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Ali Sheikholeslami

Voltage Follower, Part II

W Welcome to the 34th article in the

“Circuit Intuitions” column series. As
the title suggests, each article pro-
vides insights and intuitions into
circuit design and analysis. These
taken from the source of M1, similar
to the case of an SVF. The difference
between the two circuits lies in the
addition of M2 with its gate con-
nected to the drain of M1. Also, the
put resistance (R out). Fig ure 2(a)
shows a reduced schematic of FVF
to determine its G m where we have
zeroed the ideal dc current source
and shorted the output node to
articles are aimed at undergraduate biasing current, which is fed to the ground. This schematic is redrawn
students but may serve the interests source of M1 in the SVF, is now fed in Figure 2(b) to show how the FVF
of other readers as well. If you read to the drain of M1 in the FVF. In fact, with the shorted output node can be
this article, I would appreciate your moving the current source from the considered as a two-stage amplifier,
comments and feedback as well as source to the drain of M1 is referred where the first stage (M1) is a volt-
your requests and suggestions for to as flipping, and hence the name age amplifier, and the second stage
future articles in this series. Please FVF. Let us now see the characteris- (M2) is a transconductance. We can
e-mail me your comments at ali@ tics of this voltage follower. write The low-frequency small-signal
v g2 = v d1 = - g m ro v in
In the previous article [1] in this voltage gain of the FVF is equal
series, we reviewed the general char- to the product of its short circuit where g m and ro are the transistors’
acteristics of a simple voltage follower transconductance (G m) and its out- transconductance and the output
(SVF) and compared them against resistance, respectively. This v
­ oltage,
those of an ideal voltage follower. An
SVF, as shown in Figure 1(a), exhib- VDD
its an infinite input resistance; a
small output resistance, in the order vin
of 1kX; and a voltage gain slightly M1
vin M1
lower than 1 V/V. These character- vout
i1 = 0
istics are generally acceptable for i sc
a voltage follower except for when IB M2
the load impedance is in the order
of 1kX or less, reducing the output
voltage to less than half of the input
(a) (a)
voltage. In this article, we review a
voltage follower known as a flipped VDD
i sc
voltage follower (FVF) [2], [3] that Vd1
reduces the output resistance while IB
maintaining the same voltage gain M1
as that of an SVF. vin i1 = 0
Figure 1(b) shows a schematic M1 vout
of an FVF [2], [3], which consists of
M2 Gm = isc /v in
two NMOS transistors, M1 and M2. CL
The input voltage is applied to the
gate of M1, and the output voltage is
FIGURE 2: (a) A small-signal equivalent
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2022.3218083 FIGURE 1: A schematic of (a) an SVF, also circuit for the FVF to calculate its transcon-
Date of current version: 18 January 2023 known as a source follower, and (b) an FVF. ductance. (b) A redrawn schematic of part (a).


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in turn, creates a short circuit cur- current to the load, M1 in FVF con- where g me = g m + g mb is the effec-
rent at the output, given by tributes zero current to the load. tive short circuit transconductance
The role of M1 in the FVF circuit is of the transistor, including the body
i sc = ^g m ro h g m v in
to simply amplify the input voltage effect. Note that the sum of the two
where we have assumed both tran- by g m ro and feed it to the gate of terms inside the brackets is the con-
sistors to have the same g m and the M2. In the FVF circuit, it is M2 (not ductance we see looking into the
same ro. We can now write M1) that produces and delivers the source when the gate and drain are
small-signal current to the load. grounded [4].
i sc ^
Gm = = g m ro h g m. This, in fact, justifies why we can The output resistance looking at
v in
redraw the schematic of Figure 2(a) v d1 while the source is grounded is
This equation tells us that the short as shown in Figure 2(b). simply ro. We can therefore write
circuit transconductance of the Let us now determine the output
v d1 = i sc ro = v x ^1 + g me ro h.
FVF is g m ro times that of the SVF. resistance of the FVF with the aid of
Interestingly, this improvement in Figure 3. Again, we assume that the This equation tells us that the volt-
transconductance is provided by biasing current source is ideal and age at the source of a common-
the intrinsic voltage gain of M1 in remove it for our small-signal analy- gate transistor (v x) is amplified by
conjunction with the transconduc- sis. To find the output resistance, we ^1 + g me ro h to arrive at its drain,
tance of M2. In other words, unlike have zeroed the input voltage and assuming that the drain is open
the SVF circuit in which M1 pro- applied instead a small-signal test circuit. This amplified voltage now
duces and delivers a small-signal voltage source, v x, to the output node. drives the gate of M2 to produce i 2
Our goal is now to find the resulting
small-signal current that flows into i 2 = v x g m ^1 + g me ro h + v x
the circuit. This current is the sum of
two currents: one that flows through If we assume that g m ro & 1, only the
the source of M1 and one that flows first term in i 2 will be dominant.
through the drain of M2. It is easy to Hence, we can write
i1 = 0 see by inspection that the current
. c 1 mc 1 m.
through the source of M1 is zero sim- vx
+ R out =
M2 i2 g m ro g me
vx ply because this path will end in an
– open circuit at the gate of M2. To find We found in [1] that the output
the current through M2, we first find resistance of an SVF is 1/g me. There-
the voltage at the gate of M2. Figure fore, the output resistance of the FVF
i sc 2(b) shows how this can be done eas- is a factor of 1/g m ro smaller than
ily using a technique described in the that of an SVF. This makes intuitive
M1 M1 first article in this series [4]. We sim- sense because when we apply a small-­
ply find its short circuit current and signal voltage to the output node of
multiply it by its output resistance. In an FVF while the input is grounded,
vx other words, we can write the small-signal voltage is amplified
(b) and shows up at the gate of M2, effec-
i sc = v x c g me + 1 m tively increasing its ­transconductance,
FIGURE 3: (a) An equivalent circuit to find
the output resistance of an FVF. (b) Equiva-
lent circuits to calculate the gate voltage
of M2. 1
200 mV
1 Ideal
Vout (V)
580 mV


