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TEACHING POINT: CNA Progression 1, Unit 1 – Act. 15 to 21

By the end of this lesson, students will be better able to ask and answer question using the simple past tense, and talk about their
first day of school.
ENABLING GOALS: Review Grammar: Was/were/did as questions; Vocabulary: feelings
MATERIALS: Book, board, flashcards, worksheet, highlighters

Books closed. Write the
following sentences on the
board and tell they Ss they
have to discover which is the TASK 1: Look at the grade and
lie (2 truths and 1 lie) answer with the sentences in the
orange box
I was a angry child
I was really good at math • Do you need to write
I wasn’t into reading something different or use the
P) Students may
sentences in the orange box?
confuse the use of
Tell Ss they need to ask you (USE THE SENTENCES IN THE
was/were during the
questions to check which is ORANGE BOX)
Clique false (the last one). Help them LIE activity
choose the aqui para with the questions if necessary Sit in pairs to check, take turns
digitar asking and answering. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage by writing on the board and
S) Write on the
texto. reviewing Grammar Tips (pg
107) • Will only your partner ask
questions? (NO)
Was- I/He/She/It
Give each Ss a worksheet.
Were- You/They/We
Explain the activity by exploring TASK 2: Read the sentences
the pictures and telling Ss they and look at task 1 to write TRUE
will answer about how the or FALSE.
people portrayed were during
their childhood. Ss will sit in • Do you need to rewrite to
pairs to check their answer on correct mistakes? (NO)
task 1 but answer individually
and check as a group on task
choose the 15 Clique Books closed. Ask Ss about Read and highlight to answer To ask these questions do you P: Ss may not call

you to check words

they didn’t (and
aren’t supposed to)
their first day of school
(age,feelings...) and Introduce
some vocabulary by writing
them on the board. S: Introduce some
true or false in activity a vocabulary before
they start reading
Books open. Ask Ss to
the text asking
anakyse the layout and general • Do you need to correct the
questions related to
idea of the text to answer you: sentences now? (NO)
Ss's 1st day of
need to use WAS/WERE or DID class:
• What is the text about? Sit in pairs to check and correct
in the begining? (IT DEPENDS
• Look at the Layout of the text. the false statements.
ON THE MAIN VERB OF THE -Is the memory
Where could you find it?
aqui para SENTENCE) FRESH in your
• Who would read this text? • Are you going to copy exactly
stage digitar head?
what’s highlighted in the text?
texto. In whiich sentence can you use -What did you feel
Explain the activity and give Ss (NO)
WAS/WERE in the beginning? when the BELL
5 minutes to read and answer
(THE 5th: WERE THE RANG? Did you
true or false. Ss should Exchange pairs and take turns CHILDREN HAPPY?) RUSH OUT of
highlight the reason they found asking and answering about the class?
in the text to answer. statements -Did you WENT
AFTER the kids?Did
Pair Ss up so they can correct • Do you need to transform the they GATHER
the false statements. Make sentences into questions? (YES) AROUND you?
them exchange pairs to ask -Did you hurry back
questions and answer with the home when the
corrected sentences. FINAL BELL

choose the 5 Clique Treasure hunting: Tell Ss they Match the pictures and the Clique aqui para digitar texto. P: Ss may confuse
stage aqui para will have 30 seconds to find 6 speech bubbles. Check your the word “excited"
digitar hidden papers. If they don’t find answers with a partner. with the false
texto. all papers pick the remaining cognate
yourself. Elicit what the people “excitada(o)"
in the pictures are feeling (start S: mime the
with the pictures Ss should difference between
already know the answer - happy and excited
angry, sad, happy – and so they know the

Introduce the new ones)

Books open. Ask Ss to match

the pictures to the bubblesin difference between
act. 17. Pair them up so they them is the level of
can check their answers. happiness and
Model the dialogue: expectation

How did he feel on his first day

of school? He felt ______.
Tell Ss they will listen to Laura
Read the statements and tell me
and John talking about their
when you finish so I can play the
first day of school and shoukd
audio. Listen and check the best
check the best answer. Ask
them to read all statements
Clique WHO
before playing the audio. Pair
choose the aqui para • Can you check more than one To ask using “who" the verb Clique aqui para
10 them up to check answers.
stage digitar answer? (NO) goes to the past or stays in the digitar texto.
Model the dialogue first:
texto. past? (STAYS IN THE PAST)
Stand up, hands up and walk
Who was scared?
around. Pair up and check your
I think Laura was
answers using the dialogue in
I think so too/ I don’t think so. I
the board.
think John was.
Interview time! I’n pairs, talk
about your first day of school.
P: Ss may get
Ask all the questions in activity
confused to answer
19 to your partner then
Ask Ss to stay with the same with the right verbs
Clique exchange roles and answer
partner as in the previous in the past
choose the aqui para about yourself.
15 activity, Ss will take turns Clique aqui para digitar texto. S: Write on the
stage digitar
asking and answering the board and review
texto. • Will you take turns asking the
questions in activity 19. pronunciation of the
questions or ask everything then
present and past
exchange roles? (ASK/ANSWER
form of the verbs
choose the 5 Clique Books open to pg 20 (act 16). Use the text in act 16 as Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para
stage aqui para Ask questions about the text: reference to write about your first digitar texto.
digitar day of school.
texto. Is it formal /semi-formal or
informal? Are you going to write a

What verb tense predominates,

simple present or simple past?
How is the text organized?

Explain to Ss that they should

use the questions on act 19 to
write the text. If time is
available draw a framework:
formal/semi-formal or informal
Your age when you first went
to school
Are you going to use verbs in the
How you felt before/when you
present or in the past? (SIMPLE
got to school
What the school/ teacher/
classmates was/were like
What you did during the
-what you felt during/after class

P: Ss may not
remember every
Books Open to pg 23. Go
Clique topic
through the communicative
choose the aqui para S: Ask Ss to go over
5 functions and elicit what Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. all the activities with
stage digitar
they’ve learned. Ask Ss to rate
texto. you to remember
their performances
them of what
they’ve learned
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.

Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.
Clique Clique
choose the aqui para aqui para Clique aqui para
Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto. Clique aqui para digitar texto.
stage digitar digitar digitar texto.
texto. texto.

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