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NAME:_____________________________________ SECTION:__________ SCORE:________

SUBJECT:__________________TEACHER: Mrs. Christine Jane J. Balase DATE:_______

Learning Activity Sheet No. 3

Lesson/ Topic: Analyzing Elements that Make up Reality and Fantasy Based on a Material Viewed
Learning Target(s): 1. Define what is reality and fantasy.
2. Differentiate reality from fantasy.
3. Give an example of reality and fantasy.
Reference(s) : English 8, Quarter 4, Module 5
Value Emphasis:

A fantasy is a thought with no basis of reality. It is a product of person’s creative thought or imagination.

Reality is the state of things as they exist. It’s what you see, listen, encounter or experience.

Activity 1: Spot it!

Directions: Encircle reality examples of reality you find from the table below.
A fairy godmother My grandfather hand me a I saw a picture of a I was flying with the moon.
appeared in front of me. birthday gift. dinosaur in a children’s
Lilian ate pancake for A super hero saved me The butterfly flew near the I will travel to outer space.
breakfast. from danger. flower of roses.
The sun winks at me early An invisible friend plays My cat cooks snack for me. The ripe mango was sweet.
today. with me.
It is a dusty and old garage. A singing teen. I got a perfect score in The hot soup blow up my
English. mouth.

Activity 2:
Directions: Classify the given phrases below whether it is Fantasy or Reality.
 May be based on facts can be non-fictional
 Make believe places are real
 Animals may act like humans magical places
 Scientifically proven and possible to happen story may be funny and unbelievable
 Monsters, aliens, or dinosaurs people and characters can be real
 Magical things may happen animal actions and characterization may not be real
 Might have really happened
Animals act like animals

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