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Stewart Postharvest Review

An international journal for reviews in postharvest biology and technology

Issues with utilisation of brewers’ spent grain

Praveen Johnson1, Jitendra Paliwal2 and Stefan Cenkowski1*

Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Department of Biosystems Engineering, E1-342 Engineering and Information Technology Complex, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Canada

Purpose of review: This paper reviews the current utilisation of the bulk generated brewery by-product commonly known as brewers’
spent grain (BSG). Various aspects of commonly used preservation technique, ie, drying, are discussed. The significance of various
components that can be isolated from BSG is reviewed with a special emphasis on the extraction of proteins.
Main findings: BSG has the potential to be used in value-added products by extracting its various nutritionally essential components
such as proteins, sugar fractions and phenolic compounds. Different preservation methods can affect the nutritional quality of BSG, for
eg, preservation by freezing can affect the arabinose content. Preservation by drying using membrane separation is less energy inten-
sive and prevents the denaturation of proteins. Superheated steam (SHS) drying has many potential advantages over other drying meth-
ods as it removes aroma and flavour in addition to preserving the nutritional quality of BSG. For improving the potential application of
the insoluble proteins extracted from BSG, hydrolysis of proteins has proved to be an efficient technique.
Limitations: BSG is generated in bulk quantities and can easily deteriorate due to its high moisture content, which makes the transpor-
tation, storage and preservation of BSG a major challenge for the brewing industries. In addition, the colour and aroma of BSG make
its direct addition into food products difficult. It cannot be directly burned as it leads to atmospheric pollution due to the release of NOx
Directions for future research: BSG contains an abundance of nutritionally rich minor components and antioxidants. Research is
needed to extract and salvage these valuable fractions. Studies are also needed to develop more economic drying methods capable of
removing flavour and aroma without affecting the nutritional quality of BSG. Processes must be developed for improving the shelf-life
of BSG without altering its constitutional composition.

Keywords: Brewers’ spent grain (BSG); preservation; drying; composition; protein; extraction

Abbreviations Introduction
BSG Brewers’ Spent Grain Vast consumption of beer has led to the development of a
SHS Superheated Steam large number of brewing industries around the world. With
the proliferation of breweries the amount of by-products gen-
*Correspondence to: Dr Stefan Cenkowski, Professor, De- erated has also increased. These by-products are of a major
partment of Biosystems Engineering, E1-352 Engineering and concern for the brewing industry globally. Spent grain,
Information Technology Complex, University of Manitoba, which accounts for about 85% of the total brewery by-
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada. Tel: + (204) 474-6293; product, spent hops and yeast are the commonly produced
email:; by-products and their disposal is of major concern for brew-
ing industries [1] because of: (1) the bulk quantities gener-
Stewart Postharvest Review 2010, 4:2 ated; (2) their low market value; (3) difficulty in storage due
Published online 01 December 2010 to their high moisture content; and (4) issues with disposal in
doi: 10.2212/spr.2010.4.2 landfills or burning due to environmental pollution.

© 2010 Stewart Postharvest Solutions (UK) Ltd.

Online ISSN:1945-9656
Johnson et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2010, 4:2

