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Glyphosate Response to Calcium, Ethoxylated Amine Surfactant, and Ammonium

Source: Weed Technology, 17(4):799-804.
Published By: Weed Science Society of America

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Weed Technology. 2003. Volume 17:799–804

Glyphosate Response to Calcium, Ethoxylated Amine Surfactant, and

Ammonium Sulfate1


Abstract: Calcium ion in the spray water can reduce glyphosate efficacy. Ammonium sulfate (AMS)
is commonly added to the spray tank to overcome the reduced efficacy. However, it is sometimes
claimed that ethoxylated tallow amine surfactant (EA) is also efficacious, provided that calcium
concentration is moderate (5 5 mM, 200 ppm). On response curves of ‘Plaisant’ barley treated with
glyphosate, the presence of calcium ion increased the glyphosate dose needed to obtain 50% (ED50)
barley growth reduction. The addition of AMS to the spray tank overcame the antagonistic effect of
the calcium ion and restored glyphosate efficacy. EA was less effective than AMS at 5 or 10 mM
calcium ion concentration as measured by ED50. However, at 90% growth reduction (ED90), EA was
more effective than AMS at the 5 mM calcium ion concentration but less effective at the 10 mM
concentration. Hence, at a moderate (5 5 mM) calcium concentration, EA would be an effective
adjuvant. Calcium ion decreased the foliar uptake of glyphosate but did not affect the rate of uptake.
AMS but not EA restored foliar uptake to values observed without calcium ion. EA increased spray
retention, and this probably accounted for the increased glyphosate efficacy at low calcium concen-
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; barley, Hordeum vulgare L.
Additional index words: Ammonium sulfate, bioassay, dose–response curve, ethoxylated tallow
amine, foliar uptake, spray retention.
Abbreviations: AMS, ammonium sulfate; EA, ethoxylated tallow amine; SE, standard error.

INTRODUCTION as compared with 720–1,080 g ae/ha against dicotyle-

donous weeds (Blondlot et al. 2000).
Glyphosate efficacy has long been known to be di- The efficacy of glyphosate in the presence of calcium
minished by calcium ion in the spray water (Sandberg ion can be improved with ammonium sulfate (AMS)
et al. 1978; Stahlman and Phillips 1979). This reduced (Nalewaja and Matysiak 1991), although with species
efficacy was attributed to the formation of a complex or such as kochia [Kochia scoparia (L.) Shrad.] and soy-
a salt between glyphosate and calcium ion (Shea and bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] a surfactant is also needed
Tupy 1984). This complex or salt is poorly absorbed by (Nalewaja and Matysiak 1992). The minimum AMS–
plants (Nilsson 1985); in addition, Nalewaja et al. (1992) calcium ion molar ratio required to overcome inhibition
suggested that glyphosate is entrapped in a solid residue by calcium ion was 3 (Nalewaja and Matysiak 1993a).
on the leaf surface. The stoichiometry of the glyphosate– The protective action of AMS is thought to result from
calcium association was shown to be 1:1 (de Ruiter et the low water solubility of calcium sulfate, allowing it
al. 2002; Gauvrit et al. 2000, 2001), as suggested by to precipitate before calcium–glyphosate during droplet
Nalewaja et al. (1996). Under conditions in France cal- drying (Nalewaja and Matysiak 1993b). An interaction
cium concentration is rarely higher than 5 mM (Blondlot between ammonium ion and glyphosate may also play a
et al. 1999). Its influence can be observed in presowing part in this action (Thelen et al. 1995).
control of volunteer barley or wheat (Triticum aestivum In practice, AMS is used to overcome the negative
L.), where low doses can be used, typically 360 g ae/ha, influence of calcium ion. However, ethoxylated tallow
amine (EA) is also recommended when calcium ion con-
centration is lower than 5 mM (Blondlot et al. 1999).
Received for publication November 11, 2002, and in revised form March
18, 2003. Although validated by field experiments, this recommen-
Research Scientist, Laboratoire de Malherbologie et Agronomie, Institut dation is difficult to rationalize on the basis of the mode
National de la Recherche Agronomique, UMR Biologie et Gestion des Ad-
ventices, BP 86510, F-21065 Dijon Cedex, France. Corresponding author’s E- of action of AMS put forward by Nalewaja and Matysiak
mail: (1993b). Because it is positively charged in solution, EA


does not interact with calcium ion. To explain these ob- and Cox 1964), all the observed data were simultaneous-
servations, we examined the influence of various calci- ly fitted using the log-logistic model
um concentrations on glyphosate efficacy in the presence
of AMS and EA. We also studied spray retention and Wi j 5 C 1 [1]

