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My List Plan

One very quick essay planning technique is a list plan.

Step 1 Step 2
Brainstorm a rapid list of all the Put a circle round the ideas that
things that come to mind on best suit the question you have
the topic. to answer.

The French Revolution

Louis XVI
’ Subject:
The French Revolution

Louis XVI
The Bastille The Bastille
Aristocracy Aristocracy
Tennis Court Oath Tennis Court Oath
Reign of Terror Reign of Terror
Jacobins Jacobins
Third Estate Third Estate
Republic Republic
Napoleon Napoleon
40,000 killed 40,000 killed
Equality Equality
Enlightenment Enlightenment
Step 3 Subject:
Place a number 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. next to each idea, The French Revolution
with the number indicating the order in which
Louis XVI
you intend to write about this idea in your The Bastille 4
essay. For example, number 1 equals the first Aristocracy 1
idea you will discuss. Tennis Court Oath 3
Reign of Terror
Third Estate 2
For an exam topic you are presently studying have a go at
drafting a list plan, as if you were going to write an exam 40,000 killed 6
essay. Once you are done, compare your plan with a friend. Equality
See how their plan was similar or different to the one you


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