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Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282

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Student performance and high school landscapes: Examining the links

Rodney H. Matsuoka ∗
University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: High school students today are experiencing unprecedented levels of school-related stress. At the same
Received 25 August 2009 time, a growing body of research has linked views of nature with restoration from mental fatigue and
Received in revised form 23 May 2010 stress reduction. How important are such views for students while they are at school? This study investi-
Accepted 25 June 2010
gated 101 public high schools in southeastern Michigan to examine the role played by the availability of
Available online 24 July 2010
nearby nature in student academic achievement and behavior. The analyses revealed consistent and sys-
tematically positive relationships between nature exposure and student performance. Specifically, views
with greater quantities of trees and shrubs from cafeteria as well as classroom windows are positively
Nature contact
Academic achievement
associated with standardized test scores, graduation rates, percentages of students planning to attend a
Classroom behavior four-year college, and fewer occurrences of criminal behavior. In addition, large expanses of landscape
Mental fatigue lacking natural features are negatively related to these same test scores and college plans. These fea-
Stress tureless landscapes included large areas of campus lawns, athletic fields, and parking lots. All analyses
High school students accounted for student socio-economic status and racial/ethnic makeup, building age, and size of school
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2000). Researchers have also hypothesized that such restoration

should be positively linked with better behavior. For example, find-
High school students have a great need for restorative and ings have associated greater nature exposure with enhanced levels
stress-reducing environments, and this need may be growing. of self-discipline in children (Faber Taylor et al., 2002). In addition,
School work loads and the competition that students face in the both recovery from mental fatigue and stress were postulated to
college application process have increased to unprecedented lev- explain the positive connections found between the presence of
els in recent years (Mundy, 2005; Ramírez, 2009; U.S. Department indoor classroom plants and reductions in misbehaviors, feelings
of Education, 2005). Research dealing with life events has cited of unfriendliness, and hours of sick leave of junior high school stu-
school-related issues as the leading sources of stress for this age dents (Han, 2009). These cognitive, social, and behavior benefits
group (Ainslie et al., 1996; Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005; Stuart, found among children and younger teenagers, then, should trans-
2006). In addition, high school dropout rates in major urban areas late into better overall high school student performance involving
throughout the United States are high and student satisfaction academic performance, interest in staying in school, and classroom
with the high school experience has decreased significantly (Dillon, behaviors.
2009; Freeman, 2004). How important is such contact with outdoor nature for high
At the same time, a growing body of research has linked views students while they are at school? What features of the campus
of and access to nature with restoration from mental fatigue and landscape have the most affect on student academic achievement
stress reduction. With regard to children and teenagers, this nature- and behavior? Surprisingly, there appears to be little information
based restoration process has been associated with higher test to answer these questions, particularly with respect to high school
scores (Heschong Mahone Group, 2003a), better attention levels aged students.
among children suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity dis-
order (Faber Taylor and Kuo, 2009; Faber Taylor et al., 2001; Kuo 1.1. Nature contact benefits in diverse settings
and Faber Taylor, 2004), and greater cognitive functioning (Wells,
1.1.1. School setting
As Owens (1997, p. 158) suggested, there has been “limited
∗ Present address: University of Illinois, Department of Landscape Architecture,
interest in improvements to the design of exterior spaces at high
101 Temple Buell Hall, MC-620, 611 Taft Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, USA.
schools.” In the context of elementary schools, the Heschong
Tel.: +1 734 709 0811. Mahone Group (2003a) found that ample classroom window views
E-mail address: (i.e., 100 sq. ft. of window area or greater per classroom) that

