TGT-I-H05-DS-0012 - 0 DS PT xx06, 09, 10, 12, 14, 31

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HOANG LONG JOINT OPERATING COMPANY TE GIAC TRANG FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROVISION OF ENGINEERING SERVICES OF TGT NEW FLOWLINES PROJECT Document Title: INSTRUMENT DATASHEET FOR PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS DocumentNo.: TGT-I-H05-DS-0012 Hoang Long Joint Operating Company lconractoR: PetroVietnam Engineering Consultancy JSC 6 pine ee i each Ne an AN i fees ae ane = = TASH, racewo, [rev] SS TAS NO. asewo, [rev| + |Ros- [Pr (9808; 1008 1306] 4 OF 7 2 pos. Pr oeoe; toon feos) SOF | 7 3 |hoe- pm loste toro taio| 8 oF 7 4 os pr. loer2, 12 feta) 6 or 7 3 fro. pre [oste tore tov] © oF 7 & os. pr. [ossr: 1031 1301] > or 7 uw No. WORK: [FOTN0. OFF fran: ‘GENERAL NOTES 10 " 13 4 NOTES - GENERAL Documentation Require: 8) Hazardous Area Cortfcate as por IEC 60078-10 Ingress Protection Ceriicate es per IEC 60829 ©) Hydrotest Certieate ©) Calloraton Certeate €) Material Cortical, ISO-EN 10204, Type 3.1 (8) fr pressure retaining parts 4) Operating & Maintenance insrucons 19) NACE MR.O176 /1S0 18156 Cerificate forall wetted parte 1h) Instalaton & Commissioning Spare Pers List and Two Years Operational Spares List i) General Arrangement Drawing with mensional detalls J). Certicate of Compliance! Conformance 4) SIL Cenifeate in accordance with IEC 61508/ 61517 Instrument willbe operating in a salferous environment so all accessoras call be culabe for hat ‘Al instruments tobe provided witha SS 316 nameplate wit ag no. and model no. permanent inscribed, “Transmiter shall be provided wit stainless stee! mounting bracket or a2" pipe yoke, Bracket wil be fited 1 the manifold valve used, Pressure Transmiters and accessories shall be able to sustain process design pressure, temperature ang service fui. Pressure Tranemitere ehould meet the following specications: 2) General Instruments Specification, GEN-1Xx-SP-o02 ) Specification for Piping and Valve Materials, GEN-L-¥XX-SP-0001, 6) Specification for Painting and Protectve Coating, GENM-20X-SP-014 Alsi pressur instruments that need tobe assemble to manifold shal be supplies with 2-Valve Manifold ‘Vendce'o ensure that elastomer used in the instrument / accessories are compatibe with te sevice id epecified at Gesign conditions Morcury, Asbestos and PTFE tapes chal not be used for any application, PTFE basod pastes shall be used as thread sealants based on design temperature and pressure valves, Instrument to be certified EExd and comply wit S4/9/EEC - ATEX Direcive and STI23/EEC and IEC 600791 “Transmitr to lise HART Protocolo enable remote catbration Flange surface trish: Roughness for groove for RT flange maximum 83pin Ra, Flange tore shall be sutabe fe pipe sonedulo Prassure Transmitter shellbe dpatched with marifolé assembled fo PT as on integral unit afer hyo test Pressure Transmitter diaphragm seal type shall be