Combined MFD and Eddy Current Very Important1

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Novel eddy current probes for pipes: Application in austenitic round-in-

square profiles of ITER

Article  in  NDT & E International · February 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2017.02.001


36 795

7 authors, including:

Miguel A. Machado Luis S. Rosado

NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa University of Lisbon


R.M. Miranda Moisés Piedade

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Inesc-ID


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Accepted author manuscript of:

Miguel A Machado, Luís Rosado, Nuno Pedrosa, Alexander Vostner, R.

M Miranda, Moisés Piedade, Telmo G. Santos, Novel eddy current
probes for pipes: application in austenitic round-in-square profiles of
ITER, NDT & E International 87, pp. 111–118, 2017.

Novel eddy current probes for pipes: application in austenitic
round-in-square profiles of ITER

Miguel A. Machadoa, Luis Rosadob,c, Nuno Pedrosad,, Alexander Vostnerd, R. M. Mirandaa,

Moisés Piedadeb, Telmo G. Santosa,*
a UNIDEMI, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal. E-mail address: Tel.: +351 21 2948567.
b INESC-ID Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores-Investigação e Desenvolvimento, 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal.
c IT Instituto de Telecomunicações, 1049 001 Lisboa, Portugal
d ITER Organization - Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90046-13067 St Paul-lez-Durance Cedex, France


Novel eddy current probes were developed to detect sub-millimetre defects with any orientation on
the inner surface of pipes. Five different probes were designed, produced and experimentally validated.
These probes include arrays of planar trapezoidal coils in a flexible substrate used alone or together
with different winded drive coils. Numerical simulations with Finite Element Method were used to
predict the probe response to defects with any orientation. Experimental results in austenitic steel
jackets used in ITER revealed that the new probes have an improved reliability compared to
conventional toroidal bobbin probes, allowing a higher sensitivity to circumferential defects.

Keywords: Eddy Currents, Probes, Pipe inspection, JK2LB.

1. Introduction
Eddy Currents (EC) is one of the main non-destructive testing technique used to inspect metallic
pipes and tubes [1]. The inspection of the outer pipe surface is performed during production with
encircling EC probes, while inner pipe inspection is mostly performed after installation and in service,
in industrial environments, for instance in steam generator pipes for nuclear power plants or boilers
[2-4]. Despite being a very common technique, some difficulties remain, especially in the inspection
of circumferential micro defects on the inner surface of low magnetic permeability materials (μr ≈ 1).
Conventional bobbin probes for inner pipe inspections are typically composed of circumferential
windings inducing circumferential eddy currents. Defects with transversal orientation towards the EC
direction produce output signals with greater amplitude, while defects with parallel orientation with
the EC direction produce smaller output signals. In conventional coaxial windings probes,
circumferential defects are parallel to the EC, thus, its poor proficiency to detect circumferential
oriented defects [5].