0169-2046/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
274 R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282

included vegetation (i.e., primarily trees or shrubs) or human activ- In addition, attention restoration theory proposes that restora-
ity (e.g., playground, lunch area, parking lot), and objects in the tive environments possess four important components, namely
far distance were associated with higher scores on standardized being away, extent, fascination, and compatibility (Kaplan and
tests. Other studies in the grade school context have concen- Kaplan, 1989; Kaplan, 1995). In terms of this study, exposure
trated on playgrounds in preschool, kindergarten, and elementary to greater levels of nature can provide students with enhanced
school. These studies have found positive connections between nat- senses of both psychological distance from school (being away) and
ural playscapes and enhanced physical activity (Dyment and Bell, immersion in conceptual surroundings of sufficient scope to sus-
2007), motor development (Fjørtoft, 2004), creative play behav- tain exploration (extent). Such exposure can also provide additional
iors (Dyment and Bell, 2007; Herrington and Studtmann, 1998; environmental features that are effortlessly engaging (fascination)
Tranter and Malone, 2004), environmental learning (Tranter and and supportive of a student’s need for mental restoration (compat-
Malone, 2004), and preference as compared to traditional play- ibility).
grounds (Ozdemir and Yilmaz, 2008). Psycho-evolutionary theory posits that natural settings have a
stress-reducing and calming effect on an individual. Immediate,
subconscious emotional responses play a key role in an individ-
1.1.2. Other settings
ual’s initial reaction to the environment. Nature provides a visually
In the context of the present study, research in workplace set-
pleasant physical surrounding that reduces stress by producing
tings may be the most pertinent as high school students spend
positive emotions, sustaining nontaxing attention, and restricting
many hours in school buildings. Studies have provided evidence
negative thoughts. Neurophysiological arousal is returned to more
that views of nature out of an office or factory are associated
moderate levels, fostering an overall sense of well-being (Hartig et
with increased employee productivity, enhanced feelings of job
al., 1991; Ulrich et al., 1991).
and life satisfaction, greater psychological and physical well-being,
In summary, the attention restoration theory concentrates on
and reduced levels of frustration and stress (Heerwagen and Wise,
cognitive processes while the psycho-evolutionary theory focuses
1998; Heschong Mahone Group, 2003b; Kaplan, 1993a; Leather et
on emotionally based mechanisms. Nevertheless, both theories
al., 1998; Shin, 2007).
support the idea that nature functions well as a restorative and
In addition, the psychological, social, and physical health bene-
stress-reducing environment (Hartig et al., 2003).
fits of views of and access to nature for individuals have been shown
in residential settings (De Vries et al., 2003; Faber Taylor et al., 2002;
Gidlöf-Gunnarsson and Öhrström, 2007; Jackson, 2003; Kaplan, 1.3. Study overview
2001; Kearney, 2006; Kuo, 2001; Kuo and Sullivan, 2001a,b; Kuo
et al., 1998; Lee et al., 2008; Maas et al., 2009; Sullivan et al., 2004; In light of the limited prior research, this study is necessarily
Tzoulas et al., 2007; Wells, 2000; Wells and Evans, 2003) including exploratory. Many of the school indoor and outdoor characteris-
college dormitories (Tennessen and Cimprich, 1995), prisons (e.g., tics that were utilized to assess student exposure and access to
Moore, 1981), and homes for elderly people (Ottosson and Grahn, nature have not been investigated. In addition, this study will not
2005), and also hospital settings (Curtis et al., 2007; Ulrich, 1984). investigate the possible mechanisms explaining how such nature
A growing body of research, therefore, suggests that views of and contact improves student performance, but will utilize the expla-
experiences with nearby nature provide many benefits for individ- nations posited by researchers in contexts largely other than school
uals while at work, at home, imprisoned, or hospitalized. In spite of settings.
these studies, however, we know very little about how exposure to The central proposition of this study is that increased exposure
nature affects a tremendously important population – high school to nature will be positively associated with student performance,
students – at a time in their development when their academic including both student academic achievement and behavior. This
performance will set them on a life-course. proposition was tested with the following hypotheses:

