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This Music Label Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Effective

Date], by and between:

[Your Music Label's Legal Name], with its principal place of business at
[Label Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Label"),
[Artist/Band's Legal Name], with its principal place of residence at [Artist
Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Artist").
Collectively, the Label and the Artist may be referred to as the "Parties."

WHEREAS, the Artist is a musical performer and desires to engage the

Label's services for the recording, distribution, and promotion of the Artist's
music; and
WHEREAS, the Label is engaged in the business of music production,
distribution, and promotion, and is willing to provide such services to the
Artist, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained
herein, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Recording and Distribution:

a. The Label agrees to produce, record, and distribute [Album/Single Title]
(the "Work") by the Artist. The Work will include [specific songs/tracklist] as
determined by the Parties.
b. The Label will cover all recording costs, including studio time, production,
engineering, and mastering. The Artist grants the Label the exclusive right to
distribute the Work during the term of this Agreement.
2. Royalties and Compensation:
a. In consideration for the services provided by the Label, the Artist shall
grant the Label a royalty rate of [percentage] of net revenue received by the
Label from the sale, streaming, or licensing of the Work.
b. The Parties agree to review and adjust the royalty rate every [specific
period] during the term of this Agreement.
3. Term:
a. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue in full
force and effect for a period of [specific term], unless terminated earlier as
provided herein.
b. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon written notice
if the other Party materially breaches any term or condition of this

4. Promotion and Marketing:

a. The Label agrees to actively promote and market the Work, including but
not limited to arranging performances, securing airplay, and pursuing
licensing opportunities.
b. The Artist agrees to cooperate with the Label's marketing efforts and
participate in reasonable promotional activities.
5. Ownership:
a. The Artist retains all rights to the original musical compositions embodied
in the Work.
b. The Label shall have the exclusive right to use the Artist's name, likeness,
and image for the promotion and distribution of the Work during the term of
this Agreement.
6. Indemnification:
a. Each Party shall indemnify, defend, and hold the other Party harmless
from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising out of or in
connection with the breach of this Agreement by the indemnifying Party.
7. Governing Law:
a. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the Philippines.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Music Label
Agreement as of the Effective Date.

[Your Music Label's Legal Name]:

By: __________________________________
Name: [Label Representative's Name]
Title: [Label Representative's Title]
Date: __________________________________

[Artist/Band's Legal Name]: By: __________________________________

Name: [Artist's Name]
Date: __________________________________

[Notary acknowledgment]

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