Many researchers have shown that these by-products, mainly shown to be effective as an antifoaming agent in the brewery,
spent grain, can be potentially used in animal feeds, human which in turn influences the brewery economics [14]. It has
food products and industries. Germany, the world’s largest also been used for immobilising brewers’ yeast when sequen-
consumer of beer, produces 10.5 billion L/year while the tially pre-treated with HCl and NaOH solutions [15–18]. The
USA produces 23 billion L/year, and China 18 billion L/year. authors contacted some of the local small breweries in Win-
Approximately 20 kg of spent grain is generated per 100 L of nipeg, MB, Canada and were informed that to save the dis-
beer produced from a brewery [2**]. Brewers’ spent grain posal cost of BSG, it is given away right after the separation
(BSG) is a rich source of many nutrients, especially protein, from the wort to cattle farmers for free.
which is considered to be the main component for the chemi-
cal characterisation of BSG used in both human and animal Due to its bulk availability and low cost, BSG can be consid-
nutrition. ered a suitable and healthy adjunct for human and animal
nutrition. A concentrated research effort is needed to develop
Even though BSG is generated in large quantities from brew- alternative processes to extract nutritionally rich fractions
eries, its direct usage is limited. It cannot be directly disposed from BSG. Such processes will not only add value to a by-
or burned, as it may lead to environmental pollution. Cur- product that is deemed a liability by the breweries but also
rently, most of the BSG produced by the brewing industries reduce environmental pollution caused by its disposal. This
is composted, disposed of in landfills, or sold as animal feed. paper reviews the various issues that currently exist with re-
It is reported that the emissions during burning of dried BSG spect to assessment of the chemical composition, potential
contain nitrogen and SO2 at approximately 1000–3000 and uses and methods for improving storage time and extraction
480 mg/m3, respectively [3]. Since BSG contains a number of of different components from BSG. In the last section, a brief
highly nutritive compounds such as amino acids, vitamins, discussion on the future direction of research is given, as it
and minerals, extraction of these compounds for food or feed relates to developing newer techniques to exploit the unuti-
products can improve the market value of BSG. This in turn lised fractions of BSG.
can affect the brewery economics. The usage of BSG in hu-
man nutrition has been evaluated for making flakes, whole Storage and drying of BSG
wheat bread, snacks and extruded products. BSG must be Since BSG has high moisture content of ~77–81% db (dry
converted to flour before adding it into the food products [4– basis) it is liable to deteriorate rapidly due to microbial activ-
6*]. Stojceska and Ainsworth [7*] conducted a study on the ity [19, 20*]. After storing BSG in burlap bags for 30 days,
incorporation of BSG into chickpea based extruded snacks. Sodhi et al. [21] found eight isolates of Aspergillus, Fusa-
The fibre content of the snack food increased approximately rium, Mucor, Penicillium and Rhizopus. It was observed that
fourfold and a considerable increase in the protein’s in vitro lactic, formic and acetic or benzoic acid–water–BSG mix-
digestibility values, phytic acid and resistant starch contents tures were effective in preserving BSG quality and nutritional
was also observed. value. Of the acids, benzoic and formic acids were especially
effective [22]. Also potassium sorbate was found to be effec-
BSG’s colour, aroma and its ability to alter the physical prop- tive in preserving pressed BSG [23]. Freezing is considered
erties of the incorporated mix are the major concerns for the to be an inappropriate method for long term storage as large
addition of BSG into food products. Since moist BSG has a volumes must be stored and alterations in the arabinose con-
brown colour, its use in white products is limited [2**]. It can tent may occur.
be used in off-white products that are made from wholemeal
flour such as light coloured cookies, cakes, bread or spaghetti. Drying
Due to its effect on the flavour and physical properties (eg, Drying is considered a potential alternative for BSG preser-
texture) of the final food products, only relatively small quanti- vation. Drying also reduces the product volume, which in
ties (5–10%) can be incorporated into food products [ 4, 5, 8]. turn decreases the transportation and storage costs [24**].
BSG can be employed as an animal feed either shortly after The process of drying mainly consists of two steps: pressing
separation as a wet residue or after drying [6*, 8]. Apart from (to get a material with <65% db) and drying (to get a material
its use in food and feed, it can also be used in industrial and with <10% db) [25]. The traditional process for drying BSG
agricultural applications. Mussatto et al. [2**] discussed vari- using rotary-drum dryers is considered to be energy intensive
ous applications of BSG in production of energy, charcoal, compared with other drying methods for BSG [2**].
adsorbent, as a substitute for sawdust in making bricks and in
manufacturing paper. BSG can also be used as a substrate for Oven drying method is widely used for drying BSG. It is
the production of commercial enzymes called koji [9–11]. more attractive due to its low cost compared with other dry-
When used as an organic fertiliser, improvements in the pro- ing techniques such as, freeze drying and superheated steam
ductivity have been noticed due to its high N, P, K, Ca, Mg (SHS) drying. However, in this technique, the temperature
and C contents and the low C:N ratio [12*]. It is also used as near the dryer exit can rise leading to toasting or burning of
the basis for the growth media for probiotic bacteria. Higher the dried BSG so care must be taken to control the tempera-
biomass yield, cell viability and organic acid production have ture of the dryer [2**]. In addition, it is observed that smoke
been noticed in the media containing BSG [13*]. BSG has emerging from dryer stacks at higher temperatures has NOx
Johnson et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2010, 4:2

