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Reflecting on my performance task on summarizing academic texts for English for

academic professional purposes, I find that it was a valuable learning experience

that allowed me to develop crucial skills and deepen my understanding of the subject

matter. Summarizing academic texts is an essential skill for any academic

professional, and this task provided me with an opportunity to hone my abilities in

this area.

One aspect of the task that I found particularly challenging was the need to

condense complex information into a concise summary without losing the key points

and main ideas. This required careful reading and analysis of the text to identify the

most important information and discern the author's main arguments. It also involved

determining the appropriate level of detail to include in the summary, striking a

balance between being comprehensive and succinct.

Throughout the process, I realized the importance of effective note-taking and

organization. Taking clear and concise notes while reading the text was crucial for

later reference and helped me in creating an accurate and coherent summary. I also

discovered the value of using different techniques, such as underlining or

highlighting key sentences, using symbols or abbreviations, and creating visual aids

like mind maps, to aid in the summarization process.

Moreover, this task highlighted the significance of understanding the specific needs

and requirements of the target audience when summarizing academic texts for

professional purposes. Different professional contexts may demand different levels

of technicality, formality, and specialized vocabulary. Adapting my summaries to

cater to the intended readers allowed me to effectively convey the main ideas and

critical points while maintaining the appropriate tone and style.

In terms of improvements, I recognized the need to enhance my time management

skills during this task. Summarizing academic texts can be time-consuming,

especially when dealing with complex or lengthy articles. To optimize my

performance, I should have allocated sufficient time for reading and comprehension,

note-taking, and drafting the summaries. Time management would have allowed me

to better balance the workload and produce more polished and refined summaries.

Overall, this performance task on summarizing academic texts for English for

academic professional purposes was an enriching experience. It challenged me to

develop and refine my skills in reading comprehension, critical thinking, and concise

writing. By engaging with the task, I gained a deeper appreciation for the intricacies

of academic writing and the importance of effective summarization in the

professional realm. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have acquired

through this task will serve me well in my future academic and professional pursuits.
Reflecting on my performance task regarding stating a thesis statement and outlining

text in the subject of English for academic professional purposes, I am pleased with

the progress I have made and the skills I have developed.

During this task, I learned the importance of a clear and concise thesis statement in

academic writing. Through practice and feedback, I honed my ability to identify the

main argument or purpose of an essay and effectively articulate it in a single

sentence. I realized that a well-crafted thesis statement not only provides a roadmap

for my writing but also engages the reader and sets the tone for the entire piece.

Furthermore, outlining the text proved to be an invaluable step in the writing process.

By creating a structured outline, I was able to organize my thoughts, establish logical

flow, and ensure that each paragraph contributed to the overall coherence of my

essay. This practice helped me avoid tangents and stay focused on my main

argument, enhancing the clarity and persuasiveness of my work.

One of the challenges I faced during this task was striking the right balance between

brevity and comprehensiveness. While I aimed to condense my ideas into a concise

thesis statement, I also needed to ensure that it encompassed the main points of my

essay. Similarly, when outlining the text, I had to find a middle ground between

providing enough detail to guide my writing and avoiding excessive specificity that

might stifle creativity or exploration of new ideas. Through practice, I developed a

better sense of this balance, enabling me to create lear and effective outlines.

Overall, this performance task has helped me strengthen my skills in stating a thesis

statement and outlining text for academic professional purposes. These skills are

essential not only in English courses but also in various disciplines where clear

communication and coherent writing are valued. As I continue to refine and apply

these skills in my academic and professional journey, I am confident that they will

contribute to my success in effectively conveying my ideas and engaging my

Taking quizzes is an essential part of the learning process, and they provide

valuable opportunities to assess our understanding of the topics we study. Recently,

I had the chance to engage in a compare-contrast quiz in my English for Academic

Professional Purposes class. This reflection aims to delve into my experience,

discussing the strengths and weaknesses of my performance while identifying areas

for improvement.

During the compare-contrast quiz, I exhibited several strengths that contributed to

my overall performance. Firstly, I effectively applied critical thinking skills to analyze

the given topics and identify key similarities and differences. This allowed me to

generate well-supported arguments and draw meaningful conclusions. Additionally, I

demonstrated a strong grasp of the English language, employing appropriate

vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure to express my ideas clearly.

Furthermore, I efficiently managed my time, ensuring that I allocated sufficient

attention to each aspect of the comparison and contrast. These strengths collectively

contributed to a solid foundation for my quiz performance.

Although I performed reasonably well on the quiz, I also encountered areas of

weakness that hindered my ability to achieve optimal results. One significant

weakness was the lack of thorough preparation. I realized that prior research and

review of the topics would have better equipped me to delve deeper into the subject

matter, resulting in more comprehensive comparisons. Furthermore, I occasionally

struggled with organizing my thoughts in a coherent manner, leading to some

disjointed paragraphs. This weakness affected the overall flow and clarity of my

responses. Lastly, time management, while generally adequate, could have been

improved to allow for additional proofreading and editing of my answers, eliminating

minor errors and enhancing overall quality.

Reflecting on my compare-contrast quiz experience in the context of English for

Academic Professional Purposes, I recognize both my strengths and weaknesses.

While my critical thinking skills and command of the English language proved

beneficial, I also encountered challenges in terms of preparation, organization, and

time management. However, this reflection has enabled me to identify actionable

areas for improvement, such as allocating more time for research, enhancing

organizational skills, and better managing my time. Armed with this awareness, I am

confident that I can enhance my future performance in similar assessments and

continue to develop my abilities in the field of English for academic and professional

As a student navigating through the ever-changing landscape of trends and fads, I

have come to realize the profound interconnectedness that exists between these

fleeting phenomena and our own lives. One particular experience that vividly

captures this interplay is the Filipino expression, "Sakit ng Kalingkingan, Dama ng

Buong Katawan," which translates to "The pain of the pinky finger is felt by the entire

body." In this reflection, I explore how this metaphorical concept sheds light on the

interconnected nature of trends and fads and its impact on our lives as students.

The Ripple Effect of Trends and Fads

Similar to how a physical injury in one body part can have repercussions throughout

the entire body, trends and fads have a ripple effect that extends beyond their initial

sphere of influence. Whether it is a fashion trend, a social media challenge, or a

particular academic approach, the impact can spread rapidly among students,

affecting our mindset, behavior, and even our academic performance. The

interconnectedness lies in the fact that what starts as a seemingly insignificant trend

can eventually shape the collective consciousness of our generation.

