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Codes Phones QA

P1-A Opens Call promptly with appropiate greeting

P1-B Personalzes the by using the caller/contact's name
Follow proper transfer procedures
Closes and wraps up call appropriately
P1-E Thank You statement

Completes contact logging appropriately
Initiates the conversation in an enthusiastic manner using a confident and positive
C1-A tone/language that demonstrates appreciation for the caller/contact, empathy as needed and
willingness to resolve the caller/contact’s situation
C1-B Maintains professional, courteous, and respectful demeanor throughout the call
C1-C Actively listens to the caller/contact
Uses language understandable by the caller/contact (avoids jargon, grammar, slang, poor
voice quality).
C3-A Displays understanding of the caller/contact’s issue (restate)
C3-B Fact finds effectively (probing questions)
Controls the call (direction and pace) and avoids unnecessary conversation or over-talking the
C5-A Manages hold/wait time
C5-B Manages silences/dead air
C6-A Takes ownership of the issue
C6-B Answers caller/contact's questions appropriately
C6-C Provides complete, accurate, and correct solution to caller/contact’s concern
C6-D Avoids errors of omissions
P3 Chooses correct issue/call coding
P4 Accurately uses CARES and its activities appropriately. And documents CARES notes
Total Points
Point Value Code Schd Chg QA Point Value Code
1.0 Itinerary 1.0
1.1 City Pairs 11 1.1

1.2 Dates of Travel 1.2

5 11
1.3 Does connection time meets MCT ? 1.3
1.4 Is new itinerary complete? 11 Total
Are departure / arrival times of new as
3 1.5 8 2.0
close to original as possible?

1.6 Booking Class 8 2.1

1.7 Was attempt made assign seats 5 Total
Total Points 65 3.0

15 2.0 GDS 3.1

2.1 System usage 12 Total

Total Points 12 4.0

15 3.0 CARES 4.1

3.1 System Usage / Performed Activities 12 4.2

3.2 Documentation (includes OSI,SSR) 11 Total
Total Points 23 5.0
Total Possible Score 100 5.1
4 Total
6 Total Pos
KANA QA Point Value
Identify Product / Brand 12
Proper Identification of Issue / Best
possible response (Hotkey)
Modification & Deletion of
Extraneous Text
Total Points 38
Soft Skills

Customer Name 10

Total Points 10

Documentation & Unauthorized Mail 14

Total Points 14

Grammar / Spelling 8

Puntuaction / Capitalization 6
Total Points 14
Subject Line 10
Footer / Signature 8
Visual Appeal / Formating 6
Total Points 24
Total Possible Score 100
Agent Name PhnQA

Andrade, Paola (W)

Andrade, Paola (W)

Andrade, Paola (W)
Andrade, Paola (W)
Andrade, Paola (W)
Alejo, Jacel (W)
Alejo, Jacel (W) 70%
Alejo, Jacel (W)

Barquero, Sofia (W)

Barquero, Sofia (W) 65%

Barquero, Sofia (W)

Barrientos, Andres (W)

Barrientos, Andres (W)

Brenes, Julieth (W)

Brenes, Julieth (W)

Brenes, Julieth (W)

Calderon, Carlos Augusto (W)


Calderon, Carlos Augusto (W)

Calderon, Carlos Augusto (W)

Calderon, Carlos Augusto (W)

Calderon, Carlos Augusto (W)

Calvachi, George (W)

Calvachi, George (W)


Calvachi, George (W)

Chacon, Alejandro (W)


Chacon, Alejandro (W)

Chacon, Alejandro (W)

Chacon, Wilman (W) 94%
Chavarria, Lilliana (W) 100%

Chaves, Aracelly (W)

Chaves, Aracelly (W)

Garcia, Maria (W)

Garcia, Maria (W)

Lara, Tomas (W)

Lara, Tomas (W)
Lara, Tomas (W)
Leon, Edgar (W)
Leon, Edgar (W)
Leon, Edgar (W)
Leon, Edgar (W)
Medina, Kenneth (W)
Medina, Kenneth (W)
Medina, Kenneth (W) 65%

Medina, Kenneth (W)

Montenegro, Donna (W) 80%

Montoya, Marlon Jesus (W)


Montoya, Marlon Jesus (W)

Montoya, Marlon Jesus (W)

Mora, Herrol (W) n/a
Pacheco, Jose Andres (W)
Pacheco, Jose Andres (W)
Pacheco, Jose Andres (W)

Rodriguez, Sulay (W)


