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1 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017

ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  




Submitted By:

Idan Fakhry Wildan

Reg. Number: 1908103172

Approved on June, 15 2023 by:

Nizar Ibnus, M.Pd.


2 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

The Students Perception of Utilization VOA Learning English in Listening


Author 1
Idan Fakhry Wildan

Author 2
H. Farouk Imam Arrasyid, M.Pd.I, M.Pd

Author 3
Siti Luruh Ayu Noerjanah, M.Pd

Abstract: The use of learning media in learning activities makes it easier for teachers to
convey the material being taught to students. Likewise for students, the use of learning
media can make it easier for students to understand the material that the teacher conveys.
This study discusses the use one of online media in listening for senior high school. From
various kinds of online media, the online media used is VOA Learning English. This study
aims to know student responses to the use of online media, one of which is VOA Learning
English in classroom learning. The research method used is qualitative research with open-
ended questionnaire as instrument and students as object of the research. From the results of
this study, researchers found that the use of online media in learning activities really helps
students understand a material. The use of VOA Learning English is one of the online media
used. With the features offered, such as the use of videos, it makes students enthusiastic and
able to learn English effectively. In addition, VOA Learning English can be accessed
anywhere and anytime so that students can use it outside of school hours.

Keywords: Use of Online Media; VOA Learning English; Student Perspective.

The employment of technology in different aspects is expanding at this time. In the
field of education, the usage of sophisticated technology is extremely beneficial in learning
activities. Teachers and students are facing new obstacles and demands as a result of
technological advancements (Sumakul, Hamied, and Sukyadi 2022). According to Sumakul
(2019), there are particular abilities that instructors must learn. AI provides instructors with
new tools that can alter current classroom methods. This may be used to any subject,
including English as a Foreign Language (EFL). From this vantage point, AI may be viewed
as a useful tool not just for students but also for teachers (Sumakul, Hamied, and Sukyadi
2022). According to the remark above, technology may now be employed as an auxiliary

3 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

tool in the execution of student and teacher learning activities. However, this must be
balanced against instructors' and students' capacity to use the technology.
The widespread use of technology among the general population is consistent with the
development of social media, which is utilized by many individuals to communicate both
locally and globally. Social media allows people to interact without regard for location or
time. As a result, utilizing social media to interact with the global community in English is
quite beneficial. Currently, the capacity to communicate in English is critical for people to
interact with the global society (Samad and Fitriani, 2016). According to Marshall
(2002:18), as referenced in (Harahap, S. D. 2020: 891), technology can provide new
chances. It allows users to connect with individuals all over the world and offers a variety of
distinct viewpoints and experiences. Communication with the rest of the world encourages
us to become accustomed to hearing and speaking English. As a result, the more we use
English, the more we become acclimated to it, making it simpler to learn English.
There are several online resources available to help you improve your English
listening abilities. Mastering English by listening is one method. Many different sorts of
technology have been developed to assist foreign speakers in learning to speak and listen to
the language. Podcasts, music, and radio are examples of media that might aid increase
listening abilities (Harahap, S. D. 2020: 891). Listening is the basis for all other talents and
the primary medium via which students create unique connections with their target language
and culture. It is regarded as the most difficult language competence for learners of a certain
language. As a result, the use of sound (video) to communicate audience object issues is
predicted to pique students' attention in the content offered through multimedia (text, photos,
pictures, sound images, videos) in a variety of colors and appealing visuals (Lam Kieu et al.
VOA Learning English is one of the internet or web media that may be used to study
English, particularly listening abilities. Research on internet media that can improve kids'
listening abilities. According to Van et al. (2021), employing media to help students learn
English has a high potential for improving language abilities and encouraging the process of
learning English. The VOA Learning English website was used, which offers several unique
features. The use of media in listening skills seeks to make it simpler for students to learn
and understand English by combining audio with pictures that assist illustrate the meaning
of the audio heard. The goal of listening, according to Pham, D. T. T. (2021), is to offer
advice to pupils or acquire knowledge from various sorts of messages or genres such as
noises, studies, instructions, poetry, songs, and so on. And discussions, debates, films, and
so on.