In order to avoid the limitations of the conventional probes, different approaches have been essayed,
such as the inclination of the bobbin windings allowing, for instance, different orientation between the
pickup and the excitation coils which can be parallel, symmetric or twisted [6]. With this approach, EC
are no longer parallel to the circumferential direction. These probes proved to have more sensitivity
when compared to the conventional ones, however, there were circumferential positions, in which, the
defects remain parallel to the coils, and thus, being overlooked without mechanical rotation of the
Another approach for pipe inspection consists of a rotating field eddy current probe with bobbin
pickup coil that generates a rotating magnetic field, avoiding mechanical rotation of the probe [7]. The
authors used three identical coils located on axes of 120° apart and a balanced three-phase source. The
vector sum of the fields generates a field that rotates circumferentially around the pipe. The probe was
validated using artificial defects characterized by through wall square holes of 3.5 × 4 mm2 and
4 × 4 mm2 in Inconel® 600 pipes, with a conductivity of 9.69 × 105 S/m. The probe is sensitive to
defects of all orientations in the tube wall and both depth and location to be estimated from a single
line scan data. Later, this research group developed a new probe using a GMR as a sensor [8] with
promising results. The prototype probe is sensitive to both axial and circumferential notches and the
C-scan image clearly shows the defect location and orientation.
Probes composed of planar spiral coils arrays in flexible substrates, have shown to have superior
reliability for micro defect detection, especially in the reflection mode [9-13]. The planar spiral coils
adhere to a conformable substrate, producing a very thin and flexible sensor allowing a greater
proximity to the surface, reducing the lift off and increasing the sensitivity. Micro-fabrication
techniques allow to produce reliable and repeatable cost effective sensors [14-17].
Commercial EC probes dedicated to the detection of circumferential defects are available but these
are usually complex and expensive, and thus, a growing demand of reliable NDT probes remains [18].
A particular example of high demanding inspection consists of a round-in-square jacket profile in
austenitic steel JK2LB [19], which constitutes the casing for the central solenoid conductor coils of the
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) [20]. These components require extremely
high quality control, thus the need for probes with greater sensitivity to micro defects aligned with any
orientation. Furthermore, the material has a very low magnetic permeability, similar to air (μr ≈ 1), and
low electric conductivity, which is an added difficulty, since the perturbation of the magnetic field is
This paper describes novel EC probe concepts. The probes were designed, manufactured,
numerically simulated and experimentally validated in the inspection of the inner surface of austenitic
steel jackets used in ITER, aiming to improve circumferential defects detectability when compared to
commercially existing ones.
Different probes were proposed with different configurations in order to enhance the output signals
and decrease the detectability threshold. These novel eddy current probes present a modular geometric
configuration, allowing a vast combination between drive and pickup coils, cost-effective and suitable
to produce by additive manufacturing. The proposed probes allow the detection of defects with any
orientation on the inner surface of the tubular components and provide information on the defects axial
and tangential position.

2. Probe design
A set of functional requirements for the probes was defined in order to increase the inspection
reliability, compared to existing commercial EC probes. The new probes should: i) have a high
sensitivity to detect small size defects with a very good signal-to-noise ratio when handled with
conventional EC equipment; ii) be capable of detecting defects with any orientation (axial, tangential
or oblique); iii) provide information on both axial and tangential position of the defect; iv) be easily
customizable, economic and cost effective.
Fill factor was also considered in order to improve the response to potential cracks. The fill factor
is the ratio between the cross section areas of the probe and the pipe. Therefore, the ideal fill factor is
to be as close as possible to the unity. The fill factor of the manufactured probes was around 0.95. To
meet these functional requirements five distinct probe configurations with different operating modes
were designed, as summarized in Table 1.

Table 1
Probe characteristics. (l: longitudinal; 𝜃: circumferential)

Probe Excitation
Mode Signal type Target defects
Designation direction
#1 Absolute l and 𝜃 Absolute All
#2 𝜃 Differential Axial
#3 Reflection with l Absolute Circumferential
#4 absolute signal l and 𝜃 Differential All
#5 l and 𝜃 Differential All

The common feature of the probes is a linear array of planar trapezoidal spiral coils produced by
Print Circuit Board (PCB) in a flexible substrate. This feature was selected for three main reasons: i) to
maximise the proximity to the pipe inner surface and, hence, to the defect, allowing a superior
sensitivity; ii) to provide a constant lift-off by simple adjustment to the pipe surface, since it is flexible;
iii) and, finally, its simplicity to produce. In fact, the low production cost leads the sensor to be
disposable and modular, that is, the same linear array pattern may be used together with different probe

