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TERM – IV [BATCH 2022-24]

The objective of Company Review Session (CRS) is to get an overview of a Company, its
Management Team who drive the Company, its location, mission and legal structure. These
sessions aim to inculcate business sense by familiarizing the student with the corporates’
performance metrics, customer metrics and people metrics, business reporting language and
strategies, organizational culture and its ethical framework. It is an opportunity for the
student to visit and explore his or her “Dream Company” and to understand the Quality
standards required for shaping and designing for their career opportunities in such
corporates. These sessions also help the students in honing communication and presentation

Company Review Scope

This activity presents a plethora of opportunities to the students to select from the
innumerable companies within and outside India. Time and distance is no more a limitation
due to the technology. The CRS scope is not limited to the published facts and figures from
the Annual reports. The students can understand “who, what when, where and why” of the
company from various sources to get deep insights. The company’s KBAs and KPIs also
provide information to estimate, evaluate, and analyze the company from all possible
(Note: The student is expected to cover as much information as possible from all sources)

Course Outcomes (COs)

Course Outcomes Description
After completion of the session, the student will be able to
CO 1 Comprehend the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key
Business Areas (KBAs) of the company and its stakeholders.
CO 2 Analyze the functional strategies and performance of the
Company retrospectively and prospectively from various
CO 3 Evaluate the sustainability of the Company using Porter’s FIVE
Forces and PESTLE analysis.
CO 4 Demonstrate positive attitude, effective communication and
presentation skills, and team building and leadership skills,
Company Review Session (CRS) details:

1. CRS is for Senior students.

2. Every Student has to identify a Company that should be listed and send the
information to the CRS Coordinators in time for approvals from the Faculty.
3. A Google Form to be created by the CRS Coordinators to collect the company name
from the students
4. The CRS Coordinators have to ensure that the List is approved by the Faculty
handling the sessions.
5. All approvals to be completed before the start of the CRS presentation sessions.
6. Once the Company is chosen, it should not be repeated, if repeated the presentation
stands cancelled and no second chance would be given to the student.
7. After approval synopsis should prepared at-least 48 hours before the presentation and
submit a soft copy to the concerned faculty along with the relevant documents used
for review and presentation.
8. Minimum pass mark is 50% (13 Marks) and Maximum marks can be awarded is 25 .
9. Student presentations will be done in the scheduled dates given by the respective
faculty in the introduction session. Students must present on those dates and be ready
for the presentation. In case of any emergency student can apply leave with the option
of swapping. If not, student will not be given another slot for the presentation.
10. Faculty unless satisfied with the quality of the presentation will not accept for

11. Faculty will provide specific feedback and suggestions for the purpose of improving
quality aspect of the presentation.

12. Each session will be volunteered by Rapporteur, Videographer and Compere where
Rapporteur responsibility is to provide the summary of each presentation once the
presentation is done, Videographer takes handles the technical requirement of the session
includes collection of PPT’s, sequencing of presentations, mic system sound systems,
projectors, and recording of the presentation etc. and Compere is responsible for the
overall programme coordination. Student volunteers for the above roles will be finalized
for each session during the introduction time.
13. Student presenter and three volunteers mentioned above must be in business suit on the
day of presentation for every session.
14. In each CRS session 5 students will be allowed to present as per the schedule time for the
presentation is 10 minutes for each individual and 2 minutes for Q&A last 10 minutes’
faculty will provide the feedback on individual presentation.

CRS Presentation Guidelines

Sl.No. Components
1. Selection of a Company with valid reasons and justification.
2. Company Profile - Descriptive: Details of the Company Past and Present
Performance, future predictions.

3. Corporate growth analysis and its Market share, and Competitors analysis,
Associate concern’s analysis , promoters analysis , Corporate governance ,
corporate social responsibility, stock performance for the past 12 months etc..
4. Information from all Reports to be gathered and summarized ( E.g. Chairman’s
report, MD & A Report, Risk Management Report, CSR Report, Auditor’s report

5. Synopsis: Font – Times New Roman 12, for main content and font 14 for headings
and sub headings.

6. P P T Preparation and Quality : Technology usage, color , fonts , no mistakes in

spelling, grammar etc.

7. Communication and Conclusion: Dress etiquette, addressing the audience, body

language, voice modulation , etc.

8 Submission Guidelines- Synopsis to be submitted before, presentation with proper

filled details like Name, Roll No, CRS on company name, etc.

