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English IV


Name: Program
Topic: Question tags

A. Write the name of a classmate in each sentence that you think best matches the

1. valencia spends a lot of money on clothes.

You spend a lot of money on clothes, don't you? Yes, l do

2. valencia isn't afraid of spiders.

valencia isn't afraid of spiders, is he? Yes, I am

3. jeferson went to bed late last night.

You went to bed late last night, don’t you? Yes, I do

4. suaza lives in an apartment.

you lives in an apartment, don’t you? No, I don’t

5. Alexis and valencia is a romantic.

They are a romantic, Don’t they? Yes, they are

6. johan would like to travel around the world.

johan would like to travel around the world, would not you? Yes, l would

7. jeferson has had a haircut recently.

You has had a haircut recently, hasn’t you? Yes, I have

8. fernando can juggle.

you can juggle, can’t you? Yes, I can

9. jeferson studies English every day.

you studies English every day, don’t you? Yes, I do

10. alexis doesn’t have a pet.

alexis doesn’t have a pet, does he? Yes, I do

11. fernando is interested in art.

fernando is interested in art, isn’t he? Yes, I am

12. johan wouldn’t like to go sky diving.

You wouldn’t like to go sky diving, would not you?

Yes, l would © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom


13. johan doesn’t like cats.

johan doesn’t like cats, does he? Yes, I do

14. fernando has been to Southeast Asia.

You has been to southeast Asia, Hasn’t you? Yes, I has

15. fernando didn’t go out last weekend.

you didn’t go out last weekend, did you? Yes, I did

16. fernando plays a musical instrument.

Fernando plays a musical instrument, doesn’t he? Yes, I do

17. samaca is feeling sleepy at the moment.

Samaca is feeling sleepy at the moment, isn’t he? Yes, I am

18. suaza has been to the cinema this week.

You has been to the cinema this week, Hasn’t you? Yes, I has

19. samaca hasn’t been on holiday this year.

You hasn’t been on holiday this year, Has you? Yes, I has

20. valencia can play football really well.

You can play football really well, can’t you? Yes, I can


B. Now, ask your classmates tag questions to see if your statements are right or
wrong. Award yourself one point for each correct statement.


You spend a lot of money on clothes, don't you? Yes, I do. / No I don't.

You aren't afraid of spiders, are you? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom


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