and SOx components which cause odour pollution [19, 2**]. BSG is a rich source of phenolic acid compounds (Table 1).
In order to avoid these possible risks it is proposed that oven Phenolic acids are a group of natural products commonly
drying of BSG must be conducted at temperatures below found in the outer layers of the kernels of many cereal grains
60ºC [26, 27]. A thorough review of various studies reveals [45]. Phenolic compounds have been found to be strong anti-
that different researchers use different temperatures and dry- oxidants against free radicals [46]. Antioxidants have a sig-
ing times for oven drying of BSG [28, 24**]. No standard nificant role in human health due to their potential in prevent-
procedure or consistent guidelines are available on these pa- ing human diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. Pheno-
rameters. lic acids are found in different forms depending on the differ-
ences in number and position of the hydroxyl groups on the
Freeze drying is another technique used for the preservation aromatic ring. Hydroxycinnamic acid compounds such as
of BSG. In the process of freeze drying sublimation of water ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid constitute a major portion of
occurs, changing the state of water directly from solid to the phenolic acids of BSG. Ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid
gaseous state [29**]. It was reported by Bartolome et al. [30 are considered to be antioxidants and can be used in the food
**] that freeze-drying is economically not acceptable even industries [47]. BSG is also a good source of minerals, vita-
though preservation by freeze-drying reduces the volume of mins and amino acids (Table 2).
the product without altering its composition.
BSG must be preserved immediately after collection from the
A membrane filter press can also be used to reduce the mois- brewery in order to prevent microbial spoilage. Before per-
ture content of the BSG sample. El-Shafey et al. [31*] used a forming the drying experiments, the material collected from
membrane filter press to reduce the moisture content of the the brewery was stored in a deep freezer at -15ºC and thawed
BSG samples. In their study, BSG was mixed with water and at room temperature [32*]. A number of studies dealing with
filtered at a feed pressure of 3–5 bar, washed with hot water the significance and uses of different major and minor com-
(65ºC), membrane-filtered, and vacuum-dried to achieve ponents have been reported in the literature. A few of the
moisture levels between 20 and 30%. There were no bacterial important results are discussed in the following sub-sections.
activities observed after storing the BSG cakes for a period of
6 months. Lignocellulosic component of BSG
The cellular complex of the vegetal biomass is made up of
SHS drying is a more environmentally friendly and less en- lignocellulosic materials. They are mainly composed of cel-
ergy intensive technique [32*, 33]. It has additional advan- lulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. There have been many
tages of improved drying efficiency, elimination of fire or studies conducted regarding the production of value-added
explosion risk, drying with material sterilisation and pasteuri- compounds from lignocellulosic fractions. These fractions
sation, faster drying rates and improved recovery of valuable are the main raw material for pulp and paper industries [50].
organic compounds [34*–40*]. The grain sticking to the Bioprocessing of lignocellulosic can be aimed at producing
dryer surfaces is an important issue for the techniques com-
monly used for drying BSG [33]. Sticking leads to product
degradation from the inclusion of blackened deposits and in
turn increases the risk of fire or explosion [34*]. SHS drying
reduces the risk of grain sticking, thereby making the drying
process much safer than other techniques. It should be noted Table 1. Total phenolic acid and sugar composition of brewer’s spent
that SHS drying requires more complex drying equipment
than oven drying. Moreover, it is not recommended for tem- Phenolic acid composition Mole fractions (%)
perature-sensitive products as the high temperatures can dis- Trans-p-Coumaric acid 27.72
colour the products [41, 42]. Cis-p-Coumaric acid 4.52
Trans-Ferulic acid 51.00
Cis-Ferulic acid 6.16
Constitutional composition and extraction 8, 5´-Diferulic acid 2.21
BSG is a lignocellulosic material containing non-cellulosic 5,5-Diferulic acid 2.03
polysaccharides, chiefly arabinoxylans and lignin [2**]. It has 8-0-4´-Diferulic acid 6.36
a high content of protein and fibre. The husk of the grains used Sugar composition Mole fractions (%)
for brewing is a high source of silica and polyphenolic compo- Arabinose 15.36
nents [43]. The chemical composition of BSG depends on Fucose 0.11
Rhamnose 0.20
grain variety, harvest time, malting and mashing conditions. Xylose 29.84
The final composition may also vary depending on the quality Mannose 1.24
as well as the type of adjuncts added in the brewing process Galactose 2.00
[19, 24**]. The constitutional composition of BSG (% db) is: Glucose (non-cellulose) 25.71
Glucose (cellulose) 12.60
cellulose (25.4%); arabinoxylan (21.8%); lignin (11.9%); pro- Uronic acid 12.95
tein (24%); lipid (10.6%); ash (2.4%) and some minor compo-
nents such as ferulic acid, coumaric acid, etc [44]. Source: Jay et al. [48**].