1 2
foliar uptake under these conditions. Barley was chosen xi j
because glyphosate at low doses is used to control it ED50 i
before seeding (Blondlot et al. 2000).
where Wij denotes the dry matter at the jth dose of gly-
phosate in treatment i; D and C denote the upper and
MATERIALS AND METHODS lower limits of dry matter at zero and very large doses
of glyphosate; ED50i and ED90i denote the doses of gly-
Bioassays. Seeds of barley were sown in 1.5-L pots phosate required to reduce dry matter by 50 and 90%,
filled with a mixture of sand, clay-loam soil and peat (1: respectively, between the upper and lower limits in treat-
1:1, v/v/v). They were grown under controlled condi- ment i; and bi is proportional to the slope of the curve
tions (17–12 C; 60–80% relative humidity; light–dark, around ED50i. The validity of the model and the com-
fluorescent lamps delivering 220 mmol photon/m2/s pho- parisons between the parameters were made using lack-
tosynthetically active radiation, 16-h photoperiod). of-fit F tests at the 0.05% level of significance (Kudsk
Plants were watered daily with a nutrient solution con- and Streibig 1993). No significant lack of fit was de-
taining all necessary macro- and micronutrients. Before tected when model 1 was tested in experiments 1 to 6
spraying, plants were thinned to 10 per pot. Plants were (Table 1); hence, the model was acceptable.
treated with glyphosate at the two-leaf stage using an
indoor track sprayer with a movable boom equipped with Foliar Uptake. Barley plants were grown in 0.1-L pots
two flat-fan 11004 nozzles3 delivering 200 L/ha at 300 filled with vermiculite (one plant per pot), under the
kPa. Glyphosate4 doses ranged from 90 to 3,600 g ae/ha same controlled conditions as in the bioassays. The treat-
and were chosen so as to be adequately spaced on the ment solutions consisted of 14.2 mM commercial gly-
response curves of barley. When present, CaCl25 was 2.5, phosate (formulation A), corresponding to 360 g ae/ha
5 or 10 mM (100 to 400 ppm), AMS5 concentration was applied at 150 L/ha. CaCl2 concentration was 2.5 mM in
three times higher than CaCl2 (7.5, 15, or 30 mM, re- experiments 7 and 8; 5 mM in experiment 9; and 10 mM
spectively), and EA,6 with 15 ethylene oxide moles, was in experiments 10 to 12. AMS concentration was three
0.5%. Three replicates were used for the treated plants times higher than CaCl2, and EA was 0.5%. 14C-gly-
and six for the control group. Treated plants and controls phosate8 (273.8 MBq/mmol, 95% radiochemical purity)
were randomized in the growth chamber. All plants were was added to all glyphosate preparations so as to give a
harvested 14 d after treatment. An observation corre- radioactivity concentration of 60–70 Bq/ml. Five 0.9-ml
sponded to the dry biomass of 10 plants per pot. The (approximately) droplets were deposited on the upper
experiments were repeated over time, twice with 2.5 mM third of the first leaf of barley plants at the two-leaf stage
CaCl2 and three times with 5 and 10 mM CaCl2 (exper- (four replicates). After 6, 24, 48, 72, 144, and 192 h the
iments numbered 1 to 3 and 4 to 6, respectively, for the deposits were washed with 0.5 ml of acetone and water
two latter concentrations). (1:1 v/v) and then with 0.5 ml chloroform, and the ra-
The results of an experiment comprising different dioactivity in the washes was measured by scintillation
treatments applied on the same day were analyzed using counting.9 In experiments where calcium ion was pre-
nonlinear regression.7 After variance stabilization (Box sent, washing the deposits only with water containing a
surfactant or with other polar solutions led to poor re-
Albuz, Céramiques Techniques Desmarquest, Rue de l’industrie, 27000 coveries of nonpenetrated 14C-glyphosate. It was con-
Evreux, France. firmed that the chloroform wash recovered more than
Roundupt and Roundup Bioforcet, both 360 g/L ae, Monsanto, Europarc
du Chêne, 1, Rue Jacques Monod, 69673 Bron Cedex, France. Designated
96% of nonpenetrated 14C-glyphosate, although glyphos-
Formulation A and Formulation B, respectively. Formulation A contains 155 ate and its calcium salts or chelate are not soluble in
g/L EA (CAS number 61791-26-2), Formulation B contains 160 g/L surfac- chloroform (Franz et al. 1997). Presumably, the chloro-
tant of undisclosed nature (
Analytical grade, Prolabo, 12 Rue Pelée, 75011 Paris, France. form dissolved the wax on which 14C-glyphosate and its
Génamin T 200 BMt, 732 g/L EA (CAS number 61791-26-2, http:// salts or chelate were present (Gauvrit et al. 2001). To, Monsanto, Europarc du Chêne, 1, Rue
Jacques Monod, 69673 Bron Cedex, France.
Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) software. Ver. 8. SAS Institute, Inc., 8
Amersham, 12 Avenue des Tropiques, 91944 Les Ullis, France.
Box 8000, SAS Circle, Cary, NC 27513. 9
Wallac, 16 Avenue du Québec, 91945 Courtaboeuf, France.