chassis and excitation coils, allowing different probe arrangements. The probe architecture is scalable,
to different diameters, and its geometry can be adapted to exterior tube surfaces (including high
temperature surfaces), involving the entire perimeter, or, in cases where the diameter is too big, a
tangential section only.
The first configuration proposed (Probe #1), simply consists of an array of planar trapezoidal spiral
coils on a flexible substrate around a cylindrical chassis as shown in Fig. 1. The sensitive plane is
perpendicular to the 𝑟 direction. The trapezoidal coils have a width of Δl, an angle between 2
consecutive coils of (α) about 45° (Fig. 1) and a number of elements determined by πD/Δθ, where
D [m] is the pipe perimeter and Δθ [m] is the length of each coil. The number of coils and their
dimension in each array depends on the spatial resolution envisaged. Increasing the number of coils
improves the spatial resolution. This configuration operates on absolute mode and aims at the detection
of defects with any orientation.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of Probe #1 with absolute planar trapezoidal spiral coils.
Legend: 1) Cylindrical chassis; 2) Trapezoidal spiral coils.

Conventional EC probes composed of planar circular spiral coils present a common problem which
is the existence of a blind zone in the interface between two consecutive sensitive coils. In this zone,
the detection of defects becomes compromised or even impossible (Fig. 2). To overcome this problem,
there is a need for a second linear array with an offset from the first array, to ensure that all the
tangential positions of the pipe are covered by EC. An evident benefit of the proposed trapezoidal spiral
coil configuration is that, a single array can avoid the blind zones and cover the whole pipe perimeter
as well (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, it must be noticed that the density of eddy currents can exhibit a spread
over the material surface, and thus, the blind zones may be narrower than schematically depicted in
Figure 2.
Another advantage of this trapezoidal configuration is that, for the same number of coils in the array,
the spatial resolution of the probe is superior. In fact, if circular or rectangular spiral coils are used
[21], there would be an Area of Exclusive Sensitivity (AES) in which the spatial resolution is dispersed.
Using the proposed trapezoidal coils, the AES is much smaller, reducing the uncertainty and, thus,
increasing its spatial resolution (Fig. 3). An axial defect that passes under the interface between two
consecutive rectangular spiral coils may not be detected, as shown in Fig. 3, while the trapezoidal
geometry avoids this phenomenon.
The trapezoidal coil produced was comprised of 8 coils with 14 turns (loops). The coil has a
particular characteristic, which consists in windings on both sides of the substrate in the same direction,
thus doubling the number of turns, and consequently, increasing the signal amplitude. The turns width
was 150 μm, as well as, the spacing between them, and the thickness was of 25 μm.

Fig. 2. Schematic of currents flow direction in circular spiral (left) and in trapezoidal spiral coils (right). The proposed EC
probe with trapezoidal spiral coils avoids, with one array, the blind zones of the conventional probes.

Fig. 3. Circular spiral coils (left) vs rectangular spiral coils (middle) vs trapezoidal spiral ones (right). An axial defect may
not be detected by a conventional circular or rectangular spiral coil where both trapezoidal spiral coils would.
Probe #2 differs from the previous in its operating mode. This probe operates on a reflection mode
in which the array of trapezoidal coils is now the pickup coil. The excitation is done in a separate
circumferential winding, similar to the ones used in conventional probes (Fig. 4). When operating on
the reflection mode, the output signal is absolute. With this excitation winding, the eddy currents
created in the tube are transversal to axial defects which creates a greater disturbance in the eddy
currents pattern flow.

a) b)
Fig. 4. Probe #2 – Planar trapezoidal spiral coils with circumferential excitation. a) Schematic representation;
b) Functional prototype. Legend: 1) Cylindrical chassis; 2) Trapezoidal spiral coils; 3) Circumferential winding.

In order to optimize the detection of circumferential defects, a third probe was designed (Probe #3).
Instead of a coaxial excitation coil, Probe #3 has an axial excitation winding to increase the disturbance
of the EC caused by a circumferential defect (Fig. 5). This is a reflection probe, with an absolute type
output signal, optimized for the detection of tangential oriented defects.

a) b)
Fig. 5. Probe #3 – Planar trapezoidal spiral coils with axial excitation. a) Schematic representation; b) Functional
prototype. Legend: 1) Cylindrical chassis; 2) Trapezoidal spiral coils; 3) Axial winding.