Johnson et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2010, 4:2

Table 2. Minerals, vitamins and amino acids found in brewer's spent grain .
Minerals Vitamins Proteins
(concentration < 5%) (ppm)
Calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manga- Biotin (0.1), choline (1800), folic acid (0.2), niacin Leucine, valine, alanine, serine, glycine, glutamic
nese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium (44), pantothenic acid (8.5), riboflavin (1.5), thia- acid and aspartic acid in the largest amounts, and
and sulphur mine (0.7) and pyridoxine (0.7) tyrosine, proline, threonine, arginine, and lysine in
smaller amounts. Cystine, histidine, isoleucine,
methionine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan

Source: Huige [19] and Mariani [49].

fuel-grade ethanol by enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulose proteins in the market, due to its high nutritional and func-
fractions [51]. The production of fermentable sugars by enzy- tional characteristics.
matic hydrolysis of cellulosic materials is also gaining com-
mercial importance [52]. As lignin constitutes a major por- The proteins extracted from BSG can be used for making
tion of lignocellulosic structure, its utilisation would add food products, depending on the chemical, nutritional, and
value to such materials [50]. Various techniques such as alka- functional properties of the proteins [59]. These proteins are
line hydrolysis can be used to remove and isolate lignin from derived directly from the cereal used in the process at the
BSG [53, 54]. Lignin, after isolation, can be used as starting brewery [58**]. Proteins present in BSG can be classified as
material for many value-added products, such as activated albumins, globulins, hordeins (barley prolamins) and glute-
carbon, vanillin, emulsifying and chelating agents, benzene, lins; of these hordeins constitute the major part [60**]. It has
dispersant, antioxidants, pesticides, phenols, fertilisers, poly- been reported that approximately 65% of the malt proteins
mers, adhesives and concrete additives [55*]. are retained in the BSG [61]. The lack of solubility of BSG
proteins is one of the major limitations for their extensive
Carbohydrate fractions of BSG use in food products [60**]. The solubility of BSG proteins
BSG is rich in carbohydrates, both starch (up to about 15%), are less in solvents commonly used for extraction of proteins
as well as non-starch polysaccharides (34%) which constitute namely, water, salt, dilute acid and dilute alkali [62]. It was
the major part of dietary fibre fractions [48**]. Sugars can reported by Bhumibhamon [63] that, in 24 h acid and
also be released from the BSG samples through hydrolysis alkali proteases solubilised 30% and 36% of BSG nitrogen,
(Saeman hydrolysis) [48**]. On hydrolysis, cellulose yields respectively. The enzymatic hydrolysis of BSG proteins im-
glucose and the non-cellulosic polysaccharides xylose, man- proves emulsifying and foam-forming properties, which in