This study is qualitative study. The use of qualitative methodologies in this study
attempts to acquire data from informants' experiences. According to Hammarberg, K.,
Kirkman, M., and de Lacey, S. (2016), qualitative approaches are used to answer questions
regarding experience, meaning, and viewpoint, usually from the perspective of the
participant. The researcher also requires presfective information from the informants in this
study to determine the magnitude of the influence of utilizing internet media on students'
learning motivation in listening skills.
Participants / Subject / Population and Sample
4 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

This research was conducted with students as participants because researchers tried to
get students' perceptions of the use of VOA Learning English. 35 students were studied with
the aim of knowing various student perspectives as a consideration for answering the
questions that have been provided.
The instrument used is an open-ended questionnaire. Researchers will distribute
questionnaires to students about their responses from using VOA Learning English media.
The use of an open-ended questionnaire instrument in this study was to accommodate
various student answers so that this study obtained satisfactory answers.
Data Analysis
The procedure for collecting data is that the researcher asks students to fill out a
questionnaire that has been prepared for students and then students fill it out within the
allotted time. Next, the researcher processes the data based on the results of the most
answers which will be presented in the results and discussion section.

Researchers have conducted research at one of senior high school in Majalengka
regarding students' perceptions of the use of VOA Learning English on students' motivation
in learning English, especially listening skills. The object of research is the 10th and 11th
graders of one of senior high school in Majalengka. The data collection technique was
carried out by filling out a questionnaire. Students first study with a tutor regarding the
material using the VOA Learning English learning media. After that, students were asked to
fill out a questionnaire that was distributed by the researcher. The aim is to find out students'
perceptions of using VOA Learning English and to find out students' motivation in learning
English in listening skills after using the media.
Research on these student, researchers divided into three parts. First, students'
perceptions of the use of media in learning activities. Second, students' perceptions of the
use of online media and technology. Third, students' perceptions of using VOA Learning
English. This dissemination aims to get complete information about media use in general
and the use of VOA Learning English. In the following, the researcher conveys the results of
the student questionnaire research based on the results of the most answers in the research
that has been conducted at one of senior high school in Majalengka;
1. Students' Perceptions of The Use of Media In Learning Activities
In this section, the researcher intends to find out the use of media in the learning
activities in one of senior high school in Majalengka students in the English class from
the student's point of view. There are several questions related to this to find out how
students view the use of media in learning English. In addition, researchers also want
to know the effect of using media or not during classroom learning activities.
Researchers will divide the discussion into two parts, namely the use of media and
learning activities. The following is the explanation;
a. Utilization of Media
The use of media in classroom learning activities is very important for the
effectiveness of classroom learning. Teachers will find it easier to convey material
when involving the media when teaching. The role of the media here is as an
auxiliary tool to make it easier for teachers to provide explanations and make it
5 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

easier for students to understand the material. When asked about the use of media
to students, they answered that the media used was LKS or student worksheets.
This student worksheet is used as a source of material and practice questions that
many students ask. The use of LKS has become a teacher's habit as a source of
material and practice for students from year to year. The use of LKS is very often
used by teachers because all students have it and it is the easiest way to use it. Apart
from that, students thought that at some time the teacher also used textbooks as a
medium during learning. Its function is the same, to increase material knowledge
and as a source of practice as well because there are practice questions in it.
At some times, teachers do not always use the media in their teaching activities.
How is this felt from the perspective of students as learning objects in class. Some
students explained that the use of media would help them better understand the
material being taught. In addition, some students also feel that the use of media
when learning is more effective and adds to their learning references when the
material is not easy to understand. That is, when using the media, students are
assisted by the media to understand the material being taught. For example,
according to students, the use of media makes it easier for students to understand
the material with the help of the features available in the media. For example, when
the teacher uses YouTube media, students can easily understand the material with
the help of the video and sound features contained in the media. Meanwhile, when
not using the media, students feel confused about the material being explained
because the source of the explanation is only from the teacher. In addition, when
using media students may not understand easily if the teacher does not explain
properly the use of the media that will be used. This is what makes students feel
foreign to the media used.
b. Learning Activity
The use of media during learning activities will show how effective the use of
the media is. In addition, supporting facilities for utilizing the media provided by
schools need attention. When the researchers asked the students of this senior high
school about the support facilities for using the media, the students answered no
because they realized that the media used by the teacher during learning focused
only on the use of worksheets so they did not get more knowledge other than the
media. Students feel that the media used by the teacher during learning only uses
The facilities provided by the school must be directly proportional to the
teacher's ability to utilize these facilities. The relation with the media is that the
teacher must understand or master the available media so that students can easily
understand it. Furthermore, questions related to the teacher's ability to integrate the
use of media with the material being explained. Student answers, the teacher can
combine material with the media that is currently being used. For example, the
teacher can combine pictures and videos with the material being studied. In
addition, there were student answers which indicated that the teacher could not
combine media with material because students had difficulty understanding what
the teacher was saying.