A fourth configuration was designed to establish a compromise between the sensitivity to both
circumferential and axial defects. This Probe #4 presents an excitation helical coil around the chassis
as shown in Fig. 6 and the flexible sensitive array follows the path of the excitation coil. Similar to the
previous, it operates in reflection mode and produces an absolute output signal.

a) b)
Fig. 6. Probe #4 – Planar trapezoidal spiral coils with helicoidally excitation. a) Schematic representation; b) Functional
prototype. Legend: 1) Cylindrical chassis; 2) Trapezoidal spiral coils; 3) Helicoidally winding.

A few issues with Probe #3 and Probe #4 were anticipated: a defect scanned through two
consecutive excitation coils in Probe #3 at position P1 (Fig. 7) eventually had no eddy currents passing
through it. In addition, Probe #4 had to have a superior chassis length, with the main limitation of the
border effect that appear sooner, and a defect close to the border could be overlooked. Being the
sensitive coils array inclined, its signal resolution in the axial (l) direction could also decrease.

Fig. 7. Schematic of the sensitive and excitation coils in Probe #3 (left side) and Probe #5 (right side). The twisted
excitation coil ensures that the defect will have EC passing through it at least once.

A fifth probe was then designed in order to benefit from the strengths identified on both probes and
to mitigate their limitations. This probe is similar to Probe #3 but the excitation coil is twisted by an
angle β = 62º, as illustrated in Fig. 7. The inclined excitation coil generates eddy currents in its
direction, which are disturbed by axial and tangential defects. The excitation angle (β) is a function of
Δθext. and Δl, and it must be such that, a defect passing through the sensitive coil crosses the excitation
coil at least once. According to this criteria β should follow the identity tan(β) > Δl/Δθext. This allows
to make sure that there are currents flowing through the defect at some point, while under the sensitive
coil, as shown in Fig. 7. This probe aims at detecting defects with a clear signal in any circumferential
position. It is also possible to perform a differential reading between two, or more trapezoidal coils, in
any of the configurations described. Due to the complex geometry of the probe, the chassis was
produced in Polylactic Acid (PLA) by additive manufacturing, using 3D printing by Fused Deposition
Modelling (FDM) (Fig. 8).

a) b)
Fig. 8. Probe #5 – Planar trapezoidal spiral coils with twisted excitation. a) Schematic representation; b) Functional
prototype. Legend: 1) 3D printed cylindrical chassis; 2) Trapezoidal spiral coils; 3) Twisted winding.

3. Numerical simulation
Numerical simulation of the designed probes was performed in order to predict and evaluate the
effects of different inspection parameters and types of defect, allowing to optimize the probes geometry
and operating modes. For this, a numerical simulation software was used, and it calculates an
approximate numerical solution of Maxwell's equations in their full formulation, Finite Integration
Technique (FIT).
A simplified hypothesis was used which assumes that the pipe curvature could be planar as long as
i) the induced currents flow close around the pipe perimeter, ii) the pipe diameter is 4 times bigger then
the length of each sensitive coil and iii) the defect size (0.5 mm maximum in the theta direction) is very
small compared to the pipe radius (17.5 mm). This assumption can be acceptable, since under these
condition there is no relevant distortion of the eddy currents comparing to the planar condition.
Thus, for simulation purposes, the pipe was considered as a plate and the trapezoidal spiral coils
were flattened. Fig. 9a shows the geometric model used for Probe #1, as an example. The material
properties of the pipe comprised an austenitic stainless steel with an electrical conductivity of
1.39 × 106 S/m and a relative magnetic permeability of approximately μr = 1. The mesh used was
composed of hexahedral elements (Fig. 9b). The four configurations previously described were
simulated with different frequencies, defect orientations and scanning positions. The defect used for
the simulations had the following dimensions: 2 mm length, 500 μm depth and 200 μm thickness.
Fig. 10 depicts the eddy current density produced by the probe in the material, and its behavior around
the defect. Fig. 11 shows an example of the scanning positions and defect orientations used in the
simulations of Probe #3.
Probe #2 being the optimized configuration for axial defect orientation shows larger amplitude
(Fig. 12), and can also identify the circumferential defects. These signal outputs are the result of the
compilation of all simulations performed. Each dot results from the simulation on that point and the
probe moved 100 μm between consecutive simulations around the defect. For distances longer than
±1 mm away from the defect the distance was increased to 500 μm.
Fig. 13 shows the simulation results for Probe #3 when the circumferential defect is scanned
between two consecutive trapezoidal coils. Both coils display this defect with the same amplitude
allowing to confirm that the defect is between the two coils. Differences in amplitude would indicate
whether the defect circumferential position is closer to the bobbin that produces the higher amplitude

