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English 10 Summative Test 9.

It is a part of the persuasive essay which

Direction: Read each questions carefully and write the letter summarizes the main points of the text.
of your answer on a ½ lengthwise. A. Introduction B. Thesis Statement
C. Body Paragraphs D. Conclusion
1. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?
10. What persuasive technique/device is used in
A. to entertain a reader B. to
convince a reader
the statement, “ Believe me! I’ve been there
C. to inform the reader before. I’m just like you.”
D. to describe a series of events A. Appeal to Trust B. Appeal to Reason
2. Which is not a characteristic of a good persuasive C. Bandwagon D. Exaggeration
writing piece?
A. The writer provides strong arguments as 11. A type of textual aids in which points are
support. connected to show relationships between two
B. The writer provides information based from or more items.
opinions only.
A. Bar Graph B. Concept Map
C. The writer entertains the reader with
C. Line Graph D. Venn diagram
engaging dialogue between characters.
D. The writer uses illustrations, photographs,
12. It is the most realistic and dramatic
and diagrams to convince the reader. representation of physical features in which the
3. What is the primary purpose of a document that is reader can see exactly what the writer is talking
written to convince readers to change their about.
opinions? A. Image or picture B. Italic and bold letters
A. to answer question B. to build goodwill C. Table D.Title
C. to persuade D. to inform 13. They are length of parallel bars either vertical
4. Which of the following best defines an assertion? or horizontal and are used to make
A. It is a statement used to make a declaration or to
make strong belief on a particular topic.
A. Bar Graph B. Concept Map
B. It refers to the view somebody takes about an
issue, especially when it is based solely on personal C. Line Graph D. Venn diagram
C. It is known to be consistent with objective reality 14. What type of graph is this?
and can be proven true.
D. It is liking one idea over other ideas.
5. Which purpose does the statement implies? If we
don’t extend our financial help, many people might
A. Stir up sympathy B. urge people to act
C. Support a cause D. Create interest
6. How does the author share his/her opinion about an
A. Bar Graph B. Line Graph C. Pictograph D. Pie Graph
issue through persuasive writing?
A. Share his/her personal opinion B.
Support his/her opinion through the uses 15. What kind of pet is being owned the most?
C. Create fictional information to trick the reader A. Cat B. Dog C. Goldfish D. Hamster
D. Share the opinions of others that are similar to
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of
A. statistics B. results from research
C. expert opinion D. personal opinion
8. Which two paragraphs are the most similar?
A. Introduction and conclusion
B. Introduction and Body Paragraphs
C. Conclusion and Body Paragraphs
D. None of the paragraphs are similar
Study the graph. Then complete the B. They are educational instruments that
paragraph using the data presented in the summarize a text.
graph. C. They are instruments that distract
learner's attention on important points.
16.One-eight kilo of beef supplies 60% of D. They are educational instruments written
what daily requirement? or printed that emphasized essential points,
A. Calcium B. Protein C. Vitamin B1 D. Vitamin B3 graphs and images.

17. Based on the graph, one-eight kilo of 25. Which of the following items is a
beef supplies about 28% of what nutrient? graphical or symbolic representation of a
A. Calcium B. Iron c. Protein D. Vitamin A process?
A. Concept Map B. Flow Chart
18. Which of the statement best describes C. Table D. Venn Diagram
the use for bar graphs?
A. They show trends over time.
B. They compare things between two groups.
C. They are used to track changes over short
period of time.
D. They are used to track changes over long
period of time.

19. Which is the best way to display the

information about monthly expenses for last
A. Bar Graphs B. Concept Map
C. Pie Chart D. Venn Diagram

21. James is going to report the sales per

month of their car company for the year
2019. What type of graph should we use to
present that data?
A. Bar Graphs B. Flow Charts
C. Pie Charts D. Venn Diagram

22. Ram is going to discuss in class the

"Water Cycle". What graph should he use to
show the process?
A. Concept Map B. Flow Chart
C. Line Graph D. Pie Chart

23. John will make a comic strip of the fable,

"The Monkey and the Turtle", What type of
textual aid will he most likely use?
A. concept map B. graphic organizer C.
illustrations D. Italics and bold letters

24. Which of the following is TRUE about

textual aids?
A. They are educational instruments used in
linear texts.

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