800 Volume 17, Issue 4 (October–December) 2003


Table 1. Estimated parametersa (model 1) for the response curves of barleyb treated with glyphosate in the presence of various CaCl2 concentrations and
Glyphosate formulation CaCl2 Addition to glyphosate bc ED50c ED90c

mM g ae/ha
A (experiment 1) 5 None or CaCl2 1 AMS 1.8 (0.3) 212 (33) 697 (130)
CaCl2 3.0 (0.5) 421 (69) 884 (126)
CaCl2 1 EA 3.0 (0.5) 280 (42) 587 (92)
B (experiment 2) 5 None or CaCl2 1 AMS 1.3 (0.2) 176 (21) 951 (119)
CaCl2 2.6 (0.3) 430 (30) 1,169 (150)
CaCl2 1 EA 2.6 (0.3) 294 (21) 678 (78)
B (experiment 3) 5 None or CaCl2 1 AMS 1.5 (0.3) 336 (50) 1,485 (339)
CaCl2 3.1 (0.8) 562 (98) 1,604 (293)
CaCl2 1 EA 3.1 (0.8) 429 (99) 871 (163)
A (experiments 4 and 5) 10 None or CaCl2 1 AMS 1.9 (0.4) 157 (31) 499 (173)
CaCl2 3.6 (0.6) 381 (73) 701 (238)
CaCl2 1 EA 3.2 (0.7) 287 (67) 570 (205)
A (experiment 6) 10 None or CaCl2 1 AMS 2.1 (0.3) 66 (9) 189 (27)
CaCl2 3.6 (0.5) 245 (35) 451 (96)
CaCl2 1 EA 3.3 (0.3) 194 (30) 378 (75)

D and C denote the upper and lower limits of dry matter at zero and at very large doses of glyphosate; ED50 and ED90 denote the doses of glyphosate
required to reduce dry matter by 50 and 90%, respectively, between the upper and lower limits; and b is proportional to the slope of the curve around ED50.
Shoot dry weight. C and D (confidence interval) (mg) were: experiment 1, 431 (24) and 2,481 (251); experiment 2, 569 (42) and 2,313 (121); experiment
3, 469 (56) and 1,953 (123); pooled experiments 4 and 5, 485 (41) and 1,933 (123); experiment 6, 405 (54) and 1,412 (60), respectively.
Figures in parentheses are the approximate confidence intervals (P 5 0.05).

