English Task Jwaban

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Change to Passive voice.

1. I clean my room every day.

Answer: My room is cleaned by me every day.

2. Tom bought a nice present yesterday.

Answer: A nice present was bought by Tom yesterday.

3. Ann will sing a beautiful song.

Answer: A beautiful song will be sung by Ann.

4. Ben repaired my computer yesterday.

Answer: My computer was repaired by Ben yesterday.

5. My sister is making a tasty cake now.

Answer: A tasty cake is being made by my sister now.

6. We have bought tickets to the concert.

Answer: Tickets to the concert have been bought by us.

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7. Helen teaches French at school.

Answer: French is taught by Helen at school.

8. They grow strawberries every year.

Answer: Strawberries are grown by them every year.

9. Tim sent an SMS to his friend.

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Answer: An SMS was sent by Tim to his friend.

10. She has written a test today.

Answer: A test has been written by her today.

11. They visited that museum yesterday.

Answer: That museum was visited by them yesterday.

12. I am watching a football match now.

Answer: A football match is being watched by me now.

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13. Pam has found the keys in the table.

Answer: The keys have been found by Pam in the table.

14. Mona is washing the clothes now.

Answer: The clothes are being washed by Mona now.

15. You have made a lot of mistakes.

Answer: A lot of mistakes have been made by you.

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