provided wih a fushng rng. Flushing rng tobe provided with ‘wo 112" NPT fushing connections. One side shall have $5316 plug ans the other have 88316 ripple wit 'SS316 isolation bal valve comes with pug * "E-GAG TRANG FELD OEVELOPWENT fre wan = [ne wore: Fore. FF [rans PRESSURE TRNGMITTERS [OAPHRAGH SEAL TYPE) aoa SARS ET 2 feourvenr anew OFSTREMTGF 7 eprigeonor-iic2-© es = | enone ToTpiesOo/ 00% B |: fern odo us Beveen z : Wing avg Waker 8 |. hessecoaamnene ———— z 2 freansuirren Tyee a + fszenoous arta SOSSFICATON one IAT 6 fous + RUD STATE SJ ere ‘ojnup TS ase Penson Wi gg | oesrrcans = 501: 8 z G3 | :2|eonnosve cousouns Smee BE | 's|besonenessune wom ie z ES | :4 Joesion TemPeRATURe (Dep. C: =) = ‘= ovenan pressure (ee Hawi 1s lorenarig TEMPERATURE ar 8 17 AMUEACHURER 7 ts ooet oan ns Wa 1s |nsreowexr ye Sapa reais ; zo nvaccunscr Bee spn oun 2 funvrepetA sun Peo Sen 2 nousTo Creag - | S\pourne acer wareRAL WA E sleneern iSONDD. Siow Bs |ecccosune waren SSH oon esa | Dal Comeaa 3 | ss|enctosure onovrenow ‘ex ane Po Eee) = ee - E | lpouessumr oo zs urruT sonst eee $0 | SHAR Conn iGATION IN TP) Yeni Pe 2s |nsrmuveNr nance tea Wz 22 [eausrareo nance wey a Sises noccroe 1b, sa & |noston Sox's age gph oS 3 | poorsnrenn: ess Cae S59 Poe Dip sey C276 & "8 | 5 lpoov sane onsseune marae vin =| oapmexcv rena Pe 8 | sslemsusm texans Te Spiny De er Coen) 8g | solcamucenranrennc ae 28 | 4: [oeruueny ru rio Na Aa 3° | |rance sze reat. TAP S00- RJ Nata ‘s france waren Dupierss Eps pce couruar Yee 150 TH) B | cc reusane rnc nareRa Cipeces 8 | |rusimnws conection Be wT B |r [oranvenr vaive rom FLUSHING Sestete oe — 8 | Ss|enore sex nove rm 2 | S\svcrmeco WA wores {VTA = Vendor to aie, TEA= To be Aid 2 Unusod conduit eny sal be ited wih Ex'd 316 ceri tainess steal plug 8 Refer and comely to Notes-General in page 3 4. Figure quoted forthe phase mnt, 5. Flanges corply to API 6A Standard 16. The stinging Wil tave 2x12" NOT cennectons en opposte sides. One side shal hae a SS816/SSS16L as 2 minimum or supeor 235 requred by prozess fd constons) ug an othe sie shal havea SSS1! SS3P6 (asa minmum) poe ith iglaton SS216/ SS 5164 (ae nin) bal vale ft wth plug [f- REFER TOINDEK PAGEISHEET2 FOR TAGNO, DETAILS yw = “4 | MOUNTING BRACKET. Required 4s Noves: 1 VTA. Vandortoaaviee 2 Unused conduit ent el be fied wih Ev catfiod 316 stanloss soo plo. {3 Complote with Swagolk pug er equivalent and shou bo able to withstand dosign pressure and temperature 4. Test connecion sal be complied wth Swagelok plug or equivalent and shoul be abet withstand sign pressure end temperature ‘5 Sea Water isnot ceaeraed {Refer anc comply to Notes - General in Pape 3 7 Pressure Tranmiter mani pressure ofthe" ANNULUS for an procton val The dion nent fortis anamtiere teal the operator should leak of high pressure producton occur tom the tubing into the Annus. 