Rodriguez, Sulay (W)

Solano, Juan Jose (W)

Solano, Juan Jose (W)

Solano, Juan Jose (W)

Vargas, Marcelo (W)
Vargas, Marcelo (W)
Vargas, Marcelo (W)

Vega, Eduardo (W)

Vega, Eduardo (W)

West, Joel (W)


West, Joel (W)

Guardia, Mariela (W)

Guardia, Mariela (W)
Sanchez, Eddy (W) 100%
Arce, Jose (S)
Arce, Jose (S)

Camacho, Jorge (S)

Camacho, Jorge (S)

Camacho, Jorge (S)

Castro, Andres (S)

Castro, Andres (S)

Castro, Andres (S)

Castro, Andres (S)

Chaverri, Liz (S) 80%
Conejo, Jonathan (S)
Conejo, Jonathan (S)
Conejo, Jonathan (S)
Conejo, Jonathan (S)
Gonzalez, Laura (S)
Gonzalez, Laura (S)
Gonzalez, Laura (S)
Gonzalez, Laura (S)
Hernandez, Diego (S)
Hernandez, Diego (S) 60%
Hernandez, Diego (S)

Jimenez, Esteban (S) 94%

Monestel, Christopher (S)

Monestel, Christopher (S)


Monestel, Christopher (S)

Monestel, Christopher (S)

Monestel, Christopher (S)

Obando, Maureen (S)

Obando, Maureen (S)
Piedra, Maritza (S)
Piedra, Maritza (S)

Retana, Laura (S)

Retana, Laura (S)

Retana, Laura (S)

Sancho, Julio (S)

Sancho, Julio (S)

Sewell, Johan (S)

Sewell, Johan (S)

Silva, Norberto (S) 95%

Avilez, Susana (S) n/a

Bermudez, Roberto Carlos (S)

Bermudez, Roberto Carlos (S)

Calderon, Michael (S) 100%

Calvo, Luis Andres (S) n/a

Cantero, Luis (S) 96%

Cortes, Luis (S) 100%

Elizondo, Mabelin (S) n/a
Jimenez, Maria Jose (S) n/a
Morera, Marcia (S)
Morera, Marcia (S)
Morera, Marcia (S)
Morera, Marcia (S)
Morera, Marcia (S)
Pizarro, David (S) n/a
Portuguez, Saray (S) n/a

Rodriguez, Marcela (S) n/a

Zamora, Raul (S) n/a

Zarate, Jose Andres (S) n/a
Miss in

P1-A: Did not review itinerary

C5-A: Did not state the reason why she is putting the cust on hold
C6-C: Did not follow scripted guidelines. The case should be escalated to CR and not to a supervisor.
C6-D: Agent promised a callback
P4: Agent did not assign the case to herself, she just added notes.
P1-A: itin review
C5-A: hold time
P4: Gds usage
C1-C: Active listening: Agent failed to grasp the issue stated by the CCC agent that the customer had a cancelled
flight. Agent verified with pax if she missed the flight.
C6-A: Agent referred the customer to the carrier instead of following the script.

C6-C: Agent failed to follow scripted guidelines

No error

No error

No error

No error

P1-C: Did not inform the CCC agent about the issue. Agent just said he can only assist on Air concerns. Should
have provided a brief description of the issue.

P1-D: Did not offer further assistance to the customer.

P2: Agent cancelled the contact verification box.

C5-A: Improper hold: Did not ask permission from pax that he will place her on hold for a specific time frame. He
just said, let me transfer you to the CC dept..then he put pax on hold.
P4: No documentation on the case. Agent did not assign the case to himself.
C5-B: Dead air starting at 8:07 mark of the call up until 9:10.
C6-B: Agent failed to answer pax' questions:
Is having this ticket still valid will not impede me from getting another ticket? The agent should have specifically
answered the caller instead of avoiding the questions.
Do i need a cancellation number or something?
P4: Case was escalated to CS workflow then closed but was reopened then escalated back to TS. "

P1-A: Opens call promptly with appropriate greeting.

C5-A: Manages hold/wait time.

C5-B: Manages silences/dead air.

Failed to document the fees he quoted to pax- $100 chg fee and the $30 pcln service fee.
No error

C5-A: agent gave a hold time of 5-7 mins but didnt refresh hold time to pax


C5-A: did not refresh the hold at appropriate time.

