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Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

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Review article

The concept of mineral plant nutrient in the light of evolution☆

Guillermo Esteban Santa-María a, *, 1, José Lavres b, 2, Gerardo Rubio c, 3
Instituto Tecnológico Chascomús (INTECH), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and Universidad Nacional de San Martín
(UNSAM). Escuela de Bio y Nanotecnologías (EByN), UNSAM, Avda. Int. Marino km 8.2. Chascomús, Buenos Aires 7300, Argentina
Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA), University of Sao Paulo (USP), Av. Centenário, 303 - São Dimas, CEP: 13416-000 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Instituto de Investigaciones en Biociencias Agrícolas y Ambientales (INBA), Cátedra de Fertilidad y Fertilizantes, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Av San Martín 4453, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, C1417DSE, Argentina


Keywords: The concept of mineral plant nutrient has been the subject of a long debate. Here, we suggest that an updated
Beneficial-nutrient discussion on this issue requires considering three dimensions. The first one is ontological as it refers to the
Essential-nutrient fundamentals that underlie the category of being a mineral plant nutrient, the second one refers to the practical
Functional plant element
rules helping to assign a given element to that category, while the third dimension implies the consequences of
Plant evolution
Natural selection
those rules for human activities. We highlight the idea that the definition of what is a mineral plant nutrient can
Sodium be enriched by incorporating an evolutionary perspective, thus giving biological insight and helping to integrate
information from different disciplines. Following this perspective, mineral nutrients can be contemplated as the
elements adopted and/or retained, along evolution, for survival and successful reproduction. We suggest that the
operational rules stated in both early and recent works, while highly valuable for their original purposes, will not
necessarily account for fitness under the conditions prevailing in natural ecosystems where elements were
adopted and are retained -as a result of natural selection processes- covering a wide spectrum of biological ac­
tivities. We outline a new definition that considers the mentioned three dimensions.

1. Introduction obvious positive function for plant life. This opens a debate that remains:
what is a mineral plant nutrient?
Green photosynthetic plants possess the capacity to grow and survive The criteria for element essentiality have a long history starting from
on the base of nutrients acquired mainly, or even uniquely, from inor­ the seminal works made by von Sachs and Knop in the XIX century.
ganic sources. The incorporation of these nutrients implies the concerted Those authors proposed the combination of structural and physiological
activity of shoots and roots, which possess differential anatomical and criteria for the claim of element essentiality (Brown et al., 2022). Briefly,
functional traits that allow them performing specific nutritional tasks. they were that the element being an integral component of plant sub­
Roots, the hidden part of plants, display an exploratory pattern of stances and that a given plant cannot complete the vegetation cycle in its
growth that permits access to the chemical elements present in soils. absence. Later on, Arnon and Stout (1939) refined these criteria and
Noticeably, an important amount of the elements in the periodic table stated three main conditions to be meet for an element be considered as
are present in the continental crust although their availability for plants essential. They are –sometimes with subtle changes- those today
is highly variable. Given the occurrence of many elements in soils and generally accepted: a) a deficiency of the element makes it impossible
the fact that most of them could be eventually found in plants (Reimann for the plant to complete the vegetative or reproductive cycle, b) the
et al., 2001; Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee, 2007; Watanabe et al., element cannot be replaced by other element (i.e. the deficiency is
2007), major efforts have been made to discern which of these elements specific for the nutrient) and c) the element is directly involved in the
are, at appropriate concentrations, essential, beneficial or without nutrition of the plant. In an influential paper dated on 1994, Emanuel

Dedicated to the memory of Professor Emanuel Epstein (1916–2022)
* Correspondence to: Instituto Tecnológico Chascomús (INTECH), Avda. Int. Marino km 8.2. Chascomús, Buenos Aires 7300, Argentina.
E-mail address: (G.E. Santa-María).
ORCID: 0000-0002-3998-8517
ORCID: 0000-0002-7183-4008
ORCID: 0000-0001-8419-2473
Received 4 April 2023; Received in revised form 19 May 2023; Accepted 21 May 2023
Available online 23 May 2023
0168-9452/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.E. Santa-María et al. Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

