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CODE OF ETHICS for Professional Teachers in the Philippines

Date of Conduct: April 19, 2022

% of Schools in the Division which
conducted the activity through:
a.) Code of Ethics for Professional LNTVHS Faculty & Staff
Teachers in the Philippines

b.) Others, please specify


Focus Area Issues and Challenges Resolutions

 Teacher A is a third  According to Article 2
member of Electoral Board. section 5, a teacher shall not
Her mother will run for a engage in any political,
government position this religious, or other partisan
coming National Election interest, and shall not directly
2022. As a daughter, her or indirectly, solicit, require,
mother asked help in collect, or receive any money
campaign activities. Can she or service or other valuable
accept the request of her material from any person or
mother? any entity for such purposes.
1. Article 2, section
Therefore, she cannot assist
her mother in campaign
activities. With that as well,
she cannot serve the election
as member of Electoral Board
due to COMELEC provisions
that a teacher cannot serve if
one of his family members
from 1st to 3rd consanguinity
will run for any government
 Teacher B is the  According to Article 10
2. Article 10, breadwinner of his family. As section 1. A teacher has the
section 1 breadwinner, there are times right to engage, directly or
his salary cannot suffice the indirectly, in legitimate
needs of his family. There are income generation: provided
times he apply for loan to pay that it does not relate to
medical bills, house repairs adversely affect his work as a
and tuition fees payment. To teacher. Therefore, he may
meet the daily needs and engage in business as long
monthly obligations, he opt to he will not deviate on DepEd
business. As a teacher, can mandate to perform as
he engage to any kind of teacher and deliver his
business? competencies religiously.
 As summer comes, all  According to Article 11,
teachers are very excited to section 3. A teacher shall
travel and enjoy the summer maintain at all times a
beach. Hailed with sexy and dignified personality which
beautiful body, teacher C flaunt could serve as a model
3. Article 11, it with confidence on the worthy of emulation by
section 3 beach. Does the teacher learners, peers and all
violate the code of ethics? others. Therefore, the
teacher shall always
maintain a noble, honorable,
and dignified identity in every

Prepared by:

Filipino Teacher

Noted by:

Principal I, LNTVHS

The Speakers
The Participants

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