C2: script usage, verbal collision.
unnecessary hold-agt placed pax on hold at the beginning of the call- while pulling up the reservation.Expected
hold time was not set.
TSG2 was not copied in his CARES notes.
Agent should have answered the caller's question/concern directly.
C2: poor enunciation of words/voice quality
C6-C: did not adv fees
P4: use EM, incorrect issue code
C5-A: dead air, improper hold procedure
agt should have changed the script to Entered Wrong City
incomplete review- failed to mention the travel date,
no documentation at all- agt should have documented the issue discussed and the advise provided
missed to read the script for pax who declines exchange and shouldhave provided the record locator since the
agent referred the pax to the carrier, failed to offer further assistance

missed to read the script for COp and for pax who declines exchange.

P1-D: Did not offer further assistance.

C6-C: (20pts) Agent did not follow the change of plans script "I need to think about it/Forget it - I'll keep my
P4: Agent failed to document the $amt that he advise the caller of.
*failed to expalin that there is a confirmation page to check if all the details in the itin are correct before we
charge our customers agent did not educate the customer about the confirmation page when customer was
explaining that it just got booked
*missed to emphatize or acknowledge customers reaction due to the penalties that will be charged
*failed to review or validate itin if correct
agent failed to take control of the call when passenger started complaining about the money that he will
loose,agent could have acknowledge the callers frustration or complains, agent must be aware and also think of
her own AHT as this kind of call will most likely get long if not controlled.

P1-A: Failed to answer the call within 5 seconds.

P1-D: Did not offer further assistance.

C6-C: Did not follow "Change of plans" script.

P1-A: Incomplete itinerary review-Failed to state the pax name.
C6-C: Failed to use the change of plans script "I need to think about it!/ I

P4: Failed to document the $amt and the flt time and date that he offered to the customer and also failed to
document that the customer will call us back, agent just documented pax is ok to call the carrier.

P1-D: Incomplete recap-Failed to state the DOT advisory.


C6-C: Did not follow the "I received a schedule change and my seat assignments are no longer confirmed!"

P4: Failed to create a case under "Seating questions or issues".

incomplete itin review, gds usage, did not send TSCHG
No error
P1-A: Did not review the itinerary
C6-C: Failed to provide the carrier's confirmation code when pax was referred to the airline.
P1-A: failed to answer call in 5 secs
call was answered on the 10th sec mark of the call
Inbound Only: If an agent fails to answer a call within 10 seconds or more, points will be deducted from this

C5-B: Dead Air *start of hold 10:10 got back to pax 13:30 mark of the call failed to get back to pax immediately
and If an agent fails to use a CARES activity as directed by a script,

C6-C. If an agent fails to use a CARES activity that is necessary but not mentioned in a script, points will not be
earned in this section
C6-A: Agent referred pax to the carrier eventhough pax already mentioned that she already called the a/l and
she was pushed back to us.
C6-C: Did not launch EM onset of the call; Agent advised pax that penalties might be waived if pax calls DL. This
is not in the script.

C1-A: Agent lacks enthusiasm, sounds sleepy so pax reacted "i can't hear you clearly"; Did not empathize when
pax said her child is ill.
P4: No documentation regarding what transpired in the call.
C6-C: Failed to follow scripted guidelines.
C1-A: no empathy
C6-A: no onwership
P4: did not follow script
P4: incorrect issue code
incomplete itin recap and documentation, incorrect issue, incomplete itin review
hold procedure
did not follow script
did not empathize
empathy not sincere
incorrect information
dead air

P4: failed to document what transpired on his call=should have notated the $100 chg fee and the $30 pcln
service fee

fees quoted were not documented.

Agt should have said that its $150 change fee from the carrier and the $30 PCLN service fee.
do not quote the whole charges as one as it will only cause confusion to the passenger, agt said $180 change

Agt should havr read the script for Change of Plan- DL.

would have mentioned the passenger's name

failed to offer further assistance

C6-C: (20pts)- Failed to use the chg of plans script "NO/I need to think about it / Forget it - I'll keep my tickets!".

P4: Agent failed to document the $amt that he advise the caller of.
P1-C: (5Pts) Agent does not meet any of the proper transfer procedures.
C6-C: (20Pts) Did not follow "Death" script for pre flight reseravtion.




P1-A: Incomplete itin review: Failed to state the passengers name.

C6-C: (20pts) Agent failed to advise the caller of this EOY script:
Step 3: After completing the EOY, review logo in the center of CARES: Mr./Ms.___, when you're ready to rebook,
just give us a call back. We recommend you visit our website to research your preferred flights on <airline
name> before calling. This will save you some time when you call.