Epstein highlighted the anomalous position of silicon (Si), an element would be considered the consequence of natural selection processes
considered to be essential only for horsetail but that is accumulated by positively impacting on the capacity of plants to thrive in their natural
most plants, in which it plays beneficial roles. It was by further exploring environments. In addition, given the pivotal role of evolution theory,
this element, in a review dated on 1999, when Epstein underscored incorporation of an evolutionary perspective may help to examine the
major concerns regarding the consistency of the essentiality criteria consistency of the information coming from studies exploring mineral
above outlined. These insights stimulated a necessary discussion on the nutrition from different angles and by different disciplines, thus
concept of nutrient essentiality that is far from being concluded. In a providing a unified view on the natural history on mineral plant nutri­
recent and interesting paper, Brown et al. (2022) provided a detailed ents. Noticeably, an evolutionary perspective has not been explicitly
description of the historical milestones involved in the development of discussed and integrated as an intrinsic part of the conceptual frame­
the concepts of essential and beneficial elements (considering the last work underlying the mineral plant nutrient concept. Whether or not its
ones as elements that stimulate growth but that do not meet the three incorporation affects our current ideas deserves to be explored as most
Arnon and Stout criteria). Brown and co-authors have carefully key papers dealing with the concept of mineral plant nutrient do not
considered the limitations that surround these concepts and propose a contain any clear reference to this matter (e.g. Arnon and Stout, 1939;
discussion in terms of plant nutrients instead that in terms of element Allen and Arnon, 1955; Brown et al., 2022) or just a marginal one
essentiality. They advanced the idea that: “A mineral plant nutrient is an (Bollard and Butler, 1966). Discussions held on that concept have
element which is essential or beneficial for plant growth and development or focused on the search of operational criteria, without specific consid­
for the quality attributes of the plant or harvested product, of a given plant eration of their evolutionary bases or their precise correspondence with
species, grown in its natural or cultivated environment. A plant nutrient may them. Even not thoroughly debated, the issue has been not entirely
be considered essential if the life cycle of a diversity of plant species cannot be ignored: in the 1999 review Epstein suggested that Si was evolutionary
completed in the absence of the element. A plant nutrient may be considered adopted as a constituent by plants and in a 2009 article he asked: “What
beneficial if it does not meet the criteria of essentiality, but can be shown to role has evolution assigned to this element?”. In turn, in a 2003 review,
benefit plant growth and development or the quality attributes of a plant or its Subbarao et al. suggested that the essentiality criteria stated by Arnon
harvested product”. It must be noted that this definition cover some and Stout are based on ecological considerations for survival and
important issues formerly ignored, particularly those relevant for crop reproduction. The idea behind the words of Epstein and Subbarao and
production. co-workers is that some elements are mineral plant nutrients as a
Here we would like to introduce the idea that there are at least three consequence of the evolution (or ecology) of plants and their pre­
major dimensions open to debate regarding the concept of mineral plant decessors. The involvement of evolution has been further considered for
nutrient. The first one may be considered ontological as it refers to specific elements, as examined with some detail for selenium (e.g.
which should be the foundations underlying the category of being a White, 2015; Schiavon and Pilon-Smits, 2017). In addition, some au­
mineral plant nutrient. This perspective may require answering, in thors have explored why certain elements or their compounds have been
biological terms, the question of what is a mineral nutrient for a living evolutionary adopted after considering their physicochemical properties
plant. In this regard, we suggest that the concept of mineral plant (e.g. Westheimer, 1987; Williams, 1990). However, none of these au­
nutrient would gain insight when thought in the light of evolution thors or other researchers, to our knowledge, attempted to examine the
considering an ecological context. The second dimension refers to the consequences that the incorporation of an evolutionary perspective may
operative criteria that would allow researchers to decide whether or not exert on the concept of mineral nutrient at the whole plant (organismal)
a given element should be considered as a mineral plant nutrient, i.e. level. In this context, it must be highlighted that some elements of the
defining the decision rules that permit –in practical terms- to incorpo­ periodic table were adopted (and once adopted being retained) as nu­
rate specific elements to the category of being a mineral nutrient. The trients by green photosynthetic organisms or their ancestors as a cor­
third one should contemplate the relevance of these criteria for agri­ ollary of selection directed processes. The consequences that this
cultural practices and human health as illustrated by Brown et al. evolutionary viewpoint impose on the concept of mineral plant nutrient
(2022). While discussion on the first dimension will impact on our in­ need to be examined. It must be noted that exploring the mineral
tellectual framework, the third one may influence the public debate and nutrient concept in the light of evolution makes sense just once
exert important economic and social consequences. Meanwhile, the self-replicating entities arose and natural selection began to act (de
second dimension provides a practical extension for the first one and Duve, 2005).
could act as a bridge between the other two. We found that previous As a consequence of the emergence of “omics” and big data science,
definitions focus on the second and/or on the third dimensions, while all along with the developments made in cellular and molecular biology,
of them –according to their own purposes- leave out the first one. The new tools are now available to reconstruct some important steps in the
purpose of this work more than to provide an exhaustive review on the evolution of life, including plants. In this regard, it is thought that an
mineral nutrient concept is to highlight the relevance and consequences early endosymbiosis event of a cyanobacteria by a eukaryotic cell gave
of incorporating an evolutionary perspective as an adequate basement origin, between 1 and 1.5 billion years ago, to green algae (Leliaert et al.,
for the first dimension. We next examine whether the three dimensions 2012). Those early eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms evolved in
above outlined may be actually conciliated or if they require the coex­ aquatic environments from which they obtained the mineral nutrients
istence of context-specific definitions. We also argue the convenience to required. Land plants (Embriophytes) derive from a specific clade of
expand this discussion in terms of functional plant elements instead that these algae (de Vries and Archibald, 2018; Rodrigues et al., 2023). To
in terms of plant mineral nutrients. our knowledge there are not in-depth studies on the extent to what the
mineral nutrient requirements by the aquatic green plant ancestors
2. The ontological dimension (streptophyte algae) were conserved during the transition to land en­
vironments. Nevertheless, the fact that some elements are used by all
Theodosius Dobzhansky, the renowned geneticist, entitled his living organisms, suggests a very early adoption consistent with their
famous 1973 article with the sentence “Nothing in biology makes sense role as an intrinsic part of life as we know it. This is an aspect that
except in the light of evolution”. In that article Dobzhansky attempted to involved early prebiotic steps towards the appearance of the proposed
illuminate the central position of evolution as a general system of hy­ last universal common ancestor (LUCA) and the retention of early
pothesis that help to understand life unity and diversity, indicating that adopted elements in the subsequent history of life (Weiss et al., 2016).
a cumulous of biological facts only acquire a clear meaning in that light. Obvious examples of them, but not unique, are carbon (C), oxygen (O),
The biological concept of plant nutrient certainly should not escape from hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S) and phosphorus (P) which play
this key notion as far as the adoption of some elements as nutrients major structural roles as constituents of macromolecules. Those initial

