Tracing Book - Pre A1 - 1

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Buổi 3 – Ngày: ………………………………..

Unit 1: Hello!
 Tracing / Đồ chữ:

Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa

Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb
Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb

Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc
Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc
Hello hello hello
Hello hello hello
Goodbye goodbye
Goodbye goodbye
Sing sing sing
Sing sing sing
Sitdown sitdown
Sitdown sitdown
Stand up stand up
Stand up stand up
Thank you
Thank you
How are you?
I’m fine. Thank you.
What’s your name?
My name’s
 Exercise / Bài tập:
Match and trace / Nối và đồ chữ


Stand up


Sit down
Buổi 7 – Ngày: ………………………………..
Unit 2: At school
 Tracing / Đồ chữ

Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd
Dd Dd Dd Dd Dd

Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee
Ee Ee Ee Ee Ee

Ff Ff Ff Ff Ff
Ff Ff Ff Ff Ff
Book book book
Book book book
Chair chair chair
Chair chair chair
Crayon crayon
Crayon crayon
Desk desk desk
Desk desk desk
Pencil pencil
Pencil pencil
Teacher teacher
Teacher teacher
One one one
One one one
Two two two
Two two two
Three three three
Three three three
Four four four
Four four four
Five five five
Five five five
Six six six
Six six six
Is it a book?
Yes, it is.
Is it a chair?
No, it isn’t.
 Exercise / Bài tập: Trace the correct word / Đồ từ đúng với hình

Buổi 11 – Ngày: ………………………………..

Unit 3: My toys
 Tracing / Đồ chữ

Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg
Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg

Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh
Hh Hh Hh Hh Hh

Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii
Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii
Ball ball ball
Ball ball ball
Car car car
Car car car
Doll doll doll
Doll doll doll
Train train train
Train train train
Robot robot robot
Robot robot robot
Teddy bear
Teddy bear
Red red red
Red red red
Blue blue blue
Blue blue blue
Green green
Green green
Yellow yellow
Yellow yellow
Orange orange
Orange orange
Black black
Black black
White white
White white
Brown brown
Brown brown
What’s this?
It’s a car.
What color is it?
It’s blue.
 Exercise / Bài tập: Match and trace / Nối và đồ chữ

Buổi 13 – Ngày: ………………………………..
Spelling bee – Day 1
 Tracing / Đồ chữ:

Hello hello hello

Sing sing sing
Goodbye goodbye
Sit down sit down
Stand up stand up
Thank you thank you
Book book book
Chair chair chair
Crayon crayon crayon
Desk desk desk
Pencil pencil pencil
Teacher teacher teacher
One one one
Two two two
Three three three
Four four four
Five five five
Six six six
Ball ball ball
Car car car
Doll doll doll
Robot robot robot
Teddy bear teddy bear
Train train train
Red red red
Orange orange orange
Yellow yellow yellow
Green green green
Blue blue blue
Black black black
Brown brown brown
White white white
 Exercise / Bài tập: Tick () and trace / Chọn hình đúng và đồ chữ

Buổi 18 – Ngày: ………………………………..
Unit 4: On the farm
 Tracing / Đồ chữ:

Jj Jj Jj Jj Jj
Jj Jj Jj Jj Jj

Kk Kk Kk Kk Kk
Kk Kk Kk Kk Kk

Ll Ll Ll Ll Ll
Ll Ll Ll Ll Ll
Cat cat cat
Cat cat cat
Dog dog dog
Dog dog dog
Cow cow cow
Cow cow cow
Bird bird bird
Bird bird bird
Horse horse
Horse horse
Rabbit rabbit
Rabbit rabbit
Big big big
Big big big
Small small small
Small small small
Seven seven
Seven seven
Eight eight
Eight eight
Nine nine nine
Nine nine nine
Ten ten ten
Ten ten ten
Eleven eleven
Eleven eleven
Twelve twelve
Twelve twelve
What are they?
They’re birds.
How many birds?
Four birds.
 Exercise / Bài tập: Trace and tick () / Đồ chữ và chọn hình đúng

Buổi 22 – Ngày: ………………………………..
Unit 5: I like food
 Tracing / Đồ chữ:

Mm Mm Mm Mm
Mm Mm Mm Mm

Nn Nn Nn Nn
Nn Nn Nn Nn

Oo Oo Oo Oo
Oo Oo Oo Oo
Bread bread
Bread bread
Chicken chicken
Chicken chicken
Fruit fruit fruit
Fruit fruit fruit
Juice juice juice
Juice juice juice
Milk milk milk
Milk milk milk
Water water
Water water
Rice rice rice
Rice rice rice
I like juice.
I like juice.
I don’t like milk.
I don’t like milk.
 Exercise / Bài tập: Match and trace / Nối và đồ chữ

Buổi 24 – Ngày: ………………………………..
Spelling bee – Day 2
 Tracing / Đồ chữ:

Bird bird bird

Cat cat cat
Cow cow cow
Dog dog dog
Horse horse horse
Rabbit rabbit rabbit
Big big big
Small small small
Seven seven seven
eight eight eight
Nine nine nine
Ten ten ten
Eleven eleven eleven
Twelve twelve twelve
Bread bread bread
chicken chicken chicken
Fruit fruit fruit
Juice juice juice
Milk milk milk
Rice rice rice
Water water water
 Exercise / Bài tập:
I. Color and trace / Tô màu và đồ chữ

II. Choose and trace / Chọn hình đúng và đồ chữ


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