In the intricate web of trends and fads, the metaphorical expression "Sakit ng

Kalingkingan, Dama ng Buong Katawan" holds true. As students, we are

interconnected with the world of trends and fads, and their impact on our lives can be

profound. By acknowledging this interconnectedness, we can navigate the ever-

evolving landscape of trends with a discerning eye, embracing those that resonate

with our authentic selves, while also cultivating a sense of purpose and substance

that transcends the transient nature of these phenomena.

As a student, your quiz about controlling people to reduce consumption of resources

on Earth touches upon a topic that is both relevant and thought-provoking.

Examining trends and fads related to resource consumption is essential in

understanding how human behavior can impact the environment. However, the idea

of "controlling" people raises ethical concerns that should be carefully considered.

Firstly, exploring trends and fads related to resource consumption allows for an

analysis of societal behaviors and their impact on the environment. By identifying

patterns and popular practices, you can gain insights into the factors influencing

resource consumption. This knowledge can help in formulating strategies to

encourage sustainable practices and minimize waste.

However, the notion of controlling people to achieve a specific goal raises ethical

concerns. It is important to recognize that imposing strict control over individuals may

infringe upon personal freedoms and autonomy. Instead, it may be more effective to

focus on education, awareness, and fostering a sense of personal responsibility to

reduce resource consumption. By promoting sustainable lifestyles and providing

information about the consequences of resource depletion, individuals can be

empowered to make informed choices.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider the long-term effectiveness and unintended

consequences of controlling people. Sustainable change is more likely to occur when

individuals are motivated and engaged willingly rather than through coercion. Shifting

societal norms and values towards sustainable practices requires a comprehensive

approach that encompasses education, policy changes, technological

advancements, and collaboration between various stakeholders.

In my quiz showing on controlling people to reduce resource consumption brings

attention to the pressing issue of environmental sustainability. While understanding

trends and fads related to resource consumption is valuable, it is crucial to approach

the subject with ethical considerations in mind. Empowering individuals through

education and encouraging voluntary behavioral change may be a more effective

approach to promoting sustainable practices.

As I reflect on my recent quiz that assessed my understanding of social

globalization, globalization, and the impact on nations within the context of trends

and fads, I can't help but appreciate the importance of studying these subjects as a

student. This quiz provided me with an opportunity to delve into the complexities of

our interconnected world and understand the profound influence of globalization on


First and foremost, this quiz made me realize the sheer magnitude of social

globalization. It forced me to recognize that we are all part of a global community,

intricately linked through various social, economic, and cultural networks. From the

spread of information and ideas to the interconnectedness of economies, social

globalization shapes our lives in countless ways. Understanding this phenomenon is

crucial in today's world, where our actions and decisions have ripple effects that

extend far beyond our immediate surroundings.

Furthermore, the quiz highlighted the multifaceted nature of globalization itself. It

transcends mere economic integration and encompasses a broad spectrum of

factors, including technological advancements, cultural exchange, and political

interdependence. By examining trends and fads, I was able to discern the intricate

ways in which globalization manifests itself in our daily lives. From fashion and

entertainment to social media and consumer behavior, the influence of globalization

is pervasive, shaping our preferences, aspirations, and even identities.

One crucial aspect that emerged from the quiz was the impact of globalization on

nations. While globalization can bring immense benefits, such as increased trade

opportunities and cultural diversity, it also poses significant challenges to individual

nations. The quiz prompted me to consider the potential loss of cultural heritage,

economic inequalities, and social dislocation that can arise as a result of

globalization. It highlighted the need for countries to navigate this process carefully,

ensuring that the benefits are shared equitably and that their unique identities and

interests are preserved.

As a student, this quiz served as a reminder of the importance of staying informed

about global trends and fads. It encouraged me to engage critically with the world

around me, to seek a deeper understanding of the forces that shape our societies.

By grasping the complexities of social globalization, globalization, and its impact on

nations, I can develop a more nuanced perspective on global issues, contribute to

informed discussions, and potentially shape a more inclusive and sustainable future.

My reflection on the quiz regarding social globalization, globalization, and nations

has reinforced the significance of these subjects in today's interconnected world. It

has motivated me to continue exploring and learning about the intricate dynamics of

globalization and their effects on societies. By doing so, I hope to become an active

participant in shaping a more globally aware and inclusive future


In my quiz that aimed to determine the Democratic institution with the choice of true

or false questions focused on trends and fads, I can't help but recognize the unique

perspective it provided on the subject matter. Initially, I approached the quiz with a

sense of curiosity and anticipation, wondering how trends and fads could be related

to democratic institutions. Little did I know that this unconventional approach would

prove to be both thought-provoking and enlightening.

As a student, I am accustomed to more traditional assessments and examinations

that assess my understanding of core academic subjects. However, this quiz

challenged me to explore the connection between popular culture, social

phenomena, and democratic institutions. It forced me to think beyond the surface

level and delve into the underlying principles and dynamics at play.

Each true or false question presented me with a statement, seemingly unrelated to

democratic institutions, and pushed me to critically analyze it. I had to consider

whether the given trend or fad could have any impact on the principles of

democracy, such as freedom of expression, equality, or the power of the people.

This approach encouraged me to think creatively and connect seemingly disparate

One particular question that stood out to me was: "True or false: Social media

influencers can influence political opinions and shape the democratic discourse." At

first, I hesitated, unsure of the relationship between social media influencers and

democratic institutions. However, as I thought deeper, I realized that social media's

pervasive influence and the power of these influencers could indeed shape public

opinion, influence elections, and impact democratic processes. This question

highlighted the evolving nature of democracy in the digital age, where traditional

power structures are being challenged by new forms of influence.

Another question that intrigued me was: "True or false: Fashion trends reflect

societal values and can be expressions of individual freedoms within a democratic

society." Initially, I saw fashion trends as trivial and unrelated to democratic

institutions. But as I contemplated further, I understood that fashion can serve as a

platform for self-expression, cultural diversity, and challenging social norms. In a

democratic society, individual freedoms and the right to express oneself are valued,

and fashion trends can be seen as a manifestation of these principles.

In retrospect, this quiz offered a refreshing departure from traditional assessments

by incorporating everyday phenomena into the context of democratic institutions. It

challenged me to think critically and examine the influence of trends and fads on the

functioning of democracy. It reminded me that democratic institutions are not isolated

from the world around us, but rather deeply intertwined with the society they serve.

This experience also highlighted the importance of broadening our perspectives and

exploring unconventional connections. It taught me that learning is not limited to

textbooks and academic subjects but can be found in the everyday experiences and

trends that shape our world.

