vehicle
other transportation proportional to that of vehicles
electronics 25, 55, 56 electronics waste amount, share of polyurethane in the wastes
appliances 25, 55, 56 appliances waste amount, share of polyurethane in the wastes
machinery and foundry log-normal algorithm
packaging log-normal algorithm
textile, apparel, and footwear 57, 58 textile waste amount (including apparel and footwear), share of
polyurethane in the wastes

furniture and bedding 55 furniture and furnishings waste amount (including bedding), share of
polyurethane in the wastes
carpet underlayment 41, 55, carpets and rugs waste amount, share of polyurethane in the wastes
59, 60
other end-use products log-normal algorithm
municipal polyurethane wastes 49, 61 plastics waste amount in municipal solid wastes, share of polyurethane in
plastics in municipal solid wastes
waste management landfill, incineration, and recycling 42−44 share of recycling, U.S.-specific ratio of landfill to incineration for plastics in
municipal solid wastes
recycling (industrial and postconsumer wastes to carpet underlayment) 41 amount of domestic industrial flexible foam scrap, amount of domestic
postconsumer flexible foam scrap
Data for trade and in-use stock are not included. bTDI, toluene diisocyanate; MDI, methylene diphenyl diisocyanate; PTMEG, polytetramethylene ether glycol; and EEE, electrical and electronic

Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
Environmental Science & Technology Article

polyurethane, biobased production pathways and recycling Precursors for the U.S. Polyurethane Industry. The
technologies are under development7−11 to increase the quantities of TDI, pure MDI, and polymeric MDI used to
amount of renewable feedstocks and secondary materials in produce various polyurethane products are estimated based
the polyurethane supply chain. With the implementation of upon interviews with associated industrial manufacturers,
regulations and the development of technologies, polyurethane processors, producers, users, and associations that are
status quo could be dramatically altered, causing shifts in the conducted by the American Chemistry Council (ACC).29
polyurethane supply chain, markets for precursors, and use The quantities of specialty isocyanates, polyether polyols,
patterns of downstream products. To understand the polyester polyols, polytetramethylene ether glycols (PTMEG),
sustainability implications of these shifts, a comprehensive acrylic polyols, and additives used to produce various
and thorough understanding of today’s polyurethane material polyurethane products are from survey-based industrial data
flows is necessary. for the United States, Canada, and Mexico published by
Material flow analysis (MFA) is an approach to tracking the ACC.30 We scale these values by 0.81, the share of U.S.
flows and stocks of target materials within a system defined in polyurethane production among these countries, as reported
space and time.12 MFAs can be static (a snapshot of a system by ICIS.31
in time). This approach was widely used in early MFAs. It is Primary Energy for the U.S. Polyurethane Industry.
often appropriate for understanding a material system when The material and total energy consumption of crude oil and
data resources are limited.12,13 Alternatively, MFAs can be natural gas to isocyanates and polyols are estimated by
dynamic (over a time interval) and use historical trends to multiplying the consumption data per unit of precursors
create future scenarios. This is a key advance but usually reported by Franklin Associates32 and polyurethane Europe33
requires considerable resources.12,14 The MFA has been used by the quantities of the precursors reconciled by STAN34 (see
to study many different types of materials to provide a basis for the “Data Reconciliation” section).
decision making,15 improve the circularity of economy,16 and According to the literature,35 additives for polyurethane
determine the challenges and opportunities for designing production mainly include flame retardants, blowing agents,
environmentally beneficial materials and processes.17 Aside cross-linking agents, and catalysts. After analyzing industrial
from several studies that analyzed the flows of poly(vinyl polyurethane formulations, blowing agents and flame retard-
chloride) (PVC) 18,19 and poly(ethylene terephthalate) ants are found to be the two main components in additives and
(PET),20 most early MFAs of plastics considered them as a are considered in this study. The primary energy used to
single class of materials without distinguishing individual produce the blowing agent is estimated based on its life cycle
polymers.21−24 Since 2018, several studies have addressed inventory reported by GREET.36
more polymers including linear low-density polyethylene, low- Additional details regarding the primary energies for the U.S.
density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, polypropy- polyurethane industry are given in “Details on fossil fuel
lene, polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, and acrylonitrile consumption” in the Supporting Information.
butadiene styrene.25−27 However, for polyurethane, only U.S. Polyurethane Industry. Total U.S. polyurethane
Heller and colleagues28 provide a material flow analysis in production is based upon a market report for 2016 and 2017.37
the United States, which merely includes the quantity of total Again, the data are for the United States, Canada, and Mexico
U.S. production and its share in the end-use markets. To the and are therefore scaled to reflect U.S. flows with a factor of
best of our knowledge, our study is the first high-resolution 0.81.31 Quantities of intermediate products are calculated
and complete analysis of polyurethane material flows in the based on the reported shares.37
United States. U.S. Manufacturing. The quantities of polyurethane used
This study tracked the annual polyurethane flow in the in end-use products (except carpet underlayment) are obtained
United States in 2016. Flows are tracked back to the primary from ACC.38 For this study, we separate virgin polyurethane
energy level to identify opportunities for incorporating used for carpet underlayment from the “furniture and bedding”
recovered polymer materials and those derived from biomass. category and merge them with the recycled flexible foam scrap
Overall, the MFA covers raw materials, polyurethane to create the “carpet underlayment” category.
production, end-use products manufacturing, use, trade, and To complete the tracking of polyurethane flows, it is
waste collection and management. The historical in-use stock necessary to estimate the distribution of intermediate products
and the components of the collected waste were analyzed to to different end-use markets. For rigid foams used in the
determine the challenges and opportunities of polyurethane building and construction and appliances markets, we use the
recycling and the possible shift of polyurethane components in share reported by Thomas et al.39 The quantities of rigid foams
postconsumer wastes in the future. to transportation, packaging, and other end-use markets are

