Product Safety Declaration - Finolene Blue GSP-3610 - Version 1.0 - 21 Agst 2023

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Product Safety Declaration

Revision date : 21-Ags-2023

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Product Code : GSP3610

Product Name : FINOLENE BLUE GSP-3610


All statements refer exclusively to the named product in its current formulation: they are based on the present
state of our knowledge and experience and concern the product in its original form and packaging as supplied
from our factory.
Since the masterbatch or compound manufacturer has no influence on subsequent processing, the processor
himself is responsible for ensuring that the finished article is suitable for the intended use and is also
responsible for ascertaining the compliance of the end article with the national and international regulations
and laws concerning its application field.

Indonesia National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) Regulation No. 20
Year 2019 (former Regulation No. HK on food packaging

Food, including food packaging, is regulated under Law 18/2012 in Indonesia. Known as the new Food Law, it
replaced the Food Act of 1996 (Law 7/1996). Law 18/2012 requires that the food supply be sufficient, safe,
high quality, diverse, affordable, and not conflict with religion, beliefs, and culture. In this regard, it imposes a
broad range of pre-market and post-market controls to try to ensure food safety.

Indonesia's new Food Law defines "Food Packaging" as "material used to enclose and/or wrap Food that is in
contact both directly as well as indirectly." The use of food packaging that is hazardous to human health or
releases pollutants that are hazardous to human health is banned in Part Six, which specifically addresses food

The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) Regulation No. 20 Year 2019 on food packaging
materials includes lists of prohibited (Annex 1), permitted with migration limitation (Annex 2A) and permitted
without migration limitation (Annex 2B), food packaging materials (substances) in plastics, printing ink,
rubber, elastomer, caps, gaskets, seals, paper, plastics, ceramics, glass and metals.

Based on the knowledge of all raw materials as well as of the manufacturing process, we are able to confirm
that the product does not contain intentionally added materials listed in Annex 1 of The National Agency of
Drug and Food Control (BPOM) Regulation No. 20 Year 2019 on food packaging materials.

European Community (EC) Regulation No 1935/ 2004 on materials and articles

intended to come into contact with food
This regulation stipulated the law in general for every material and articles intended to come into contact with
food, directly or indirectly. The principle underlying this Regulation is that any material or article intended to
come into contact directly or indirectly with food must be sufficiently inert to preclude substances from being
transferred to food in quantities large enough to endanger human health or to bring about an unacceptable
change in the composition of the food or a deterioration in its organoleptic properties.

All information given herein are based on our good faith and corresponds to the present state of our knowledge
and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. As regulations on food-
contact packaging are different in many countries, and conditions of use of our product beyond our control,
therefore, it is a responsibility of finished articles producers to ensure compatibility of their products with those
regulations in concern.
Product Safety Declaration
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In term of end articles, this regulation is not applicable to us as we do not produce end articles, therefore, it is
the manufacturer of the end article intended to come into contact with food obliged to fulfill the requirements
of the Regulation No 1935/2004. It is therefore your responsibility to comply with the regulation. However, in
order that you are in a position to ensure the traceability as required by the regulation, as a producer of one of
the material, we are please to provide you with information of merely our product in relation to this regulation.
Plastic materials are covered by specific measures in relation with component type used in the formulation of
the mixtures:
• polymers and additives are regulated by Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011;
• colorants (including dyes, organic and inorganic pigments), providing that they don’t migrate even in traces,
follow purity requirements laid down in the national laws of Member States where end article is put on the
market and the not legal binding requirements of AP(89) 1 of Council of Europe;
• catalysts, solvent and polymer production aids (not yet listed at EU level) shall be assessed with general
rules of Framework Regulation by substance manufacturer and/or shall comply with the national legislations

Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come
into contact with food (former Directive 2002/72/EC)
Generally the compositions of our products are company know how. However, we would like to inform as

The product contains one or more additive(s) which is (are) listed on the Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 (no SML).
We remind you that the assessment of overall migration limits (and any other specific migration limit) and of
the release of aromatic amines according Annex V part A of 2007/19/EC are in the area of responsibility of the
end article producer.