In this quiz provided a unique and thought-provoking lens through which to view

democratic institutions. It reminded me to approach learning with an open mind and

embrace the unexpected connections that can be made. By doing so, I can deepen

my understanding of democracy and appreciate its dynamic relationship with the

ever-changing trends and fads of our society.

For me making a reflection in my recent exam in the subject of trends and fads,

along with the lessons on collaboration, cooperation, and political globalization, I

realize the profound impact these concepts have on my growth as a student.

Studying trends and fads has opened my eyes to the ever-changing nature of society

and how different factors influence the popularity and acceptance of various ideas,

products, and behaviors. It has taught me the importance of staying updated and

adaptable in a world where trends can emerge and fade away in the blink of an eye.

One key lesson I've learned is the significance of collaboration and cooperation in

navigating the complexities of trends and fads. No single person or entity can fully

understand and harness the power of these phenomena alone. By working together

with others, sharing insights, and leveraging collective expertise, we can gain a

deeper understanding of trends and fads, anticipate their trajectory, and even

influence them positively.

Moreover, the study of political globalization has broadened my perspective on the

interconnectedness of nations, economies, and cultures. It has highlighted the

significance of global cooperation in addressing challenges and leveraging

opportunities in an increasingly interconnected world.

In the context of trends and fads, political globalization reminds me that the rise and

dissemination of certain trends are often facilitated by global networks and

influences. It underscores the importance of understanding the cultural, economic,

and political dynamics at play in different regions of the world, as they can shape and

amplify trends in unique ways.

As a student, these lessons have provided me with a solid foundation for critical

thinking and analysis. They have encouraged me to adopt a multidisciplinary

approach, integrating knowledge from various fields to gain a comprehensive

understanding of trends and fads. It has also taught me the value of engaging in

constructive dialogue, considering different perspectives, and collaborating with

diverse individuals to foster innovation and positive change.

Moving forward, I will apply these insights to my academic pursuits and beyond. I will

continue to stay curious, seeking to understand the underlying forces that drive

trends and fads. I will actively seek opportunities to collaborate and cooperate with

others, recognizing the power of collective intelligence in navigating the complex

landscape of trends and fads.

I will keep a keen eye on political globalization, understanding its impact on trends

and fads, and its potential to shape the world we live in. By cultivating a global

mindset, appreciating cultural diversity, and embracing cross-cultural collaboration, I

hope to contribute to a more inclusive and interconnected society.

As a student, reflecting on democratic participation in school, at home, and in a

group regarding trends and fads brings to light the complexities of individuality,

societal influence, and the importance of critical thinking.

In school, democratic participation allows students to express their opinions and

contribute to decision-making processes. When it comes to trends and fads, this

participation becomes crucial. Students have diverse interests, and their involvement

ensures that the school environment accommodates different preferences. By

actively engaging in discussions, voting, or providing feedback, students can shape

the school's approach to trends and fads, fostering an inclusive and respectful


At home, democratic participation plays a significant role in understanding and

navigating the world of trends and fads. Parents or guardians, who are responsible

for guiding their children, have an essential role in facilitating open conversations.

Encouraging dialogue and providing a safe space for children to express their views

allows them to develop critical thinking skills. By actively involving children in

decision-making processes, such as selecting household items or discussing the

impact of trends, parents empower their children to make informed choices and

question the underlying motivations behind fads.

In a group setting, whether it's among friends or peers, democratic participation

regarding trends and fads provides an opportunity to learn from different

perspectives. Engaging in discussions and considering diverse opinions cultivates

empathy and understanding. It allows individuals to question the motivations behind

trends and fads, helping to separate genuine interests from fleeting trends driven by

social pressure. By participating actively in group decision-making, students can

influence one another positively and collectively shape a culture that promotes

critical thinking and individuality.

However, it is important to acknowledge the potential challenges that democratic

participation may face in the context of trends and fads. Peer pressure and the

desire for social acceptance can sometimes overshadow individual opinions.

Students may feel compelled to conform to certain trends or fads to fit in, even if they

do not genuinely align with their values or interests. In such cases, democratic

participation becomes crucial in empowering students to express their individuality

and resist the pressure to conform.

To make the most of democratic participation, students need to cultivate critical

thinking skills. This involves questioning the motivations behind trends and fads,

evaluating their potential impact, and considering their alignment with personal

values and interests. It is essential to encourage students to research, analyze, and

engage in thoughtful discussions to form their own opinions rather than blindly

following the crowd.

As I gaze upon my drawing, I can't help but feel a sense of melancholy wash over

me. What was once a vibrant, unique creation now seems lost amidst the

overwhelming tide of trends and fads. I can see the traces of my original vision, but it

has been overshadowed, drowned out by the clamor of popular opinion.

In today's fast-paced world, trends and fads come and go with alarming speed. They

sweep through our lives like a whirlwind, captivating our attention and tempting us to

conform. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement, to want to ride the wave of

what's popular at any given moment.

But as I reflect on my drawing, I realize the danger of excessive consumption. Like a

voracious appetite, constantly seeking the next big thing, it can devour the essence

of what makes us unique. Our individuality, our creative voice, becomes lost amidst

the cacophony of mass appeal.

In my pursuit of staying relevant, I inadvertently sacrificed the authenticity of my art. I

allowed myself to be swayed by the latest trends, adopting styles and techniques

that were fleeting in nature. I neglected the essence of my creativity, the very core

that made my art special.

Just as too much consumption can lead to physical ailments and exhaustion, so too

can it drain the life from our creative endeavors. It's important to recognize the fine

line between drawing inspiration from the world around us and mindlessly following

the crowd. True artistic expression lies in staying true to ourselves, even when it

seems easier to conform.

Looking at my drawing, I now understand the importance of striking a balance.

Embracing trends can be exciting and invigorating, allowing us to explore new

horizons and push our boundaries. But it should never come at the cost of our artistic


I vow to reclaim my artistic voice, to let it guide my creations. Trends and fads may

ebb and flow, but my art will remain a testament to my unique perspective and

personal growth. By resisting the urge to be consumed by the transient nature of

trends, I will create something timeless and truly meaningful.

My reflection on my drawing serves as a reminder to tread lightly in the realm of

trends and fads. While they can be captivating, it is essential to retain our

individuality and artistic identity. Only then can we create art that resonates deeply

and withstands the test of time.