1. Higher levels of nature in the views that students have from

1.2. Explanations for these nature benefits
the school buildings will be positively associated with student
Researchers have advanced varied explanations for the bene-
2. Higher levels of nature as determined by objectively measured
fits resulting from contact with nature. Two of the most widely
campus landscape elements will be positively associated with
cited explanations are the attention restoration and the psycho-
student performance, in support of the more subjective mea-
evolutionary theories.
sures utilized to investigate hypothesis #1.
Attention restoration theory proposes that contact with nature
3. Greater ability of students to view or come into direct contact
has the potential to restore an individual’s directed attention
with nature, calculated by investigating building features and
capabilities. Directed attention fatigue, or mental fatigue, occurs
school policy, will be positively associated with student perfor-
when the capacity to focus or concentrate is reduced by overuse.
An individual experiencing such fatigue not only may have a
4. A statistical interaction exists between the size of school build-
decreased ability to concentrate, but also may become more irrita-
ing windows and the levels of nature in the views afforded
ble, distractible, impulsive, antisocial, accident prone, and stressed.
with regard to student performance. This interaction effect will
This theory proposes that four sequential stages, which represent
be positive with the effect of larger windows increasing across
greater levels of restorativeness, are experienced during the pro-
nature levels, and the effect of higher nature levels increasing
cess of complete mental restoration. These include “clearing the
across window size.
head” of miscellaneous thoughts, resting directed attention abil-
ities, dealing with unresolved concerns, and finally reflecting on
priorities, possibilities, values, actions, and goals. Reflection repre- 2. Method
sents the final level of restorativeness, and “is the most demanding
of all in terms of both the quality of the environment and the 2.1. High schools studied
duration required” (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989, p. 197). Natural envi-
ronments possess qualities that are supportive of this restoration The high schools studied consisted of 101 public schools
process (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989; Kaplan, 1993b, 1995). located in southeastern Michigan, USA (Fig. 1). The schools were
R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282 275

Fig. 1. The high schools studied were located in Lenawee, Livingston, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties, Michigan (highlighted in gray).

limited to one region to minimize differences in campus vege- and Poor’s School Matters, Public School Review, United States
tation, layouts, and building designs, and school district policies Geological Survey (USGS), and the GIS departments of Wayne and
and climate. To obtain a more homogenous sample of students, Livingston counties, Michigan. All of the information collected was
private high schools, public high schools offering alternative edu- for the 2004–2005 academic school year.
cational or magnet programs, and high schools that were combined
with elementary or middle schools were excluded from the
2.2. Constructs and measures
Of the 137 schools originally contacted, thirty-six schools (26%)
2.2.1. Student exposure to nature
were not included in the final database. Two schools were under-
The investigation into student exposure to nature at each school
going extensive renovations and the school districts of thirty-four
involved three groups of measures. First, the views of nature that
schools either denied permission or required an approval pro-
that students had from the school buildings were rated. Second,
cess that was too lengthy to be completed during the time period
vegetation levels on the campuses were measured. Third, student
allotted for data collection. Fourteen of the excluded schools were
potential access to this vegetation was determined.
located in inner-cities, eight in other urban settings, eight in rural
areas, and six were urban-fringe schools.
Information about each facility was obtained from the principal, Views of nature ratings. The degrees of naturalness in the
vice-principal, or other front office personnel through interviews views from the school cafeteria and the classrooms were separately
and unscheduled drop-in questioning. Site visits were conducted rated by the principal researcher, based on site visits to each cam-
to inventory the landscape and building features of each school. pus. These two measures represent nature contact during different
Additional data were obtained from the web sites of the Michigan student activities, were not significantly correlated, and were kept
Department of Education and Information Technology, Standard as separate variables:
276 R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282

Fig. 2. Examples of the level of naturalness in the view from each school’s primary cafeteria window.