nose, galactose and arabinose as well as acetic and hydroxy- turn increases the potential application of insoluble proteins
cinnamic acids [2**]. The sugar composition of BSG is [64].
shown in Table 1. Some of these products are useful for in-
dustrial purposes for the manufacture of food grade chemi- Alkali extraction
cals or as energy sources in microbial fermentations [2**]. Ervin et al. [65**] used an extracting solution consisting of
BSG is also a rich source of dietary fibre fractions. Pentoses sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)/ Na2HPO4, (pH7.0) followed
are considered to be the main dietary fibre fraction of cereals by precipitation of proteins with ethanol in conjunction with
[24**]. The total pentose (xylose and arabinose) extracted refrigeration. Approximately 50% and 23% of protein as a
from BSG is important commercially. Xylose produced enzy- dried powdered concentrate was obtained from dried BSG
matically can be utilised for making sweeteners or as a stabi- and pressed BSG respectively.
liser in foods [56, 57] and arabinose can be used as an antivi-
ral agent and for medical diagnostics [30**]. Membrane separation
In the membrane separation process the supernatant obtained
Extraction of proteins either after alkaline or acid extraction is subjected to ultrafil-
BSG has a high protein content of more than 20% db [2**]. tration or reverse osmosis to concentrate the proteins ob-
For a long time the use of this high valued by-product was tained [60**]. The system mainly consists of a re-circulation
limited to feeding animals. In the current scenario it is impor- pump, cross-flow ultrafiltration module equipped with mem-
tant to perform value addition to co-products to improve the brane [66*]. One of the main issues with protein extraction is
cost effectiveness of the brewing process. Since the mid- its denaturation by the processing temperature. In addition
1940s extensive research has been conducted on the recovery the salt, which remains in the extract solution, cannot be effi-
of protein from agro industrial by-products [58**]. Many ciently removed by dialysis. Since no heat is added to the co-
studies have shown that the proteins extracted from BSG product stream in the membrane separation process, there is
have the potential to compete with other food grade based no risk of denaturation and the quality of protein in the co-
Johnson et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2010, 4:2

Table 3. Variability in different components (%db) of BSG samples preserved by three different preservation methods (The values represented for
moisture, protein and fat are the average values obtained for eight lots of brewer’s spent grain sample).

Components Preservation techniques

(% db)
Oven drying Freeze-drying Freezing
Xylose 12.4 - 20 13.6 – 17.8 13.5- 17.2
Arabinose 1 7.5 – 8.8 8.0 – 9.9 6.6 – 9.0
Ferulic acid1 0.16 – 0.27 0.14 – 0.29 0.16 – 0.26
p-coumaric acid 1 0.060– 0.11 0.065 – 0.109 0.041 – 0.15
Moisture 2 9.84 9.35 77.81
Protein 2 24.2 21.8 26.4
Fat 2 3.9 3.6 5.8

Source: 1Bartolome et al. [30**], 2Santos et al. [24**].

