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School North Eastern Mindanao State Grade Science 8

University-Tagbina Campus Level

Teacher Batas, Elsa B. BSED 2 Learn Science
DETAILED Mapalad, Angelo R. BSED 2 ing
LESSON Prieto, Charlyn H. BSED 2 Area
PLAN Durango, Liberty Ann A. BSED 2
Salo, Dhempaul M. BSED 2
Teaching Date Set First Quarter
and Time

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a.) describe the concept of force and its impact on the motion of
an object
b.) calculate the force required to move objects of different
c)recognize the need for accurate data collection and analysis to
draw valid conclusion
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Newton’s three laws of motion and uniform circular motion
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards develop a written plan and implement a “Newton’s Olympics"
C. Learning The learners should be able to...
Competencies with 1. Investigate the relationship between the amount of force
LC Code applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change in
the object’s motion. (S8FE-Ia-15)
II. CONTENT Laws of Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Visual aids, Laptop, TV and PPT
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary 1. Prayer
Activities May I request everybody to
stand. We will have a prayer so (30 seconds prayer via audio visual
that we are guided in the presentation)
presence of God in this

Okay, Good morning students Good morning, teachers!

Okay, thank you and please be Good morning, classmates!
seated. Good morning, everybody!

By the way I am Ma’am Elsa

together with Ma’am Charlyn, Sir
Angelo, Ma’am Dhempaul, and
Ma’am Liberty . We will be your
mentor today.

2. Attendance Check

At this time, let’s check your

attendance. Who is absent today
miss secretary?

Secretary: No one is absent today

Very good. Thank you.

It seems that you are all lousy. So

Before we begin with our new
lesson Let us have a short dance
exercise. Everybody is requested to
stand. Are you ready class? Please
follow after me. Okay for the first, Yes ma’am
second step, third and fourth, (Performing the steps)
It seems that you already know how
to do it so let us play a music

(The student performs the energizer)

Yes ma’am
Are you energized?

Okay, please be seated

3. Establishing Classroom Norms CLASSROOM NORMS
Please be guided with these gentle F-focus on the discussion
classroom norms named as FORCE O- open up your mind to learning
Everybody read R- respect one another
C- cooperate with your groupmates
E- enjoy while learning

Do you want to add some

Classroom Norms in our existing
classroom norms? None, ma’am
B. Reviewing To review our previous lesson, let’s
previous lesson have a game. Are you ready?
Yes ma’am

Okay when I say are you ready your

going to answer yes, we’re ready
yes yes were ready yes. Okay again
are you ready?
Yes, we’re ready yes yes were ready

Okay this game is called ‘’Guess

me’’ So, I have here a words and
you need to paste it on the table on
the board on where it is belong if its
scale or vector and I will just call a
number and from here you need to
count and whoever that person in
that you need to be here in front and
choose a word and paste it on the
board on where it is belong, is that
clear class? Yes ma’am

Student participating

Scalar Vector
Magnitude Displacement
Quantity Velocity
Number Acceleration
Measurement Direction

Okay, thank you for your

participation this time let us check
your answer

Everybody look at the TV and read (Student reading)

the word that is belong to the vector.

Now, is your answer correct? Yes ma’am

Very good let’s proceed to the (Student reading)

scalar again may I request everyone
to read
Yes ma’am
Is your answer correct?

Excellent, it was nice to hear that Clappings

you know how to identify if it is
vector or scalar let us have a
mosquito clap for everyone

Scalar and vector ma’am

Now, based on our activity what was
our previous lesson class?

Very good! Our previous topic is all

about scalar and vector. Now, who Scalar is a quantity that has magnitude but
can tell me what is scalar?
no direction. Examples of scalars include
temperature, speed, mass, and energy.

Vector is a quantity that has both

magnitude and direction. Examples of
vectors include velocity, acceleration,
Excellent how about vector how do
defined vector anyone? force, and momentum.

Fabulous answers! Let us have a Clapping’s

military clap for everyone

Do you have any doubts or queries None so far ma’am.

with regards to our previous topic?
C. Establishing 1. Motivation
Purpose for the lesson
Okay class, for our next activity this
morning I want to divide you into two
groups. This will be the group 1 and
this will be the group 2.