determine the radioactivity that had penetrated into the Spray Retention. Barley plants were grown as in the
plant tissues, whole plants were combusted,10 and the foliar uptake experiments. They were sprayed at the two-
radioactivity of the resulting CO2 was determined by leaf stage in the same way as in the bioassays with prep-
scintillation counting. The amount of radiolabel depos- arations containing 100 mg/L Na-fluorescein.5 After the
ited was checked for each solution by combusting a spray had dried on the foliage, the plants were cut at
treated leaf excised immediately after deposition (three ground level and shaken for 30 s in 50 ml of 5 mM
replicates). The radioactivity recovered 6 standard error NaOH. Readings were made with a spectrofluorimeter11
(SE) calculated relative to these checks was 93611%. at 490/510 nm. Plants were then placed at 80 C for 24
The uptake data were analyzed by nonlinear regres- h, and dry matter was weighed. Ten replications with
sion using the model four plants each were used for each treatment, and the
experiment was repeated over time.

Ui 5 Umax 1 2 exp log 0.5 31
ti 2 t0
t1/2 2 t0 2 ] [2]
where Ui denotes foliar uptake (percent of applied label)
after the ith time (t). Umax is uptake after a very long Bioassays. Table 1 and Figure 1 show the influence of
time, t1/2 is the time required to reach half Umax, and t0 CaCl2, CaCl2 plus AMS, and CaCl2 plus EA on the re-
is the lag-time before onset of glyphosate uptake. The sponse of barley plants treated with glyphosate. As pre-
data from experiments 7 and 8 and experiments 10, 11, viously observed (Gauvrit et al. 2000, 2001), in all ex-
and 12 were pooled because variances were similar. At- periments CaCl2 increased ED50 values, indicating a de-
tempts were made to analyze all kinetics from one ex- crease in glyphosate efficacy. ED50 increase ranged from
periment simultaneously, as in the bioassays. However, 1.7 to 2.4 at 5 mM; i.e., 1.7 to 2.4 times more glyphosate
model 2 was acceptable (P 5 0.05) only in experiments was needed to obtain the ED50 level. With 10 mM CaCl2,
7, 9, and 11 but not in pooled experiments 7 and 8 and ED50 increase ranged from 2.4 to 3.7. However, CaCl2
in pooled experiments 10, 11, and 12. Hence, the fitted increased ED90 to a lesser extent (1.1- to 1.3-fold at 5
mM and 1.4- to 2.4-fold at 10 mM), and as a result the
curves were analyzed separately, and the validity of the
slope of the response curve was higher in its presence.
nonlinear regression was determined from the R2 value.
This is a consequence of calcium ion inactivating stoi-
Harvey OX500 oxidizer, Perkin Elmer, 16 Avenue du Québec, 91945 11
Spectrofluo JY3D, Jobin et Yvon, 16–18 Rue du canal, 91160 Longju-
Courtaboeuf, France. meau, France.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (October–December) 2003 801


Figure 2. Foliar uptake of 14C-glyphosate into barley leaves in the presence

of calcium and various additives: observed means (symbols) and fitted curves.
Results are from Table 2. Model 2 (Y 5 Umax 3 (1 2 exp(log0.5 3 (X 2
t0)/(t1/2 2 t0)))) was used for the fitted curves. ——, glyphosate; - - -, gly-
phosate plus CaCl2; -·-·-, glyphosate plus CaCl2 plus AMS; . . . , glyphosate
plus CaCl2 plus EA.