G.E. Santa-María et al. Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

adoptions shaped the baseline for the mineral nutrient requirements environment (Fig. 1).
later displayed by green algae and higher plants. Clearly, the abundance If we accept this starting point, the concept of mineral plant nutrient
as well as the spatial heterogeneity of resources in the terrestrial sub­ needs to be rethought in the light of the processes that influence natural
strates encountered by first land plants differed from that found by their selection, particularly non-random elimination of individuals and se­
ancestors in the aquatic environment. In addition, land plants as sessile lection for reproductive success (Mayr, 1997). Completion of the life
organisms living at the interface among three aggregation states, cycle, as required by most essential nutrient definitions, involves sur­
differentiate roots and shoots for the acquisition of the resources coming vival while leaves out other key aspects setting fitness1 of plants in their
from below- and above ground. The appearance of key innovations in natural environments which do not seem properly contemplated by the
body plans, morphology and biochemistry, reciprocally exerted an criteria established by Arnon and Stout. Recently, Kaspari (2021) sug­
important impact on biogeochemical cycles (Morris et al., 2018). gested that the classical laboratory experimental procedures used to test
Therefore, during the transition from aquatic to terrestrial environments essentiality according to those criteria may be regarded as a quantifi­
as well as during the subsequent coevolution of land plants with the cation of the fundamental niche. However, as also mentioned by this
earth system, plants needed to develop the ability to take up and author, from an ecological perspective we may be more interested in
distribute mineral nutrients as well as to utilize them for both the basal knowing the impact of nutrients on the realized niche, i.e. the one that
and the new emerging functions. We cannot infer, with the current includes the constrains imposed by biotic interactions and environ­
knowledge, the full picture of gains and losses of mineral plant nutrients mental fluctuations. It must be noted, given that the Arnon and Stout
or the precise time point for the emergence or loss of their functions criteria involve the completion of the life cycle that they unavoidably
occurring along plant evolution. As an example of this statement, it was include reproduction as far as no less than a single descendant must be
early proposed that boron assumed a function following land plants generated to ensure life cycle completion. However, those criteria per se
emergence, being its adoption required for the evolution of vascular do not directly extend towards the reproductive success, at least in terms
plants (Lewis, 1980). However, more recently an interesting debate has of the number of offspring and their later success, which must be
emerged regarding the precise role of this element in plant life, including considered of pivotal evolutionary importance. Furthermore, as pointed
the above proposal (Lewis, 2019; 2020; González-Fontes, 2020; Wim­ out by Subbarao et al. (2003), the Arnon and Stout criteria do not
mer et al., 2020; Pereira et al., 2021). Nevertheless, selected examples mandatorily connect with biomass production even though growth –as
can be given suggesting key steps for the evolutionary functional gain of we mention in a later section- may be frequently associated with fitness.
certain elements involving either large groups of plants or some All these aspects can be considered for the attempt to advance towards a
restricted clades. It has been indicated that selenium accumulation arose plant mineral nutrient notion explicitly based on evolutionary criteria.
repeatedly along evolution (White, 2015; Schiavon and Pilon-Smits, Here we follow the definition of fitness given by Donovan et al. (2011),
2017) thus suggesting convergent evolution in a way likely related to according to which it is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce,
positive selection pressures associated to the benefits conferred by this and thus transmit its genes to the next generation. Fitness is often opera­
element and/or as a byproduct of positive selection for high S accu­ tionally defined as the lifetime number of offspring produced.
mulation (Schiavon and Pilon-Smits, 2017). A wide survey on the evo­
lution of Si transporters (NIP-III) suggested that selection pressures for Si 3. The operative dimension
uptake may not involve all members of a family, while Si accumulation
show limited variation at the species level (Deshmukh et al., 2020). In The approach above outlined may help to provide a conceptual
turn, the essential role gained by Na for some plants displaying C4 framework underlying the mineral nutrient concept. However, as stated,
metabolism (Subbarao et al., 2003) should be associated to the obvious it needs to be companied by operative rules that, certainly, need to be
benefits conferred by that metabolism in certain environments, which consistent with the answer offered to what we called the ontological
likely evolved independently as this requirement involves members of dimension. Our answer is that some mineral elements once adopted
different clades. As mentioned by Mayr (1997), the improved use of have been retained along plant evolution, helping to ensure survival and
environmental resources (mineral ones in the case here considered) can successful reproduction of plants in both their ancient and contemporary
be favored by selection as it may impact on aspects of the phenotype that natural environments. Therefore, the key operative criterion to claim
favors survival and/or reproductive success. Mineral plant nutrients, in that a given element is a mineral plant nutrient must be to examine
this context, can be envisaged as those that were conserved from their whether or not fitness (considering the lifetime number of offspring
ancestors, or later adopted by a given plant, or group of plant species, produced), under the conditions now prevailing in natural ecosystems, is
along evolution ensuring the adaptation to a complex and changing actually affected by it. A major problem arising from this simple pro­
posal is that fitness cannot be always easily quantified which leads to the
use of proxies. While no universal or unequivocal proxy rule can be
invoked (Orr, 2009; Hendry et al., 2018), it has been argued that the
main performance traits involved in individual plant fitness are vege­
tative biomass, reproductive output (seed biomass plus reproductive
accessories, or seed number) and survival, which in turn are influenced
by morphological, physiological and phenological traits (Violle et al.,
2007). It is by making explicit this rationale that these traits -or their
proxies- may be incorporated as operational criteria to assess if an
element corresponds to the category of plant mineral nutrient based on
evolutionary/ecological criteria. However, the tentative status of the
proxies used need to be emphasized and tested whenever necessary.
From this view any element positively affecting fitness, or their vali­
dated proxies for a given plant in a given environment, can be consid­
ered as a mineral plant nutrient from an operative point of view.
Fig. 1. Some elements present in the earth crust can be adopted and retained Noticeably this idea does not require to demonstrate that the element
along evolution as functional plant elements. A given element (i.e. orange exerts those positive effects in all environments nor than those effects
circle) may positively impact on pre-existing traits and/or contribute to func­ cannot be substituted by another element. Reciprocally, it does not
tional innovations, and subsequently influence survival and/or reproduction, require that other plant species (or ecotypes, accessions or even lines),
thus contributing to fitness. display similar requirements even in the same environment. In this