6 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

From some of the statements above it can be concluded that the use of media makes
students understand the material easily and effectively. In addition, the use of media also
makes students get a lot of additional references outside of the use of worksheets to broaden
their knowledge. According to Van et al. (2021), using media to help students learn English
will bring a strong potential to improve students' language skills and encourage the process
of learning English. On the other hand, the use of media must also be followed by the ability
of competent teachers to apply the media they use. This affects students' understanding of
the material being studied. Sumakul (2019), explains that there are special skills that
teachers need to master regarding the use of media. For this reason, the use of media
requires special skills in using it so that students are not confused with the teacher's
2. Students' Perceptions of The Use Of Online Media And Technology
As we know that in this era of globalization, advanced technology is massively
used in various fields. Included in the world of education. The use of technology is
very helpful in learning activities in class. With the existence of technology, giving
options to teachers in teaching activities. Teachers can explore their teaching activities
according to the material to be conveyed. In addition, online media assistance also
influences students to facilitate understanding and as additional material that each
student can learn outside of school hours. In this section, researchers will discuss the
use of online media and technology from the perspective of this senior high school’s
students in their English learning activities. Here's the discussion;
a. Online Media
The use of online media is a teacher's attempt to utilize technology in learning
activities. Students need to master it, especially teachers must also master it so that
students understand the online media used. The use of online media at one of senior
high school in Majalengka is still minimal because teachers rarely use it. As
conveyed by students, students feel that the use of online media is still minimal
because teachers use worksheets more often in their learning activities. Teachers
only use online media during exams. Furthermore, when confirmed regarding the
use of online media that had been carried out with students, students answered that
the teacher had used online media in their learning activities. This online media was
used during the Covid-19 pandemic where schools were closed and there was no
face-to-face learning in class. All learning is done at home by utilizing technology
and online media. Some online media used by teachers such as Google Classroom,
Google Drive, YouTube, browser and Chrome. After getting out of the pandemic
period, schools are gradually holding face-to-face teaching activities again.
Teachers use LKS again as a medium in student learning activities in class. Also
related to the use of online media, researchers want to know the mastery of teachers
when using online media. After being confirmed with the students, they replied that
the only online media used was the Google form for exams. The teacher only
assigns students to fill in and does not need to explain more about the use of the
The use of online media is not only limited to its use during teaching activities in
class, but with sophistication of technology it can be accessed anywhere. For
example, almost all students have smartphones to access them. Students can access
7 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

online media outside of learning with the smartphones they have. Researchers try to
confirm the exploration of students in utilizing online media outside the classroom.
They used to use google translate to help them complete their assignments. Apart
from that, they also take advantage of social media such as YouTube to learn things
they don't understand about material at school.
b. Utilization of Technology
In addition to the use of online media, the use of technology is also necessary to
access several online media. Mastery of teacher and student technology is needed
for more effective media access. Researchers are trying to find out the extent to
which technology is used at one of senior high school in Majalengka, especially by
teachers. Students answered that the only technology used during class was a
projector. Its use is to make it easier for the teacher to explain the material or show
something to students clearly. The teacher mastered the use of the projector and
used it well.
It can be concluded that the use of online media at one of senior high school in
Majalengka is still relatively rare. Even the use of online media outside the classroom for
students is still not effective. Students still cannot take advantage of technological advances
by using mobile phones to learn English more broadly. The online media that they use is
only Google applications such as Google Classroom and Google Translate to help complete
student assignments. However, teachers and students still use other media, namely
worksheets as materials and training sources in increasing student knowledge.
3. Students' Perceptions of Using VOA Learning English
VOA Learning English is an online medium for learning English. The researcher
wants to know how well students understand learning English using VOA Learning
English media. In addition, researchers are trying to identify the use of VOA Learning
English for students of one of senior high school in Majalengka in learning English,
especially listening skills. In this section, the researcher wants to confirm to students
about students' perceptions of using VOA Learning English in learning activities.
Here's the discussion;
VOA Learning English is an online medium that can be accessed by anyone,
including students. Several students even after being confirmed they knew what VOA
Learning English was. As stated by some that they know VOA Learning English as a
medium for learning English because there are videos in it to hone students' listening
and speaking skills. Its interesting features by providing various videos make it easier
for users to understand a material contained in the media. As stated by several students
of one of senior high school in Majalengka that the conversations contained in the
video and the way they say the words really help students in learning English. So that
students indirectly learn several skills such as speaking skills, listening skills and
pronunciation in one video. In addition, with the availability of various levels, anyone
can access it because it consists of several levels according to the ability of the user.
Learning English using VOA Learnig English makes it easier for students to
understand the material they are studying. This media is an option for students to learn
English independently at home because it is easily accessible via mobile phone or
computer. Its features are attractive to students so they won't feel bored while
studying. So that the motivation of students to learn English is increasing. As stated by
8 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

