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Chapter 5 • Transferable ownership rights

Accounting for Corporations • Management is centralized in the Board of

Corporation- An artificial being created by • Lack of mutual agency for stockholders
operation of law, having the right of succession • Ease of capital accumulation
and the powers, attributes and properties
expressly authorized by law or incident to its DISADVANTAGES OF A CORPORATION
existence. • Complicated in formation and management
-A corporation is an entity recognized by law as • Governmental regulation
possessing an existence separate and distinct • High cost of formation and operation
from its owners; that is, it is a separate legal • Heavier taxation than other forms of business
entity. organizations
• Minority shareholders are subservient to the
ATTRIBUTES OF A CORPORATION wishes of the majority
1. Artificial being with a personality separate and • Management and control have been separated
apart from its individual shareholders or from ownership
members. • Transferability of shares permits the uniting of
2. Created by operation of law. incompatible and conflicting
3. Enjoys the right of succession. elements in one venture.
4. Has the powers, attributes and properties
expressly authorized by law or incident to its CLASSES OF CORPORATIONS
Section 3 of the Revised Corporation Code
COMPARISON BETWEEN PARTNERSHIP AND classified private corporations
1. Stock corporation – Corporations which have
share capital divided into shares and are
authorized to distribute to the holders of such
shares dividends or allotments of the surplus
profits on the basis of the shares held. a type of
for-profit company
2. Non-stock corporation – Corporations which
do not have share capital

According to number of persons:

1. Corporation aggregate – consisting of more
than one corporator.
2. Corporation sole or a special form of
corporation usually associated with the clergy
– consists of only one member or corporator and
ADVANTAGES OF A CORPORATION his successors such as a bishop.
• Separate legal entity
• Limited liability of stockholders
• Continuous life
According to nationality: According to their relation to another
1. Domestic corporation – organized under corporation:
Philippine laws. 1. Parent or holding corporation – a
2. Foreign corporation – organized under corporation that is related to another corporation
foreign laws. that it has the power to either directly or indirectly
elect the majority of the directors of a subsidiary
According to whether for public or private corporation.
purpose: 2. Subsidiary corporation – a corporation
1. Public corporation – formed for the controlled by another corporation known as a
government of a portion of the state parent corporation.
2. Private corporation – created for private aim,
benefit or purpose STEPS IN THE CREATION OF A
According to whether for charitable purpose
or not: 1. PROMOTION- It is the process of bringing
1. Ecclesiastical corporation – organized for together the incorporators or the persons
religious purposes interested in the business, of procuring
2. Eleemosynary corporation – established for subscriptions or capital for the corporation and of
public charity setting in motion the machinery that leads to the
3. Civil corporation – established for business or incorporation of the corporation itself.
2. INCORPORATION- Verification from the
According to their legal right to corporate records of the Securities and Exchange
existence: Commission (SEC) that the proposed corporate
1. De jure corporation – existing in fact and in name is not the same or similar to an existing
law. corporation.
2. De facto corporation – existing in fact but not
According to degree of public participation OPERATIONS- Formal organization requires the
with regard to their share ownership: adoption of by-laws and the election of the board
1. Close corporation – share ownership is of directors and of the administrative officers.
limited to selected persons or member of a family
not exceeding 20 persons. BY-LAWS- The rules of action adopted by the
2. Open corporation – the share is available for corporation for its internal government and for the
subscription or purchase by any person. government of its officers, shareholders or
3. Publicly-held corporation – a class of equity members.
securities listed on an exchange or with assets in -shall be effective only upon the issuance by the
excess of P50,000 and having 200 or more Commission of a certification that the bylaws are
holders, at least 200 of which are holding at least in accordance with the Revised Corporation
100 shares of a class of its equity securities. Code.
-Failure to file a code of by-laws shall render the
corporation liable for the revocation of its
10.Authorized shares. The maximum number of
1. Corporators, Incorporators, Shareholders, shares which a corporation may issue.
Members 11.Issued shares. Shares issued to shareholders
2. Subscribers – persons who have agreed to which at present may or may not be in the hands
take and pay for original, unissued shares of a of the shareholder.
corporation formed or to be formed. 12.Unissued shares. Shares which never been
3. Promoters – persons who bring about or issued and are available for issuance.
cause to bring about the formation and 13.Outstanding shares. Shares issued to
organization of a corporation. shareholders or subscribers whether fully or
4. Underwriters- investment bankers partially paid except for treasury shares.
5. Independent director– person who apart from 14.Subscribed shares. Shares which investors
his fees and shareholdings is independent of have contracted to acquire.
management and free from any business
Shareholders- owners
CLASSES OF SHARES IN GENERAL Board of Directors- responsible for the
formulation of policies
1. Par value shares. One in which a specific President- must be a director but cannot act as
amount is fixed in the articles of incorporation and president and secretary or as president and
appearing on the certificate of stock. treasurer at the same time.
2. No-par value shares. One without any value Corporate Secretary- make and keep its records
appearing on the face of the certificate of stock. and to make proper entries of the votes,
(minimum- 5pesos) resolutions and proceedings
3. Voting shares. Those issued with the right to Corporate Treasurer- receive and keep the
vote. money of the corporation and to disburse
4. Non-voting shares. Those issued without the
5. Ordinary shares. These shares entitle the • Minutes book. It contains the minutes of the
holder to an equal pro-rata division of meetings of the directors and shareholders.
profits without any preference. • Stock and transfer book. It is the record of the
6. Preference shares. These shares entitle the names of shareholders, installments paid and
holder to certain advantages or benefits over the unpaid by shareholders and dates of payment,
holders of ordinary shares. any transfer of stock and dates thereof, by whom
7. Promotion shares. Those issued to promoters and to whom made.
as compensation in promoting the incorporation • Books of accounts. These represent the
of a corporation, or for services rendered in record of all business transactions.
launching or promoting the welfare of the • Subscription book. It is a book of printed blank
corporation. subscription.
• Shareholders’ ledger. It is a ledger which
8. Treasury shares. A stock that has been issued details the number of shares issued to each
by the corporation as fully paid shareholder.
and later reacquired but not retired. • Subscribers’ ledger. It is a subsidiary ledger
9. Convertible shares. A stock which is for the subscriptions receivable account; it reports
convertible or changeable from one class to the individual subscriptions of the subscribers.
• Stock certificate book. It is a book of printed
blank certificates of stock. Chapter 7
Retained Earnings
Chapter 6
Share Capital Prior period errors are errors discovered in
the current period that are of such
Share Capital- shares subscribed and paid in or significance that the financial statements of
secured to be paid in shareholders either money, one or more prior periods can no longer be
property or services. considered to have been reliable at the date
Legal Capital- contributed by shareholders of their issue. Note that credit entries increase
comes from the sale of shares of stock. the retained earnings balance and debits
Share Premium- amounts paid in by decrease it.
shareholders in excess of par.
A debit balance in the Retained Earnings
2 Basic Types of Shares account resulting from accumulated losses is
called a deficit. Retained earnings may be
Ordinary Shares- basic ownership class of the restricted or appropriated, and unrestricted or
corporation. Residual entity unappropriated. Unrestricted retained
Preference Shares- special benefits relate either earnings are free and can be declared as
to the receipt of dividends when declared before dividends. Retained earnings restrictions may
the ordinary shareholders. be legal, contractual or voluntary.