based on those reported by Forman.40 The distribution of
flexible foams to different end-use markets is based on Thomas
MATERIALS AND METHODS et al.39 and the shares of adhesives and sealants, binders,
Compared to some extensively investigated polymers, such as coatings, and elastomers in various end-use markets are those
PVC and PET, the data for polyurethane across almost all reported by ACC.30
investigated stages are very sparse. This study considered data U.S. Waste Collection. Polyurethane waste is categorized
from various sources but prioritized public data from as industrial (waste generated during manufacturing) and
governmental resources, industry associations, and peer- postconsumer (waste generated after use). In this study, the
reviewed literature to minimize discrepancies. The following industrial waste only includes the flexible foam scrap (trim
sections describe the origin of data records used to quantify foams) generated during the manufacturing of end-use
polyurethane flows (summarized in Table 1), which also point products, whose quantity is reported by the Carpet Cushion
out the data gaps we encountered and describe how we dealt Council (CCC).41 Based on our experience, trim foams are
with them. mainly generated during the manufacturing of furniture and
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Figure 1. Reconciled U.S. flow of polyurethane in 2016 (thousand tonnes). Drawn using E!Sankey software. TDI, toluene diisocyanate; MDI,
methylene diphenyl diisocyanate; PTMEG, polytetramethylene ether glycol; EEE, electrical and electronic equipment; and CASE, coatings,
adhesives, sealants, binders, and elastomers. Note: the data for primary energy was not reconciled. All of the numbers displayed were rounded to
one or two significant digits.

