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Saint Micheal College, Cantilan, Incorporated

Cantilan Surigao del sur

2nd Quarters- S.Y. 2023-2024


I. Objective
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Classify sentences according to their uses.
b. Construct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
c. Read sentences correctly and clearly with expressions.
d. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Different types of Sentence According to Structure
References: Grammar and Composition 4 By Prentice Hall
Proficiency in English 8 by Simeon Tabinda
Materials: Powerpoint, instructional materials

III. Learning Activities

Teachers Activity Students Activity
“Good Morning Class...” “Good morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first...” (One student will lead the Prayer)

(Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent for the day)

“How’s your day? Is it great so far?” “It was great Ma’am!”

“That’s good to know. So, are you ready to “Yes Ma’am!”

discuss our new topic for today?”

“Okay that’s good, let’s begin this with a “Yes Ma’am!’

group activity! Are you ready?


Group Activity
Students will be divided in to four; each
group will be given a pieces of paper with
words written on them. They will be asked
to arrange the words in order to make a

They will come up with the following


1. Philippines is rich in natural resources.

2. When did you go visit the white island?
3. Please give the certificate.
4. I can’t believe it! We won!
Saint Micheal College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan Surigao del sur
2nd Quarters- S.Y. 2023-2024


“Very nice! I am very pleased you were able (Students will give their answer)
to finish the task given to you. Now let’s
discuss your answers. Anybody who can tell
me what he/she notices with the following


“Very good observation! Now, let me “Declarative sentences make a statement.

introduce you the four types of sentences. They tell us something. They give us
Would someone read the first type of information, and they normally end with a
sentence for me?” full-stop/period (Statement)”

“Thank you. Now let’s take a look at the “Ma’am, because it gives an information and
sentence that group 1 came up with. This it states a fact. It also ends with a period.”
one is a declarative sentence. Could you tell
me the reason why it’s classified as

“Very good. Well said. Now, can somebody “I like coffee.”

give me an example of a declarative

“Nice answers! Now let’s talk about the “Interrogative sentences ask a question. They
second type of sentence. Would someone ask us something. They want information, and
read the definition. they always end with a question mark.

“Yes, and could you give me an example as “Do you like candy?”

“Perfect! It’s easy to understand, right? “Yes Ma’am”

Remember that an interrogative sentence
ends with a question mark.”

“I also want to remind you that you have to “Yes Ma’am”

read an interrogative sentence well. You
have to sound like you’re really asking a
question. Don’t just read it as if it’s a
declarative sentence so you won’t be
misuderstood when someone listens to you.”

“Now let’s proceed to the next type of “imperative sentences give a command. They
sentence which is the imperative sentence. tell us to do something, and they end with a
Read the definition.” full-stop/period (.) or exclamation mark/point
Saint Micheal College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan Surigao del sur
2nd Quarters- S.Y. 2023-2024


“Thank you. Now, let’s check the sentence “Ma’am, it’s because the sentence do not state
that group 3 came up with. It ends with a a fact or an opion. It states a request.”
period but doesn’t mean it’s a declararive
sentence. Can somebody explain to the class

“You got it! Perfect! Now, let’s discuss the “Exclamative sentences express strong
last type of sentence. Exclamatory sentence. emotion/surprise—an exclamation—and they
Can someone read the defination for me?” always end with an exclamation mark/point

“Thank you. Now, I know you’ll find it very “What an exciting movie it was!”
easy to understand its function. Can
somebody give me an example?”

“Well done, class! Do you have any “None ma’am!”


“Nice. I am pleased with your participation. Yes ma’am!”

Now let’s have a short activity before you
take the quiz.”

“Using the pictures shown on the board, I “Yes Ma’am!”

want you to form different types of
sentences according to function.”

Picture 1 (student answer

1. Declarative: Lee Jung Suk is a Korean

2. Interrogative: Is he famous?
3. Imperative: Could you please give me his
phone number?
4. Exclamatory: OMG! It’s Lee Jung Suk!)

(students answer:
Picture 2
1. Declarative: They are asking for directions.
2. Interrogative: Are you lost?
3. Imperative: Would you please tell us how to
get there?
4. Exclamatory: Help! we are lost!)
Saint Micheal College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan Surigao del sur
2nd Quarters- S.Y. 2023-2024


“Now, class, let’s remember that sentences “A declarative sentence states a fact or opinion
have four functions. They can be declarative, and ends with a period.”
interrogative, imperative or exclamatory.
Can you again tell me the differences of the “An interrogative sentence asks a question and
four?” ends with a question mark.”

“An imperative sentence expresses a request

or gives a command or direction. It also and
ends with a period or exclamation mark.”

“An exclamatory sentence conveys emotion

and ends with an exclamation mark.”

“Exactly! let us also remember the right “Yes Ma’am!”

punctuations to use when forming a


Group Activity:
Make a short presentation depicting different
situations. Make sure to use all types of

Group 1;
you and your friends are in a concert.

Group 2:
You are lost when you meet a group of
friends having fun on the road.

Group 3:
Your teacher informed you about your
failing marks.


Directions: Read each sentence carefully and

identify their function. Write DC if it is
Declarative, INC if it is interrogative, IMC if
it is imperative and EC if exclamatory.

1. Samar Island is known for its beautiful

caves and water falls.
2. Did the organization approve her
3. Isn’t her voice magnificent!
Saint Micheal College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan Surigao del sur
2nd Quarters- S.Y. 2023-2024

4. It’s a baby boy!

5. Call the insurance agent, please.
6. Watch out for that car!
7. What harm did the delay cause?
8. Most people do enjoy taking risks.
9. Is there anything else that I can get you?
10. Keep off the grass.

Write a short narrative about your most

unforgettable experience. Use at least 4
declarative, 4 imperative, 4 exclamatory, and
4 interrogative sentences.

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