• Cafeteria nature – the level of naturalness in the view from each Campus areas: Each campus was divided into the following three
school’s primary cafeteria window was rated on a 5-point scale. areas, and the respective acreage of these areas were calculated
The scale points were defined as follows, based on similar defi- from GIS data (see Fig. 3):
nitions used in a study by Tennessen and Cimprich (1995) (see
Fig. 2): • Athletic fields – football, soccer, and baseball fields, tennis courts,
0- “No view” consisted of cafeterias without any window to the and other outdoor sport facilities.
outdoors. • Parking lots – parking lots and roadways within school bound-
1- “All built” consisted of buildings, roads, and walkways without aries, including all areas of vegetation contained within or
any vegetation present. surrounded by these features and the school borders.
2- “Mostly built” indicated that the majority of what could be • Landscaped areas – the areas between the school buildings and
seen was built, but with natural elements such as a few trees athletic fields, parking lots, and school boundaries, and outdoor
and shrubs present, or that the majority of what could be seen courtyards totally surrounded by school buildings.
was athletic fields or large expanses of lawn devoid of trees
and shrubs.
3- “Mostly natural” included evidence of human presence such
as walkways, paved courtyards, and roads along with a mostly
natural setting.
4- “All natural” consisted of trees, shrubs, and forest remnants
without any evidence of human influence.
• Classroom nature – the level of naturalness in the views from
all of the regular classrooms at each school were rated using
the same 5-point scale as defined for the cafeteria nature, and
then averaged. Regular classrooms were defined as follows –
classrooms used for teaching such subjects as history, litera-
ture, math, social science, or physical science. Classrooms used
for shop (e.g., auto, wood, metal), and other specialized class-
rooms (e.g., planetarium, greenhouse) were excluded from the
calculations. Vegetation levels on each campus (objective measures). The

amount of vegetation at each school was objectively measured with
the following campus areas and campus vegetation variables: Fig. 3. Campus boundaries and areas measured.
R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282 277

In an attempt to account for enrollment size, for each school ing seniors. None of the schools conducted follow-up surveys to
these three areas were divided by this school’s total number of stu- determine how many of their students actually attended college.
dents. In this manner, athletic field, parking lot, and landscaped
areas on a per student basis were calculated. Behavior was measured with the following two variables:
Campus vegetation in the landscaped area: Site visits were con-
ducted to count the number of trees, measure the area covered • Student disorderly conduct – the relative frequencies of seven
by shrubs and groundcover, and confirm the presence of lawns types of student discipline problems were averaged, namely
depicted in GIS aerial photographs. Lawn area and landscape area student social tensions, bullying, verbal abuse of teachers, insub-
were calculated from GIS data. These three variables measured ordination, acts of disrespect for teachers, physical attacks or
unique aspects of the campus landscape and were kept as separate fighting, and truancy.
variables (see Fig. 4). • Student criminal activity – the occurrences of six types of student
criminal activities were averaged, namely physical violence, ille-
• Tree density – the number of trees per acre of landscaped area. gal possession, vandalism, verbal assault, larceny, and minor in
• Shrubs per landscaped area – the percentage of the landscaped possession.
area made up of shrubs and groundcover.
• Lawn per landscaped area – the percentage of the landscaped area
2.2.3. Control variables: four important factors related to student
made up of mowed grass. performance
Student socio-economic status, and family and racial/ethnic Student potential access to nature. The ability of students background (Coleman et al., 1966; Fowler and Walberg, 1991;
to view or come into direct contact with nature on each campus Gottfredson et al., 2005; Hanushek, 1997; Rouse and Barrow, 2006;
during the school day was measured with building window sizes Rumberger and Palardy, 2005; Welsh, 2001), school enrollment size
and school policies. The classroom and cafeteria windows were (Cotton, 1996; Ready et al., 2004; Schneider, 2002; Williams, 1990),
measured by the principal researcher during site visits. These two and building age (Earthman and Lemasters, 1996; Kumar et al.,
window measures represent potential access to nature during dif- 2008; McGuffey, 1982; National Research Council, 2006; Schneider,
ferent student activities, were not significantly correlated, and were 2002; Uline, 2000) have repeatedly been shown to be strongly
kept as separate variables: related to student academic achievement and misbehaviors. Due to
Building window size: their strong connection with student performance, these following
four aggregate factors for each school were accounted for in the
• Classroom window area – the average total window area of reg- statistical analyses conducted in this study.
ular classrooms.
• Cafeteria window area – the total area of the cafeteria win- • School socio-economic status – student participation in free or
dows was categorized by the principal researcher on a 0–5 scale reduced lunch programs.
reflecting the percentage of the primary outward facing wall that • Ethnicity – total percentage of all of the minority racial/ethnic
consisted of a window where: 0 = no windows, 1 = 25%, 2 = 50%, groups.
3 = 75%, 4 = 100%, and 5 = windows made up 100% of a greater than • Enrollment – the number of students enrolled.
one story tall primary outward facing wall. The total window area • Building age – the age of the primary classroom building.
of each school’s cafeteria was not used due to the tremendous
diversity of cafeteria room sizes and configurations as compared 2.3. Statistical analyses
to classrooms. The measure chosen was an attempt to avoid more
complicated adjustment calculations (e.g., dividing the total win- The hypotheses were evaluated using both linear and nonlin-
dow area by each school’s enrollment size). ear regression analyses conducted with SPSS version 15.0. Linear
regression was used to determine the predictors of the three aca-
School policy: demic achievement measures. However, the occurrences of student
disorderly conduct and criminal activity were relatively rare and
• Eat lunch outdoors – were the students are allowed to eat lunch did not meet the assumptions of the linear regression models. For
outdoors. student disorderly conduct, the Poisson regression model was used,
• Lunch time lengths – amount of time students are given to eat as this model is specifically suited for many types of count data
lunch. (Gujarati, 2003). The negative binomial regression model was uti-
lized for student criminal activity. The data distribution for this
2.2.2. Student performance measures variable was over-dispersed, which means that the variance (i.e.,
Student performance was evaluated by looking at five aggregate 5016.93) was much larger than the mean (i.e., 51.48 occurrences).
student academic achievement and behavior measures collected In these situations, the negative binomial rather than the Poisson
and reported by each school to the Michigan Department of Educa- regression model provides better estimates (Gujarati, 2003).
tion. Academic achievement was measured in the following three
ways: 3. Results