several students, VOA Learning English is very motivating because it contains

features such as videos with attractive visuals and makes it easier for students to
understand English with the help of these videos. In addition, VOA Learning English
displays easy to difficult levels so that students can adapt their abilities. On the other
hand, there were students who answered no because the web was not well understood
by some students.
VOA Learning English can hone several skills in English, including speaking,
listening and pronunciation. One focus of the researchers is the use of VOA Learning
English for listening skills. Students agree that this media is highly recommended for
students to study independently because it contains video features that make it easier
for students to learn at least two skills at once, namely speaking and listening. In
addition, students can immediately practice after watching the video. On the other
hand, there are students who still doubt VOA Learning English because not all of them
are enthusiastic about opening the website.
It can be concluded that VOA Learning English attracts students' interest in
learning English especially to hone students' listening skills. This is influenced by the
VOA Learning English feature which presents interesting videos so students can more
easily understand the material. English learning video VoA (Voice of America) is an
American broadcasting program released for English learners whose speakers are
native English speakers and whose speech speed is slower than usual (Astuti, D., Dj,
M.Z., & Musfirah, M, 2020). Students also use VOA Learning English for
independent study at home. This is because the media is easy to understand and can be
adapted to the abilities of each student. From the students' answers, it can be seen that
the use of VOA Learning English media is able to increase student learning motivation
because this media presents interesting features such as video material that is easy to
understand and can be practiced easily.

The rationale for this research in general is to find out the use of media and technology
in schools to support learning in English classes. According to Marshall (2002:18) as quoted
in (Harahap, S. D. 2020: 891), new opportunities can be obtained by using technology. It
offers users to connect with people around the world and provides many unique perspectives
and experiences. For example, the use of media such as the web is also an effective way to
improve listening skills in English. The use of the web makes students more varied in
improving listening skills in English. Therefore, technology and online media can be widely
utilized so that learning activities in class become more varied and attract students' interest.
This is in line with the statement of Pham, D.T.T. (2021), the presentation of audience
object problems using sound (video) is expected to attract students' interest in the material
presented through multimedia (text, images, images, sound images, videos) with various
attractive colors and images.
The use of media during learning is very closely related to student motivation in
carrying out learning activities in class. Hiroyuki (2021) found that many students were
satisfied with the learning environment when applying media to mixed training. If there is
contact between speaker and listener, communication occurs. On that basis, the researcher
finally included a research question, how are students' perceptions of using VOA Learning
9 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

English media on students' motivation to learn English in listening skills? The following is a
discussion of the research questionnaire that has been conducted;
1. Students' Perceptions of The Use Of Media In Learning Activities
The use of media in learning makes it easier for teachers and students to understand
the material being taught. Likewise with the media, learning becomes interesting so
that students are more focused on learning activities. Presentation of audience object
problems using sound (video) is expected to attract students’ interest in the material
presented through multimedia (text, images, images, sound images, videos) in various
attractive colors and images (Pham, D. T. T. 2021).
Learning media is a component of learning resources or physical vehicles that
contain teaching materials in the student environment that can stimulate students to
learn (Rindiantika, Y. 2018). The use of media allows students to more easily find
information and practices related to the material being studied. Rindiantika (2018)
further explains, learning media can be arbitrarily grouped into five categories,
namely: visual media, audio media, audio visual media, virtual tactile media.
Variations in the use of media in English learning activities can improve language
skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and linguistic elements such as mastery of
vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation or spelling.
Based on the results of the questionnaire that the researchers conducted at one of
senior high school in Majalengka, most students agreed with the use of media in
teaching and learning activities in class. The use of media in accordance with the
material being taught will make it easier for students to understand the material
presented by the teacher. As an example of media commonly used by students of one
of senior high school in Majalengka based on research results, one of them is the use
of Student Worksheets (LKS). The use of LKS is commonly used by students from
year to year and is the main source of student learning. As quoted from one of the
students' answers, "Teachers use worksheets and textbooks as sources of material and
exercises". Students also use textbooks as other learning media. However, most
students stated that the teacher used LKS more as a learning medium. However, is the
use of LKS alone effective enough for student learning?
LKS contains a summary of the material, sample questions, instructions for
working on questions and practice questions so that learning using LKS can further
motivate student interest and learning becomes more effective and enjoyable (Sogandi,
S, et al. 2019). Based on this statement, the use of Student Worksheets or LKS really
motivates students' interest so that students are enthusiastic about working on
questions and studying the material effectively. As stated by one of the students in the
results of the researcher's research, namely "it will be more effective to use the media
because students will more easily understand the lesson". Other students also thought
that "in my opinion the LKS provided by the school has supported learning at school".
Thus the use of worksheets as learning media according to students is very helpful and
makes it easier for students to learn the material taught by the teacher in class.
It can be concluded that the use of learning media in learning activities in class can
facilitate students in learning. In addition, the features available in LKS such as
material summaries, sample questions, instructions for working on questions and

