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Engineering Design Process Worksheet

3. Imagine: Brainstorm ideas for solutions.

1. Ask: What is the problem?

2. Research: How
________________________________ did you research
________________________________ this topic?
________________________________ ________________

4. Plan: Draw a diagram. What materials will I need?


Design Your Own Pedometer! Maker Challenge- Engineering Design Process Worksheet
6. Test: Evaluate my pedometer by comparing it to
Materials: another step counter app. Record results here:
1. ____________________ My pedometer: ________ steps
5. Create: 2. ____________________
App pedometer: ________ steps
Build my 3. ____________________
prototype. 4. ____________________ Are there any differences? Why?

5. ____________________ _________________________________________________

7. Improve: How can I improve my



Design Your Own Pedometer! Maker Challenge- Engineering Design Process Worksheet

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