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Lesson 2: The Basis of Strategy: Structure

Functional Structure
Divisional Structure
Product Structure
Geographical Structure
Matrix Structure and
Complex forms of Organization

Lesson 3: The Levels and Formulation of Strategy

Process of Strategy
Levels of Strategy
Types of Strategy
Other types of Strategic Formulation

Lesson 4: Schools of Strategy

The Planning School
The Positional School
The Resourced Based School

Lesson 5: Stakeholder Theory

Introduction and definition
External Stakeholders

Lesson 6: External Analysis:

Introduction- Definition

External Analysis (continuation)

Industry Analysis and Trends,
PEST Analysis,
Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
Blue Ocean Analysis
The Product Life Cycle

Lesson 7: Internal Analysis:

Introduction and Definition of the Value
Definition: Margin
Human Resource Audit
Organizational Structure
Process and Culture

Lesson 8: SWOT Analysis

Introduction to SWOT Analysis- Definition
TOWS Analysis
Portfolio Models
BCG Model
GE Model

Generic Strategy
Introduction: Definition
Low Cost Leadership Strategy
Key Points

Lesson 9: Strategy Implementation

Contingency View
Managing Change
Lewin’s (1951) Force Field Analysis

Lesson 10: Market led Strategic Management

Concept and Orientation
The role in Leading strategic management

Lesson 11: Strategic Marketing Planning

Defining the Business Purpose or Mission
Marketing Strategy Process
Establishing the core Strategy
Creating of Competitive Positioning
Lesson 12: Competitive Marketing Analysis
The Changing Marketing Environment
Macro-environmental Analysis
Economic and Political Analysis
Social and Cultural Analysis
Technological Environment
Changes in Marketing Infrastructure and Practices
New Strategies for changing macro-environments

Competitive Marketing Analysis (continuation)

Strategic Groups
Industry evolution and Forecasting
Environmental Stability
SPACE Analysis
The Advantage Matrix
Lesson 13: Customer Analysis
What do we need to know about the customers?
The marketing research
The marketing research process
Organizing customer information

Lesson 14: Competitor Analysis

Competitive Benchmarking
Dimensions of Competitor Analysis
Choosing good Competitors
Obtaining and Disseminating Competitive Information

Lesson 15: Forecasting Future Demand and Market Requirements

Forecasting What?
Based on Current demand & Based on Past Demand

Lesson 16: Selecting Target Market

Defining how market is segmented
Determining current and Potential Strength
Alternative Targeting Strategies

Lesson 17: Competitive Positioning Strategy

Creating a Sustainable Competitive advantage
Competing through the new Marketing Mix
Competing through superior service and customer relationship

Lesson 18: Strategic Customer Management

The Strategic Sales Organization
Strategic Alliance Network
The risk in Strategic Alliances
Alliances and partnership
Competing through strategic alliances
Lesson 19: Corporate Social Responsibility
Definition and Scope

Lesson 20: Twenty-first Century Marketing

Fundamental strategy in the changing world.


Hooley, Saunders, Piercy and Nicoulaud(2010), Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 4 th Edition,
Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd., through Pearson Education (Philippines).

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