mattresses. Additionally, a higher percentage of waste flexible The details of these two options are provided in “Trade of
foams is generated from furniture manufacturing than from waste” in the Supporting Information. It should be noted that
mattress manufacturing because the foams embedded in the the quantity of polyurethane wastes exported in 2016 might
furniture are more irregular. To reconcile the data from not reflect today’s situation. According to the United States
CCC,41 this study assumes 45% of the flexible foams used in International Trade Commission (USITC), the export of
furniture manufacturing and 25% of the flexible foams used in plastic wastes (PET excluded) decreased from 704 thousand
mattress manufacturing become trim foams. Polyurethane tonnes (kt) in 2016 to 228 kt in 2019.47 This is mainly because
scraps generated from other processes are not included in the China, previously the main recipient and processor of U.S.
recycling stream in our analysis. exported plastic wastes, banned the import of most plastic
Postconsumer waste from various end-use products are wastes in January 2018. Although other countries accepted
estimated based on the U.S. EPA data, calculated through the some plastic waste in China’s place (e.g., Bangladesh, Laos,
log-normal algorithm,28 or estimated based on the proportion Turkey), eventually, these nations were overwhelmed and
to other categories, which are described in detail in the tightened the rules of waste imports.47,48
Supporting Information. International Trade. The mass flows associated with the
U.S. Waste Management. In this study, industrial and international trade of polyurethane precursors and intermedi-
postconsumer waste are managed in three ways: landfilling, ate products are based on trade flows reported by the
incineration, and recycling with shares of 58, 12, and 30%, USITC.47 The mass flows associated with the international
respectively. The recycling share is based on values reported in trade of polyurethane-containing end-use goods (indirect
two studies. First, Gómez-Rojo et al.42 report that in Europe in imports and exports) are calculated by multiplying polyur-
2016, 31.1% of polyurethane waste was recycled. Second, ethane concentration (kg polyurethane/kg goods) by traded
Gadhave et al.43 report that in the world in 2015, 29.7% of goods mass. The polyurethane concentration is estimated
polyurethane waste was recycled. Considering that the based on literature, market reports, or our own estimates.
percentage of incineration in Europe is usually higher than in Where available, the mass of traded goods is extracted directly
the United States and the global value is not necessarily from USITC, or in cases where other units are reported, mass
reflective of common practice in the United States, this study is calculated with estimated conversions. We assumed that the
adopts a U.S.-specific ratio of landfill (83%) to incineration only type of waste polyurethane that is imported into the
(17%) for discarded plastics in municipal solid waste in 2016 United States is the flexible foam scrap.41 The amount of
as the U.S. EPA reports.44 Flows of polyurethane waste to exported waste is estimated based on USITC47 reports and
aquatic and other environments are negligible.45,46 polyurethane concentration in plastic waste reported by Kumar
The flexible polyurethane foam scrap is either used to and Thakur.49 More details of the trade data are given in the
manufacture carpet underlayment through “rebonding,” where Supporting Information.
the quantities of U.S. domestic industrial and postconsumer U.S. Use Phase. In addition to the polyurethane
wastes are reported by CCC41 or exported to other countries. introduced to the use phase in 2016, we also incorporate
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
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Figure 2. Reconciled U.S. flow of polyurethane in 2016 (thousand tonnes) highlighting polyurethane material types. Drawn using E!Sankey
software. TDI, toluene diisocyanate; MDI, methylene diphenyl diisocyanate; PTMEG, polytetramethylene ether glycol; and EEE, electrical and
electronic equipment. Note: the data for primary energy was not reconciled. All of the numbers displayed were rounded to one or two significant

estimates of polyurethane produced or traded in previous years and crude oil). The mass inputs of natural gas and crude oil for
(1973−2015) that remained in use in 2016. Furthermore, the polyurethane production are almost the same, but the total
distribution of the collected waste by polyurethane production energy consumption of natural gas is much higher than that of
time is calculated. The in-use stocks and wastes are calculated crude oil in the polyurethane supply chain. Polyurethane is
with the following three steps: (1) estimate the quantity of produced from three main types of precursors: isocyanates,
polyurethane production and polyurethane used in end-use polyols, and additives. Among them, isocyanates and polyols
markets between 1973 and 2016; (2) estimate the average account for 89% of fossil fuel energy consumption. Compared
lifetime and standard deviation of polyurethane embedded in to the production of isocyanates, polyol production consumes
end-use products; (3) use log-normal distribution to calculate 50% more primary energy. For the isocyanates, MDI, especially
in-use stocks and wastes. More details of the data presented in polymeric MDI, is the dominant polyurethane precursor,
the use phase in Figure 1 are given in “In-use stock details” and followed by TDI. For polyols, polyether polyols are the most
“Material flow analysis of polyurethane” in the Supporting important for polyurethane precursors, followed by polyester
Information. polyols. Among polyurethane types (intermediate products)
Data Reconciliation. To reconcile mass flows across produced with these precursors, rigid foams and flexible foams
various data sources, the STAN34 software package was used. account for more than 60% of the total. This diagram shows
STAN is widely used in MFA and employs a reconciliation the distributions of precursors to intermediate products. For
process based on weighted least-squares minimization. The
example, polymeric MDI is the main material for rigid foams
standard error of each data source used in STAN was
and binders, and polyether polyols are the main material for
estimated through an uncertainty analysis following the
flexible foams.
methods of Kawechi et al.25 and Laner et al.,21 which are
based on five different data quality indicators: geographical, Figure 1 also tracks the distributions of intermediate
temporal, and material representativeness, completeness, and products to end-use markets. The building and construction
source reliability. A detailed method description and a category is the largest market (37%) for domestic polyur-
comparison of the input data and the reconciled data are ethane, where rigid foams are the dominant component. This
given in the Supporting Information. Figure S3 illustrates the category mainly consists of thermal insulation. Binders,
influence of data reconciliation on MFA results. typically used in composite wood products, are also an