products is not compromised [67*]. Membrane separation coumaric acid with respect to different preservation methods.
has many advantages such as absence of phase change of The study concluded that freezing is not a good method for
water, and reduced energy consumption for the removal of preservation of spent grains as there is less reduction in BSG
water and small molecular size compounds, such as salts volume along with alterations in the arabinose contents.
Successful applications of BSG
Variation in chemical composition of BSG pre- Recently, more research studies are focusing on finding po-
served by different techniques tential uses of BSG [48**]. So far, the main current applica-
Santos et al. [24**] and Bartolome et al. [30**] conducted tion of BSG is in dairy cattle feed [2**]. Due to the relatively
studies for determining any possible differences in the chemi- low cost of BSG and its high nutritive value, it could be po-
cal composition of BSG preserved by various techniques. A tentially used in human nutrition as well as in industrial and
study conducted by Santos et al. [24**] revealed that mois- biotechnological processes. To strengthen the economy of the
ture contents of the eight lots of oven dried samples of BSG brewing industry, it is important to develop other alternative
were similar to those obtained by freeze-drying. In turn, the uses of this high value by-product. Some of the potential ap-
moisture contents of BSG samples were reduced almost nine- plications of BSG were discussed in the earlier sections of
fold in comparison with the frozen samples. The results of this paper and are summarised in Table 4.
the study (Table 3) showed that there are significant differ-
ences in protein contents among oven-dried, freeze-dried and Future research direction
frozen samples. The frozen samples had a higher protein con- The generation of bulk quantities of high moisture content
tent than oven dried and freeze-dried samples. The lower BSG is a major challenge for breweries globally. By remov-
protein content in the freeze-dried and oven-dried samples is ing the flavour and aroma, the usage of BSG flour into the
due to the losses in volatile nitrogen compounds during the human food products can be increased. Research must be
freezing and drying processes. The frozen samples have a fat conducted to find economic and less energy intensive meth-
content of 5.8% which is higher than oven-dried and freeze- ods for drying BSG. The drying processes must be capable of
dried samples. The oven-dried and freeze-dried samples have removing flavour and aroma without affecting the nutritional
nearly similar fat percentages. It was reported that ~ 30% of quality of BSG. Chemical compounds also need to be devel-
the fatty compounds present in BSG, susceptible to extraction oped for improving the shelf-life of BSG without altering its
by diethyl ether (more volatile compounds), were lost during constitutional composition. BSG contains an abundance of
the freeze-drying and oven-drying processes in comparison nutritionally rich minor components and antioxidants. Re-
with freezing. search is needed to extract and salvage these valuable frac-
In the work done by Bartolome et al. [30**] the total pentose
(xylose and arabinose) and hydroxycinnamic acid (ferulic Commercially feasible methods must be developed for ex-
and p-coumaric acid) contents in eight lots of BSG preserved tracting high quality protein fractions from BSG. Alternative
by different methods (freeze-drying, oven drying [at 60°C for uses of BSG also need to be explored. Lignin extracted from
18 h] and freezing) were determined (Table 3). Results from BSG can be used for making polymers and resins, which can
the study showed that the frozen lots had a lower arabinose be used in making eco-friendly marketable products. Since
content than oven-dried or freeze-dried samples. This change BSG is a source of nutrients like N, P, K, Ca, Mg and C,
can be attributed to the microbial alteration during defrosting. studies should be carried out to improve BSG’s alternative
There were no significant differences between ferulic and p- use in agriculture as an organic fertiliser.
Johnson et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2010, 4:2

Table 4. Specific areas of application of BSG.

Uses of BSG Comments References

Animal nutrition Cattles, poultry, pigs, fish, rats and hamsters [19, 68–72]
Human nutrition Flakes, whole-wheat products (breads, cookies, cakes and spaghetti) and extruded snacks [4, 8, 19]
Energy production Direct combustion or fermentation to produce biogas [73, 74**]
Charcoal production BSG charcoal has a calorific value of 27 MJ/Kg [75, 76*]
Biotechnological processes Substrate for cultivation of microorganisms, as a substrate for production of enzymes [11, 79]
Brewing process As an additive or carrier in brewing process [14, 80]
Brick constituent Bricks having high porosity can be produced [20*]
Adsorbent Pyrolysed spent grains can be used as an adsorbent for removing volatile organic compounds [78]
such as lead and cadmium from waste gases
Paper manufacture Paper towels, business cards and coasters [77*]
Agronomic application For improving the productivity of fragile soils [12*]

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