Direction: This game is called “TAG

OF WAR “In each group you need
to pull the rope in order for you to
win. May I request everybody to (student listening)
please come her in front, this side
will be the group 1 and this other
side will be the group 2.

Can I hear the voice of group 1 and

also the group 2? (student shouting)

Everyone are you ready? Yes, we’re ready yes, yes, ready yes!

(performing the activity)

Okay class, based on your activity a

while ago, What did you observed?
In order to win the game we need to
exert force.

Now, do you have any idea what will Ma’am I think our topic for today is all
be our topic this morning? about force and motion.

Very Good, that right!

2. Presentation of objectives

Altogether, please read our lesson At the end of the lesson, students
objectives so that we are guided should be able to:
throughout our discussion
a.) describe the concept of force and
its impact on the motion of an object
b.) calculate the force required to move
objects of different masses
c)recognize the need for accurate data
collection and analysis to draw valid

D. Presenting Now are you ready for our next Yes were ready yes, yes were ready
examples/instances of activity class? yes
the new lesson
This activity is called “CELEBRITY
BLUFF” all you need to do is
choose between fact or bluff
( presenting the PPT)

Force is the capacity to do work it

can be push or pull
First question is it a fact or a bluff?
Anyone from the class? Ma’am can I?
Please come her in front and click
your answer.
Answer: Fact
Force is a scalar quantity as it has
both magnitude and direction.

Is it a fact or a bluff?
Anyone from the class?

Please come her in front and click

your answer.
Answer: Bluff
The SI unit of force is Newton

Is it fact or a bluff?
Anyone from the class?
Answer: Fact
Very good! Let us give nice clap for
your participation.

E. Discussing new For you to fully understand more

concepts and about the concept of force, let us
practicing new skills watch a video from the YouTube
about force Are you ready?
Yes were ready!

Plays a video)
( Watching the video

Based on the video that you’ve

watch, who among you here can
describe the concept of the force?
The force is the capcity of the body to
do work. It can be a push or pull. A
force is vector quantity as it has both
magnitude and direction.

Excellent answer!

Now,, who can give the SI unit of

the force?
The SI unit of the force is Newton (N)


And what is the impact of the force

on the motion of the object?
Force is basically a push or pull which
act on an object in an attribute or
physical action.
Yes, You’re right
Force can make an object move.
How can we calculate the force
required to move an objects? Listening

To further understand let us watch

again a video.

Plays a video) Watching


So, based on the video presented

what is the formula of the force?
The formula of the force is F= mass(m)
multiplied by acceleration (a).

Very good!

The force required to move an

object of mass with an acceleration
is given by the formula F=(m)(a).

F. Discussing new Now, I want you to group

concepts and yourselves into 4. The counting will (Counting)
practicing new skills start here.
Okay, this will be the group 1 this
will be the group 2. Group 3 and 4.
Make a circle within your groups in 5 ( Arranging the chairs)

Now, listen I have here an envelope

that contains a set of problems that
you need to solve within 10 minutes. (Listening to the teacher)
Yes 10 minutes because you need
to prepare a short yell, and perform
it before presenting your answer.

Am I clear class?
Yes ma’am

Okay, are you ready?

Yes were ready yes yes were ready!

Okay, your timer starts now!

(Doing the activity)

(The envelop contains a set of

problem that they need to solve
using the formula of the force)

(Posting their answer on the board)

Time’s up! Please raise your marker
and paste your work to the board

(Group 1 Presenting the yell and their

Now, May I request the Group 1 to answer)
be here in front and present your
yell and choose one representative
to present your work. Clapping’s

Great job group 1, let us give them a

Nice Clap.
( group 2 presenting their yell and their
Okay, the same with G-1, Group 2 answer)
please perform your yell and choose
1 representative to present your
Good job group 2, let us give them
a very good clap.
(The 3 presenting their yell and

Okay group 3 the floor is yours.

Good Job group 3, let us give them
a telma clap. (The group 4 Presenting their yell and
Now, group 4 it’s your time to shine

Nice one group 4 let us give them a

military claps

Now let us check your answer,

everyone kindly look at the screen, if
all you answer is correct

Okay, everyone got the correct

answer, please let us clap for

Thank you for the active

participation. Please arrange your
chairs and pick up some pieces of
paper under your chair.

Please settle down in 5 4 3 2 1

It was so overwhelming ma’am.
Now, how do you feel that you can
solve the problem?

