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Why is reading the

documentation so important?

Abhin Rustagi
Published in

JavaScript in Plain English

4 min read
Nov 17, 2021

Quite often the process of writing code (especially while using a certain
library) goes like this: write code, encounter error, modify code,
encounter error, go to StackOverflow, copy code, run code, repeat.

I recently came across the acronym “RTFM” which literally stands for

‘Reading the f*cking manual’. I realized as simple as the acronym is, it
is equally very true, and a great piece of advice offered to me by a
senior developer.

Reading the documentation has been the most missing step in every
developer’s journey early on. No online course or module ever
explicitly mentions that the course-takers should actually take time to
read the documentation of the technology they are using.
Some often jump into projects without fully understanding how
efficiently they can make use of the libraries, frameworks, or packages
they’ll use.

While some think one introductory YouTube video will be sufficient to

start working with a library. But what they’d experience was spending
time debugging code, which may have been solved if only they’d read
the documentation, or at least skimmed it.

While watching a YouTube video is not wrong, but perhaps the purpose
can be. Not often you will find a YouTube tutorial that covers a library
end to end, describing the use of all the functions and features inside it.
It may become important at that point to at least visit the guides.

When you avoid reading the documentation, you’re missing out on

understanding the deeper mechanical processes of your code, which
may lead to you writing less efficient code. You’d end up spending
precious hours on websites like StackOverflow or Github Wiki, trying
to find why that line of code on line 7 doesn’t work, or suddenly why
did the compiler throw an error, and you’ll find a response like this:

The solution to this problem is making a certain declaration in

options while initializing the library. It is given in the
documentation under the “ABC” section.

You did find the solution. Unsurprisingly, the solution came from the
documentation, but it was not your effort, and you got lucky that some
random User3190 had read the documentation. You might encounter
problems that others haven’t ever, and so they most likely don’t even
exist as questions on Stack-overflow, and you’d spend hours trying to
find an answer when you could have just read the documentation, and
the solution was actually given on page 3.

Sometimes the package may have a function that you’re not aware of.
To counter that you write another function to accomplish your task,
sometimes making use of other functions within the package. Here’s
one primitive example from Python library Pandas:

Code if you didn’t take time to explore:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("./data.csv")# Code to remove certain rows
false_rows = [2, 3, 5]
data_new = data.drop(index = false_rows)

Code if you did take time to explore:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("./data.csv", skiprows = [2, 3, 5])

While it does sound like a Herculean task to read the documentation of

all the packages or libraries you use on a regular basis, you might
attempt to do it in parts, or be really smart about it.

There’s an abstract concept in programming called the 80–20 rule. It

says that for a particular library, framework, or package, you don’t
need to learn all of the functions. You only need to learn 20% of the
functions, because you’ll use them 80% of the time. You’ll use the rest
80% of the functions only 20% of the time.

Hence, it becomes important to be aware of the functions that you end

up writing in almost every project. Something like the read_csv
function above is one of the most commonly used functions in the
Pandas package so it would make sense to know what kind of
arguments you could use with that function going forward.

To save time, you should not read the guides for every new package,
but maybe just the ones you use every day in your projects.

For example, as a React Developer, you can choose to invest time in

reading the guides for React.js, but perhaps not as much time in
reading the guides of libraries like Axios, or, helmet, whose function in
your app is very limited and you may not be using every time in a

In conclusion, reading documentation is perhaps an investment you

can make to become a better developer in the long run and know your
tools better. So, just RTFM. :)

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