G.E. Santa-María et al. Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

regard, it seems worth mentioning that some mutant lines (either found elements avoiding the inevitable presence of traces in soils, but also
in nature or generated in the laboratory) may display different nutri­ excluding the indirect effects potentially derived from -and on- the soil
tional behavior than their predecessors as suggested by works with the matrix and biotic components, as extensively contemplated by Arnon
Lsi1 and Lsi2 rice mutants, which are defective in critical Si transport (1951). This procedure, in our opinion, had a clear meaning on the base
processes (Saitoh et al., 2021). Studies with them provided fundamental of a reductionist attitude and led to very important discoveries, but it
genetic evidence for the involvement of Si in key traits determining does not seem to be consistent with a holistic approach founded on an
plant performance (Ma and Yamaji, 2015). evolutionary and ecological point of view if not companied by detailed
It is thought that natural selection acts at a phenotypic level. In this studies in real ecosystems. In this regard, it must be highlighted that it
regard, it should be noticed that a fitness-based operative criterion does seems extremely unusual that one element being completely absent in
not require per se evidence for the specific role played by a given element the environment. So, the precise procedures by which we currently show
in affecting survival and reproduction, as it is the overall phenotypic that survival is affected, by diminishing as far as possible the amount of
performance the one to be evaluated. So, the specific structural, the nutrient present in the culture medium, are far away from the con­
biochemical or physiological function(s) of mineral plant elements do ditions prevailing in the ecosystems where plants actually evolved.
not need to be known to support a role for them. This, of course, does not Furthermore, as stated by Epstein (1999), those restricting procedures
mean that research on the specific functions of each element should be are largely affected by the limitation of purging elements from experi­
abandoned. On the contrary, that research needs to be intensified as it mental cultures. Having in mind these issues, the theoretical difference
will offer clarity on the mechanisms by which fitness, or associated between beneficial and essential elements needs to be contrasted with
traits, are affected, while also will undoubtedly offer further opportu­ caution by recognizing the artificial nature of the experiments done to
nities for technological interventions. Moreover, studies on these func­ reveal it and the lack of an adequate ecological context.
tions, particularly when complemented by consideration of the
physicochemical properties of the elements and the compounds that 4. Towards a holistic view
they form (Westheimer, 1987; Williams, 1990), may help to understand
why some elements have been adopted. Importantly, knowledge on the Most of the work done in mineral nutrition has been performed by
mechanisms affecting fitness will help to discern if the action of a given modifying the external concentration of just one or a few elements at a
element rest on its nutritional capacity and/or as a signal required for time. However, both in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems the adoption
growth and development, being the boundary between these roles less and retention of certain mineral plant nutrients occurred in a medium
clear as years go by, as illustrated for potassium (K), N and calcium (Ca) containing a complex and highly variable combination of elements in
(Shabala, 2017; Buet et al., 2019; Saito and Uozumi, 2020 and refer­ terms of their abundance. There are important differences among clades
ences therein). Other functions non related with nourishment or plant in the accumulation capacity and in the strategies of acquisition
signaling, but equally relevant for plant fitness, can be also envisaged (Watanabe et al., 2007; Rodrigues et al., 2023), being that capacity
such as protection against herbivory as shown for Si and Se (Epstein, strongly influenced by the environment (e.g. Watanabe et al., 2007). The
1999; Schiavon and Pilon-Smits, 2017; Coskun et al., 2019) and possibility that the adoption and subsequent retention of an element as a
attraction of pollinators for Na (Finkelstein et al., 2022). In this context, nutrient could depend, at least partially, on the precise