10 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

practice questions make it easier for students to work on and study material at once
and are available in one media called LKS.
2. Students' perceptions of the use of online media and technology
In this era of globalization, technology is massively used in various fields. One of
them is in the field of education. Advances in technology have created new challenges
and demands for teachers and students (Sumakul, Hamied, & Sukyadi, P 233, 2022).
Technology can be used for the advancement of education due to various factors. One
of them is the use of technology can help students more easily understand the material
because of the sophistication of the technology offered.
The use of online media or in other words applications in the world of education is
very helpful. According to Marjuni, A., & Harun, H. (2019), applications can be used
for learning purposes for students considering that in a learning process there must be
interaction between learning components. One learning approach that allows between
learning components is interactive learning. The use of applications as online media in
learning activities can help students because of the interaction between students and
applications. This makes students understand more about the material being studied.
As stated by one of the students in the results of the research the researcher stated,
"students use online media outside of school, namely YouTube". This is because
students can study independently to understand material that they do not understand in
class. In addition to media knowledge, they use online media a lot to understand a
material. In addition, there is online media that students use besides YouTube, namely
Google Translate. They once used google translate to complete their assignment.
However, most students in the researcher's research stated that teachers rarely use
online media or applications in teaching activities in class. One of them said, "The
teacher only uses LKS". Based on student answers, the use of media or online
applications in learning is only used during online learning and during exams.
Talking about online media has a lot to do with the use of applications, the web and
other online media. One of the things that are part of online media is multimedia.
Multimedia is a combination of more than one medium in a form of communication.
Multimedia currently refers to merging and integrating media, such as text, animation,
graphics and sound, video into computer systems (Marjuni, A., & Harun, H. 2019).
The use of varied media by combining images, sounds and other features makes
students interested in using them. As stated by students in their research results, the
use of online media displays various features that make it easier for students to
understand the material. On the other hand, online media also makes students more
effective in understanding the material. Therefore, the researcher suggest involving
online media or occasional applications in learning activities so that learning activities
are more varied.
When talking about online media and applications, they are closely related to the
use of technology. As a form of utilizing technological advances, it is not uncommon
for teachers to use tools or technology to assist learning activities in class. The notion
of technology itself is a complex combination of humans and machines, ideas,
procedures, management. The word technology seems inseparable from science
because in essence technology is the application of science or other organized
knowledge for practical tasks (Marjuni, A., & Harun, H. 2019).
11 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