important component in this category. Transportation is the
RESULTS second-largest market for polyurethane, where flexible foams
In total, 3700 kt of polyurethane were consumed in the United account for the largest portion. Automotive seating is a large
States in 2016. Two thousand nine hundred thousand tonnes market for flexible foams. Furniture and bedding, electrical and
were produced domestically, 920 kt were imported for electronic equipment (EEE), machinery and foundry, pack-
consumption, and 280 kt were exported. Two thousand aging, and carpet underlayment are also important markets for
thousand tonnes were discarded, and 390 kt were recycled and polyurethane produced in the United States.
returned to the manufacturing of carpet underlayment. Among Figure 1 also incorporates the trade of precursors,
the recycled polyurethane, 110 kt were from the postconsumer intermediate products, and end-use products. Compared to
waste, resulting in a 5.5% of end-of-life recycling rate (recycled imported precursors and intermediate products, the quantity of
postconsumer polyurethane divided by the end-of-life polyur- polyurethane imported in end-use products is much larger.
ethane generated). This rate is lower than the average end-of- The EEE, machinery and foundry category; textile, apparel,
life recycling rate of U.S. plastics in 2015 estimated by Di et and footwear category; and transportation category are the
al.27 (6.2%) and EPA61 (9%). three end-use market categories that consume the most
Figure 1 represents the estimated 2016 U.S. flow of imported polyurethane. Compared to domestically produced
polyurethane. As shown in the figure, this study tracks the polyurethane, these sectors consume 1.2, 5.5, and 0.5 times
polyurethane production back to primary energy (natural gas greater amounts of imported polyurethane, respectively. Of all
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
Environmental Science & Technology Article

