3i's 3rd Final Exam

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Name: _____________________________________________________Strand: _______________________ Score:
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Identify to which the statement is thoroughly focused on between the two given options.
Shade the oval of your choice. NO ERASURES.

A. Researchable and Not Researchable Questions

O Researchable O Not Researchable 1. Is education necessary to have better work opportunities?

O Researchable O Not Researchable 2. Which is more educational for high school students --- dictionary or encyclopedia?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 3. What is the best school for incoming college students?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 4. Which has better education system --- public schools or private schools?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 5. Which track has larger opportunities in the field --- EIM, SMAW or HE?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 6. At what level should most people finish to become successful --- primary, secondary or
O Researchable O Not Researchable 7. What is the best practice for vocabulary acquisition and enhancement?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 8. What is the most ideal design in research for researchers who have limited time to prepare?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 9. What scholastic shortcoming is more prevalent today --- absenteeism or financial lapses?
O Researchable O Not Researchable 10. Which literary piece do most students find interesting --- novels or poems?

B. Constitutive and Operational Definitions

O Constitutive O Operational 11. Teachers refer to the junior and senior high school educators of Aurora NHS – S.Y. 2019-2020.
O Constitutive O Operational 12. Teachers refer to those people whose occupation is to instruct.
O Constitutive O Operational 13. Recipe refers to a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients.
O Constitutive O Operational 14. Recipe refers to the dishes crafted by the TVL – HE 12 students of Aurora NHS – S.Y. 2019-2020.
O Constitutive O Operational 15. Welding refers to the skill undergone and acquired by the TVL – SMAW 12 students of Aurora
NHS – S.Y. 2019 – 2020.
O Constitutive O Operational 16. Welding refers to the process of heating and allowing metals to flow together or by hammering
` or compressing with or without previous heating.
O Constitutive O Operational 17. Wiring refers to the arrangement of wires used for electric distribution.
O Constitutive O Operational 18. Wiring refers to one of the requisites indoctrinated by the TVL – EIM 12 students of Aurora NHS --
S.Y. 2019-2020.
O Constitutive O Operational 19. Local Government Unit refers to the governing jurisdiction of Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur.
O Constitutive O Operational 20. Local Government Unit refers to the office, authority or function of a local governing body.


Directions: Identify the independent, dependent and controlled variable in the following situations. Write your answers in the space
provided after every situation. Every correct variable is worth two (2) points.

*Situation A: (nos. 21-26)

A student wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it would fly. Paper clips were added
before each test flight. As each paper clip was added, the plane was tested to determine how far it would fly.

Independent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Dependent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Controlled Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________

*Situation B: (nos. 27-32)

The time it takes to run a mile depends on person’s running speed.

Independent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Dependent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Controlled Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________
*Situation C: (nos. 33-38)

Two groups of students were tested to compare their speed in solving Math problems. Each group was given the same
problems. One group used calculators and the other group computed without calculators.

Independent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Dependent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Controlled Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________

*Situation D: (nos. 39-44)

An experiment was performed to determine how the amount of coffee ground could affect the taste of coffee. The same
kind of coffee, the same percolator, the same amount and type of water, the same perking time, and the same electrical sources
were used.

Independent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Dependent Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Controlled Variable: ____________________________________________________________________________________


Directions: In this section, identify the characteristics of research contained in Column A by matching it with their respective
meaning/s in Column B. Write only the letter of your choice in the space provided before every number.

Column A Column B

__________ 45. Analytical a. Research is conducted using systematic method and procedures
__________ 46. Replicability and without bias.
__________ 47. Logical b. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
__________ 48. Empirical c. Research utilizes cautious procedures in gathering data.
__________ 49. Methodical d. Research starts and ends with a problem.
__________ 50. Cyclical e. Research is based on direct experience and observation.
f. Research design and procedures are repeated to arrive at valid
and conclusive results.


Directions: Identify the qualities of a good researcher by providing the meaning of the acronym below. NO ERASURES.

R - _________________________
E - _________________________
S - _________________________
E - _________________________
A- _________________________
R- _________________________
C- _________________________
H- _________________________
E- _________________________
R- _________________________

“Keep up! Everything will fall into its place.”

- Sir Tophe

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