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‘acd Ang 203) ‘Republic of the Philippines BICOL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR’S OFFICE TLegupi City UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, ‘Academic Veat 2023-2024, {Senate 4208 9 Deane 10. Seca “Deo 22S 224 Speen any toy 2h ee ‘hojaronetn ajar yay an {GENERAL EWAQENT PEN 2 at 1,38 Som. 2508) soe aay St Cas human el Se Hep Sct i Aten enn Rese onc jes 22 i Aha Cae Reg eg 1 Gemalto wine 1 Saw! Be cass pm tenmy Lt Sanne 009 2 Sy an ywchen on | Nae open Ere SSF en ‘ocronsa ‘26am Barn! cag Ne Stn Sots ox ssa 7 fp Not $0 Bur Doy ens Hla. eckasnk as 15 Fl Cty Cen at hn nag Stet {3 Ls av oF Cues a Sener A ze leery Sanday LenS) 1 UST AGF CUES tS, AY 22202 ots oe 2 Senet Bs xan Tey et 183 Srl eo Cenc areirNSdhet 2 Seo ing 5 Canes ay Rete He) 9 Fey fea 3 tna oyaf ear Snoring Hd | EsaRoouten pul Nargis) aw ari eGuide State ain ara tN Gd Srts lay Tete ey Reps) "etn close el) | nowrap) ae yap bean ar Se sax Ss of Grey Fy Geng St Sena. 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Janay 1,204 AGHINISTRAWE COUNCIL MEST (ane F SUBMISSION OF REPORTS BY THE COULEGESAINTS: 1 Repion GAEDE Bag 2 Repo en Gadbn ig 3 i uly 24,2006 (tran (2) days aU Acadone Cour Ning 5 Repoton COG: & OTR a. 2nd Som, 20722025, Jane 23,2028 b_$wsam azac0000 December 2, 2023 PC Lst of Graduates wit Board Course od Som. 20272023 6 Nitya 2024 | Fa ays ater he sua of BOR Referendum Reclon Naber _$eSem 20732006 rm ae Rear ae of Som, 2023-292 ely Sl angus ween gs Crp Spent 8,202 3 Submission of Fie Coples of Ropar Gaadesto ne Unnerty Restor OMe by be Coleg Risa: En ofan (1 Academic Year 3 2¥Sen.20222023 b, Midyear 2023, &_4Sen,2025-2004 {sine fr One Gra EnestnglSubision of par of Grates by Facuhy on ceasing 2 Nanci "AGTIMMES OF BU GRADUATE SCHOOL 1.__Lastdayf Suisse of Adissions fom — 2 Deane of Submission of Let Recuect or eaaissn (Ling of LR, AWOL 2nd ‘receding sine 2 Desde o Fig aoc or Leave of Absence 2 itadrctioerotinasemestr | Aug, 2023, 1b, pudiowihdow ihn he | 2eeke pir stat of LOA 4. 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RAD Centon far ony Hest Faaly Meiers ay 1-18, August TEE 10. We Yer Rew of Amn Supa Syston or an Nay 1-12 +1 OVPRDE State Planing Worisian August 21-25 {L OVPRDE Year and Revew end Paneng Wotchap Reseuc and Extension Mens ard Workshops December 6 {Bele Cae Enea BUSEY Onin Aptcatn fr SY 208 - 2425 1 BUGET Eanneon or SY 206-205 Fin of Appear Scolari tA Colgate Schlathip Ofenaton wen Farley ‘RAG BUENO ‘Steer certo pr coe) CigerzaloRe-Crpanzaon of Sibi Oars Pip lao Nast aod | Santer Sete I a ia Sir Septanber 1, Sisto of Ust fees CBOs he Dsornaton ofUst of eerefeé UBOS to ColpeeUnis__S#Ptrber 32023, ‘Amourcemert of AcsecheaRe Accrosied Pola Paes Sapiaber 30,2023 | Les eee ee ac | tient AesetontOonaton a Course and Pare Cool Wap ——— Sa Esoen Woop br Gers fom Uncaverioal Calg Stet Cosel ‘enter of USC Candies (OSAS) and CSC Cente (CSAC) and rng of Electen Covenant _ Campaign Peed the Cuandng Unierety Sort USOICBO, and CSO Entrance Sa tere Otay Ue Se USOTED, Joe 44204 ese geen cea fade | En Deanna of es | este die danas Soeirtomesenceertteanetrte | | a May et, 2006 82 ‘Decombr 7,205 September 15,2083 Novomber #8, 2023 | ‘September, 2023 ‘August, 2028 ee September 21,2028 No. of Days of Faculty Service from August 02, 2023 to May 21, 2024 Fin Semester ‘Second Semester July 2023 | - 00 days “January 2024 | - 30 days ‘August 2023 |= 30 days February 2024 | - 29 days ‘September 2023 | - 30 days. ‘March 2024 [a1 da ‘October 2023 | -_31 days, ‘Apri 2024 | - 30 days November 2023 | - 30 days ‘May 2024 [- 21 days December 2023 |- 19 days (less 12 days) TaleINe. af Bayse reculysaviee | 140 days Tal days = 281 days *toss 12 days Faculty Chita: Brake ‘105s one {dy Naw Year's Day (ee 20,2023 9 Dee. 31.2023) (Uarwry ,2524 No. of Days of Midyear Break of Faculty May 2024 [- 10a uly 2024 [- 30 days June 2024 [= 30 ‘August 2024 [= Oday Tolono. ermiayeorbeok Do | 40 days 30 doys = 70 days Summary ‘Semesier/Term/Break | Number of Days of Faculty Service and Break TF Semester 140. 