• Michigan merit award – the percentage of award winners based 3.1. Relationships between student performance and the four
on student performance on the Michigan Educational Assessment control variables
Program (MEAP) test. All Michigan public high school students
were required to take this test during the years 1969–2006 Consistent with previous research, three of the four control vari-
(Michigan Department of Education, 2006). ables, namely school socio-economic status, ethnic/racial makeup
• Graduation rates – as reported to the state. of the student body, and the age of the main school building, are
• Four-year college plans – the percentage of seniors stating that strongly related to the five student performance measures used in
they planned to attend a four-year college upon graduation. this study (see Table 1). Given these significant relationships, the
Seventy-eight of the high schools studied polled their outgo- four control variables were introduced into the regression analyses
278 R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282

Fig. 4. Examples of schools with a high density of trees or high percentage of lawn in the landscaped area.

used to explore the associations between the possible predictors of 3.2.1. Hypothesis #1
student performance and the five student academic achievement Are higher levels of nature in the views that students have
and behavior outcome measures. No significant collinearity prob- from the school buildings positively associated with student per-
lems among these variables were observed in any of these analyses. formance? Yes, as Table 2 shows, cafeteria nature is positively
These four variables were kept in the model regardless of whether associated with each of the three measures of student academic
they were significant predictors of a particular outcome variable. achievement. These findings are the most significant discovery
of this study. For Michigan Merit Award recipients, graduation
3.2. Testing the central proposition rates, and four-year college plans, these ratings explain 4.8%,
3.7%, and 12.2% of their respective variance. Additional analy-
A series of regression analyses were conducted with the mea- sis revealed that cafeteria nature is also significantly correlated
sures of student exposure to nature as predictor variables and the with cafeteria window area (see Table 3), the latter variable not
five student performance indices as outcome variables. Predictors being a significant predictor of student performance. Therefore,
from the three groups of student exposure to nature variables were the schools with greater quantities of natural features in their
found to explain a significant portion of the variance for one or more cafeteria windows also provided their students with larger views
of the outcome variables. These predictors will be discussed indi- of these outdoor environments. In addition, the average length
vidually in terms of the four hypotheses utilized to investigate the of time given for students to eat lunch was 40.2 min (n = 98,
central proposition. standard deviation = 7.45). Classroom nature, in contrast, was not

Table 1
Correlations among the four control variables and the five student performance measures.