Okay that’s nice, class you just need

to understand carefully the problem
because if you understand the
problem you can easily know how to
answer just don’t make things so
complicated. Analyze it carefully.
None so far ma’am.

Do you have any question regarding

on how to solve the force?

Okay if none, let’s have an

assessment but before that let me
welcome Ms. Salo, to be the one
who will conduct the assessment.

G. Developing Good morning class, Are you ready

Mastery (Leads to for the assessment?
formative assessment) Yes Ma’am .
Okay, to test if you learn something
about our lesson . We will be having
a quiz bowl.

Are you all ready? Yes, Ma'am.

Directions: I will read the question

twice. Every item is equivalent to
two points, so make sure that you
will answer it correctly.

1. It is a law of motion that the Answer: 2nd Law of Motion

acceleration of an object depends
on the mass and force.
2.It is an external agent capable of
changing a body's state of rest or Answer: Force
motion. It has a magnitude and a
3. This type of force result when two
interacting objects are in physical Answer: Contact Force
contact with each other.
4. This type of force is also called as
field force, this may result when two Answer: Non-contact Force
interacting objects are not in
physical contact with each other.
5. He is the one who discovered Answer: Isaac Newton

H. Finding practical Since you already know what is

applications of force and how it is important to
concepts and skills in make an object move, Let’s have an
activity, with the same group earlier.
daily living
Directions: I want you cite an
example in your daily lives where
you need to exert forces. Explain
and elaborate why forces are
needed on that particular situation
(Minimum of 3, Maximum of 5) .
Also I want you to answer the
question, Why we need to get an
accurate data collection to draw a
valid conclusion. You will given 5
minutes to do the task and after that
I want you present it in the front with
your group yell.
Yes, Ma'am.
Am I clear class?
Accurate data collection are essential for
drawing valid conclusions because they
provide the basis for making informed
decisions, without accurate data it is
impossible to draw meaningful
conclusions about a given situation.

I. Evaluating Learning To evaluate if you really understood

our lesson, I prepared here a set of
questions.The test questioners are
provided, all you have to do is to
choose the answer carefully. You are all
given 5 minutes to answer. Do you
understand class?
Yes ma’am

Directions: Choose and encircle the

correct answer.

1. What is the SI unit of force?
A. Meter (m)
B. Newton (N)
C. Kilogram (kg)
D. Second (s)

2. Forces that are equal in size but

opposite in direction are called?
A. Unbalanced Forces
B. Non-contact Forces
C. Balanced Forces
D. Frictional Forces

3. Forces that are not opposite in

direction and equal in size are called?
A. Unbalanced Forces
B. Non-contact Forces
C. Balanced Forces
D. Frictional Forces

4. What is the resultant force of a

balanced force?
A. Always zero
B. Always positive
C. Always negative
D. Can be either positive or negative

5. It is the forces that result when two

interacting objects are in physical
contact with each other.
A. Balanced forces
B. Unbalanced forces
C. Contact forces
D. Non-contact Forces

6. Which of the following scenarios

involves the application of force?
A. A person is sitting still on a couch,
watching tv.
B. A weightlifter is lifting a heavy
barbell off the ground.
C. A bird is flying through the air.
D. A plant is growing in a garden.

7. Which of the following is an example

of Newton's Second law of motion?
A. A rocket lifting off into space
B. A feather floating in the air
C. A boat drifting on the lake
D. A person walking on the sidewalk

8. The second law of motion is also

known as:
A. The law of inertia
B. The law of action and reaction
C. The law of conservation of energy
D. The law of force and acceleration

9. This force is also called field force.

A. Balanced forces
B. Unbalanced forces
C. Contact forces
D. Non-contact forces

10. Force may change the motion of a

body, which of the following ways?
A. Change its direction
B. Change its speed
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Answer Key
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. C
J. Making Generalization Before we will end this session, anyone
from the class can give a brief summary Ma’am can I?
of what we discussed today.

Yes? Our discussion today focuses on the force

applied and it’s impact on the motion of
an object. When we say force is the
capacity of a body to do work It can be
push or pull. So in summary Forces is
required to make an object move.
Give yourselves a great job clap
K. Additional activities Assignment: Create an info graphics to
for application or value situations of safety precautions of
Newton's laws of motion in driving.

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