Auto Zero-Cust asked for a supervisor because he's having understanding the agents explanation about making a
voluntary change, Agent place the caller on hold for 15mins and the call got disconnected.
P1-D: Incomplete itinerary recap-Failed to state the Day of the week for both OB and return flt and also arrival
the arrival time in DTW for the passengers return flt.


P1-A: Did not mention all pax names in the itinerary review.
P1-D: Incomplete itinerary recap, flight numbers and codeshare flights weren't mentioned.

No error

P3: Did not document the reason why other was selected as resolution code.

No error
agt failed to work the case under the Queue workflow-she is a queue agt.
incomplete review of itinerary
and invalid outbound call to Fl
failed to mention all pax name
previous TS agt worked the case to completion last 07/30, and the flts given to her were actually the flts provided
to the previous agent


Code PhnQA SChQA Miss in Code SchQA
3.1 Incorrect resolution-should be Time changed more
P1-A 3.1
than 3 hrs
C5-A 3.2 Original itinerary was not documented. 3.2
C6-C n/a n/a
C6-D n/a n/a
P4 n/a n/a
P1-A No agent error n/a
C5-A 100% n/a n/a
P4 n/a n/a

C1-C n/a n/a n/a

C6-A n/a n/a n/a

C6-C n/a n/a n/a

n/a 2.1 reprotection caused long layover, 2.1

n/a 1.5 did not call pax 1.5

n/a 1.7 Not all segments have seat assigned, if there was 1.7
an error received, it was not documented
3.1 Incorrect resolution code-should be No protection
n/a 3.1
n/a 3.2 ETR status is not documented. 3.2

3.1 Agent did not processed the case to completion.

TSCHG was not sent. Split PNR: the other record has
not been worked. The agent cross-referred the case
P1-C 3.1
to another case which has a documentation that it's
intended to be reassigned to Review Cxld Seg Status
but it was actually closed out without doing anything;
3.2 Reason why other was selected as resolution code
P1-D was not documented. 3.2

P2 n/a n/a

C5-A n/a n/a

P4 n/a n/a
C5-B 1.7 Did not assign seats 1.7

C6-B 2.0 Did not transmit ticket; . 2.1

3.1 Incorrect resolution code-should be Time changed
1 to 2 hrs later; Invalid call. sched change is
P4 3.1
acceptable-the connecting flight was just moved more
than 1 hour later

2.1 Failed to re-assign case to sc exchange pending

after working case to completion as advised by a/l
P1-A 2.1
agent to reissue the ticket.
3.2 Incomplete documentation – no current, original
C5-A 3.2
itinerary and ETR
C5-B n/a n/a
P4 100% No agent error n/a
n/a 100% No agent error n/a
3.1 Agent scheduled the case for ffup due to long hold
C5-A 3.1
time of the carrier
3.2 ETR status, original, current and new itinerary
n/a 3.2
were not documented.
C5-A incorrect issue code 2.1
C2 n/a n/a

C5-A n/a n/a

P4 n/a n/a
C6-B n/a n/a
C2 n/a n/a
C6-C n/a n/a
P4 n/a n/a
C5-A n/a n/a
P3 No agent error n/a
P1-D n/a n/a
P4 100% n/a n/a

C6-C n/a n/a

C6-C 100% No agent error n/a

P1-D n/a n/a n/a

C6-C n/a n/a n/a

P4 n/a n/a n/a

n/a 100% No agent error n/a
P4 n/a n/a n/a

C1-A n/a n/a n/a

P4 n/a n/a n/a

C4 3.1 did not update db 3.1


n/a n/a n/a

1.7 Not all segments have seat assigned, if there was

P1-A 1.7
an error received, it was not documented.
3.2 ETR status, original, current and new itinerary
P1-D 3.2
were not documented.
C6-C n/a n/a
P1-A 1.7 no seat requested. 1.7
C6-C 3.2 etr and new itin not documented. 3.2
P4 n/a n/a

P1-D No agent error n/a

n/a n/a n/a

C6-C No agent error n/a


P4 n/a n/a

C4 2.1 did not work to completion 2.1

n/a 3.2 incomplete documentation 3.2
n/a 100% No agent error n/a
P1-A n/a n/a n/a
C6-C n/a n/a n/a

3.2 Did not document the waiver code; did not

P1-A 3.2
document that ticket was transmitted;

81% 1.6 Agent rebooked pax from first class (A) to coach
C5-B (K). Should have called the carrier if same COS is not 1.6