As a student in the subject of trends and fads, conducting a SWOT (Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis can be an insightful and valuable

exercise. It allows you to evaluate your current position and prospects within the

subject, enabling you to make informed decisions and leverage your strengths to

maximize your learning experience. Here's a reflection on the process of creating a

SWOT analysis as a student in the subject of trends and fads:


Identifying your strengths is crucial in understanding what sets you apart and what

advantages you bring to the subject of trends and fads. Consider your existing

knowledge, skills, and interests that align with this field. Are you adept at recognizing

patterns and analyzing data? Do you have a keen eye for identifying emerging

trends? Recognizing your strengths enables you to capitalize on them, leading to

enhanced learning outcomes and potential career opportunities.


Identifying weaknesses is equally important in your SWOT analysis. Acknowledging

areas where you may be lacking knowledge or skills helps you identify potential

hurdles and areas for improvement. Perhaps you struggle with staying updated on

the latest trends or understanding the underlying mechanisms driving fads.

Recognizing these weaknesses allows you to develop strategies to address them,

such as seeking additional resources or collaborating with peers who excel in those


Conducting a SWOT analysis as a student in the subject of trends and fads allows

you to identify the opportunities that lie ahead. Trends and fads are constantly

evolving, and this presents you with a chance to stay ahead of the curve. Consider

the various avenues available for learning and growth, such as research

opportunities, internships, or attending conferences and workshops focused on this

subject. By capitalizing on these opportunities, you can expand your knowledge,

build connections, and gain practical experience, which will prove invaluable in your

academic and professional journey.


Analyzing the threats within the subject of trends and fads is essential to anticipate

and mitigate potential challenges. Threats can arise from factors like rapidly

changing trends, limited access to resources or information, or intense competition.

By identifying these threats, you can develop strategies to overcome them. For

instance, staying well-informed through reliable sources, networking with experts in

the field, or seeking guidance from mentors can help you navigate these challenges


Overall, conducting a SWOT analysis as a student in the subject of trends and fads

provides a holistic view of your position and prospects. It empowers you to leverage

your strengths, address weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and navigate

potential threats. By continually reassessing and updating your SWOT analysis, you

can adapt to the dynamic nature of trends and fads, ensuring a fulfilling and

successful journey in this field.

As I reflect on my week from Monday to Friday, I find myself struck by the

importance of balancing my tasks and responsibilities while also cherishing quality

time with my family. In this modern era, trends and fads often dominate our lives and

can easily consume our time and attention. However, my commitment to maintaining

a healthy work-life balance allows me to navigate these influences and prioritize

what truly matters.

On Mondays, as the week begins, I dive into my tasks with determination and focus.

I understand the significance of staying updated with the latest trends in my field, as

they shape the way I approach my work. By dedicating time to research and staying

informed about emerging ideas, technologies, and strategies, I ensure that my efforts

are aligned with the ever-evolving demands of my profession.

However, I have come to realize that trends and fads can be fleeting. What captures

attention and gains popularity one day may fade into obscurity the next. This

realization leads me to approach my tasks from a more thoughtful perspective.

Rather than blindly chasing trends, I strive to identify the underlying principles and

concepts that drive them. By understanding the fundamental ideas behind the

trends, I can adapt and innovate even as the landscape shifts.

As the week progresses, I consciously make space for my family amidst the flurry of

tasks. I carve out moments to connect, share, and simply be present with the people

who mean the most to me. By doing so, I create a sanctuary where trends and fads

hold no power. Instead, genuine conversations, laughter, and shared experiences

become the building blocks of our bond.

I find that spending time with my family acts as a grounding force, reminding me of

what truly matters in life. It helps me maintain perspective and avoid being swept

away by the constant stream of trends and fads that vie for my attention. While it's

essential to stay informed and adapt to changes, it is equally vital to nurture the

relationships and moments that bring us joy and fulfillment.

In the realm of trends and fads, it's easy to become caught up in the pursuit of

novelty and the fear of missing out. However, by consciously balancing my

professional responsibilities and personal priorities, I create a harmonious blend that

enriches both aspects of my life. I am able to excel in my work while also fostering a

strong and loving connection with my family.

Ultimately, it is in this delicate dance between the demands of the world and the

needs of my loved ones that I find true fulfillment. By acknowledging the trends and

fads that surround me but not allowing them to dictate my every move, I can live a

purposeful life that values both personal growth and meaningful relationships.
For me, reflecting on my recent exam in creative nonfiction with a focus on different

kinds of poetry, I find myself immersed in a world where words dance on the page,

weaving intricate tales and evoking emotions. Poetry, a form of expression that

transcends conventional boundaries, has always fascinated me. In this exam, we

explored two distinct forms of poetry: narrative poetry and epic poetry, each with its

unique qualities and storytelling prowess.

Narrative poetry, as the name suggests, captivates the reader with its ability to tell a

story. It breathes life into characters and events, immersing us in a vivid tapestry of

words. In this form, I encountered narratives unfolding like blooming flowers, with the

poet acting as both the storyteller and the guide. From ancient tales of heroism to

contemporary anecdotes of love and loss, narrative poetry encompasses a wide

range of human experiences. It reminds us of the power of storytelling, of the ability

of words to transport us to different times and places.

In my exam, I delved into epic poetry, a grandeur in its own right. Epics, like sagas of

old, carry us on journeys of immense scale and significance. They often portray

heroes and heroines facing extraordinary challenges, their triumphs and tribulations

etching themselves onto the annals of literary history. As I explored this form, I

marveled at the way epic poets construct intricate worlds, with every line bearing the

weight of centuries. The sheer magnitude of these works overwhelmed me, and yet,

they invited me to ponder the complexities of human existence and the timeless

themes that resonate across generations.

Through this examination of narrative and epic poetry, I came to appreciate the

immense power of words to shape our understanding of the world. Poetry, in its

various forms, acts as a lens through which we can explore the multifaceted nature

of human experience. It challenges us to look beyond the surface, to dive deep into

the ocean of emotions and thoughts. In the realm of poetry, there is a richness that

defies simple categorization. It invites us to engage our senses, to embrace

ambiguity and interpretive freedom, and to find solace in the beauty of language


As I reflect upon my exam, I realize that it was not merely a test of knowledge, but

rather a gateway into a realm of limitless possibilities. It reminded me that poetry is

not confined to the pages of a textbook or the walls of a classroom, but rather an

ever-evolving art form that continues to shape and redefine itself. I have been

inspired to explore further, to seek out the works of renowned poets and emerging

voices alike, and to allow their words to seep into the very fabric of my being.