the use of the third criterion of Arnon and Stout, or some of their variants quali-quantitative combination of the elements offered to plants along
(Allen and Arnon, 1955; Epstein, 1965), can be claimed to be valuable to their phylogeny should be seriously considered, particularly bearing in
further distinguish elements able to act in nourishment from those that mind the wide spectrum of physicochemical and biological interactions
may potentially act in other processes. However, a major criticism to this existing among elements. In the same way, the existence of present and
criterion was raised by Epstein (1999), who observed that it presumes past symbiotic and non-symbiotic interactions with the biotic compo­
the existence of adequate knowledge to discern whether or not any nents of the environment should be taken into consideration as these
element is directly involved in plant nutrition, thus excluding all the interactions could be key determinants of the nutritional plant perfor­
elements for which no adequate knowledge is available at a given time. mance while further impact on growth and other aspects of fitness
The limits imposed by the use of this third criterion to describe element (Kaspari, 2020; Hu et al., 2021). Exemplifying this statement, it has been
functionality have been also critically re-examined in a recent review on argued that the ability of plants to symbiotically interact with fungi was
Si (Coskun et al. 2019). Having in mind these criticisms, and considering a key trait in early plant colonization (de Vries and Archibald, 2018).
that the precise boundaries between nourishment, endogenous signaling Even restricting the focus to individual plants -leaving aside biotic in­
and other relevant functions of mineral elements are not always clear teractions- it seems important to consider if survival and successful
and may be interactive, it should be considered the convenience to reproduction, or key traits associated to them, depend either on a single
replace the term “mineral plant nutrient” by the more general concept of limiting element or on multiple elements. Let us briefly examine this
“functional plant element”, thus emphasizing the wide range of func­ issue for growth, which has been considered to be under many cir­
tions potentially played by some mineral elements in determining sur­ cumstances a useful proxy for plant fitness as it is often positively
vival and/or successful reproduction. In order to avoid potential associated with fecundity, a key component of leaving viable offspring
confusions, here we have kept the use of the term mineral plant nutrient, (Younginger et al., 2017). According to the “Law of the minimum” early
but this issue needs to be carefully debated. proposed by C. Sprengel (van der Ploeg et al. 1999), growth at any one
Adoption and retention of mineral plant nutrients occurred in nat­ time depends on the scarcest resource, known as the limiting factor (in
ural environments, where they would impact on different fitness related our case, a given mineral nutrient). On the contrary, plant growth can be
traits. In this context, it could be discussed whether or not elements can controlled under a multiple limitation scenario, where several resources
be classified according to their effects on survival and reproduction. limit it simultaneously. When these alternative possibilities were
While the so called essential nutrients seem to impact on survival and examined for Lemma minor (Rubio et al., 2003), it was found that neither
eventually on traits related with successful reproduction, beneficial el­ the law of the minimum nor the multiple limitation hypothesis can
ements may be not critical to ensure survival. Nevertheless, the core idea explain all plant responses to the major nutrients examined: N, P, K and
that an element is essential when its absence leads to impairment at the magnesium (Mg). In turn, analysis of plant responses to N and P supply
vegetative and/or reproductive stage while it cannot be substituted by suggest the existence of co-limitation by both nutrients, although the
another element entirely rest –as formerly mentioned (Epstein, 1999; law of the minimum was considered as a first order approximation
Brown et al., 2022)- on the artificial attempt to completely exclude the (Ågren et al., 2012). Later studies on aboveground net primary pro­
given element from a well-known growth media. The origin of that ductivity performed in grasslands of five continents offered evidence for
approach obeyed to the requirement of evaluating the effect of single the prevalence of the co-limitation hypothesis, while highlighting the

