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Core 3.

Produce Organic Fertilizer

LO 1: Prepare Composting Area and Raw Materials
 Select site

Characteristics of good composting site

a. good drainage (no flood)
b. Availability of water supply
c. Proximity to the source of raw materials
d. Area with minimum or less contamination
e. Well ventilated

 Prepare bed

 Collection of raw materials/substrate

Raw materials for composting
C:N source (3:1 or 1:1) (75:25)
N Source – Manure & Kakawate Leaves
C Source – Rice Straw & Banana Trunk
3:1 – = 100 kg (75kg C: 25kg N)
75 kg C – 35 k of rice straw + 35 kg banana trunk
25 kg N – 12.5 kg Manure + 12.5 kg of kakawate leaves
 Carbon source (crop residue)
 Rice straw
 Sawdust
 coco coir
 corn stalks
 banana trunk/leaves
 kitchen waste
 paper

 Nitrogen source
 All manure except cat and dog
 Legumes like ipil-ipil, kakawate leaves
 Azolla
 Duckweed
 Wild sunflower

 Pile/spread the substrate


LO 2: Compost and Harvest Fertilizer

Apply appropriate composting methods
Monitor compost
Check quality of harvest
Perform record keeping

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