polyurethane use categories, the transportation category polyurethane and biobased polyurethane. Here, we discuss
exports the most (23%) polyurethane. three main opportunities, together with their challenges.
The use phase of the diagram shows the amount of There Are Ample Feedstocks from Waste that Could
polyurethane produced or traded in the different markets Support Increased Polyurethane Circularity. Currently,
between 1973 and 2016 and that remained in use in 2016. As among various polyurethane types, flexible foams are the
shown in Figure 1, the building and construction, trans- only type that is recycled on a large scale in the United States.
portation, EEE, machinery and foundry, and carpet underlay- This is mainly because rebonding is the only polyurethane
ment categories account for the most in-use stocks in 2016, recycling method operating at a commercial scale in the United
which is a combined effect of large annual production and long States. In this mechanical recycling, the flexible polyurethane
product lifetime. foam scrap is mixed with binders to produce padding-type
Among all of the end-use markets, transportation, carpet products. The adoption of this method in the United States
underlayment, EEE, and machinery and foundry generated the results in the “carpet underlayment loop” in Figure 1, the only
most polyurethane waste in 2016. Figures 1 and 2 show the loop in the figure.
distribution of polyurethane waste collected in 2016 by North America has the greatest demand globally for the
production year. The waste collected in 2016 from all markets flexible polyurethane foam scrap, and the demand increased
is less than the polyurethane added to the corresponding from 285 kt in 2009 to 455 kt in 2013, according to European
markets. This trend reflects variations in annual domestic Diisocyanate & Polyol Producers Association (ISOPA).62 This
polyurethane production, which is generally increasing in the demand is related to the use of carpet in domestic residences in
United States over the last several decades. For the building North America. The CCC also reported that the quantities of
and construction category, there is a significant difference recycled flexible polyurethane foams (recycled industrial waste
between the flows entering and exiting the use phase, which is + recycled postconsumer waste) in the United States increased
a combined effect of increasing production and long product by 29.6% from 2011 to 2015.41 The recycled industrial scrap
lifetime. This suggests that more polyurethane from building was reported to increase by 84.7% from 2011 to 2015,41 which
and construction will be available for potential recycling in the might be associated with the increased demand for flexible
future. foam scrap and the increased market for mattresses and
The collected polyurethane wastes are either landfilled, furniture. Compared to the postconsumer flexible foam scrap,
incinerated, or recycled. Among these options, landfilling is the the industrial scrap has never been contaminated by the
dominant polyurethane waste management method. As shown customers and is therefore preferred for mechanical recycling.
in the diagram, recycled polyurethanes are all flexible foams Partially for this reason, in addition to low recycling rates for
and are all used for the manufacturing of carpet underlayment. postconsumer waste, the postconsumer foam scrap makes up
The majority of recycled flexible foams are industrial foam less of the recycling loop in Figure 1. In 2016, only 11% of
scrap, consisting of approximately 46% of imports and 54% of flexible foams in postconsumer wastes were recycled and
domestic wastes that come from the manufacturing of furniture reused domestically.
and bedding. Although the current recycling rate in postconsumer waste is
Figure 2 breaks down the flows of end-use products and low, secondary (from waste) feedstocks are ample and could
wastes into polyurethane types. As shown in the figure, trade, support polyurethane recycling. As shown in Figures 1 and 2,
especially the trade of end-use products, has a significant the quantity of flexible foams in collected waste is higher than
influence on the share of polyurethane types in the U.S. the flexible foam domestic production. Ideally, all postcon-
market. The majority of imports flow to three market sumer flexible foam would be recycled and reused, resulting in
categories: (1) transportation, (2) EEE, machinery and secondary feedstocks satisfying the market demand. In
foundry, and (3) textile, apparel and footwear. Therefore, addition, like flexible foam, more elastomer waste is collected
more rigid foams, flexible foams, and elastomers, the main than is produced. The amounts of collected coatings, adhesives
polyurethane types in these three market categories, are & sealants, and rigid foams wastes exceed 70, 50, and 40% of
introduced into the United States. their domestic demand, respectively.
Because of the differences in trade quantities and lifetimes of It should be noted that considering industrial practice, the
the end-use products, the share of polyurethane types in recycling potential differs by polyurethane type. Generally, the
postconsumer waste is quite different from that in domestic uniform polyurethane parts that can be easily dissembled from
production. Flexible foams are the dominant type and account end-use products have higher recycling potential, such as the
for 46% of postconsumer wastes, while rigid foams only flexible polyurethane foam seat cushions and polyurethane
account for 22%. In contrast, rigid foams account for the elastomer soles on shoes. For the cases in which the
largest portion of domestic production. The main reason for polyurethane is spread on or dispensed in other materials
the significant reduction of rigid foams in postconsumer wastes such as polyurethane binders in composite wood materials,
is the product lifetime of building and construction, which is separating, collecting, and recycling these polyurethanes is
the main market for rigid foams. Polyurethane products in that difficult. Among the polyurethane types, rigid foams, flexible
sector are more long-lived than in others. If the trends of foams, and elastomers can be collected in a uniform material
production and trade hold constant, the main component of relatively easily; in contrast, coatings, binders, adhesives, and
the postconsumer waste will eventually shift to rigid foams.