TERMS RELATED TO SHARE CAPITAL Retained earnings is not a cash fund waiting
to be distributed as dividends, Instead, it is an
Authorized Share Capital- number of authorized owner's equity account representing claim on
shares indicated the maximum number of shares all assets in general and not on any
a corporation can issue asset in particular
Issued Share Capital- shares which have been
sold and paid in full. Dividends may take the form of cash, property
Subscribed Share Capital- subscribed but not or additional shares of stock of the
yet fully paid. corporation
Outstanding Share Capital- shares in the hands
of the shareholders. Issued shares-treasury Date of Record
shares=outstanding share A list of shareholders entitled to the declared
Treasury Stock-acquired but not retired, awaiting dividends is prepared at the date of record.If
to be reissued. an investor buys a share of stock after this
Shares for Services- issue shares in exchange date,he will not receive the dividend. The
for legal, accounting or other services. share is said to be traded ex-dividend. No
Organization Expense- may be debited at an entry is required on this date.
amount equal to the fair value pof such services.
Date of Payment
The corporation settles its liability on this date.
An entry is made debiting the dividend liability
or shares distributable account and crediting
cash, property distributed or share capital.
CASH DIVIDENDS corporations reduce the par or stated value of
Majority of dividends distributed by its share capital and issues additional shares
corporations is paid in cash. In declaring cash to its shareholders through the referred to as
dividends, a corporation must have both an share splits. The par or stated value per share
appropriate amount of retained earnings and will decrease with a corresponding increase in
the necessary amount of cash. Some the number of authorized ,issued and
investors view that a large retained earnings outstanding shares in effect, there is no
balance automatically permits generous changes in the balances of the shareholders'
dividend distributions. equity accounts.

Small Share Dividends Non-Cumulative Preference Shares.

Small share dividends are dividends in which These shares entitle the holders only to the
the additional shares issued are less than payment of current dividends, fi and when
20% of the previously outstanding shares. dividends are declared, to the extent of the
These share dividends are recorded by preference rate, before the ordinary
transferring from retained earnings to share shareholders are paid.
capital (ordinary shares and share premium
accounts) the fair market value of the Cumulative Preference Shares. These
additional shares to be issued. In cases when shares entitle the holder to payment not only
the fair market value is lower than the par or of current dividends but also of back
stated value, the par or stated value will be dividends or dividends in arrears, fi and when
the basis for recording. dividends are declared, before the ordinary
shareholders are paid.
Large Share Dividend
if the share dividend is 20% or more of the Non Participating Preference Shares.
previously outstanding shares such that the These shares entitle the holders only to the
effect is to reduce materially the market value extent of the stipulated preference dividend.
per share,then only the par or stated value is
credited to ordinary shares with a Participating Preference Shares. These
corresponding debit to retained earnings. shares entitle the holder to participate with
the holders of ordinary shares pro-rata in in
Liquidating Dividends the remainder after the ordinary shareholders
Liquidating dividends are not distributions of have received their initial share based on the
earnings but rather returns of capital of preference rate.
the investing shareholders. This type of
dividend can be legally paid only under either
of the following circumstances: (1) when the RESTRICTIONS ON RETAINED EARNINGS
corporation is under dissolution and A corporation may be required by law or
liquidation or (2) when the corporation is contractual arrangements to set aside a
engaged in the exploration of natural portion of the retained earnings for specified
resources purposes. In addition, the board of
directors may voluntarily designate a portion
of retained earnings for future expenses,
contingencies or other purposes (SFAS No.
18, par. 31). This portion of the retained
earnings is referred to as restricted or
appropriated retained earnings.


Book value per share is the amount that
would be paid on each share if the
corporation is liquidated. The amount
available to shareholders is exactly the
amount reported as Shareholders’
equity.When only a single class of shares
outstanding, the book value per share is
computed by dividing the total shareholders
equity by the number of shares outstanding.

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