When asked by students about the use of technology at that senior high school, the
teacher has used several tools in learning activities in class. For example, using a
projector to help display material more broadly. The use of projectors is common in
the classroom to make it easier for teachers to display the material to be delivered. On
the other hand, students also need to be proficient in technology so that learning
activities at school can run smoothly because of proper understanding between teacher
and student. This technological advancement can be utilized by teachers and students
in learning activities. For students, technology can help them find additional material
outside of classroom learning activities or sources of knowledge from books. Apart
from looking for additional knowledge, technology can also be used to do tasks. By
using technology, knowledge can be easily accessed and can be accessed anytime,
anywhere. The ability of students to use technology is no longer in doubt. As
Putripertiwi, V. E. S., & Arrasyid, F. I. (2021) said in their research that almost all of
students are able to use technology to complete English assignments and only one
student who is not able to do that. This is because students are familiar with
technological sophistication, so they can easily access it. However, some students
cannot use technology properly because they are constrained by the media they use.
Sometimes unfamiliar media becomes their obstacle in accessing technology.
Therefore, synchronization of students and teachers must be good at utilizing
technology so that learning activities using technology can run well.
It can be concluded that the use of online media or applications in learning
activities in class is still minimal. The media used during learning activities only uses
LKS. The use of online media is very rarely used. The use of online media or
applications is only limited to online learning during the pandemic and is only used
during exams. As for the utilization of technology, one of senior high school in
Majalengka has also utilized the use of projectors in classroom learning activities.
3. Students' perceptions of using VOA Learning English
Quoting from the official VOA website Learning Englihs is VOA's multimedia
source of news and information for millions of English learners around the world.
English learning began with Special English, launched by Voice of America in 1959.
English newscasts and special features have been a staple of VOA's international
shortwave broadcasts for more than half a century. In 2014, our product line expanded
to include more English teaching materials, and the service became known as Learn
English. In it there are several levels in learning including initial level, intermediate
level and advanced level. At the initial level, the Level 1 and Level 2 Programs are
designed for beginning English learners by certified American English teachers. Ask a
Teacher is a new program where students can ask questions and teachers answer them.
Word News is a short video that explains the words or terms used in the news. Then at
the intermediate level, some language teaching methods feel boring and disconnected
from real life. People soon forget what they learn, or focus on words and phrases
without context. Students absorb American English through content drawn from US
and world news, Health and Lifestyle, Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, and
other topics.
In this section, the writer wants to show the relationship between the use of VOA
Learning English and one of the English language skills, namely listening skills.
12 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

According to Ozbay quoted by Gulec & Durmus (2015), Listening is the ability to
fully understand a message that is spoken or read aloud one's wishes to give. Listening
is an important part of the communication and educational process (Gulec & Durmus,
2015). One of the sources for acquiring knowledge is by listening. For this reason, it is
hoped that the use of VOA Learning English media with audio-visual features can
become additional media and motivate students to absorb information or learn about
English with their listening skills.
According to Astuti, D., Dj, M.Z., & Musfirah, M, 2020, in their research VOA
Learning English was useful for them to use VOA English learning videos as an
appropriate activity in teaching listening. In addition, by watching VOA's English
learning videos, students can get to know the sounds of English. This is in line with
several student statements which stated that the use of VOA Learning English made it
easier for them to understand the material presented. In addition, the features available
in media such as videos make them feel helped in understanding the material
presented. The next feature is ability categories, starting from the initial level to the
advanced level, making it easier for students to choose video material according to
their abilities. This was corroborated by student statements which stated that, "VOA
Learning English really helps students to understand English".
The researcher found a gap with previous research written by Dian Astuti,
Muhammad Zuhri Dj and Musfirah (2019) with the title Developing Students'
Listening Skills Through VOA (Voice of America) English Learning Videos. Dian
Astuti, Muhammad Zuhri Dj and Musfirah conducted this research with the aim of
knowing the development of high school students in listening skills using VOA
Learning English media. VOA Learning English is a measuring tool to find out the
increase in students' listening skills. The media is only used to test students' listening
skills. While the research that the researchers did was a process of student learning
activities in class. VOA Learning English is a learning medium for students inside and
outside the classroom.
It can be concluded that the use of VOA Learning English at one of senior high
school in Majalengka can motivate students in learning English, especially listening
skills. The availability of videos and other features makes it easier for students to
understand the material presented. Furthermore, the use of VOA makes it easier for
students to choose the material students need. In addition, students can directly
practice the material they have learned through videos. One of the student statements
stated, "one of which is that we can know how to read, write and practice listening
skills". This is proof that students are motivated by using VOA Learning English for
their English learning activities, especially listening skills.

Students' perspectives on the usage of VOA Learning English media on students'
motivation to study English, particularly listening skills, are collected through the
distribution of surveys. According to the findings of the study, students are interested in
VOA Learning English due of its many characteristics. Students may readily learn the topic
by watching the accessible films, which is one of the video benefits. Furthermore, adopting
VOA Learning English as a learning medium improves learning effectiveness since the
13 | ELT-Echo, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2017
ISSN: 2549-5089  e-ISSN: 2579-8170  

medium is simple to grasp. Students can also practice directly on their knowledge of the
topic that the teacher has taught. Students are driven to study English with VOA Learning
English as a result of this.

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