1 should be ab spheric to SO bar REFER TO INDEX PAGEISHEET 2 FOR TAG NO. DETAILS ae ae sar a TT 7a cones ee oS a 2 (A! ANNULUS) 3 | hveroesee ROSTER OSL GREAT | RODVETON WELD OTS i a a 8 |. exw See nee READE Fen GASSFETON ee ee ene a * Buona can a g. |: fomesne corona 2 |i eee a ame — a i a ee & as ote = ri on ‘fiona 7 a eee ee ee 1 patie seca 7 = et a 7 a 3 iS once —— wea ra a oe 2 |Etemeomnce ea ais a eee | aaron oaiuanavane | [pert ee ee |e —sssttsfpvc Si E | 25 |Locat inpicator LCD, Dual Scale LCD, Dual Seale 5 | [cctnocsorscn anlereapts i ican om seer ae i lzgee et oe RST Sema | ees oe | ee ey | ra >: fioosns comecronsze ee aia 2 ee ere TEES aa a, | Te A 2 een ae a a oe ee a SE STR on oa se fiirotoucoet a me ett weer ma ne ee sensu Gmc eae acai oestrone Se ee 5 [4 180 MO» 18 (Note TSOM2Ox1.5 (Note 2) i ae ees — a lf rem Eee aT mane a a 2 lc irene z a nm (cee fer eee reo] ¥ NC "TE GIAC TRANG FIELD DEVELOPMENT [rrEW Ame ens a PROVISION OF ENGNEERNG SERVES FOR TT NEW RLOWANESPROZECT a rower Torre. oF Fara: TRESSURE TOMSUTTERS- ORPTRAGNGEAL PET 7 RSE roe] mee 2 JEQUIPMENT /LINE NO. ~ "PF-HOS-011607 - 16A02-E E-PF-HOE-0T 1602 - 16A02-E 2 [Psion “ToT-P-Hos-PiDco10 0011 | ToT-.Hos.PD 0010/1 2 | 4 serves J Presn Fowine Upsear Proticten Fon Dowrseam 5 ‘Choke Ve tam WH ‘Chote Vee fom Wie | » (esse omamnc we : n 6 |reansurrTeR Tee Pre = Daphogn Sea — vere» Dapbraam 7 [HAZARDOUS AREA CLASSIFICATION | ZONE ATS ZONE 1A 79 a [auanriry “ne 1 600 ¢ |Fluio STATE Tied rate Ties phase — to Fuuio Prces HC & Wier regu Ha vin gg | loensmrmomm 190-787 61-2048 Z| 12 |CORROSIVE COMPOUNDS : 8G | 1s oesion pressure earg) 28 Ea ES | \locsicn reweraTuRe (Dea 6) 120 1 = 15 OPERATING PRESSURE (So Sa Bia 1s OPERATING TePERATURE [Osa 70-10 20-109 17 MANUFACTURER via Via. 18 MODEL PART No Via Via 12 srauMeNT TYPE Gage Prana Game Presse 2o|hini accuracy 7st Sean Vain bol Span Vabe 2 Jun RePenTABLITY 20.2% of Span ae sol Spon Va z2|Mountine rec Weuing rec Movting § | |wounmNs BRAGKET WRTERIAL Not Aplesbe et agpavie —— B | 2s caate exter IBOMaD 3 15 (N3=) iSO Ma0.c1.5 (Nowa E | ss lenctosure waren ——|ss3iseEpony coming |Oual Compre] S596 * Eso cong Dial Compare | |enctosune provecrion loon Pret EE) pose Pra! Ex) 3 2 fesame oo iba Bee 26 POWER SUPPLY "DE. We cop ower "ADE A Wire sop poe 2s ourPUr signa. 200d a 4m 26 |smaR CoMMUNTGATION YN [TYPE) Yes, HART Proc Yes HART Pra 2s INSTRUMENT RANGE Via Va 92 [CALIBRATED RANGE 2-200 — ono 2: |LocaLNovcaron 1B, bua sae Te, al Sai as IncaTOR scale Saga gapn ns ofS ag ar gah n of Span 2b | sony NATER Process Conecon: S18, Prozese Cormeen S516; 208 lo Daphragr: Haseloy 276 Dagan: Haseley 778 3 ® | leooy eranc pREssuRE RATING VA VER, = [38 [omPanacu ATER. Dupe 5S Dope 5 & |e |caputary venom Ne Gila fOveat Moun Cnnasion| | No Calla (Ores Moun Canna & Z| 40 [CAPILLARY MATERIAL —__NotApplicabie ‘Not Applicable go 41 [CAPILLARY FILL FLUID” Not Applicable ‘Not Applicable 2° |.2|ruance size RATING 2 15008 RTD 218008 RT | 45 fuaNGe WaTERIAL ‘DUPLEX. URLEXSS Z [ee fiace conus aa Yes W075 180 1555) Yas