sealants, which are usually mixed with other materials in end-
use products, are difficult to separate. The end-use products
DISCUSSION that contain a higher share of rigid foams, flexible foams, and
Challenges and Opportunities for Polyurethane elastomers can be considered more promising for polyurethane
Recycling. Figures 1 and 2 provide “panoramic views” of recycling.
the polyurethane flow in the United States, which can help Chemical Recycling Offers an Opportunity to Reduce U.S.
identify opportunities and challenges for recycled/upcycled Demand for Polyols for Polyurethane Production. Mechan-
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
Environmental Science & Technology Article

ical recycling has significant limitations for polyurethane. Nearly all major types of polyurethane could incorporate
Although flexible foam scrap and used rebonded carpet greater amounts of biomass-derived precursors in their supply
underlayment can be reused 8−10 times, it will inevitably chain, which is especially important for the types that are
lose its foam resilience and reach the end of its life.63 In fact, difficult to be recycled. Both of the two main precursors,
except metal, almost all materials can only undergo mechanical polyols and isocyanates, can be produced from renewable
recycling a limited number of times. Eventually, mechanically resources, such as vegetable oil66 and algal oil.67 According to
recycled materials will unavoidably lose their function and Figure 1, the renewable content in various polyurethane types
need to be discarded.62 could range between 7 and 65% if using biobased polyols and
Moreover, the durability of polyurethane products is an 19−77% if using biobased isocyanates. Although the use of
obstacle to mechanical recycling. As shown in Table S5, the bioisocyanate could circumvent the phosgenation reaction,
lifetime of polyurethane in some end-use markets exceeds 10 isocyanate-based polyurethane can generate toxic substances
years (e.g., transportation). For the building and construction when the waste products are incinerated and/or landfilled at
category, the average lifetime of polyurethane exceeds 30 years. the end of life.68 The nonisocyanate polyurethane (NIPU)
Over the decades of these materials’ useful life, some additives route seems to be a promising possible alternative for PU
used to produce polyurethane have been banned, restricted, synthesis. There are four main NIPU routes: polycondensa-
and phased out as Europur enumerates for some compounds in tion, rearrangement, ring-opening-polymerization, and poly-
polyurethane production 10 years ago.62 In mechanical addition.68 Among them, NIPU manufactured by polyaddition
recycling, the material is reused in its polymer form, which reaction of cyclic carbonates and polyamines resulting in the
means the banned substance cannot be removed during formation of polyhydroxyruethane (PHU) has received much
recycling. As a result, some of the collected polyurethane waste attention.68 It could be produced in various forms to replace
might not be usable despite retaining its properties and almost all polyurethane types. Precursors for PHU, cyclic
performance. carbonates and polyamines, can also be obtained from
Chemical recycling regenerates material’s chemical constit- renewable resources. Although currently the majority of
uents and can overcome mechanical recycling’s limitations. NIPU developed is partially renewable, a large scale of
Glycolysis is the most widely used chemical recycling partially renewable-NIPU can also significantly reduce the
method.64 In it, polyurethane waste is reacted with diols at consumption of fossil fuel in polyurethane supply chains.
an elevated temperature to cleave the covalent bonds, breaking Data Challenges. The data challenges encountered in this
the polyurethane down to lower-molecular-weight products. study and other MFAs of plastics are an appeal for more
Polyols are subsequently recovered for new polyurethane thorough and transparent data collection and sharing. Data
synthesis.64 There are already several successful commercial- collection techniques also need to improve.
scale glycolysis examples in Europe (e.g., Getzner Company in For the analysis of international trade, data from official
Austria recycles polyurethane elastomer wastes). This tech- agencies, such as USITC or UN Comtrade, are widely used.
nology can be used to recycle almost all types of polyurethane, Compared to the trade of intermediate products and
where the three most widely treated polyurethane types are precursors, the estimation of end-use products usually
rigid foams, flexible foams, and elastomers,65 which are also the introduces higher discrepancies because estimating the target
three largest components in postconsumer wastes in 2016 (see material concentration in various products is required.
Figure 2). This technology therefore has the potential to Typically, this estimation is based on the target material
significantly reduce the demand for new polyols for polyur- amount in a specific quantity of custom value (e.g., tonne
ethane production in the United States. With flexible foams plastics/million US dollars) or mass of end-use products (e.g.,
expected to dominate polyurethane types in postconsumer kg polyurethane/kg commodity) in a general HTS category
waste for the next several decades, it is essential to further (e.g., HTS code 2 level). If the trade is not reported in units of
develop glycolysis for flexible foams. mass and the material concentration is difficult to be estimated
Opportunities to Incorporate Biomass as a Feedstock. based on custom value, additional estimation of a coefficient
Incorporating biomass in the production of polyurethane can for unit conversion (e.g., kg/quantity commodity) is usually
reduce the demand for fossil fuel resources. As shown in Figure required, which could introduce further discrepancies. This
1, polymeric MDI and polyether polyols are the two major study estimated polyurethane concentration in an HTS code
precursors for polyurethane production, which account for 4−10 level for most of the trade cases. Some categories in
more than 60% of fossil fuel material consumption. These USITC data can exhibit a wide weight range. One example of
compounds are therefore two primary targets to be made with such a category is “tanks” (8907.90.0060). In these instances, if
biomass. Furthermore, Figure 1, as a “baseline” polyurethane the trade quantity is high, different estimates of the commodity
flow map, can help quantitatively evaluate the impact of weight could significantly influence analysis results. A possible
incorporating biobased materials on end-use markets and the solution is to conduct sensitivity analyses for commodity
environment. For example, if polymeric MDI is made with categories with wide ranges, but this type of analysis is very
biobased materials, its influence (46% of the polyurethane time intensive. A more detailed description and a finer
mass) on the building and construction market will be classification of the commodity from the data provider could
significant. Polymeric MDI is the main precursor for rigid significantly increase the estimate accuracy.
foams and binders, which are mainly used in the building and Regarding domestic flows, survey- or interview-based data
construction market. Comparatively, its influence (10% of the (such as ACC, EPA) are major data sources. These sources can
polyurethane mass) on the transportation market will be very be limited by the design and coverage of the survey or
minor. In addition, reductions in fossil fuel consumption and interview. Although the U.S. Department of Commerce
GHG emissions from the replacement of fossil fuels with releases domestic industrial data (e.g., domestic supply/use
biomass as feedstocks can be determined using Figure 1 and of commodities) periodically, these are usually categorized by
life cycle inventory data. industry, making it difficult to gain detailed insights into the
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14215−14224
Environmental Science & Technology Article

