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This day, as we have stepped into the year 2011, I see how human activities have petrified the

environment. For 200 years, we have been conquering nature. Now, we are beating it to death, and the prevailing circumstances urge me to think in what a disaster our environment would be by 2050. I would say that today, we live in waste paper age. What I imagine would be in 2050 is that man, as he has created the plastic, tin, aluminum and the paper plate, which was good for his greed and luxury, would soon be no more than trash and waste for him. And soon, the earth shall be covered with plastic, aluminum cans, paper plates and waste and there will be nowhere to sit or walk, and then man would shake his head and cry, Look at this God-awful mess. Humans indiscriminate material wants simply multifold every year. By 2050, earth shall be on the verge of isolation, nothing more than humans, their technology, and their waste. The human race is plundering the planet at a pace that outstrips its capacity to support life. More than a third of the natural world has been destroyed by humans over the past three decades. Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth. Humans have been exploiting natural resources for their own greed for decades. By 2050, earth's population will be forced to colonize two planets within 50 years if natural resources continue to be exploited at the current rate. Seas will become emptied of fish while forests - which absorb carbon dioxide emissions will be completely destroyed and freshwater supplies would become scarce and polluted. Humans would be at war with each other for the inheritance of consumable water. Obtaining non conventional energy would also become challenging. By 2050, earths atmosphere would be so filled with air pollutants and electronic wastes like unproductive satellites and gadgets-n-gizmos that a clear vision of the sun would also be considered a miraclebut still, man would find a way to harness solar energy..If sunbeams were weapons of war, we would have had solar energy centuries ago..In that case, man would be using all his mental skill to exploit this energy because thats all he should be left with by then. By 2050, Man shall be left only with two productive elements- His mind and technology. Modern technology, developed by man himself, is the greatest threat to the well being of our environment..I visualize that the human thirst of power, luxury, greed of wealth, exploitation have been directly quenched by technology. Unethical Industrialization and the urge of making invention for the luxury and so called GOOD of mankind is the very reason of the beginning of the degradation of environment, has been directly and indirectly supported by technology. As it is said-technology owes ecology an apology. So bleak is this picture..that the bulldozer and not the atomic bomb may turn out to be the most destructive invention of the 20th century. Till now, man has been up against nature; then, he will be up against his own nature. Todays issues of global warming and ozone depletion would be the very result and prevailing conditions then. Survival may be possible using ozone umbrellas and oxygen cylinders. Man shall be proved to be the terminator of his own future. What we do today

shall have its immediate reaction tomorrow. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children and rip it apart. What will be left off to be seen in future would be Astroturf used instead of grass in parks, forests..or better called artificial landscapeswith electronic trees and plants. There may be no REAL nature left to be witnessed. Living creatures, other than humans, shall be found in museums onlydead or alivethey would turn from inheritors to attractions of earth. Yet, having said this, we are still in the year 2011A lot of time to come, a lot to face and a whole new generation is on the doorstep. Our precautions today can be the cure of the difficulties tomorrow. There is sufficiency in the world for mans need, but not for mans greed. When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves. We have been developed in a system where we can reap the way we want to If civilization has risen from the Stone Age, It can rise again from the Wastepaper Age. We inherit our planet and we cannot blow it up good planets are hard to find.So, we should act now rather than repent tomorrow.

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