C6-C n/a n/a

3.1 Incorrect resolution code-should be Other: Ticket

C6-A 3.1
is exchanged;

3.2 New itinerary was not documented; Email add
C6-C 3.2
77% where the TSCHG was sent was not documented.

C1-A n/a n/a

P4 n/a n/a
C6-C n/a n/a n/a
C1-A 3.2 incomplete documentation 3.2
C6-A n/a n/a
P4 n/a n/a
P4 n/a n/a
P3 2.1 gds usage 2.1
C5-A n/a n/a
C4 n/a n/a
C1-A n/a n/a
C1-A n/a n/a n/a
C6-C n/a n/a n/a
C5-B n/a n/a n/a

3.2 change in connecting city- from CLE to EWR but

P4 89% agent failed to notify pax and no waiver code 3.2

Providing a re-accomodation has to be on the same

P4 class of service and is supposed to be within the fare 1.6

C6-C the new itinerary in your notes has to be in all HK 3.2

Providing a re-accomodation has to be on the same
P3 class of service and is supposed to be within the fare 3.2
P1-B n/a n/a
P1-D n/a n/a

C6-C invalid call out 2.1

P4 n/a n/a
P1-C 1.6 Invalid booking class 1.6
C6-C n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

P1-A 3.1 incorrect issue code 3.1

C6-C 3.2 incomplete documentation 3.2

incorrect booking class, 1.6

Auto Zero 81%
incomplete documentation 3.2

P1-D n/a n/a n/a

3.1 Incorrect resolution code-should be Other- COS

changed. Please note that in choosing resolution
n/a 88% 3.1
code, you must refer to the most recent change in the
itinerary which is not yet known to pax.

P1-A No agent error n/a

P1-D n/a n/a

3.1 Incorrect resolution code-should be No changes

because the case was got all HK and CARES is already
n/a 88% updated. Please note that the selection of resolution 3.1
code is based on the most recent change in the

n/a n/a n/a n/a

P3 100% No agent error n/a

n/a 100% No agent error n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a 89% 3.2 no waiver code added 3.2
C6-A n/a n/a n/a
C6-A n/a n/a n/a
C6-A n/a n/a n/a
P1-B n/a n/a n/a

P4 n/a n/a n/a

n/a 88% 2.1 tkt was not transmitted 2.1

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
KANA Miss in Code KANA ExcQA

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a 67%

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a 89%

n/a n/a n/a


n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a 89%
n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a


n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

did not delete extraneous text n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a 100%
n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a 100%
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a 100%
n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a 100%

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a 100%

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

100% No agent error n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a

5.1 Subject line: Did not copy/paste the PTR in the n/a
95% 5.1
subject line
100% No agent error n/a n/a
86% n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
94% Incorrect Spacing 5.1 n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
There's no need to send kana TSHX since agent is n/a n/a
working on a Transmit tix numbers case.
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
Miss in Code ExcQA Week

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

No agent error n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
(PRICING) RR wasn’t used PRICING August 01-07
(GDS USAGE)failed to transmit tkt num GDS USAGE August 01-07
(TKTG DSTREAM)incorrect orig issue date TKTG DSTREAM August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

(PRICING)incorrect pricing method, val. cxr not appended PRICING August 01-07

(CARES SYSTEM USAGE)invalid reason for selecting

exchange now, reason selected was travel same day but CARES SYSTEM USAGE August 01-07
the original and new travel date is for the nextday

(FARE MASK)old endorsement not included in new tkt FARE MASK August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

(PRICING)RR wasn’t used PRICING August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

(CARES SYSTEM USAGE)failed to tick on charge svc fee CARES SYSTEM USAGE August 01-07

(TKTG DSTREAM)auth code not updated TKTG DSTREAM August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

(5.A ERROR)no INV line 5.A Error August 01-07

(TKTG DSTREAM)auth code not updated, incorrect orig
TKTG DSTREAM August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
No agent error n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07

(GDS USAGE)failed to request seats via 3NSST. GDS USAGE August 01-07

(TKTG DSTREAM)incomplete FP line, number identifier

TKTG DSTREAM August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
No agent error n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
(TKTG DSTREAM)incorrect orig FOP TKTG DSTREAM August 01-07
(CARES SYSTEM USAGE)failed to charge 30$ svc fee CARES SYSTEM USAGE August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
No agent error n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07

No agent error n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

No agent error n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
(GDS USAGE)failed to request seats, failed to transmit tkt
GDS USAGE August 01-07
(CARES SYSTEM USAGE)selected incorrect tkt numbers,
failed to send TSG2
(DOCUMENTATION)failed to document new pnr DOCUMENTATION August 01-07

