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Quarter: I Lesson: 4 SSLM No. 4 ELC(s): Create new business ideas in

computer systems servicing by using various
techniques Title of Textbook/LM to Study:

Topic: Generate Business Ideas and Marketing Strategies

Objectives: Identify ways how to generate business ideas
Explore ways to generate marketing strategies.

Let Us Discover

Generating Ideas for Business

Here are some ways by which you may generate possible ideas for business.
1. Examine the existing goods and services.
We always asked ourselves, are we satisfied with the product? What other people say about
the products they used? How to improved it?
2. Examine the present and future needs.
Look and listen to what the customers, institution, and communities are missing in terms of
goods and services.
3. Examine how the needs are being satisfied.
To satisfy these needs is to supply the products and services that meet the demands of the
4. Examine the available resources around you.
Observe what materials or skills are available in your area.
5. Read magazines, news articles, and other publications on new products and
techniques or advances in technology.
You can pick up new business ideas that are available in our locality especially those that
are offered from Department of Trade and Industries.

Once you have identified business opportunities, you will realize that there are many
options and possibilities available for you. The following are guide questions that can help in
selecting business ideas.
1. How much capital is needed to put up the business?
2. Where should the business be located?
3. How big is the demand for the product? Do many people need this product and will
continue to need it for a long time?
4. How is the demand met? Who are processing the products to meet the needs
(competition or demand)? How much of the need is now being met (supply)?

5. Do you have the background and experiences needed to run this particular
6. Will the business be legal and not against any existing or foreseeable government
7. Is the business in line with your interest and expertise?

Marketing Strategies
After you have discovered business opportunities, you will need to figure out how to work
together to reach your goals. To grab the attention of your potential customers, create your
own branding, create your own business taglines and have your own business logo/slogan.
Branding - is a marketing practice of creating a name, a symbol or design that identifies and
differentiates product or services from the rest.
A good branding can:
- deliver message clearly,
- confirm credibility,
- connect to target prospect,
- motivate buyers

Taglines - A tagline is about the business itself, and should stand the test of time (it doesn’t
change). Taglines represent the tone and feeling you want for your products or
services. It is often part of your company graphics ant it stays with you all the time.
Example: “Finger Lickin’ Good” , "Open Happiness", “Bida ang Saya”

Slogans - are intended to be less long lasting and more flexible. They’re often used in
advertising campaigns. (they change over time). Slogans are often used only for
one product, or one campaign.

Let Us Try

Directions: Read the sentences carefully and write letter T if the statement is true, and letter
F, if it’s False.
____________1. Customer is an individual or business that produces another company's
goods or services.
____________2. One of the ways in Generating Ideas for Business is you need to examine
how the needs are being satisfied.
____________3. One of the ways in Generating Ideas for Business is you need to examine
the available products around you.
____________4. Slogans are intended to be less long lasting and more flexible.
____________5. Design a tagline. Create a logo symbolic of your business and consistent
with your tagline and displace it strategically.

Let Us Do

Directions: Create a company tagline or slogan that can catch the attention of your prospect
clients or customers in the future. Write your tagline/slogan inside the box below.




Let Us Apply

Directions: Now that you have gained knowledge, skills, and values about generating a
business idea and marketing strategies, its time to apply your knowledge in real-life situations.
Answer the following questions.

1. As a computer system servicing student, why is it important to understand about

generating business ideas and marketing strategies?

2. What marketing strategies will you provide if you have a computer shop?


Let Us Do Activity: Logo Design Rubric

Excellent (4 Good Satisfactory (2 Poor
points) (3 points) points) (1 point)
Clearly Expressed the
Adequately Did not express
expressed the product or
Logo expressed the services in a the product or
product or
product or services limited fashion. services.
Design is Design is original but Design is similar Design is similar
unique and similar in one way to in several ways to in several ways to
original. another logo. another logo. another logo.

Criteria for the Let us Apply

Performance of the learner will be rated based on the following criteria:
Contents Excellent (3) Very Satisfactory (2) Satisfactory (1)
Limited content with
Substantial, specific Sufficiently developed
Content inadequate
content demonstrating content with adequate
Knowledge elaboration or
sophisticated ideas. elaboration or explanation.
1-3 misspelled Words. 4 or more misspelled
Spelling No misspelled word.
Applies 1-3 incorrect use 4 or more incorrect
Punctuation punctuations of punctuations. use of punctuations.
1-3 words can’t be clearly 4 or more words can’t
Handwriting Legible.
read. be clearly read.


TLE Self- Learning Module. Computer System Servicing Grade 9 Quarter 1 Week 4.
Environment and Market (Part 2). Vallega, J.T. pp. 6-13

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