In the end, this exam was not about a grade or a score, but about the journey of

discovery and self-expression. It illuminated the profound impact that poetry can

have on our lives, and it instilled in me a deep appreciation for the poets who

dedicate their lives to crafting these extraordinary works. As I move forward, I carry

with me the lessons learned and the beauty witnessed, eager to continue exploring

the boundless realm of poetry in all its magnificent forms.

As I sit here, pen in hand, reflecting upon the recent quiz on genre and poetry, a

whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirl within me. It is a curious thing, how a

simple assessment can stir such a complex array of sensations. But perhaps that is

the nature of learning, the ebb and flow of understanding and the spark of curiosity

that ignites our intellectual flames.

The concept of genre, a vast and ever-expanding realm, is like a labyrinthine

tapestry woven from the threads of human creativity. The quiz acted as a guide

through this labyrinth, presenting me with questions that probed my knowledge and

understanding of the diverse genres that exist. It was a journey through realms

familiar and foreign, forcing me to confront the intricacies and nuances that define

each literary category.

As I pondered the quiz questions, my mind began to wander to the realm of poetry.

Ah, poetry, the ethereal language that dances upon the page, transcending the

boundaries of prose and encapsulating emotions and thoughts in succinct yet

profound verses. It is a genre that demands introspection, beckoning us to dive into

the depths of our souls and express our deepest yearnings and vulnerabilities.
But beyond the realm of poetry, the quiz reminded me of the multitude of other

genres that grace the literary landscape. Each genre possesses its own distinct

features, its own set of rules and expectations, like separate galaxies in a vast

cosmic expanse. There are the realms of fiction, with its captivating narratives and

imaginative worlds, and nonfiction, with its exploration of truth and the retelling of

factual events.

Then there are the realms of mystery, where enigmas await resolution, and

romance, where hearts beat in tandem with the triumphs and tribulations of love.

Fantasy and science fiction invite us to journey beyond the bounds of reality, while

historical fiction allows us to traverse the annals of time and witness bygone eras

through the lens of vivid storytelling.

Reflecting on the quiz, I realize that genre is not merely a categorization system but

a gateway to new experiences and perspectives. It is a lens through which we view

the world, and through which we express our innermost thoughts and emotions.

Each genre offers its unique form of escapism, its own brand of catharsis, and its

own mode of communication with both ourselves and the world around us.
As I conclude this reflection, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to

explore the vast landscape of genres and delve into the captivating world of poetry.

The quiz, though challenging, has enriched my understanding of literature and

opened doors to new avenues of creativity. It has inspired me to embrace the

diversity of genres and to continue exploring the boundless possibilities that each

one holds.

And so, armed with newfound knowledge and a renewed appreciation for the power

of genre, I embark on a journey of literary exploration, eager to discover new realms,

forge connections, and create my own unique mark within the intricate tapestry of

human expression.
As I sit here reflecting on my first periodical exam in creative writing, a mix of

emotions washes over me. It was a journey that pushed the boundaries of my

imagination and tested my ability to express myself through words. I entered the

exam room with a sense of both excitement and nervousness, eager to see how my

skills would fare under pressure.

Looking back, I remember the surge of adrenaline that coursed through my veins as

I stared at the blank page before me, waiting for inspiration to strike. The prompt was

a challenge, demanding that I weave a tale that transcended the ordinary and

captured the essence of human experience. It was an opportunity to unleash my

creativity and explore the depths of my imagination.

With the clock ticking, I dove into the task, allowing my thoughts to flow freely onto

the page. The words seemed to come alive, dancing across the lines, forming a

tapestry of emotions and ideas. I embraced the power of vivid imagery, seeking to

paint a picture in the minds of my readers, to transport them to another world, or to

evoke a deep emotional response.

However, as I neared the end of the exam, doubt began to creep in. Did I do enough

justice to my ideas? Were my characters fully fleshed out? Did my story engage and

captivate the reader as I had intended? It was an anxious moment, questioning

whether my efforts would be enough to satisfy the expectations placed upon me.

Days turned into weeks as I awaited the results. Each passing moment seemed to

amplify my self-doubt, feeding my mind with thoughts of inadequacy. But when the

moment of truth finally arrived, I realized that the true value of the exam was not

solely in the grade I received but in the growth and self-discovery I had experienced.

Yes, there were areas where I could improve. Perhaps I could have delved deeper

into the nuances of my characters or refined the pacing of my story. But I also

recognized the bravery it took to put my ideas out into the world, to embrace

vulnerability and share a piece of my innermost thoughts and emotions.

Creative writing is an ongoing journey, an ever-evolving process of learning and

refining one's craft. Each piece of writing is an opportunity to experiment, to take

risks, and to grow as both a writer and an individual. My first periodical exam was a

stepping stone, a foundation upon which I will build my future endeavors in the realm

of creative expression.

As I move forward, I will take the lessons learned from this exam and apply them to

my writing journey. I will celebrate my strengths while acknowledging my

weaknesses, seeking improvement through practice and persistence. I will continue

to explore the boundless realms of imagination, allowing my words to carry me to

places yet unseen.

In the end, my first periodical exam in creative writing was not just a test of my skills;

it was a testament to my passion, dedication, and willingness to embrace the beauty

and complexity of the written word. And as I embark on this lifelong pursuit, I am

filled with excitement and anticipation for the stories that lie ahead.
As I observe your drawing depicting your aspiration to become a social worker upon

graduating from college, I am captivated by the depth of your vision and the

significance of your chosen path. Reflecting upon your drawing and the implications

it holds for your future, I am reminded of the immense impact that social workers

have on individuals and communities alike.

Your choice to pursue a career in social work demonstrates not only your

compassion and empathy but also your desire to make a positive difference in the

lives of others. It is a noble calling that requires a deep understanding of human

behavior, a commitment to social justice, and a genuine willingness to advocate for

those in need. Your drawing serves as a testament to your genuine intent to fulfill

these responsibilities.

Becoming a social worker entails a journey of personal growth, knowledge

acquisition, and skill development. College will provide you with the necessary

academic foundation and practical experiences to prepare you for the challenges

and rewards of this profession. The road may not always be easy, as you will

encounter diverse situations and complex societal issues. However, your dedication,

resilience, and the desire to support vulnerable populations will fuel your progress

and motivate you to overcome any obstacles that come your way.
In your drawing, I perceive the portrayal of connections and relationships, reflecting

the fundamental nature of social work. It symbolizes your commitment to fostering

positive interactions, building bridges of understanding, and advocating for social

change. As a social worker, you will have the opportunity to address systemic

issues, empower individuals to overcome adversity, and contribute to the overall

well-being of society.

