Basic - SC - 25.08.2021 - Encouraging Children To Enjoy Studying

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Phần I. Giới thiệu bản thân

- Name, age, job, place you live, hobby
Cách giới thiệu bản thân: Tại đây
Phần II. Nội quy lớp học
Class Rules (Nội quy lớp học)
1. Use English only (Chỉ nói tiếng Anh)
2. Practice speaking on a topic under the guidance of the teacher (Thực hành nói theo
chủ đề dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên)
3. Don’t do personal things in the class (Không làm việc riêng trong lớp)
Phần III: Trả lời câu hỏi
1. Vocabulary game: List some reasons why children don’t want to study, using these
following pictures.
● They are bullied by their classmates/ schoolmates.
● They are scared of classes and schools
● They are unmotivated/they find it hard to understand and study.
● They have a poor health condition/they suffer lack of sleep
● They are too lazy/not concentrated in studying/There are too many entertainments
around them
● Their parents scold too much/Their parents are too strict.

2. What would you do if your child got a bad grade?

(Bạn nên làm gì nếu con bị điểm kém?)
● The first thing I would do is to make sure I do not react at the moment. I’d wait until I
calm down a little bit and schedule a time to talk.
● Once I scheduled a time to talk about the student’s progress, I’d start the
conversation off with the phrase, “I noticed” and avoid saying, “you.” Often this will
alleviate any feelings of blame and allow for a more open discussion.
● For example, I’d say, “I noticed that your math grade is a lot lower than we both
thought it would be. Help me understand what happened,” rather than, “You did not
do well in math. This is unacceptable.” The phrase, “help me understand,” will give
my child a chance to explain himself/herself and explain what went wrong.
3. Discuss with your partner what you can do to encourage your children to enjoy
studying more.
(Bạn nên làm gì để khuyến khích con hứng thú học tập hơn?)
● Turn off the TV, mobile phones, and tablets. Make a house rule, depending on the
location of the set, that when it is study time, it is “no TV”/ “no phone” time.
● Teach your children that studying is more than just doing homework assignments.
Encourage them to do things like taking notes, skimming material, summarizing what
they have read in their own words.
● Even when your children are in high school and should be managing their work, ask
about upcoming projects/tests and inquire about their plan for completing them. You
should continue to show that you care about their academic success and that you
will reward them for their good study habits.
4. Role-play
A: Your children are very lazy and just want to play video games, instead of
studying. Ask your friend for advice.
B: You are A’s friend. Give him/her some advice.
(Con bạn lười học, chỉ thích chơi game. Hỏi xin lời khuyên.)
● My son is too lazy. He just wants to play video games, instead of studying. What
should I do?
● I even scolded him but nothing has changed.
● What can I do to help him with homework?
● You should try rewarding him when he gets good grades. Offering tangible rewards
(like money, a toy, new boots, etc.) tends to make your child dependent on the
reward to achieve good grades in the future.
● You must be specific about your expectations when it comes to rewarding good
grades. "If you get three A's, you will get..."
● Also, you should try to help him with his homework. Here are some tips for you: have
your child settle into a good study space; help him focus; set up a regular time for
homework; review the work when your child says he’s finished.

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