Resolution AP (89) 1 (Europe) – On the use of colourants in plastic materials

coming into contact with

All colorants used in the above mentioned product meets the purity requirements of the Resolution AP (89) 1,
as follows :

Antimony < 0.05 %

Arsenic < 0.01 %
Barium < 0.01 %
Cadmium < 0.01 %
Chromium (VI) < 0.1 %
Lead < 0.01 %
Mercury < 0.005 %
Selenium < 0.01 %
Aromatic amines < 500 mg/ kg
Sulphonated aromatic amines < 500 mg/ kg
Carbon black < 0.15 % as toluene in the colorant
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) < 25 mg/ kg

All information given herein are based on our good faith and corresponds to the present state of our knowledge
and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. As regulations on food-
contact packaging are different in many countries, and conditions of use of our product beyond our control,
therefore, it is a responsibility of finished articles producers to ensure compatibility of their products with those
regulations in concern.
Product Safety Declaration
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Germany: BfR Recommendations IX - Colorants for Plastics and other Polymers

Used in Commodities

All the colorants used do not show any objections to their use according to the recommendations of the BfR
(Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung; Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) contained into Empfehlungen IX
and meet its purity requirements as follows :

Antimony < 0.05 %

Arsenic < 0.01 %
Barium < 0.01 %
Cadmium < 0.01 %
Chromium (VI) < 0.1 %
Lead < 0.01 %
Mercury < 0.005 %
Selenium < 0.01 %
Aromatic amines < 500 mg/ kg
Sulphonated aromatic amines < 500 mg/ kg
Carbon black < 2.5 % in finished article

Directive (EC) No 94/62 and CONEG Regulation on packaging and packaging


Based on the knowledge of the raw materials as well as of the manufacturing process, we are able to confirm
that the product does not contain intentionally added heavy metals. The above-mentioned product fulfils the
requirements of EU-Directive 94/62/EC and the CONEG legislation; that is, the cumulative content of Cd, Pb, Hg
and Cr(VI) is less than 100ppm.

EU directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS = Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and EU

directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE)

The requirements of EU Directives 2011/65/EU and 2002/96/EC are applicable to electrical/electronic

equipments or part thereof and not to our chemical substances or preparations. It is therefore the
responsibility of the end user to assess his final product and to ensure the compliance with the requirements of
these EU Directives.

Hazardous Substances Max Conc.

Lead < 0,1 %
Chromium VI < 0,1 %
Mercury < 0,1 %
Cadmium < 0,01 %
Polybrominated bisphenyl < 0,1 %
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers < 0,1 %

We herewith confirm that substances restricted by directive 2011/65/EU (Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, CrVI, Hg), PBB,
PBDE) are not intentionally added to the product.

All information given herein are based on our good faith and corresponds to the present state of our knowledge
and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. As regulations on food-
contact packaging are different in many countries, and conditions of use of our product beyond our control,
therefore, it is a responsibility of finished articles producers to ensure compatibility of their products with those
regulations in concern.
Product Safety Declaration
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Remark :
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE) are neither used for the
manufacturing of the product nor added to the end product.

EN 71/ Part 3
The above-mentioned product does not exceed the heavy metal limits laid down in the European Standard EN
71, part 3 "Safety of toys".
Hazardous Substances Max Conc. In 0.07 N HCl
Arsenic (As) < 25 ppm
Barium (Ba) < 1000 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) < 75 ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 60 ppm
Mercury (Hg) < 60 ppm
Lead (Pb) < 90 ppm
Antimony (Sb) < 60 ppm
Selenium (Se) < 500 ppm

Cadmium compound
The components of the above mentioned product do not contain intentionally added cadmium compounds in
their chemical constitution.

Diarylide Pigments
The components of the above-mentioned product do not contain diarylide pigments in their chemical
constitution. These pigments must not be used in polymers if the processing temperature exceeds 200°C
because of possible thermal decomposition which can form e.g. traces of aromatic amines. (See MSDS, further
information also in ETAD Information Notice No.2 "Thermal Decomposition of Diarylide Pigments" - September

Lead compounds
In accordance with its constitution the above mentioned product do not contain lead compounds.

Chromium VI
Chromium VI is not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the final

Phtalates are not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the final product.

Nonylphenol is not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the final product.

Nonylphenol ethoxylates
Nonylphenol ethoxylates are not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the
final product.

All information given herein are based on our good faith and corresponds to the present state of our knowledge
and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. As regulations on food-
contact packaging are different in many countries, and conditions of use of our product beyond our control,
therefore, it is a responsibility of finished articles producers to ensure compatibility of their products with those
regulations in concern.
Product Safety Declaration
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Alkylphenols are not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the final

Alkylphenol ethoxylates
Alkylphenolethoxylate (APEO) is not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to
the final product.

Formaldehyd is not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the final

Tributyltin-compounds are not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the
final product.

Melamine is not used for the manufacturing of the above mentioned product nor added to the final product.

Tangerang, 21-Ags-2023

Product Safety Manager

All information given herein are based on our good faith and corresponds to the present state of our knowledge
and is intended as a general description of our products and their possible applications. As regulations on food-
contact packaging are different in many countries, and conditions of use of our product beyond our control,
therefore, it is a responsibility of finished articles producers to ensure compatibility of their products with those
regulations in concern.

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