G.E. Santa-María et al. Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

importance of other elements such as K and micronutrients (Fay et al., a “proton economy” occurring during the transition from marine to land
2015). Therefore, the possibility that co-limitation by resources is a freshwaters and soils, leaded to the prevalence in plants and other or­
major driver of some components of fitness should be seriously consid­ ganisms of a differential array of transport entities, coupled to energi­
ered. If so, in the variable ionic environment actually encountered by zation through a ΔH+ gradient generated by H+-ATPases, being possible
plants along their evolution it was the acquisition and utilization of a the coexistence of both economies in some transitional forms. Likely this
mixture of the available elements which potentially influenced plant nutritional transition constituted a critical step in the colonization (and
selection processes. This should lead to focus the combinatory effect of the subsequent modification) of the earth landscape. Noticeably, Na and
different mineral elements on fitness, or at least in terms of some of its K are widespread in the continental crust being there highly abundant
proxies. As already mentioned the continental crust contains dozens of elements. The availability of these elements, of course, is not uniform
chemical elements, being several of them taken up by plants (Reimann among different types of soils as well as in aquatic environments, thus
et al., 2001¸ Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee, 2007). Recent research opening the possibility that selection pressures for the acquisition and
indicates that an increasingly number of these elements may impact on exclusion of Na may be highly variable across environments, being the
traits potentially related with fitness, particularly in terms of growth, as mechanisms involved in the underlying transport processes studied in
exemplified for Titanium (Lyu et al., 2017), Selenium (Schiavon and detail in the context of salt resistance (Yamaguchi and Blumwald, 2005;
Pilon-Smits, 2017) and Iodine (Nascimento et al., 2022), thus adding a Benito et al., 2014). Noticeably, just some functions played by K appear
further layer of complexity to the issue. Furthermore, focus on fitness to be highly specific. Therefore, in low K-availability environments, Na
requires to explore the biotic interactions prevailing in the environment can partially substitute for K as studied in different plant species (e.g.
where plants inhabit and the possible role of mineral elements on them, Hartley et al., 2020; Battie-Laclau et al., 2013; Mateus et al., 2021) being
as recently explored for cobalt in the context of coevolution of plants and this conceivably a universal pattern, likely affecting the critical con­
bacteria (Hu et al., 2021). These interactions may involve multiple centration of K at which maximum growth is achieved while helping to
components, and affect multiple processes, as unveiled by extensive soil maintain cell turgor. Under low K conditions, very large differences in
microbiome studies (Bahram et al., 2020; Hartmann and Six, 2022). the capacity to accumulate Na have been observed even within a given
The complex ionic environment faced by plants as well as the inci­ species (e.g. Moriconi et al., 2022). The appearance of large differences
dence of interactions with other organisms present in the habitat, and in Na accumulation has been historically connected with differential
their reciprocal effects on the construction of the niche, opens a debate resistance to some forms of salinity but it could be, in an inverse way,
on which systems must be used to discern the possible role of a single or connected with differential performance under low K environments. In
a mixture of elements. Should we explore plant performance and the addition to the well-known beneficial effects of adequate Na availability
ionome in natural ecosystems? should we explore them in greenhouse for plants dwelling in low K environments, Na has been also shown to
soil experiments? or should we perform our studies in culture systems benefit plant growth in a way not directly related to functional K
with defined composition? The answer is that all these approaches must replacement. Some species showed beneficial effects of Na on growth
be used in a complementary way. Experiments varying the doses of even under conditions of adequate K supply (Subbarao et al., 2003).
element(s) in soils, or surveys conveying different environments, could The positive effects of low Na accumulation on plant fitness just