School SES Ethnicity Building age Enrollment Michigan merit Graduation rate Four-year college Student disorderly
award plans conduct

School SES
Ethnicity −.73**
Building age −.39** .34**
Enrollment .20* .05 .02
Michigan merit award .83** −.63** −.35** .16
Graduation rates .78** −.76** −.34** .05 .72**
Four-year college plans .26* .12 −.08 .17 .50** .16
Student disorderly conduct −.43** .27** .05 −.07 −.39** −.40** −.32**
Student criminal activity −.29** .11 .12 −.00 −.34** −.28** −.37** .37**
p < .05.
p < .01.
R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282 279

Table 2
Student performance regressed onto all three groups of nature exposure variables.

Michigan merit award Graduation rates Four-year college plans Student disorderly Student criminal
conduct activity

ˇ p value ˇ p value ˇ p value ˇ p value ˇ p value

Control variables
School SES 0.75 <.001 0.46 <.001 0.59 <.001 −0.01a <.001 −0.05a <.001
Ethnicity ns −0.41 <.001 0.32 <.01 ns −0.02a <.01
Building age ns ns −0.31 <.01 ns ns
Enrollment ns ns ns ns ns

Adjusted R square control variables 0.68 0.67 0.17 0.36b 0.42b

Views of nature ratings cafeteria nature 0.14 <.001 0.17 <.01 0.25 <.01 ns ns

Vegetation levels on each campus (objective measures)

Lawn per landscaped area −0.13 <.05 ns −0.26 <.01 ns 0.02a <.05
Parking lot area per student ns ns −0.31 <.05 ns ns
Athletic fields ns ns −0.24 <.05 ns ns

Student potential access to nature

Classroom window area ns ns 0.23 <.01 ns −0.01a <.05

Adjusted R square entire model 0.73 0.69 0.53 0.36b 0.51b

Observations 98 96 76 98 97
Nonstandardized B values are reported for the Poisson and negative binomial generalized linear regression models.
Pseudo R-squared values are reported for the Poisson and negative binomial generalized linear regression models.

significantly associated with any of the student performance mea- 3.2.3. Hypothesis #3
sures. Is greater ability of students to view or come into contact with
nature, as measured by investigating building features and school
policy, positively related to student performance? Yes, as Table 2
3.2.2. Hypothesis #2
reveals, larger classroom windows are positively associated with
Did the findings concerning the associations between the more
three measures of student performance. Students at schools with
objective measures of campus landscape elements and student per-
larger average classroom window areas plan to attend four-year
formance support those of hypothesis #1. Yes, as Table 2 shows,
colleges at a higher rate as compared to schools with smaller win-
landscapes made up by mowed grass and parking lots are associ-
dow areas, and also commit fewer crimes while at school. For
ated with poorer student performance, than landscapes composed
four-year college plans and student criminal activity, this build-
primarily of trees and shrubs. This agrees with the rating system
ing feature explains 8.4% and 8.5% of the variance, respectively.
used to measure the level of naturalness in the views from the
There is a significant correlation between classroom window area
school building. As discussed in the method section, to receive
and classroom nature and tree density in the landscaped areas (see
the rating of 3, the view had to be “mostly natural,” in other
Table 3). Neither of these latter variables are significant predictors
words dominated by trees, shrubs, and natural features other than
of student performance. Nonetheless, the views from classrooms
lawns. Views made up primarily of built elements or large expanses
with larger window area are more likely to include greater con-
of lawns without many trees or shrubs were given the lower
centrations of trees and shrubs in the landscapes adjacent to the
rating of 2 signifying a “mostly built” view. Higher percentages
classroom buildings.
of lawn are related with fewer students receiving the Michigan
Merit Award and planning to attend four-year colleges, and more
student criminal activity, explaining 1.8%, 2.6%, and 3.4% of the vari- 3.2.4. Hypothesis #4
ance, respectively. In addition, greater parking area per student Do school building window sizes and the levels of nature in
levels and athletic field areas are negative predictors of four- the views afforded affect each other, with regards to student per-
year college plans, accounting for 15.0% and 6.2% of the variance, formance, in a statistically significant manner? No, the results of
respectively. None of the other measures of campus vegetation this study did not support the expected relationships (e.g., through
used in this study is significantly associated with student perfor- mediation) involving classroom and cafeteria windows and their
mance. corresponding views. No theoretical explanation can be provided