a) b)
Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the model used for Probe #1 (a) and for Probe #3 with a representation of the mesh
(b). Legend: 1) Planar pipe surface; 2) Trapezoidal spiral coil – Driver and Pickup; 3) Defect B; 4) Trapezoidal spiral coil
– Pickup coil; 5) Excitation axial winding – Driver coil.

a) b)

c) d)
Fig. 10. Simulation results for Probe #1. Cross section with eddy currents density represented (a); Representation of eddy
currents density (b); Representation of eddy currents around the defect using Probe #1 (c); Representation of eddy
currents around the defect using Probe #2 (d).

Fig. 11. Schematic representation of defect positions and orientations for Probe #3.

a) b)
Fig. 12. Simulation of Probe #2 output signal at 500 kHz for different defect orientations.

a) b)
Fig. 13. Simulation of Probe #3 output signal at 500 kHz with a circumferential defect.

4. Results of experimental validation

Two artificial defects were produced using electro erosion on an austenitic steel round-in-square
jacket, which is used in Central Solenoid coils in the ITER. The inner diameter of the pipe was
35.5 mm. The two defects were circumferentially oriented and apart from each other 50 mm in the
axial direction. Other defects characteristics are presented in Table 2 such as: dimension, morphology
and location. A remote visual inspection (RVI) with an endoscope was previously performed and the
defect pictures obtained are also displayed in Table 2, as well as a cross section drawing of the pipe.

Table 2 - Artificial circumferential defects characterization and its position in the pipe.

Length Width Depth

Defect Visual Inspection
(mm) (μm) (μm)

A 4 200 500

B 2 200 500

A commercial probe was tested in the same conditions and testing parameters for comparison
purposes. This commercial probe was designed and produced for this particular application at Instituto
de Soldadura e Qualidade (ISQ). It is composed of two parallel coaxial windings with the same
diameter as the pipe tested. This type of probe is one of the most standard and used probes for pipe
inspection and thus, constitute a good basis for comparison.
Experimental results were performed by means of an automated scanning device responsible for the
probe movement inside the test piece. The movement, as well as the signal acquisition, were controlled
and programmed in LabVIEW environment. Between each acquisition, the probe moved ΔX = 100 μm
and the equipment responsible for the excitation and signal processing was the Nortec 500.
Fig. 14 shows the results of each probe. The commercial probe was tested with different frequencies
and modes. The results shown correspond to 200 kHz in a bridge differential mode which provided the
best signal output. Both defects caused a perturbation on the signal, but defect B is almost unnoticeable.
Probe #1 was capable to detect both defects despite some noise was identified. Probe #2, which was
optimized for axial defects, was also very reliable when detecting circumferential defects (Fig. 14).
Signal registered by Probe #3 was acquired when the defect was between the two consecutive sensitive
coils, that is, in position 5 depicted in Fig. 16b. Probe #5 also detected both defects, although its axial
position resolution is lowered compared to the previous ones. The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in all
probes, expect probe #1, is clearly improved compared to the commercial probe.
Fig. 15 illustrates the output signal caused by the defect for different scanning directions. As shown,
the defect can be detected in the first four scanning positions, but from the 3rd scanning position, the
adjacent trapezoidal coil can obtain similar results, which means that this probe can detect the defect
in any scanning position. Fig. 16 shows the results obtained by Probe #3, optimized for circumferential
defects, with different scanning positions. This probe allows very good results when the defect is
scanned near the excitation coil, otherwise it can be overlooked. Probe #5 corrected this drawback
allowing the detection of the defect in any scanning position as shown in Fig. 17.