help to assess possible effects on fitness, including those derived from mentioned, refer to survival (for some C4 plants), enhanced growth at
interactions with biotic components or derived from lab non- adequate K supplies for some species, and improved performance in low
reproducible soil properties. In turn, culture in well-defined media, K environments for likely all plant species. They, certainly, could pro­
such as the commonly used hydroponic systems, may help to discern the vide a good argument for the claim that Na is a mineral plant nutrient
role of individual -or a mix of- element(s) for plants in setting plant adopted during plant evolution as far as it may improve plant perfor­
fitness components and to explore the physiological, biochemical and mance according to at least one, or two of the fitness proxies above
molecular mechanisms involved. Certainly, the extrapolation from one outlined. However, it seems worth to note that in an ecological context
to another system should be done with caution, as key processes acting this element may further impact the relationship between plants and
in ecosystems may be not properly mimicked in controlled media and other components of the biota. For example, as pointed out by Kaspari
reciprocally work at the ecosystem level may confuse the actual rele­ (2020), it seems possible that plants along their evolution manipulated
vance of specific elements on individual plants. An integrative approach Na accumulation to enhance or diminish the appeal for consumers,
based on collaborative efforts by plant physiologists, soil scientists and which may indicate the existence of selection pressures driven by the
ecologists is, beyond any doubt, fruitful. biota to modulate Na capture and distribution within plants. Particu­
larly, the attraction of consumers will eventually impose a cost that need
5. Sodium as a mineral nutrient for plants to be counterbalanced by benefits on plant fitness. In this regard, a
recent work has shown that enhancing Na accumulation in nectar en­
Let us briefly examine the issues mentioned for the element Na. This hances the diversity as well as the frequency of visiting pollinators for
element shares extensive physicochemical attributes with K. However, which Na is considered a key nutrient (Finkelstein et al., 2022) thus
while K has been early recognized as an essential element for living potentially influencing plant reproductive success by affecting a key
organisms, including plants, Na is -for most plants- not considered an process contributing to the offspring number. This kind of effects are
essential element according to the strict Arnon and Stout criteria. In fact, clearly beyond the scope of the Arnon and Stout criteria, as well as from
Na is considered essential only for a limited subset of plants displaying the controlled growth procedures commonly used, as they operate in an
C4 metabolism. Nevertheless, several researchers have pointed out the ecological context. However, they are undoubtedly relevant from a
relevance of Na in plant life –including C3 plants- as well as its major fitness perspective.
impact on the structure and function of ecosystems (Subbarao et al., The claim that plants evolved in variable Na environments and that
2003; Kaspari, 2020), being proposed to consider it as a functional plant use this element to improve plant performance needs to be further
nutrient (Subbarao et al. 2003). In turn, the roles -and the mechanisms connected with its nutrition. It could be expected that if land plants
for the control- of K and Na nutrition along life evolution, particularly adopted or retained Na as a functional element, they possess transport
those referred to green photosynthetic organisms, have been dissected systems specifically devoted to mediate Na transport into cells, partic­
from different perspectives (e.g. Benito et al., 2014; Britto et al., 2021). ularly from low Na concentrations, and that these systems were devel­
As described by these authors early marine cells tended to accumulate K oped or conserved along plant evolution. In this regard, it was
and exclude Na, which allowed –for organisms thriving in marine en­ unexpectedly recognized almost 30 years ago that plants actually
vironments- the energization of the plasma membrane (Benito et al., possess a family of transport systems (HKTs) whose major roles are to
2014; Britto et al., 2021). The change from a “sodium economy” towards mediate inward Na fluxes even from very diluted external Na