CRS PPT & Report Content:

The presentation should try to cover as many of the following, as possible (you may also add
other information).
- Company, name, address of registered office.
- Brief history of the company, if any.
- Location of offices, branches, production facilities etc., preferably on a map.
- Details of promoters, top management etc. plus details of institutional holdings in
- Significant achievements of the company
- Details of product mix, product lines
- Typical consumer/ customer segments.
- Market/ industry growth rates
- Details of competitors, market shares etc.
- PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, BCG analysis etc.
- Significant developments in the recent past, important factors that affected
performance in the recent years.
- Production volumes, sales, gross margin, profits, net-worth, etc. for 5 years,
preferably as charts
- Debt-equity ratios, working capital ratio, P/E ratio etc. for 5 years, preferably as
- Explanations for major reversals, dips etc. in financial performance.
- 5 year chart of monthly prices (NSE/ BSE)
- Innovation and sustainability
- Company’s plans for the future

Total number of slides should not exceed 15.

Students need to provide a soft copy of their presentation to the faculty, at the time of
Award of Marks
Faculty would award marks on a scale of 1 to 4 (1 representing lowest grade and 4 being
highest grade) on different parameters. The parameters and their weightage would be as
rubrics given below:
Evaluation Rubrics

Students will be evaluated on their performance in the recorded presentation and also based
on the written report.

The total 25 marks of CRS will be evaluated based on the two components-

1. Preparing an extensive report for 5 Marks

2. Presentation is 20 Marks.

Rubrics for presentation will be based on below mentioned criteria.

1. Comprehensiveness/ coverage of presentation in PPT: 5 marks

2. Aesthetics of visual presentation: 5 marks
3. Presentation skill (including fluency, body language, engagement etc.): 5 marks
4. Personal Appearance: 5 marks


S.NO. CRITERIA EXCELLENT (4.1-5) GOOD (3.5-4) AVERAGE (2-3.4) POOR (less than 2)

1 Comprehensiveness/ ● Presentation Content is ● Content is accurate but ● Content is either ● Content is inaccurate.
Coverage of Presentation accurate some required information questionable or incomplete. ● Information is incomplete,
(5 marks) ● All required information is is missing ● Content not presented in a inaccurate,
presented in a logical order ● Content not presented in a logical order and making it ● Not presented in a logical
and very comfortable to logical order, difficult to follow. order, making it difficult to
follow. ● But is still generally easy ● Content is not well follow.
● The content is thoroughly to follow. researched and
researched and up to date. ● The content is researched ● References/ sources
● References and sources is but not every aspects. missing.
meticulously mentioned. ● References and sources
mentioned in some places.

2 Creativity of Visual ● Visuals are appropriate, ● Visuals are appropriate, ● Visuals are bit appropriate, ● Visuals are inappropriate,
Presentation complete, professional, and clearly labelled and but lack clarity incomplete, unprofessional
(5 marks) clearly labelled. complete. ● Visuals are Incomplete ● Not clearly labelled.
● However, a Professional and/or not labelled.
touch is missing.

3 Presentation skill (including ● Looks at the camera while ● Occasionally talks to slide ● Most of the time talks to ● Does not look at camera
fluency, body language, talking rather than camera, slide rather than camera while talking,
engagement etc.) ● Doesn’t read from slides. ● Rarely read from slides. ● Reads some content from ● Reads from slides or any
● Speaks loudly and clearly. ● Speaks loudly and slides. written material.
(5 marks) ● Presentation reflects lots of clearly. ● Most of speech hard to ● Speech hard to hear at back
practice, and maintained ● Presentation reflects some comprehend Presentation of room;
sequence from one slide to practice, and improper reflects some practice, and ● Presentation reflects lack of
the next. connect of sequence from poorly executed sequence practice.
one slide to the next. from one slide to the next.

4 Personal Appearance & ● Presenter is appropriately ● Presenter is appropriately ● Presenter is not ● Presenter is neither
Discipline dressed, dressed appropriately dressed but appropriately dressed, nor
(5 marks) ● Well groomed, well ● But not well- groomed groomed, groomed,
organized, and ● Demonstrates fair level of ● Not very well organized, ● Not at all organized, and
● Demonstrates punctuality discipline and punctuality. and ● Does not demonstrate
and discipline in the entire ● Demonstrates average discipline and punctuality.
process. level of discipline during
the process.

Criteria Below expectation (BE) Meets expectation Exceeds expectation

(ME) (EE)
Prepared an extensive ● Information covered is ● Information covered as ● Information covered
company report less and not according per the guided extensively in fact
to the guided structure. structure. beyond the guided
covering all the
● Collected information ● Information are structure.
information mentioned is outdated and source accurate and to some ● Information are
in the content and date of the extent up to date. accurate, up to date
information is not ● Most sources were and presented also in
mentioned in the mentioned in the creative ways which
references of the references by enhancing the
Max marks: 5.0 report. following a visibility of the report.
● Cover page and referencing format. ● Sources/references
required ● Cover page and were mentioned
(BE < 2.0, ME 2.1 - formatting/spacing in standard level of extensively by
3.5, EE > 3.6) the document is not formatting/spacing etc. following a standard
standard. is maintained. referencing format.
● Cover page is
accurately designed
with all the necessary
● Standard formatting
style were adopted
which increases the
visibility of the report.

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