Fig. 18 depicts the experimental results obtained with each probe (#1, #2, #3 and #4) when
inspecting the smaller defect (2 mm length) overlapping the numerical simulation results for the same
parameters. This provides an identification of the defect and they clearly agree in the exhibited trend
despite the noise observed at a detailed level. Increasing the number of nodes, by refining the mesh,
would reduce the noise observed in numerical simulation. Probe #3 outputs were acquired with the
defect scanning position between trapezoidal spiral coils (position 5 from Fig. 16b) and thus, the
maximum amplitude was deviated 1 mm to the right side.

Fig. 14. Experimental results obtained with each probe at 500 kHz when detecting defects, A and B.

a) b)
Fig. 15. Signal amplitude originated by defect A when using Probe #2 at 500 kHz (a) for different defect positions
(1 to 5) along axial direction depicted in (b).

a) b)
Fig. 16. Signal amplitude originated by defect A when using Probe #3 at 500 kHz (a for different defect positions (1 to 5)
along axial direction depicted in (b).

a) b)
Fig. 17. Signal amplitude originated by defect A when using Probe #5 at 500 kHz (a) for different defect positions
(1 to 5) along axial direction depicted in (b).

Fig. 18. Comparison between experimental results and numerical simulation by Finite Element Method (FEM) for each
probe at 500 kHz on defect B.

5. Conclusions
Five new concepts of eddy current probes were designed, manufactured, validated and the
experimental results in ITER CS jackets pipes were presented.
The proposed linear array of trapezoidal spiral sensing coils allows the elimination of blind zones
of the conventional circular spiral coils arrays. It also increases the accuracy of the defect location in
circumferential direction, since one single array with N coils allow to distinguish 2N regions. The
flexible substrate allows a closer proximity to the tube surface, thus increasing the coil sensitivity.
The probes exhibit superior sensitivity to detect circumferential defects when compared to existing
commercial ones. Reflection type probes (#2, #3, #4 and #5) presented enhanced signals when
compared to the absolute type Probe #1. Probe #5, with twisted excitation windings and trapezoidal
sensing coils, evidenced a superior reliability, since it was able to detect all defects, with a depth of
0.5 mm, in any scanning position. 3D printing proved to be a very good alternative in the production
of the chassis as it allows a faster, cheaper and easily customizable solution.
The results of experimental validation were consistent with the numerical simulations performed
with the finite element method, thus proving its usefulness and importance.
The trapezoidal spiral coils are made in a PCB flexible substrate which is simple to produce and
inexpensive, so that they can be disposable, allowing an easy customization to any specific application.
The authors would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for its
financial support via the PhD scholarship FCT-SFRH/BD/108168/2015, projects PTDC/EEI-
PRO/3219/2012 (Inspect), PEst-OE/EME/UI0667/2014 and Project Hi2TRUST, (Refª 3335),
supported by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), Programa Operacional
Regional de Lisboa (Lisb@2020 and Portugal2020). The authors also acknowledge ISQ and ITER
Organization for the providing of the samples for the experimental validation and the Portuguese
company GLEXYZ for its support in the numerical simulations. The views and opinions expressed
herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ITER Organization.

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