R075 150 156) | ts ruusvnc enc naTeRa DepienS Dine 58 | 46 [FLUSHING RING CONNECTION Bei2" NPT ‘2xt/2" NPTF | 47 Joran/ VENT vALve FOR FLUSHING Ri Bee Notes 3,4 5 Bee Notes 3.4.8 7 § | 40 )remore sea wove. VIA Soe & | s|eu cerns Suz sz NOTES {VTA Vendor tsa, The To be Avent 2 Unused condl erty shal be ites with x's 316 certs eines eo pus, |. Decgn Pressure ad Design Temperature ara high unl tebe eo-indont. The dovaion fas within the fonge lit Excursion alowed ty ASME 831-3 Clause 302224 4 The Mushng ring wil have 2x72" NPT conmestins on opposite sides. One sie shal have 2 SS316/SS316L as 2 minimum or supeor a5 requ by press fd corttons) plug anche sie shat have 8 S316 S5SV6L (as @ minimum) Nope wi 'slaion SS316/ SS 3.6L (asa minimum) bal vavefted wih ug 5. Allfitngs mentored in note 4 are to be of Snageok make or equivalent and shout beable to witané design pressure & temperature. 15. The Vener shal ateomble & fet Roto Ses! witha he scoaseoris beer despatch 1 Refer and compo alin page 8. [REFER TO INDEX PAGEIGHEET 2 FOR TAGNO, DETALS nee PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS -(WANFOLD TPE) 7 [TASH eran eeo] 2 [SERVICE z Towns & |» junevvescer FFE P0668 OAD 8 | .ee=e— Ea ea Uliaz aRea CLASSIFICATION Zone 1A T: s fouaniry 21 (On €"[FLUIO STATE Dense Pasa 7 |EwwioTYPE Un Gas g _| ¢ [coaroswe Courounos oe 8 | ¢ lopcramvc pressure Bar 8 g [infpssoursessuee Ben] 236 “1 JOPERATING TEMPERATURE oc] 20 12 [DESIGN TePERATURE oo o : 43 OPERATING DENSITY Kan 082 “w [MANUFACTURER Via 16|MODEL Wo, VTA 16 /ELeMenT TYPE Scone Resonan (VTA) a= 17 |DAPHRAGM SEAL CAPLLARY NA 18 CAPILLARY LENGTH a Na 4@|accunAcy ae EBT Tot span veiw [INSTRUMENT RANGE a vA Efeauerere avo a ra 2 |REPEATASLITY TO of Span Vale 7 an 23 [BODY MATERIAL Ts 318 + coon cot | 24[e0ur nur were Nia oo 24]LOCAL NOATOR To Dal Sa I 26JLOCAL INDICATOR SCALE Tag] er graph no Soar @ | 2rJonine mareriat NA | 2s|suaer HART E | 25|werseD PARTSWATERAL | Prosancomecion8 55 a Diaphragm: Hasty C278, so OCATINE Dp moot (1689 Brac) —[ 3 [BROSESS COMECTON SE Seer 22 vent onan sze THFRPT On Mane 68 SSeeeeeeae | 23 VALVE MANIFOL NPE 2h sl 2 [uaroLo MATERA Se Sg este 35 MANIFOLD MANUFACTURER vin 36 [aaFOLD NOBEL va 31 [uasaf0.D MOUNTING ina J Joslenctosure warennc Sevicapny cing | Dun Gompnen oc fea & _ |ss|enoc pnorecion patie Esasen Pro (xa) 8 £ |talcaeene ISON 15.06 é [i yponen FADD. WE (os Pot a [oer Pee ‘a ace COURT —— TEE IRoTTE 160s) Soon # | dletcernmen se § sjucurns acer — Reauted z < las) NOTES 4 VIA-Vendorto aise 2. United conduit oir shal be od with Ex cerfed 216 eines stot plus 3. Compete wth Swogeok pug or equvalent and should be abet wihstanddealgn pressure and temperate, 4 Test connection sal be completed wih Swagelo plug or equivalent and shou beable to withstand design pressure ac tempereture Refer and comply to Notes - General in [E REFER TO INDEX PAGESHEET2 FOR TAG NO. DETAILS

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