(CARES SYSTEM USAGE)failed to tick on charge service fee CARES SYSTEM USAGE August 01-07
(TKTG DSTREAM)incorrect dstream format, dstream used
TKTG DSTREAM August 01-07
is for NYOP

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07

n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
n/a n/a August 01-07
Agent Name - all -
Week August 01-07
Code PhnQA Count of Code PhnQA Auto Zero C1
Auto Zero 1 C1-C C2
C1-A 5 C4 C5
C1-C 1 2%
3% C5-B C6
9% C6-B C6
50% 1% C6-D P1
1% P1-B P1
C2 2 10% P1-D P2
C4 3 P3 P4
Total Result
C5-A 9

C5-B 4
C6-A 6
C6-B 2

C6-C 18
C6-D 1
P1-A 9
P1-B 2
P1-C 2
P1-D 8
P2 1
P3 4
P4 20
Total Result 98
Total P1-B
Auto Zero C1-A
C1-C C2 P1-D
C4 C5-A P1-E
3% C5-B C6-A P2
9% C6-B C6-C
5% C6-D P1-A
1% C1-A
1% P1-B P1-C
0% P1-D P2
P3 P4 C1-B
Total Result C1-C




Total Points
Phones QA
Opens Call promptly with appropiate greeting
Personalzes the by using the caller/contact's name
Follow proper transfer procedures
Closes and wraps up call appropriately
Thank You statement
Completes contact logging appropriately
Initiates the conversation in an enthusiastic manner using a confident and positive
tone/language that demonstrates appreciation for the caller/contact, empathy as needed and
willingness to resolve the caller/contact’s situation
Maintains professional, courteous, and respectful demeanor throughout the call
Actively listens to the caller/contact
Uses language understandable by the caller/contact (avoids jargon, grammar, slang, poor
voice quality).
Displays understanding of the caller/contact’s issue (restate)
Fact finds effectively (probing questions)
Controls the call (direction and pace) and avoids unnecessary conversation or over-talking the
Manages hold/wait time
Manages silences/dead air
Takes ownership of the issue
Answers caller/contact's questions appropriately
Provides complete, accurate, and correct solution to caller/contact’s concern
Avoids errors of omissions
Chooses correct issue/call coding
Accurately uses CARES and its activities appropriately. And documents CARES notes
Total Points
Point Value






Agent Name - all -
Week - all -

Code SchQA Count of Code SchQA Total

1.5 1
1.6 4

1.7 4 1.5
1%5% 5% 1.6
2.1 8 9% 1.7
3.1 10 50% 11% 2.1
3.2 17 3.1
Total Result 44 19% 3.2
Total Result
Code Schd Chg QA Point Value
1.0 Itinerary
1.1 City Pairs 11
1.2 Dates of Travel 11
1.3 Does connection time meets MCT ? 11
1.4 Is new itinerary complete? 11
Are departure / arrival times of new as
1.5 8
1.5 close to original as possible?
1.6 1.6 Booking Class 8
1.7 Was attempt made assign seats 5
3.1 Total Points 65
3.2 2.0 GDS
Total Result 2.1 System usage 12
Total Points 12
3.1 System Usage / Performed Activities 12
3.2 Documentation (includes OSI,SSR) 11
Total Points 23
Total Possible Score 100
Agent Name - all -
Week August 01-07
Code KANA Count of Code KANA

5.1 2
Total Result 2

Notes: Only Marcia Morera

and Luis Cantero has
califications on KANA
Code KANA QA Point Value
1.0 Accuracy
Total 1.1 Identify Product / Brand 12
Proper Identification of Issue / Best
1.2 14
possible response (Hotkey)
Modification & Deletion of Extraneous
1.3 12
Total Points 38
5.1 2.0 Soft Skills
Total Result

2.1 Customer Name 10

Total Points 10
3.1 Documentation & Unauthorized Mail 14
Total Points 14
4.1 Grammar / Spelling 8
4.2 Puntuaction / Capitalization 6
Total Points 14
5.1 Subject Line 10
5.2 Footer / Signature 8
5.3 Visual Appeal / Formating 6
Total Points 24
Total Possible Score 100
Point Value
Agent Name - all -
Week - all -

Code ExcQA Count of Code ExcQA Total

5.A Error 1
PRICING 3 50% 8%
Total Result 20
Total Result

5.A Error
Total Result

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