G.E. Santa-María et al. Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

concentrations either alone or coupled with K transport (Rubio et al., According to the components of fitness affected, plant nutrients can be
1995; Benito et al., 2014). Similarly, it has been also shown even with a theoretically grouped into essentials, those needed for the completion of the
lesser degree of characterization, that the largest known family of plant life cycle, or beneficial, those that only impact on other aspects of fitness.
K transporters (KT-HAK-KUP) contains a clade (IV), originated early From an agricultural point of view, as indicated by Brown et al. (2022), a
during the transition from aquatic to terrestrial environments (Santa-­ mineral plant nutrient is an element which is essential or beneficial for plant
María et al., 2018), whose members up to now characterized have the growth and development or for the quality attributes of the plant or harvested
capacity to mediate Na transport from diluted Na solutions (Benito et al., product, of a given plant species.”
2012; Zhang et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020). While some HKT and Clade
IV KT-HAK-KUP transporters play a major role in plant acclimation to 7. Concluding remarks
salinity, affecting long distance Na transport (Ali et al., 2021; Zhang
et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020), other members of these groups are In this manuscript we attempted to highlight an aspect that was not
known to be involved in Na transport from the external medium under explicitly addressed in previous discussions on the definitions of mineral
conditions of low K availability (Ali et al., 2021; Benito et al., 2012). In plant nutrients. In our view, fruitful discussions should consider an
turn, members of the CCC family of transporters (Colmenero-Flores evolutionary perspective in order to reach a concept with a wide bio­
et al., 2007), conserved during the evolution of land plants, have been logical meaning that considers the complex relationships between plants
debated as key determinants of the long-distance movement of this and biotic and abiotic components. In turn, an evolutionary point of
element (Zhu et al., 2017; Henderson et al., 2018). It should be also view lead to consider fitness, in terms of survival and successful repro­
mentioned the proposal that, under some environmental conditions, duction, as the key attribute for the adoption and retention of elements
xylem loading of Na can be a thermodynamically uphill process (Sha­ for functional roles. While several proxies of fitness can be used for
bala, 2013), which implies energy expenditure in a key process of Na operative assignation of an element to the category of being a functional
transport. All these observations suggest that the evolution of Na plant element, they need to be validated in natural environments.
transport systems in plants was a process driven by selection pressures Certainly, some of those proxies, particularly those related with biomass
favoring the use of Na, a widespread resource involved in plant survival accumulation and development, can be well suited when considering
and/or reproduction. fitness for agricultural purposes. The incorporation of the evolutionary
perspective, along with the introduction of the functional plant element
6. Towards an integrated definition term, may endow increased plasticity to this concept allowing to provide
a global and integrated picture on how plants incorporate and utilize the
At the onset of this article we mentioned three dimensions to be captured elements for a broad spectrum of biological functions. In
tackled, being the third one referred to the need of a definition addition, this debate may be interesting, when based on the joined ef­
compatible with agricultural practices. Brown et al. (2022) offered forts of physiologists, ecologists, agronomists as well as researchers
compelling arguments to support this need, and the reader is referred formed in other disciplines, to integrate this concept within the widely
there for a full discussion. In this regard, it must be mentioned that se­ discussed theoretical corpus of evolutionary biology.
lection pressures acting on plants in wild environments do not neces­
sarily work in the same direction that human directed selection, which is Funding
oriented towards the quanti-qualitative maximization of traits desirable
for social and economic purposes. Human directed selection involves This work was supported by the PICT-2019-03103 to G.E.S-M. JL is
both classical and modern-molecular breeding methods that can grateful to CNPq for the productivity grant # 310572/2017-7. G.E.S-M
generate genetically modified plants, even in a short period of time. and G.R thanks Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y
Although human directed evolution could be considered an integral part Técnicas.
of the evolution of life, emerging traits raised by current technologies
have not necessarily faced the selection filters operating in natural en­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
vironments. Therefore, these traits may not contribute per se to fitness in
natural ecosystems where plants evolved over millions of years and GES-M led the project and wrote the initial draft. GES-M, JL and GR
where likely more than 450000 living plant species thrive (Pimm and contributed to the conception of the work, manuscript writing and
Raven, 2017). Reciprocally, traits relevant for plant fitness in natural editing. The three authors approved the final version.
environments (as the accumulation of some elements in fruits) can be
detrimental for human purposes. Therefore, a possible divergence be­ Declaration of Competing Interest
tween the legacy of pre-agricultural evolution with our human goals
may be occasionally present, affecting in some cases key nutritional The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
traits (Ford Denisson and Kiers, 2005). Consequently, it should be not interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
expected to reach a perfect conciliation between a mineral plant nutrient the work reported in this paper.
concept based -as proposed here- on evolutionary/ecological founda­
tions with a definition focused on the public responsibility of research in Data Availability
plant nutrition. Having in mind these conflicts, we suggest that the
ontological aspect firstly mentioned, which may confer biological No data was used for the research described in the article.
insight to the definition of mineral plant nutrient particularly consid­
ering an ecological context, should be distinguished from the agricul­ Acknowledgements
tural needs. That distinction, once recognized, could be part of a
definition that takes into consideration all the necessary perspectives. In The authors would like to express gratitude to Professor Begoña
this regard, we propose to distinguish the evolutionary/ecological Benito (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain) for critical
viewpoint from the agricultural one. reading of an early version of this manuscript. Thanks are also given to
Based on the above background, we advance the following defini­ Professor Jorge Dubcovsky (University of California, Davis, USA) for
tion: “from a biological point of view, mineral plant nutrients are the elements help with bibliography. We also thanks to the many colleagues that
that were conserved from their ancestors, or later adopted, by a given plant or along many decades contributed to decipher the roles of plant mineral
group of plant species along their evolution to favor their adaptation, in terms nutrients: we apologize for being not able to cite all their key contri­
of survival and/or successful reproduction in their natural environments. butions. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable

G.E. Santa-María et al. Plant Science 334 (2023) 111747

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