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Hannah S. Agravante Score:

BS Accountancy 1A Nikita Acosta Del Mundo

1.1 Vision

ASCOT has a strong desire to attain excellence in higher education, as evidenced by its mission to
become a worldwide renowned scientific and technical university by 2017. This goal indicates the
institution's dedication to elevating its technological and scientific programs to an international level and
establishing itself as a major participant in academia.

1.2 Mission

The mission statement of ASCOT shows its commitment to produce graduates who are not only ethically
upstanding and gender-responsive, but also globally competitive. The variety of areas mentioned—from
the arts and sciences to engineering and environmental sciences—indicates a well-rounded educational
philosophy. ASCOT places a strong emphasis on holistic growth and societal contribution by encouraging
high standards of instruction, research, extension, and production in the direction of sustainable

1.3 Goals:

The objectives of ASCOT are significant and ambitious. The institution's commitment to prepare
students for success in a competitive world is demonstrated by its goal of offering creative and efficient
instruction. A passion for collaborative learning and shared ideals is demonstrated by engagement with
students, parents, alumni, and the community. Enhancing recognition in the fields of accounting and
business management demonstrates a desire to enhance particular areas. ASCOT's function in increasing
comprehension and critical thinking is highlighted by the purpose of doing research to increase general
knowledge and intellectual talents.

1.4 Objectives

ASCOT's goals and mission are closely aligned with its objectives. The institution's dedication to a
comprehensive education is shown by its focus on offering top-notch instruction and research services,
interacting with stakeholders, and generating graduates who are morally upright and competitive in the
global marketplace.Its objective to advance sustainable development through production and extension
initiatives emphasizes its duty to advance society.
1.5 School of Education Goals and Principles:

With an emphasis on curriculum creation, inclusive education, and educational research, ASCOT's School
of Education seeks to build a cadre of teachers who excel in pedagogy and ethical leadership. The School
works to produce graduates who are not only skilled educators but also ethical leaders, committed to
promoting quality education, inclusivity, and positive societal change. They are guided by core values of
excellence, integrity, diversity and inclusion, collaboration, lifelong learning, innovation, and social

2. Rules

1. Respect: This rule places a strong emphasis on showing care and kindness to both teachers and fellow
students. It entails being courteous to others, listening to their viewpoints, and avoiding using rude
language or actions. Respect for others fosters a climate in the classroom that is welcoming and
comfortable for all students.

2. Being on time for class is what is meant by punctuality. This is significant since it guarantees that
courses begin on time and that the learning process is not interfered with. Being on time also
demonstrates responsibility and respect for others' learning as well as the teacher's time.

3. Active involvement means contributing to class activities, participating in discussions, and asking
questions. Instead of being passive, learning should involve active participation. This guideline fosters
critical thinking, stimulates active discussion, and improves all aspects of learning.

4. Being prepared is key to learning effectively. Bring the required materials and finished tasks to class.
Being well-prepared enables students to actively participate in activities and debates, greatly increasing
their comprehension of the subject. Additionally, it exhibits commitment to learning and accountability.

5. No Disruption: Maintaining a focused and supportive learning environment requires avoiding

disruptive conduct. Talking out of turn, creating diversions, or acting in a way that interferes with others'
learning can all be considered disruptive behaviors. Following this guideline enables everyone to pay
attention and participate completely in the lessons.

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