Table 3
Correlations among the subjective views of nature ratings, objective measures of campus vegetation in the landscaped area, and building window sizes.

Cafeteria nature Classroom nature Tree density Shrubs per landscaped Lawn per landscaped Classroom window
area area area

Cafeteria nature
Classroom nature .21*
Tree density .15 .02
Shrubs per landscaped area −.09* .22* .06
Lawn per landscaped area .02 .15 −.22* −.16
Classroom window area .04 .27** .27** .04 −.18
Cafeteria window area .68** .13 .18 −.11 −.07 .20
p < .05.
p < .01.
280 R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282

for this finding. Perhaps the five aggregate student performance during class time. While in class, students are under a teacher’s
outcome measures utilized in this study were not sensitive enough constant supervision and are busy concentrating on the lessons
to detect these interactions. being presented. Indeed, the reflection process may be equated
with daydreaming, a behavior that is definitely frowned upon by
3.2.5. Confirmation of the central proposition most teachers.
Results from the regression analyses, therefore, support the cen- An argument can be made that due to the social interactions
tral proposition and indicated that increased exposure to nature that occur among students during lunch time, mental restoration
during the school day is positively associated with student perfor- may not be possible. For example, researchers have discovered that
mance. In fact, all three student academic achievement measures “people find solitude more effective than company in regaining the
and one measure of student behavior are significantly related to capacity for directed attention, provided that the safety that com-
one or more of the higher nature exposure predictors used (see pany may bring is guaranteed” (Staats and Hartig, 2004, p. 209). In
Table 2). For the three achievement measures and student crimi- support of this study’s findings, though, one can contend that some
nal activity, the independent contributions of enhanced exposure degree of mental restoration may be achieved in a short period of
to nature variables are between 3.7% and 20.6% of the variance. time. The minimum amount of time needed has yet to be deter-
Thus, except for student disorderly conduct, the central proposition mined. However, studies have revealed that participants exposed
that student academic achievement and behavior is associated with to photographs and videos of natural environments for six to seven
student exposure to nature earns strong support. These effects are minutes attained some degree of restoration (Berto, 2005; Van den
significant while accounting for the influences of the four control Berg et al., 2003). In addition, a student who wishes to be alone may
variables. be able to find a private place during lunch time away from his or
her peers. Such physical privacy would not be possible during class
4. Discussion time. Finally, researchers have found that children playing together
in more natural playgrounds display greater civil and coopera-
This study contributes to our understanding of how the physical tive behaviors (Dyment and Bell, 2008; Herrington and Studtmann,
environment, particularly natural features, can promote academic 1998). These researchers did not cite mental restoration per se as
performance in a high school setting. Analyses revealed consistent, the underlying reason, but these findings are in agreement with the
systematically positive relationships between student exposure to tenets of the Kaplan’s attention restoration theory.
nature during their lunch time and scores on standardized tests,
graduation rates, and plans to attend a four-year college. Further- 4.2. Landscapes lacking natural features
more, the study documented that not all forms of vegetation are
positively associated with school achievement and behavior. While Large expanses of campus landscape lacking trees and shrubs,
the presence of trees and shrubs has a positive connection, the specifically lawns and parking lots, are negatively associated with
prevalence of lawn areas is negatively associated with standardized student performance. In the context of school and work settings,
test scores, four-year college plans, and criminal behavior. These prior research has shown decreased performance and increased
findings held while accounting for a variety of factors known to frustration and stress as well as dissatisfaction with the envi-
influence academic performance. ronment when nature is less available in the immediate view
(Heschong Mahone Group, 2003a,b; Kaplan, 1993a,b; Leather et al.,
4.1. The importance of lunch time 1998; Tennessen and Cimprich, 1995). As the findings reported here
document, however, the presence of a natural feature like mowed