Your path as a social worker is filled with possibilities. Whether you choose to work

in child welfare, mental health, community development, or any other area within the

field, your drawing showcases the potential for transformation and growth. It also

serves as a reminder that your impact will extend far beyond the confines of the

office or the field, as you strive to create a more just and equitable world for all.

While your graduation from college is yet to come, I encourage you to hold onto the

inspiration and determination depicted in your drawing. Allow it to guide you through

your academic journey and motivate you to embrace every learning opportunity that

comes your way. Remember that the path to becoming a social worker involves

continuous learning, self-reflection, and a commitment to professional development.

As you progress through your college education and embark on your future career

as a social worker, remain true to your values, and let your passion for helping

others guide your decisions. Your drawing serves as a visual representation of your

aspirations, reminding you of the profound impact you can have on the lives of

individuals and communities. Embrace your journey with an open mind, a

compassionate heart, and an unwavering belief in the power of social work to effect

positive change.
Information technology has undoubtedly become a driving force in our modern

society, significantly impacting various aspects of our lives. From the proliferation of

cellphones to the widespread availability of the internet and the advent of various

social media platforms, these technological advancements have revolutionized the

way we communicate, access information, and interact with the world around us.

Cellphones, once humble devices used solely for making calls, have now evolved

into powerful mini-computers that fit in the palm of our hands. They have

transformed our lives by enabling instant communication with anyone, anywhere in

the world. The convenience and accessibility of cellphones have made it possible for

us to stay connected, conduct business, and share information effortlessly.

Moreover, cellphones have become indispensable tools for accessing the internet,

where a wealth of knowledge and resources is just a few taps away.

Speaking of the internet, it has truly transformed the way we gather and disseminate

information. The internet has virtually eliminated geographical barriers, allowing us to

access an incredible amount of data and knowledge at our fingertips. It has

democratized information, empowering individuals to learn, explore, and express

themselves in unprecedented ways. The internet has revolutionized industries, from

education and entertainment to commerce and research, creating new opportunities

and challenging traditional structures.

In parallel with the internet, social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools

for communication, self-expression, and connection. They have reshaped how we

interact with others and consume information. Social media provides a platform for

individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas on a global scale. It has

given a voice to the previously unheard, facilitating social movements and activism.

However, it is important to acknowledge that social media can also perpetuate echo

chambers, spread misinformation, and pose challenges to privacy and mental well-


In this digital age, journals have also undergone a transformation. With the advent of

electronic journals and online publishing platforms, information is now disseminated

rapidly, reaching a broader audience. Researchers and scholars can collaborate

more efficiently, share their findings, and contribute to the collective knowledge of

humanity. The accessibility and interconnectedness brought by information

technology have accelerated the pace of scientific discovery and innovation.

While information technology has brought about remarkable advancements and

convenience, it is crucial to navigate its impact with a critical and mindful approach.

We must consider issues such as digital literacy, privacy, cybersecurity, and the

ethical use of technology. It is important to strike a balance between the benefits of

information technology and its potential drawbacks, ensuring that we harness its

power responsibly.
Information technology, with its various manifestations such as cellphones, the

internet, social media, and electronic journals, has transformed the way we

communicate, access information, and interact with the world. It has enhanced our

connectivity, expanded our knowledge, and empowered individuals in

unprecedented ways. However, as we embrace these advancements, we must

remain vigilant and proactive in addressing the challenges and ethical considerations

that come with the evolving landscape of information technology.

Throughout my journey in the field of Information Technology (IT), I have witnessed

firsthand the remarkable advancements and the immense impact it has had on our

world. As I take a moment to reflect on my experiences, I am filled with a sense of

awe and gratitude for the transformative power of information technology. In this

essay, I will delve into the profound changes that IT has brought about, both in my

personal life and in society as a whole.

My fascination with IT began when I was young, tinkering with computers and

exploring the vast possibilities they offered. It was through my early encounters with

technology that I developed a deep passion for understanding its inner workings and

leveraging it to solve problems. As I embarked on my educational journey in the field

of IT, I was exposed to a multitude of concepts, ranging from programming

languages to network infrastructure, that expanded my knowledge and honed my

Throughout my studies in applied social science, one aspect that has consistently

intrigued me is the intersection of discipline and ideas. This dynamic relationship

presents a unique challenge for researchers and practitioners, as they seek to

understand human behavior and society in a meaningful way. In this reflection, I will

explore the importance of citing psychologists in the context of discipline and ideas

within the field of applied social science.

When discussing discipline, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of grounding

our work in established theories and frameworks. Psychologists have contributed

significantly to the development of theories that explain human behavior and

cognition. Their research, experiments, and observations have provided valuable

insights into various aspects of the human mind and social dynamics. Citing

psychologists helps to acknowledge and honor their contributions, demonstrating an

understanding of the historical and theoretical foundations that underpin our


Moreover, citing psychologists adds credibility and validity to our own work. By

referencing reputable sources, we show that our ideas and arguments are not

merely conjecture but are rooted in empirical evidence and academic rigor. This

practice strengthens our scholarly integrity and encourages others to view our work

as reliable and well-informed.

Furthermore, citing psychologists promotes the exchange of knowledge and fosters

a sense of intellectual community. By acknowledging the work of others, we

contribute to the ongoing dialogue within the field. This engagement with existing

research allows for the development and refinement of ideas, ultimately advancing

the collective understanding of applied social science. In this sense, citations serve

as bridges connecting our work with a broader body of knowledge, providing a

platform for collaboration and innovation.

Additionally, citing psychologists demonstrates humility and respect for those who

have paved the way before us. It acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of

applied social science and recognizes that no single discipline can claim a monopoly

on knowledge. By incorporating insights from psychology, we broaden our

perspectives and enrich our understanding

of complex social phenomena. This inclusive approach strengthens the

interdisciplinary nature of our field, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and

opening doors to new avenues of research.

In conclusion, citing psychologists is a fundamental practice that upholds the

integrity, credibility, and collaborative nature of the field of applied social science. By

doing so, we demonstrate our commitment to discipline and ideas, acknowledge the

contributions of those who have come before us, and engage in a scholarly

conversation that advances our understanding of human behavior and society. As I

continue my academic journey, I will strive to incorporate and cite the work of

psychologists, recognizing the invaluable role they play in shaping our discipline.
Understanding the dynamics of community action is crucial for anyone who wishes to

make a positive impact in their community. As I reflect on my recent quiz on this

topic, I am reminded of the importance of understanding the various factors that

influence how communities come together to address issues and create change.

