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Unit 4

Literature Review
Literature Review
🞂 one of the important components in research.

🞂 acts as “database” for your research.

🞂 Information resources/previous published

research findings.
Purpose of Literature Review
🞂 Provides the background and context for the
research problem.
🞂 Limit the problem area.
🞂 Define the problem
🞂 Avoid unnecessary repetition.
🞂 Search for new approaches.
🞂 Recommend suitable methods.
🞂 Attain the latest information and ideas.
Importance of Literature Review
🞂 To provide clearer explanation on the
research issues.
🞂 To introduce theories related to the research.
🞂 To narrow down the research scope.
🞂 To report the previous findings related to
your research.
🞂 To show that the researcher is knowledgeable
in the field of study.
🞂 To explain in detail concerning the research
Source of Literature
Primary Secondary
sources: sources:
◦ Journal article ⚫Books
◦ Research report ⚫Articles of
◦ Proceedings secondary
◦ Conference sources
◦ Magazines
◦ Newspapers
◦ Internet.
Searching Techniques
🞂 Using journal abstracts/indexes
🞂 Using encyclopedia/dictionary
🞂 Using catalogues
🞂 Books
🞂 Using bibliography/reference
🞂 Google – search using key words.
Useful sources on the
🞂 🡪 Malaysian
🞂 UTHM library – database (journals published
by Elsevier, Science Direct, and indexed by
Scopus, SSCI (social science citation index)
🞂 Web of Science 🡪 Thomson Reuters ISI-cited
How to cite other peoples works?
The objectives of paraphrasing are:
1. To show your reader that you understand
the research literature.
2. You are able to synthesise , evaluate,
analyse, compare and draw analytical

You do that through careful mining of the

original research, and by carefully reporting
what you have read and what it all means.
Say NO to plagiarism.
This is plagiarism
Original author Student
A worked example is A worked example is
a step-by-step a step-by-step
demonstration of demonstration of
how to perform a how to perform a
task or how to solve task or how to solve
a problem .Studying a problem. Studying
worked examples is worked examples is
an effective an effective
instructional instructional
strategy to teach strategy to teach
complex problem- complex problem-
solving skills. solving skills.
This is NOT plagiarism
Original author Student
A worked example is A worked example can be
a step-by-step defined as a problem
demonstration of solving procedure to a
how to perform a
task or the way to solve a
task or how to solve
a problem .Studying
problem (Clark, Nguyen,
worked examples is Sweller, 2006). Studying
an effective worked examples is one
instructional strategy of the effectives method
to teach complex to help student acquire
problem-solving high level problem-solving
skills. skills.
How to Avoid Plagiarism
🞂 Don’t look at the original copy while you
are typing.
🞂 Think about what you read. You may copy
the whole sentence in your note, but you
MUST paraphrase using your own words
when you write your report.
🞂 Avoid sentence-by-sentence restatement
of the original article.
🞂 Give credits to authors by putting their
names on your writing.
🞂 The literature review is a critical element of
research process.
🞂 The literature review will be serving as a
knowledge bank for researcher.
🞂 The literature review become the springboard
for the whole thesis.
🞂 The ability to search, assess, integrate and
write literature review will show our know-
how in the field.

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