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Operating System

LEC - 2 HR

SELF STUDY - 1 HR Command line based OS



Short note on DOS

Short note on UNIX


Advantages & Disadv.


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C om m an d L in e O S

A command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface (UI) used to run

programs, manage computer files and interact with the computer.
Command-line interfaces are also called command-line user interfaces,
console user interfaces and character user interfaces. CLIs accept as input
commands that are entered by keyboard; the commands invoked at the
command prompt are then run by the computer.

Today, most vendors offer the graphical user interface (GUI) as the default for
operating systems (OSes) such as Windows, Linux and macOS. Most current
Unix-based systems offer both a command-line interface and a graphical
user interface.
The MS-DOS operating system and the command shell in the Windows
operating system are examples of command-line interfaces. In addition,
programming language development platforms such as Python can support
command-line interfaces.

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What is
A disk operating system (DOS) is an operating system for x86 based personal
computers mostly developed by Microsoft. MS-DOS, its rebranding as IBM PC DOS,
and some operating systems attempting to be compatible with MS-DOS.
Sometimes it is referred to as "DOS", which is also the generic acronym for disk
operating system.

A disk operating system doesn't have a graphical user interface (GUI). Its interface
is character-based, so users must type commands in the command line to indicate
what actions they want.
Features of

D is k O p er at in g S y s.

How DOS works ?

When a computer is powered on, it goes through various steps called the boot
process. For a computer running a disk operating system in the following six
steps, such as:
1. The read-only memory (ROM) bootstrap loader reads the Master Boot Record
and passes control over to it.
2. The boot record loads the disk operating system into memory, and it takes
control of the machine.
3. The computer transfers data stored on a magnetic disk to its main memory,
the random access memory.
4. It also transfers data to external devices attached to the computer, such as
a computer screen or printer.
5. The computer provides various applications programming interfaces for
programs like character input/output, memory management, program
loading, termination, and handling input from the user through a keyboard.
6. The OS also provides file management that organizes, reads, and writes files
on storage. The files are organized in a hierarchical structure of directories,
subdirectories, and files.

Features of DOS

MS-DOS does not offer GUI (Graphical User Interface) and doesn't accept mouse
inputs. It is a character-based interface system where all commands are entered
in the text at the command-line prompt.
A disk operating system manages files, folders and allows program loading and
execution. It can control hardware devices such as disk, memory and allocate
MS-DOS offers a file system to organize, read and write files to the disk storage.
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What is
UNIX is a powerful Operating System initially developed by Ken Thompson, Dennis
Ritchie at AT&T Bell laboratories in 1970. It is prevalent among scientific,
engineering, and academic institutions due to its most appreciative features like
multitasking, flexibility, and many more. In UNIX, the file system is a hierarchical
structure of files and directories where users can store and retrieve information
using the files.
Features of

U N IX O p er at in g S y s.


A UNIX operating system is a multitasking operating system that allows you to

initiate more than one task from the same terminal so that one task is
performed as a foreground and the other task as a background process.


UNIX operating system supports more than one user to access computer
resources like main memory, hard disk, tape drives, etc. Multiple users can log
on to the system from different terminals and run different jobs that share the
resources of a command terminal.


This feature makes the UNIX work on different machines and platforms with the
easy transfer of code to any computer system. Since a significant portion of
UNIX is written in C language, and only a tiny portion is coded in assembly
language for specific hardware.

File Security and Protection:

Being a multi-user system, UNIX makes special consideration for file and system
security. UNIX has different levels of security using assigning username and
password to individual users ensuring the authentication, at the level providing
file access permission viz. read, write and execute and lastly file encryption to
change the file into an unreadable format.
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Command Structure:

UNIX commands are easy to understand and simple to use. Example: "cp", mv
etc. While working in the UNIX environment, the UNIX commands are case-
sensitive and are entered in lower case.


In UNIX, communication is an excellent feature that enables the user to

communicate worldwide. It supports various communication facilities provided
using the write command, mail command, talk command, etc.

Open Source:

UNIX operating system is open source it means it is freely available to all and is
a community-based development project.


UNIX keeps an account of jobs created by the user. This feature enhances the
system performance in terms of CPU monitoring and disk space checking. It
allows you to keep an account of disk space used by each user, and the disk
space can be limited by each other. You can assign every user a different disk
quota. The root user can perform these accounting tasks using various
commands such as quota, df, du, etc.

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