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Fractiles of Grouped data

Fractiles of grouped data is when data is arranged in ascending or descending order, it can
be divided into various parts by different values such as quartiles, deciles and
percentiles.These values are collectively called quantiles and are the extension of median
formula which divides data into two equal parts.
To measure quartiles you can use the formula: Qk = L +[kN/4- <CF]/f *i.
To measure decile you can use the formula: Dk= L + [kN/10 - <CF]/f *i. To measure
percentile you can use the formula: P= L+ [kN/100 - <CF]/100 *i .

Examples: Quartile, decile, percentile

Given= Weights of 50 pcs of jackfruits sold in Supermarket Y. The weights (in pounds) are
50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74.
No. of pieces (frequency) are 5 , 19,22,3,1
<CF are 5,24,46,49,50
Let's now solve the Q1 . So Q1 is the Nth/4 , and the total number of observations is 50,so
50/4 = 12.5th item.
Since 12.5th item belongs to 55-59,
Hence, L = 54.5
<CF = 5
f = 19
N= 50

Solution : Q1= L + [ N/4 - <CF]/f (i)

= 54.5 + [ 50/4 - 5]/19 (5)
= 54.5 + [ 12.5 -5]/19 (5)
= 54.5 + [ 7.5]/19 (5)
= 54.5 + 1.97
= 56.47

Let us now solve the D6. So D6 is the 6Nth/ 10, and the total number of observations is
50,so 6(50) /10. 6(50)th is 300/10= 30th item. Since 30th item belongs to 60-64,
Hence, L= 59.5
<CF= 24
f= 22
N= 50

Solution: D6 = L + [6N/10-<CF]/f (i)

= 59.5 + [30-24]/22 (5)
= 59.5 + [6]/22 (5)
= 59.5 + 1.36 = 60.86

Let us solve the percentile 95. So P95 is the 95N/100 , the total observations is 50, so
95(50) /100. 95(50) is 4750/100= 47.5th item. Since 47.5th item belongs to 65-69,
Hence, L= 64.5
<CF= 46
f= 5
i= 5
N= 50
Solution: P95= L + [95N/100- <CF]/f (i)
= 64.5 + [95(50) /100 -46]/3 (5)
= 64.5 + [ 47.5 -46]/3 (5)
= 64.5 + [1.5]/3 (5)
= 64.5 + 2.5 = 67

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