Figure 1. Shoot dry weight and response curves of barley plants treated In the presence of 5 mM CaCl2, ED50 values were
with glyphosate in the presence of calcium and various additives. Results lower with AMS than with EA, whereas the reverse was
are from experiments 1 (CaCl2 5 5 mM) and 5 (CaCl2 5 10 mM) (Table
1). Model 1 (Y 5 C 1 (D 2 C)/(1 1 (X/ED50)b)) was used for the fitted true for ED90 values (Table 1). As a result, the two re-
curves. ——, glyphosate and glyphosate plus CaCl2 plus AMS; - - -, gly- sponse curves intersected as illustrated for experiment 1
phosate plus CaCl2; . . . , glyphosate plus CaCl2 plus EA.
in Figure 1. This was also observed with 2.5 mM CaCl2
(not shown). This indicates that at low efficacies (for
chiometric amounts of glyphosate (Gauvrit et al. 2001). example around ED50), AMS was better in overcoming
AMS fully overcame the antagonistic effects of calcium the antagonistic effect of calcium ion than EA, whereas
on glyphosate activity. This is evident from b parameter the reverse was true at high efficacies (for example
estimates and ED50 values, which did not differ between around ED90). Because advice to farmers is aimed at high
the equations as indicated by the lack-of-fit F test. This efficacy, our results are in agreement with the field ob-
is in agreement with previous findings of Nalewaja and servations that EA is a better adjuvant than AMS when
Matysiak (1993b). The effect of AMS depended on gly- calcium ion concentration is lower than 5 mM (Blondlot
phosate dose; for example, in experiment 1 the increase et al. 1999). By contrast, in the presence of 10 mM
in efficacy was 99% at ED50, as compared with 27% at CaCl2, both ED50 and ED90 were lower with AMS, and
ED90. This dependence can be seen in Figure 1 from the the curves did not intersect (Table 1 and Figure 1).
nonparallelism of the response curves with CaCl2 and Again, this is in agreement with the recommendation to
with CaCl2 plus AMS. use AMS at calcium ion concentrations higher than 5
EA partially overcame calcium antagonism. It was mM (Blondlot et al. 1999).
more effective than AMS at 5 mM calcium ion concen-
tration as measured by ED90. However, EA was less ef- Foliar Uptake. CaCl2 did not influence t0 (lag-time be-
fective than AMS at 5 or 10 mM calcium ion concen- fore onset of glyphosate uptake) or t1/2 (time required to
tration as measured by ED50 and at 10 mM concentration reach half Umax) (Figure 2 and Table 2). However, it de-
as measured by ED90. The slopes of the response curves creased Umax (uptake after a very long time) by 14, 24,
with CaCl2 and with CaCl2 plus EA were similar, and as and 48% in the presence of 2.5, 5, and 10 mM CaCl2,
a consequence, the curves appear parallel. This means respectively. This is in accordance with the view that
that the increase in efficacy brought about by EA was calcium ion inactivates glyphosate by making part or all
constant at all doses. of it unavailable for uptake (Nilsson 1985), without in-