One key factor is the role of leadership within a community. Effective leaders can

inspire and mobilize others to take action, while ineffective leaders may hinder

progress or even cause division. Another important factor is the level of trust and

cooperation among community members. Without trust, it can be difficult to build

consensus or work towards common goals.

Additionally, it is important to recognize that communities are not monolithic entities;

they are made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and

perspectives. Understanding and respecting these differences can help foster

inclusivity and ensure that everyone has a voice in shaping their community's future.

My quiz on community action dynamics has reinforced my belief in the importance of

empathy, collaboration, and effective communication when working towards positive

change in our communities

. As I reflect on my essay about making my dream 10 years from now, I realize that it

is not just a mere exercise in imagination. It is a roadmap that will guide me towards

achieving my goals and aspirations.

In writing this essay, I have come to understand the importance of setting specific

and measurable goals. It has taught me to be realistic yet ambitious in my dreams

and to work hard towards achieving them.

Moreover, this exercise has made me aware of the obstacles that may hinder me

from reaching my goals. It has taught me to be resilient and persistent in overcoming

these challenges.

Finally, this essay has made me realize the value of self-reflection. By looking back

at my past experiences and assessing my strengths and weaknesses, I can better

prepare myself for the future.

In today's society, community action is an essential aspect of creating a better world.

Understanding the importance of community action and its impact on society is

crucial for individuals to contribute positively to their communities. As I reflect on my

quiz score of 37 in the subject of understanding community action, I realize that there

is still much for me to learn.

Community action involves individuals coming together to address issues affecting

their communities. It requires collaboration, communication, and a willingness to

work towards a common goal. My score indicates that I have some knowledge about

this topic, but there are areas where I need improvement.

To improve my understanding of community action, I plan to research successful

community projects and organizations. Additionally, I will seek out opportunities to

volunteer and participate in local initiatives.

The quiz score serves as a reminder that learning is a continuous process. By

reflecting on my weaknesses and taking steps towards improvement, I can become

an active participant in creating positive change within my community.

In philosophy, the holistic perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness and

interdependence of different aspects of reality. It suggests that a comprehensive

understanding of any phenomenon requires considering its relationships, context,

and broader implications. This approach rejects reductionism, which attempts to

explain complex phenomena by breaking them down into simpler parts. Instead, the

holistic perspective recognizes that reality is a complex web of interconnected

systems, and true understanding comes from considering the whole.

On the other hand, a partial point of view focuses on examining specific aspects or

parts of a phenomenon in isolation. It seeks to analyze and understand these parts

individually without considering their interconnectedness with the whole. While a

partial point of view can provide detailed insights into specific elements, it may fail to

capture the full complexity and context of the subject matter.

When studying philosophy, it is important to acknowledge the strengths and

limitations of both perspectives. The holistic perspective reminds us to consider the

broader context and interdependencies of ideas and concepts. It encourages us to

explore the relationships between different philosophical theories and the

implications they have on various aspects of life.

However, the partial point of view also has its merits. By focusing on specific

aspects, we can delve deep into the intricacies and nuances of individual ideas or

arguments. This analytical approach allows for a more detailed understanding of

particular concepts.

A well-rounded philosophical inquiry often requires balancing both the holistic

perspective and the partial point of view. Integrating these approaches helps to

develop a comprehensive understanding while also appreciating the finer details.

Philosophy is a subject that has been studied by scholars for centuries. It is the study

of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and

language. As a student, I have come to understand the importance of studying

philosophy as it helps me to develop critical thinking skills and broaden my

perspective on life.

Studying philosophy has helped me to reflect on my own beliefs and values. It has

taught me how to think logically and critically about complex issues. Philosophy also

provides a framework for understanding different cultures and societies, which is

crucial in today's globalized world.

Philosophy helps us to understand the nature of reality and our place in it. It allows

us to explore questions about the meaning of life, morality and ethics. These are

important questions that we all face at some point in our lives.

Studying philosophy is essential for any student who wants to develop critical

thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. It provides

us with tools for reflection that can be applied in all areas of life

Trends and fads are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have

distinct differences. A trend is a general direction in which something is developing

or changing, whereas a fad is a short-lived craze that gains popularity quickly and

fades away just as fast. To determine whether something is a trend or a fad, one

must look at its longevity and impact.

In order to score 25 in the quiz on determining trends and fads, it is important to

understand the factors that contribute to their success. For instance, trends tend to

have a longer lifespan than fads because they are based on fundamental changes in

society or culture. Fads, on the other hand, rely on novelty and excitement to gain


Another way to distinguish between trends and fads is by examining their impact.

Trends have a lasting effect on society while fads do not. For example, the trend of

sustainable living has impacted how people consume products and services for

years now while the fidget spinner craze was just a passing phase.

understanding how to determine trends and fads requires an understanding of their

longevity and impact. By recognizing these factors, one can make informed

decisions about what products or services will stand the test of time versus those

that will fade away quick.

In the subject of trends and fads, it is essential to understand the concept of giga

trends, long periods of time, pattern behavior, and their underlying causes. Giga

trends refer to major, long-term shifts that shape and influence society, industries,

and human behavior over extended periods. These trends are characterized by their

enduring nature and significant impact on multiple aspects of life.

When analyzing giga trends, it is important to identify patterns of behavior that

persist over time. By studying these patterns, we can gain insights into the

underlying causes driving these trends. Recognizing and understanding the forces

behind these giga trends can be valuable for individuals, businesses, and

policymakers in anticipating future developments and making informed decisions.

One example of a giga trend is the increasing digitization of various industries. Over

the past few decades, the world has witnessed a rapid advancement in technology,

leading to the digitization of processes, services, and communication channels. This

trend has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with each other, resulting

in significant societal and economic changes.

Another giga trend is the growing concern for sustainability and environmental

consciousness. As people become more aware of the impact of human activities on

the planet, there has been a shift towards sustainable practices and a greater

emphasis on environmental stewardship. This trend has led to the rise of eco-friendly

products, renewable energy sources, and a focus on reducing carbon footprints.

Examining giga trends over a long period allows us to identify recurring patterns and

behaviors. For instance, the adoption of new technologies often follows a predictable

pattern. Initially, there is a period of skepticism and resistance to change. However,

as the technology proves its value and becomes more accessible, widespread

adoption occurs. This pattern can be observed in the adoption of smartphones,

social media, and e-commerce platforms.

Understanding the causes behind giga trends requires a multifaceted approach.

