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NAME:_____________________________________ SECTION:__________ SCORE:________

SUBJECT:__________________TEACHER: Mrs. Christine Jane J. Balase DATE:_______

Learning Activity Sheet No. 4

Lesson/ Topic: Analyzing Elements that Make up Reality and Fantasy Based on a Material Vie
Learning Target(s): 1. Define what is reality and fantasy.
2. Differentiate reality from fantasy.
3. Give an example of reality and fantasy.
Reference(s) : English 8, Quarter 4, Module 5
Value Emphasis:

Review activity
Complete the statements below. Choose your answer from the given words.

Fantasy imagination reality experiences idea

A (1) _______________is a thought with no basis of (2)_______________. It is a product of person’s creative thought
or (3)________________.

(4)_________________is the state of things as they exist. It’s what you see, listen, encounter or

Activity 1: Examine it!

Directions: Read the short Korean story entitled, The Vanity of the Rat. Then, answer the questions that follow.
The Vanity of the Rat

A long time ago, there was a rat couple who had a daughter. They had no other children so they gave her
everything. The time came when their daughter is ready for marriage so they wanted the best spouse for her. They
looked for a rat that could best fit for her daughter but to no avail. One day, the father said that the sun would be a
good husband for his daughter because it is the most powerful and bright. They asked the sun if he could marry their
daughter. The sun felt honored but refused because he said that the cloud is more powerful since the sun is powerless
with it. They climbed up a mountain to see the cloud. They asked the same thing, in which the cloud also refused
because the wind is more powerful since the cloud goes wherever he blows. They found the wind in a grove of trees
and asked to marry their daughter. Likewise, the wind also refused because he can blow everything but the stone.
They head to the stone and still asked the same question. The stone refused. The reason is although the wind cannot
move him, the rats and moles could since they can burrow under the stone’s feet and the latter fall over. In the end,
their daughter married a rat.

1. Is this a realistic or a fantasy story? Support your answer.
2. Could this story have really happened? Why?
3. What social or cultural experience/s or practice/s can you associate with this story?

Activity 2: Time for Movie

Directions: Choose ONE movie that interest you most then share something something about by answering the
questions that follow.

1. Title of the chosen movie: _________________________

2. Is it an example of fantasy or reality? _______________________
3. What made you say that? (based from your answer in no. 2) Support 5 evidences that will qualify it as fantasy or

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