relationship between materials. In addition, values are Graham P. Abramo − The Dow Chemical Company, Core
presented in dollars, which again requires assuming a Research and Development, Collegeville, Pennsylvania 19426,
relationship between value and mass. To improve MFAs, United States
governmental statistics of domestic mass flows categorized by Complete contact information is available at:
commodities in units of mass are essential. These could be
enabled over time by technologies such as blockchain or the
internet of things, possibly even leading to real-time MFAs. Notes
With better data sources as a foundation, MFAs can be of The authors declare no competing financial interest.

increasing utility to design circular and sustainable materials
systems for polyurethane, other plastics, and other materials in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory
were supported by the Office of Energy Efficiency and
ASSOCIATED CONTENT Renewable Energy of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
sı Supporting Information under contracts DE-EE0008928 and DE-AC02-06CH11357,
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at respectively. The authors are grateful to Nichole Fitzgerald and Andrea Bailey of the Bioenergy Technologies Office for their
Uncertainty analysis (Tables S1−S3); trade flow details support and guidance. The views and opinions of the authors
(Table S4, including raw materials, production, expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
manufacturing, uses, and wastes); fossil fuel consump- U.S. Government or any agency thereof or of any commercial
tion details (isocyanates, polyols, and additives); in-use entity. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof,
stock details (Tables S5 and S7, Figure S1); waste nor any of their employees or employees of contributing
collection details (polyurethane in municipal solid waste, companies, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or
building and construction, transportation, furniture and assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
bedding, textile, apparel and footwear, electrical and completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
electronic equipment, machinery and foundry, carpet product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infringe privately owned rights.

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