The most consistent results center on student exposure to more grass is not sufficient. An explanation for these apparently contra-
natural landscapes during lunch time. School cafeteria window dictory results is provided by linking the findings of studies in the
views with higher vegetation content are positively associated diverse fields of landscape preference, residential neighborhood
with all three measures of student academic achievement. The satisfaction, and student productivity.
importance of these views was unexpected since students spend Landscape preference research has consistently shown that
substantially more time in the classroom on a given school day. large, flat landscapes lacking trees and shrubs are often aestheti-
Nonetheless, lunch time may be especially pertinent as it provides cally less preferred, as compared to other natural settings (Kaplan
students with a valuable break from the learning process. Students and Kaplan, 1989; Schroeder, 1987; Ulrich, 1986). Studies have also
can recover from mental fatigue and stress, and reflect on events revealed that views of less preferred landscapes are associated with
that occurred during the first portion of the school day. lower levels of neighborhood satisfaction and senses of well-being
While the results suggest that lunch time views play a stronger (Kaplan, 2001; Kearney, 2006). In addition, researchers have deter-
role, the positive effects of viewing more vegetation are not limited mined that student psychological well-being and satisfaction with
just to lunch time. Larger classroom window areas were related academic life are positively related to measures of school perfor-
with greater percentages of students planning to attend four-year mance and productivity (Chambel and Curral, 2005; Chow, 2007;
colleges and fewer occurrences of student criminal behaviors. In Cotton et al., 2002). The effects of these variables in school settings
addition, these larger windows were more likely to view higher could be expected to be similar to their effects in other contexts.
densities of trees and shrubs in the landscapes adjacent to the Further research would help to test the appropriateness of this
school buildings. explanation for the negative relationships that exist in this study
These positive associations of contact with nature during lunch between views of campus landscapes lacking natural features and
time and from the classrooms with student performance support student performance.
the propositions of both the attention restoration and psycho-
evolutionary theories. The strong impact of the cafeteria context is, 4.3. A link to a student’s future
perhaps, more thoroughly explained by the attention restoration
theory. This theory proposes that four sequential stages, repre- The findings of this study revealed that student exposure to
senting greater levels of restorativeness, are experienced during nature measures were significantly associated with the future four-
the process of complete mental restoration (Kaplan and Kaplan, year college plans of graduating seniors. Most prior research has
1989; Kaplan, 1995). Although the nature content of classroom only examined the effects of the physical environment on more
window views is important, students may not have adequate time immediate outcomes, such as standardized test scores and behav-
R.H. Matsuoka / Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2010) 273–282 281

iors. This study’s results suggest that campus landscape features through the efforts of Lynne M. Westphal. The author also wishes
can have connections with a student’s future academic and career to express deep gratitude for the assistance of many other indi-
accomplishments. viduals and institutions. Rachel Kaplan contributed to the study
in many ways: in terms of conceptual ideas, interpretation of the
4.4. Not just an aesthetic amenity results, and help in publication revisions. Stephen Kaplan, William
C. Sullivan, and Raymond De Young provided valuable input in
Finally, natural features of the campus landscapes explained data interpretation and editing. Jason Duvall provided important
5.2% of the variance in the test scores required to be a recipient insights concerning data analysis. In addition, the author wishes
of the Michigan Merit Award. This is comparable to the reported to thank the front office personnel of the 101 Michigan public
3–6% of the variance in test scores explained by school build- high schools analyzed in this study for their cooperation and assis-
ing features in prior research (Earthman, 2004; National Research tance.
Council, 2006). The often overlooked outdoor physical environment
of schools can perhaps have as much influence on student perfor-
mance as the more intensely examined indoor features. The campus References
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