802 Volume 17, Issue 4 (October–December) 2003


Table 2. Estimated (model 2) glyphosate uptake in time for first detection Table 3. Spray retention of glyphosate by barley plants as affected by various
(t0), and one half maximum uptake (t1/2), and maximum uptake (Umax) by additives.a
barley leaves in the presence of various CaCl2 concentrations and adjuvants.
Additives Experiment 13 Experiment 14
Addition to
CaCl2 glyphosate t0a t1/2a Umaxa R2 mL/g dry matterb
None 33.5 (3.0) 34.6 (4.4)
mM h % CaCl2a 35.3 (3.8) 43.6 (6.3)
2.5 b
None 2.7 (2.5) 18.9 (6.8) 83.4 (8.8) 0.76 EAc 50.5 (4.4) 52.1 (6.5)
CaCl2 4.2 (2.3) 20.4 (7.1) 71.6 (7.8) 0.74 CaCl2 1 EA 44.7 (9.3) 54.6 (8.6)
CaCl2 1 AMS 3.7 (2.2) 24.8 (5.6) 82.8 (7.8) 0.84
CaCl2 1 EA 4.9 (0.9) 17.4 (3.2) 71.1 (4.0) 0.92 a
CaCl2 was at 5 mM.
5 c
None 3.0 (4.0) 32.2 (6.4) 81.4 (6.4) 0.96 b
Figures in parentheses are the approximate confidence intervals (P 5
CaCl2 5.2 (2.6) 22.6 (5.1) 62.2 (4.3) 0.95 0.05).
CaCl2 1 AMS 5.2 (2.4) 17.1 (4.5) 78.2 (6.6) 0.92
CaCl2 1 EA 2.8 (1.6) 33.5 (5.5) 52.3 (3.5) 0.98
Abbreviation: EA, ethoxylated tallow amine surfactant.
10 d
None 3.0 (1.4) 19.4 (3.8) 83.6 (5.2) 0.85
CaCl2 2.0 (2.3) 19.3 (5.8) 43.7 (3.8) 0.73
CaCl2 1 AMS 5.3 (1.2) 13.4 (5.6) 74.4 (4.2) 0.85
CaCl2 1 EA 4.9 (0.9) 17.4 (6.4) 41.1 (3.9) 0.92 timum foliar uptake of glyphosate by barley was lower
Figures in parentheses are the approximate confidence intervals (P 5
than 1 g/L. Our experimental conditions were close to
0.05). those of Leaper’s (1996). First, we used a glyphosate
Pooled results from experiments 7 and 8. concentration of the same order of magnitude (14.2
Results from experiment 9. mM). Second, 155 g/L EA was present in the commer-
Pooled results from experiments 10, 11 and 12.
cial formulation that we used; because our treatments
corresponded to 1 L of commercial formulation applied
terfering with the uptake process itself. At all three CaCl2 at 150 L/ha, EA concentration was slightly higher than
concentrations, AMS brought back the foliar uptake of 1 g/L. Hence, our results are in agreement with Leaper’s
glyphosate to the levels observed in its absence, as de- (1996) and suggest that the increase in glyphosate effi-
termined by the values of Umax. Hence, AMS overcame cacy brought about by EA in the presence of CaCl2 can-
the antagonistic effects of CaCl2 at all concentrations. not be explained by an increase in foliar uptake.
This is in agreement with the bioassays and with pre-
vious observations (Nalewaja et al. 1996; Thelen et al. Spray Retention. The two spray retention experiments
1995). Indeed, the latter found that calcium ion plus are presented separately as the data were not homoge-
AMS increased foliar uptake as compared with glyphos- nous. Table 3 shows that 0.5% EA increased spray re-
ate applied alone. Although the calcium ion and AMS tention of glyphosate by barley plants by 51% in the
concentrations were comparable with ours, the surfactant absence of CaCl2 and by 25–27% in its presence. This
was different (ethoxylated nonylphenoxys vs. the EA
may well explain the increase in glyphosate efficacy be-
present in the commercial formulation we used) and so
cause as deduced from ED50 comparisons, it ranged from
were the plant species (wheat and kochia vs. barley). In
24 to 33% in the presence of 5 mM CaCl2.
most cases, t0 and t1/2 were not affected by the presence
These results show that EA and AMS had different
of CaCl2 plus AMS (Table 2).
actions when glyphosate was antagonized by calcium
In the presence of 5 mM CaCl2, Umax decreased by
16% whereas t1/2 increased by 48% (Figure 2 and Table ion. EA did not directly overcome the antagonism but
2). However, in the presence of 2.5 and 10 mM CaCl2, partially relieved it by increasing glyphosate efficacy to
EA had no influence on the foliar uptake of glyphosate, the same extent at all glyphosate doses, probably by in-
as determined by Umax, t0, and t1/2 values. Gaskin and creasing spray retention. By contrast, AMS fully over-
Holloway (1992) showed that EAs strongly promoted came the antagonism; i.e., it increased glyphosate effi-
the foliar uptake of glyphosate by wheat and field bean cacy to the same extent as calcium decreased it. At mod-
(Vicia faba L.). Leaper (1996) came to the same conclu- erate (5 5 mM, 200 ppm) calcium concentrations, EA
sion with rapeseed (Brassica napus oleracea L.) and bar- increased glyphosate efficacy (as measured by ED90)
ley. However, the foliar uptake of 11.8 mM glyphosate more than calcium decreased it. At a higher (10 mM,
by rapeseed did not increase when EA concentration was 400 ppm) calcium concentration, EA increased glyphos-
raised from 0.2 to 1 and 5 g/L; in barley, the increase ate efficacy less than calcium decreased it. It follows
in foliar uptake of glyphosate was slight at 0.2 to 1 g/L that, in accordance with field observations, EA was a
EA and zero from 1 to 5 g/L. It can thus be assumed more effective adjuvant than AMS at moderate calcium
that the minimum EA concentration that promoted op- concentrations.

Volume 17, Issue 4 (October–December) 2003 803


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Gauvrit, C., J.-C. Gaudry, T. Lucotte, and F. Cabanne. 2001. Biological evi-
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