2rd Semester 1a) ‘Midyear Break 70. "Faculty Christmas Break 12 “New Year's Day. 1 Total 364 July 31, 2024 - First Day of Service of Faculty for Academic Year 2024-2025 ‘August 5, 2024 - Fst Day of Classes in Elementary/Secondary Level/Senior HS for Academic Year 2024-2025 ‘August 12, 2024 ~ First Day of Classes in Terfiary Level for AY 2024-2025 For Approval: LANY|L. MACEDA, DIT PROF. DAVES L. YONGA Univettity Registrar Officer-in-Charge, Office of Student Affairs and Services Recommending NRot ‘AMELIA A. DOROSAN, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs SUMMARY OF CLASS DAYS/HOURS PER TERM/SEMESTER (Undergraduate & Graduate Levels) First Semester 2023-2024 ‘Second Semester 2023-2024 st 14, 2023 to December 19, 2023) (Jonvary 15, 2024 to May 21, 2024) MWF TH SAT MWF) ITH SAT (2Hourhmg) | (15 HeePvng) | Hrs ta) (aitefvea) | (us e/g) | (sg) Tagust, 2023 | 06/06 03706 05/02 | Tanvary, 2024 | 08/08 [75/08 05/02 September | 13/3 12/08 75/05 _| February aaa 135/08 09703 October Bis 35/05 area [ March waz [105/07 2/04 November fz 12/08 72/04 [April 13/s__| 135/08 13/68 ‘Decomber 07 75/8 05/03 | May 98708 | 75/05 ToaiNe.c10a% |S} 36 1 [Teale aioe | — 58 36 Tae aaas [si 5 | Toa ations | BS ‘Soap Se anton case nar faminictince SUMMARY OF CLASS DAYS PER TERM ‘Second Semester 2023-2024 | August 2023, 14 d0y5, January, 2024 15 oye September 2 days February 34 days October 25 days March 23 days November 2A days ‘Apri 25 dows December 15 dave Ma 7 days aa No oO 105 oy Tol Ne Tot dove ‘Semestral Break - December 20, 2023 to January 14, 2024 (For Students Only) Christmas Break of the Faculty ~ December 20, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Last Day of Faculty Service - May 21, 2024 July 31, 2024 - First Day of Service of Faculty for Academic Year 2024-2025 “August 52024 - Fist Day of Classes in lementory/Secondary Level/Senior HS for Academic Year 2024-2025 ‘August 12, 2024 - Firs! Day of Classes in Tertiary Level for AY 2024-2025 PROF. TONGA Univerity Registrar Officerin-Chorge, Office of Student Affoirs ond Services Recommending Approval: AMELIA A. DOROSAN, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs NUMBER OF SCHOOL DAYS FOR ELEMENTARY /SECONDARY LEVEL Tint Semester - August 7, 2023 to December 15,2023, ‘Second Semester - January 2, 2024 To May 17, 2024 Avaust 2023 | = 19-day January 2024 [= 22 dey September 2023 | _21 da February 2024 | - 21 doy ‘October 2023 |__-_22.da ‘March 2024 |_- _19-d) November 2023 | - 21 day ‘Apri 2024 |. 22d) December 2023 [11 days mm May 2024-12-60) TolalNo, ef School Days 3a days 96 days = 190 No. of Days of Faculty Service from August 2, 2023 to May 21, 2024 ay a8 | oc Tanya = 30a Togas 203 |= 306 february pe > Seplenbera03 [= sidan Wore et [rao Octeber 2025-31 ye fst ee | soda Tvemer 290330 Seyi wy 2824 | 2 Sa Becembe’ 290 — 19 aof Je SSA Taka woonttenmriee| Tabane Wi doa= aaa suitcase ineayereo No, of Days of Midyear Break of Faculty May 2024 | 10 days July 2034 [= 30 days ‘June 2024 | —30-doys ‘August 2024 |= 0 days TetaiRo, ST niayearWeeK Boys 40-do) 30 doys_= 70da) Summary. ‘Semester/Term/treak | Number of Days of Facully Service and Break 1s! Semester 140, ‘2n8 Semester, Ta Midyear Break 70. *Facully Christmas Break 12 “New Year's Day. 1 Total 364 July 31, 2024 - First Day of Service of Faculty for Academic Year 2024-2025 ‘August 5, 2024 - First Day of Classes in Elementary/Secondary Level/ Senior HS for Academic Year 2024-2025 ‘August 12, 2024 — First Day of Classes in Tertiary Level for AY 2024-2025 For Approval LANY |. MACEDA, DIT PROF. DAVES'L: TONGA. ity Registrar Officerin-Charge, Office of Student Affairs and Services Recommending aa aan ‘A. DOROSAN, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs

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