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The end-term test is basically based on the following list of contents.

Language focus:
Relative clauses: Defining and non-defining relative clauses (UNIT 8)
Reported speech (UNIT 9)
Conditional sentences Type 1 and Type 2 (UNIT 10)
Test format:
New ways to learn (UNIT 8)
Protecting the environment (UNIT 9)
Ecotourism (UNIT 10)
Mance(n) /’ Tans/ sccân bang
pnnection (npl P!*W mdl tn/dng
extreme (add .' k'stri*m

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heaP/ae (n) “I IU.\w•J\ ,•' séng nhiét,
8o kh6rg
ie meléng (nl •'ar» m«It‹ij .' sv un bânq

panda (n) .''"P«i›da.'”

pra‹tiuI ladj) ,"yi e k«kuI.' ihc‹ t4,


f4spratoiy ladj) .'' i 'st iiol*‹.' Ihu4‹ vé

hs hip
con rua

upcet (v)

@ t f?n
wildlife (n) ,•”‘\taJldI4Jt.' dong
Unit 10
<XL1> Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct ansu'er to each of the following questions:
1<AL l>Mr. Brown has created a list of the most useful apps for the classroom, is available on his blog.

• that
• it
• this
2<AL l>The school maintains learning profiles provide detailed information abotit each student’s
strengths and weaknesses, teachers use to personalize learning.
• that - which
• that - that
• which - that
• they - they
3<AL l>Recycling prox•ides a method of reducing the amount of waste materials that gets to the landfills —
thus it less probable for environmental pollution to take place.

4<AL l/The air the for landing.

5<AL l>He Q the no chance of promotion .

7<AL1>At the job interv'iew, the t at .

8<AL1>The flight attendant guy .

‘ t&
10<AL lñThe news report Q a public transport strike
11 AU The of computers has not been r .

12 AU j} claim the v of of and the .

° v
13 AU - are the main cause of pollution.

14 AL1:- To hackers, experts longer combinations of

and -case . as as .

15 AU -Due to global are to in the few .

• arise
• lift
16<AL1>As tjjgqy jobs people are computer- , to do a course to

17<AL1> agricultural pesticides effective have to .

if people do not stop habitats.

19<AL1>One of the local have to deal the of plastic containers.

20<AL1>The in computer to the

<XL2> Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
21<AL2> The abilities to concentrate on the lessons, understand the instructions, and solvine the problems
will result in the success in scfioolwork.
• solving
• understand
• result in
• schoolwork
22<AL2> Psychological experiments indicate that people remember more math problems that they cannot
solve than that they are able to solve.
• that
• experiments
• math problems
• are ably to
23<AL2> I have never seen him before in my life, so I don’t know how does he look.
• how does he funk
• have never
• bfm

24<AL2> In recent years, steps have been taken to guarantee equality job opportunities for the handicapped
and for minorities.

• in
• have been taken
• the handicapped
25<AL2> It is possibly that a well-developed memory is crucial in the learning of a foreign language.
• possibly
• well-developed
• crucial
• in

<XL3NOSTT> Read the passage carefully and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions betow.

Species that belong to an area are said to be native species. Typically, they have been part of a given
biological landscape for a long period, and they are well adapted to the local environment and to the presence
of other native species in the same general habitat. Exohc species are interlopers, foreign elements introduced
intentionally or accidentally into new settings through human activities. In one context an introduced species
may cause no obvious problems and may, over time, be regarded as being just as "natural" as any native
species in the same habitat. In another context, exotics may seriously disrupt delicate ecological balances and
create a cascade of unintended consequences. The worst of these unintended consequences arise when
introdticed species put native species in destruction by preying on them, altering their habitats, or out-
competing them in the struggle for food resources. Although biological introductions have affected
environments the world over, the most destructive effects have occurred on islands, where introduced insects,
cats, pigs, rats, tnongooses, and other nonnative species have caused the grave endangerment or outright
extinction of literally hundreds of species during the past 500 years.
One of other reasons to cause species extinction is overexploitation. This word refers to the
utilization of a species at a rate that is likely to cause its extreme endangerioent or outright extinction.
Among many examples of severe overexploitation, the case of the great whales stands out in special relief.
By the middle of the 20th century, unrestricted whaling had brought many species of whales to incredibly
low population sizes. In response to public pressure, in 1982 d..qumber..oj nations, including the USA,
agreed to an international moratorium on whaling. As a direct result, some whale species which are thought
to have been on extinction’s doorstep 25 years ago have made amazing comebacks, such as grey whales in
the western Pacific. Others remain at great risk. Many other species, however, continue to suffer high rates
of exploitation because of the trade in animal parts. Currently, the demand for animal parts is centered in
parts of Asia where these is a strong market for traditional medicines made from items like tiger bone and
rhino horn.

26<AL3 Native species

• have been part of a given biological landscape for a long period
• are not used to the local environment
• nerer get along well with other natire species in the same environment
• tend to do harm to exotic
27<AL3 Exotic species
• may kill native species for Send
• do no harm to native species and the local environment
• always share the enrironment peacefully with natire species
• help to make the local environment more ideal to survive
28<AL3^ According to the first paragraph,
• non-native species have caused terrible damage to native ones.
• introducing new exotic species to local environments is
• exotic species have never been introduced on islands
• very few native species hare been damaged by exotic species
29<AL3 According to the second paragraph, by the middle of the 20° century
• whaling was not restricted
• whale population was the most crowded in marine lifé
• whale hunting was dlegal
• whale population increased
30<AL3^ Tiger bone and rhino horn
• are used for making traditional medicines
• are not popular in Asian marlfels
• are nerer in the trade of animal galls
• cannot be found in Asian markets
<XL4NOS Read the passage 'carefly and mark the tetter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word that best fits each blank.
St Lucia
The island of St Lucia, which (3_11_ between St Vincent and Martiniqiie, is said to be one of the
most attractive in the Caribbean. Meamring 44 long and 22 in width, it has a central
mountain (32) which runs the length of the island. There are white sandy beaches with wonderful
views of the two tall volcanoes (33)_ the Pitons, (34) of which are covered — like most of the
island - in dense forest.
The climate is hot and tropical (35) the year, with average daily temperatures of about 27°C.
Showers can occur in any month, although they are usually (36) fairly piijckly. Not surprisingly, St
Lucia is extremely (37) with tourists. There is a wide range of (38) , from camping to luxury
hotels, and it is very well connected by sea and air ( 39_l_ the rest of the world. (40) this, the
island remains largely and there are many quiet places to visit.
3 I <AL4>

• stands
• goes
• stays
• range
• queue

• series
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

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