vout(FVF) 0.2 0.7
0 5 10 15 20 25
W/L 400 nm/45 nm Time (ns) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
| VT | 0.43 V Vin (V)

gm 0.5 mS FIGURE 5: The simulated dc behavior of

FIGURE 4: A pair of input voltage wave-
gmb 0.15 mS form (in black) and output voltage wave- an NMOS SVF (in blue) and NMOS FVF (in
forms of (a) an NMOS SVF (in blue) and (b) red) compared to that of an ideal voltage
ro 11.15 kX
an NMOS FVF (in red). follower (in black).

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­ ulling a larger current from the applied
voltage source; that is, it exhibits a
6.2 GHz
much smaller resistance. 0

Vout/Vin (dB)
Another intuition for smaller out- –10
1.2 GHz FVF
put resistance can be provided with –20 SVF
the help of negative feedback. If the –30
output voltage increases for any rea- –40
son (say from an increase in the load –50
resistance), it will reduce the v gs of 108 109 1010 1011
M1 and, in turn, the current that M1 Frequency (Hz)
feeds to the output node, lowering the
output voltage. This negative feed- FIGURE 6: Voltage gains of FVF (in red) and SVF (in blue) as functions of frequency.
back effectively “resists” a changing
output voltage or, equivalently, pro- note that both designs exhibit a simi- tively, one should note that the volt-
vides a low output resistance. lar voltage gain of g m /g me, which is age transfer function of the FVF is a
We now multiply the expressions around 0.7 V/V. product of its short circuit transad-
for G m and R out to determine the Figure 5 compares the dc charac- mittance (having a pole at the gate
voltage gain of the FVF teristics of the two followers against of M2) and its output impedance
that of an ideal voltage follower. We (having a pole at the output node).
Vout gm
. . observe that the outputs of I n s u m m a r y, w e
Vin g me
the SVF and the FVF follow There are further have shown that an
Interestingly, this voltage gain is their respective input only variations and FVF offers the same
identical to what we have found [1] for for input voltages larger improvements voltage gain as that of
the voltage gain of an SVF. However, than about 0.6 V. For this that can be made an SVF; however, it does
we note that in the case of an FVF, range, any voltage incre- to the FVF circuit, so by providing a much
this same voltage gain is obtained by ment at the input appears and we will cover larger short circuit trans-
the product of a much higher trans- as a voltage increment some of them conductance and much
conductance (by a factor of g m ro) and at the output albeit in Part 3 of this lower output resistance.
a much lower output resistance (by a with a factor of around series. There are further variations
factor of 1/g m ro). This is interesting 0.7 V/V. and improvements that can
as it shows how the FVF achieves our Finally, given a reduction in the be made to the FVF circuit, and we
final goal of having a voltage gain of output resistance of the FVF com- will cover some of them in Part 3 of
around one while reducing the out- pared to that of the SVF, by a factor this series.
put resistance substantially. of g m ro, we expect the FVF to have
We have used the parameters an increased bandwidth by the same Acknowledgment
shown in Table 1 with a nominal factor. This is indeed consistent Many thanks to Jeremy Cosson-Mar-
bias current of I B = 50 nA and a load with the simulation results shown in tin for his assistance with the simu-
capacitance of C L = 100 fF to simu- Figure 6 where the FVF bandwidth of lation results in this article.
late both the SVF and the FVF circuits ~6.2 GHz is five times the SVF band-
and to compare their dc charac- width of ~1.2 GHz. The simulation References
[1] A. Sheikholeslami, “Voltage Follower, Part 1
teristics and frequency responses. results of Figure 6 further reveal a [Circuit Intuitions],” IEEE Solid-State Circuits
Figure 4 shows that, for the param- 40-dB/dec drop in the voltage gain Mag., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 13–15, Summer
2022, doi: 10.1109/MSSC.2022.3182791.
eters used, both SVF and FVF shift of the FVF, compared to a 20-dB/dec [2] R. G. Carvajal et al., “The flipped volt-
down the input voltage waveform by drop for the SVF. The readers are age follower: A useful cell for low-voltage
low-power circuit design,” IEEE Trans.
around the same dc value, although encouraged to explain why this is Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 52, no. 7,
with a slightly higher shift in the case the case before reading further. pp. 1276–1291, Jul. 2005, doi: 10.1109/
of the FVF: 580 mV for the FVF ver- A short answer is that the signal [3] J. Ramirez-Angulo et al., “Comparison of
sus 520 mV for the SVF. This larger path from the input to output of the conventional and new flipped voltage struc-
tures with increased input/output signal
shift in the FVF is due to a small volt- SVF has a single pole, correspond- swing and current sourcing/sinking ca-
age drop across a nonideal current ing to the output node, assuming pabilities,” in Proc. 48th Midwest Symp.
Circuits Syst., 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1151–1154,
source we have used in our simula- that we drive the input node with an doi: 10.1109/MWSCAS.2005.1594310.
tions. This voltage drop effectively ideal voltage source. In contrast, the [4] A. Sheikholeslami, “Looking into a node
[Circuit Intuitions],” IEEE Solid-State Circuits
reduces VDS1 in the FVF, causing a signal path of the FVF has two poles: Mag., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 8–10, Spring 2014,
larger VGS1 to accommodate the same one at the output node and one at doi: 10.1109/MSSC.2014.2315062.
nominal current through M1. Finally, the gate of M2. To see this intui- 

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