Factors such as technological advancements, economic shifts, cultural changes, and

demographic shifts can all contribute to the emergence and evolution of these

trends. For example, the proliferation of smartphones and the widespread availability

of high-speed internet are instrumental in driving the digital revolution and its

associated giga trends.

In my own opinion I believe that scoring a 7 indicates a reasonable level of

comprehension regarding trends and fads. While it is not a perfect score, it

demonstrates that I possess a solid foundation of knowledge in this area. This

accomplishment affirms that I have a decent understanding of the subject matter and

can identify various trends and fads that have emerged over time.

Upon further contemplation, I acknowledge that trends and fads can be intriguing yet

unpredictable phenomena. They evolve and change rapidly, making it challenging to

stay up-to-date with the latest developments. While I may have missed a few

questions, it is crucial to recognize that trends and fads are transient by nature, and

it can be difficult to accurately predict or grasp them in their entirety.

In light of my quiz performance, I recognize the importance of staying informed and

continuously learning about trends and fads. This experience has motivated me to

explore the topic further, broaden my understanding, and remain aware of the ever-

changing landscape of popular culture.

And I have come to appreciate the significance of critical thinking when it comes to

trends and fads. Scoring a 7 has reminded me that it is essential to evaluate the

longevity and impact of a trend or fad before jumping on the bandwagon.

Understanding the underlying motivations behind their popularity can provide

valuable insights into the human psyche and societal dynamics.

In this quiz score has encouraged me to reflect on the role of trends and fads in

shaping our society. It highlights the importance of considering the cultural,

technological, and economic factors that contribute to their emergence and

subsequent decline. Scoring a 7 has prompted me to delve deeper into the socio-

cultural implications of trends and fads and their influence on various aspects of our

. Making music is a form of expression that allows artists to convey their emotions

and experiences through sound. However, sometimes the process of creating a song

can lead to unexpected feelings of sadness and despair. As an artist begins to write

lyrics, they may find themselves delving deeper into their own thoughts and

emotions, uncovering painful memories or experiences that they had previously


As the lyrics take shape, the artist may begin to feel overwhelmed by the weight of

their own emotions. The act of putting these feelings into words can be cathartic, but

it can also be emotionally draining. The artist may find themselves struggling with

depression as they confront their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Despite the challenges that come with making music that touches on difficult topics

like depression, many artists continue to create songs that speak to the human

experience in all its complexity. Through music, we can find solace in our shared

struggles and connect with others who have experienced similar pain.
In today's digital age, a well-crafted resume is essential to landing a job. However,

many individuals struggle with creating an effective resume that accurately reflects

their skills and experience. This is where the quiz on how to make a resume comes

in handy.

The quiz provides valuable insights into the key components of a successful resume,

including formatting, content, and language. It prompts users to consider their unique

strengths and experiences and how they can be effectively communicated to

potential employers.

By taking the quiz and reflecting on its results, individuals can gain a better

understanding of what makes for a strong resume. They can then use this

knowledge to tailor their own resumes accordingly.

This quiz on how to make a resume serves as an invaluable tool for anyone looking

to improve their chances of securing employment. By taking the time to reflect on its

insights and apply them in practice, individuals can take important steps towards

achieving their career goals.

Based on my understanding, Filipino sa Piling Larang Akademik is a subject that

aims to develop the language proficiency and critical thinking skills of Filipino

students. As a student who scored 25 in the exam, I realized that there are areas

where I need to improve.

One of the essential aspects of this subject is reflection. It allows us to evaluate our

strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to

enhance our performance. Through reflection, we can also gain insights into our

learning process and make adjustments accordingly.

As a Filipino student, I believe that it is crucial for me to excel in this subject as it

reflects my understanding and appreciation of my culture and heritage. Moreover, it

prepares me for future academic pursuits where language proficiency is essential.

Scoring 25 in the Filipino sa Piling Larang Akademik exam serves as a wake-up call

for me to strive harder in this subject. Through reflection and continuous practice, I

am confident that I can improve my performance and become proficient in the

Filipino language.
For me the uri ng talumpati in piling larang filipino is a powerful tool for

communication and persuasion. It is a form of speech that allows the speaker to

convey their message effectively to their audience. The score of 25 indicates that the

speaker has successfully delivered their message with clarity and conviction.

In order to make me a reflection about the Uri ng Talumpati, I must first understand

its purpose. The Uri ng Talumpati can be used for various reasons such as

informing, entertaining, inspiring or persuading an audience. It requires careful

planning and preparation in order to deliver an effective speech.

As I reflect on my own experience with the Uri ng Talumpati, I realize that it is not

just about delivering words but also about connecting with your audience. A great

speech should be able to evoke emotions and inspire action from its listeners.

Uri ng Talumpati is a powerful tool that can be used to influence people's thoughts

and actions. It requires skillful delivery and careful planning in order to achieve its

desired effect. With a score of 25, it is clear that the speaker has successfully

conveyed their message with impact and conviction.

I persevered that lakbay-sanaysay is a form of Filipino literature that allows the

writer to share their personal experiences and insights through travel. It is a unique

genre that combines storytelling, cultural exploration, and self-reflection. With a

score of 38, it is evident that the writer has demonstrated a good understanding of

the elements that make up an effective lakbay-sanaysay.

The writer has successfully conveyed their personal experiences and observations in

an engaging manner. They have also provided insightful commentary on the places

they visited and the people they met along the way. The use of descriptive language

and vivid imagery has helped to bring their journey to life for readers.

Furthermore, the writer has shown a deep appreciation for Filipino culture and

heritage. They have highlighted the beauty of local traditions and customs while also

acknowledging some of the challenges faced by communities in different parts of the


Lakbay-sanaysay serves as a wonderful reflection on travel, culture, and self-

discovery. It is an excellent example of how this genre can be used to share

meaningful stories with readers.

For me making a resume is an essential part of job hunting. It serves as a reflection

of oneself and showcases their skills and experiences. In the Philippines, creating a

resume in Filipino is common practice, especially for local companies.

As someone who has scored 7 in making a Filipino resume, I have learned that it

takes careful consideration and attention to detail to create an effective one. The

language used must be clear and concise, highlighting one's strengths and


Formatting plays a crucial role in making a good impression on potential employers.

A well-organized resume with proper headings and bullet points can make it easier

for recruiters to scan through the document quickly.

Overall, making a Filipino resume requires patience and effort. It is important to

remember that it is not just about listing down qualifications but also about

presenting oneself in the best possible light. With practice and dedication, anyone

can improve their skills in creating an impressive Filipino resume.

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