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Indooroopilly SHS 2024 Senior Leadership Nomination Form

Senior Leaders at Indooroopilly SHS conduct themselves in a way that promotes our school values and sets a
positive example for others. Senior leaders also have roles and responsibilities at school events and must be able
to speak on assemblies, at special events, and with members of our wider school community.

Full Name: _____________________________________________________ Connect class: _______________

Nominate for up to three positions in order of preference (1 = 1st preference, 3 = 3rd preference)

Academic General (2)

Arts International Captains
Cultural/Social Sports
House Captains SRC President

State the personal attributes you possess that enable you to lead effectively.

List a few key leadership experiences that have grown you as a leader.

Describe one thing you hope to have achieved as a leader by the end of 2024.

Student Reference
Provide two Indooroopilly SHS student endorsements of your application for a 2024 Leadership position.
These students should provide their names and signatures below to confirm their endorsement.

Name: ___________________________________________
Ronald Foong

Signature: _______________________________________

Teacher Reference
To nominate for a leadership position, you are required to have a teacher reference. Your teacher referee should
read the above statement and support your nomination for a leadership position.

Teacher name: __________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________

Student declaration
I commit to using my leadership abilities to positively contribute to the Indooroopilly SHS community, embodying
our school values and acting in accordance with all school policies. I understand the commitments involved in a
leadership position and am confident I can balance these with my other responsibilities.

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________

Nominations are due by 3:30pm on Thursday August 3 2024

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