Bricks SS Starter2 Unit 3

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New Words boring friendlier more than as fun as Just Dol Functions science @ Talking about favorite subjects social studies A: What subject do you like the best? best B: | like math the best. simplest ‘© Comparisons of likes A: Do you like math more than science? B: Yes, | do. Math is fun. / No, | don’t. | like science more than math. Getting Started A Let’s learn the new words in this lesson. boring friendlier more than as fun as iv aa * ~ ~ 7Q)).- | 4 fA science social studies best simplest re) 1 Listen and write down the words in the blanks. Track 17 e 8 ° eo °e oe e ° aA 2. Listen and write down the words in the blanks. rack 10 C more than as fun as boring best _ social studies J © I like gym music. © | don't like history, but | like 5 © Mrs. Park’s English class is Mr. Lee's gym class. © |. am getting the grade in science class. © Playing the piano is more than playing the violin. 38 Unit 3 My School Life Let’s learn the basic expressions in this lesson. ‘A: What subject do you like the best? B:1 like math the best. A: Do you like math more than science? B: Yes, | do. Math is fun. / No, I don't. | like science more than math. 1 Answer each question using the given words and pictures. What subject do you like the best? hh Hi xb cdefgh JkIMNOPG, ptuvwxyz ae = learn about _ learning about science English history animals Do you like math more than science? Sa math much more easier the hardest science more than math 39 A 40 _. Speaking Dr Listen and answer the questions. a Track 19 1. What does Minseok like to study at school? He enjoys learning 2. What language is easier to learn for Minseok? He thinks learning is a lot easier than learning ®... 1. What is Amy’s favorite subject and why? Her favorite subject is because itis ___ to learn. 2. What subjects does Paul like to study? He likes. , but his favorite subject is ®.2. 1. What subjects does Steve like and dislike? He likes to study and art, but he does not like and 2. What subject does Steve like the least? He likes the least. Read the passage and answer the questions. Dillon and Missy are classmates. Dillon really enjoys Mrs. Park’s history class. Dillon likes to read and study about past kings. History books are longer but fun to read. Mrs. Park knows everything about history. She is the smartest teacher. Missy does not like Mrs. Park’s class as much as Mr. Lee’s math class. Missy likes studying numbers, so math is more exciting. Sometimes there is a lot of homework and it is hard, but it is her favorite class. 1 Why does Dillon like Mrs. Park’s class? 2 Which class does Missy think is more exciting than history? 41 “Speaking Drill | - CG Answer the question for each picture. Then speek aloud. ‘What subject do you like to What do you like to do in your study? free time? 4 What subject do you like the Do you like studying Japanese best? more than Chinese? Chinese is easier, so What subject do you like the What subject do you like to least? study the least? | cannot run fast, so. 42 °° Unit 3’ My School Life’ ~ D Complete the conversation for each picture. Then speak aloud. ‘A: What subject do you like the best? B: (1) A: | see. What subject do you like the least? B: (2) 2 history, music A: Do you like English more than history? B: No, | don't. (1) A: What subject do you like the least? B: (2) ‘A: What is your favorite subject in school? B: (1) A: Do you like art more than music? B: Yes, (2) 43 ; apiaimainiianag SST E Put the sentences in order by numbering them. (__) Misook’s favorite class is math. (__) Her least favorite class is English because it is the hardest. (.__) Misook goes home and studies English. F Choose the correct number for each sentence and then speak aloud. | 1 suzy watches many movies in English. ( ) 2. suzy studies English in her free time. ( ) 3 > suzy is not good at math. ( ) 44 © The boy @tHe © English @ All the students © Mr. Park always @He @ The boy | Orbe and they speak English together. | © Now the boy ‘Speaking Drill — —_——————_.- H You will see students’ answers to the question “Do you like English more than Korean?” Answer the questions. Language Likes Students 60g ays 8 Girls English Korean don't know 1 Do the girls like English or Korean more? 2. How many more girls like English than Korean? 3 Do the boys like English or Korean more? 46 Speaking Test a Track 22 You will see three pictures. Each picture has one question. Answer the question based on the picture. You should answer with one or two complete sentences. You will have 10 seconds to prepare your answer. After each beep, record your answer for 15 seconds. After you hear two short beeps, stop recording. 1) | Aes i = aa oN ne 2 | ar GSEs Answer ee ees Speaking Test (2-3) You will be asked to answer the following four questions. You should answer with one or two full sentences. After the first beep, you will be given 20 seconds to answer each question. When you hear two short beeps, stop recording. Now let’s begin. 1 Track 23 2 =m 3 CI 4 =m a > | ea==E= , 3 3 =m 4 Gm 48 (4-5) Unit 3 My School Life You will see three pictures. Tell a story based on them. You have 30 seconds to prepare your answer. After the beep, you will have 30 seconds to record your answer. After you hear two short beeps, stop recording. Now let's begin. The boy got (1) He studied (2) He got (3) re ration 0:30 Response Time 0:30 The girl did not like (1) She went (2) Now, she likes (3) Speaking Test 6 You will see a pie chart showing which subjects students like the best. You will have 30 seconds to think about your presentation. After the beep, you will have 30 seconds to record your presentation. After you hear two short beeps, stop recording. Now let’s begin. Response Favorite Subjects Art = Music English = Math = Science Students study many subjects in school. Many of the students like art the best. (1) say it is their favorite subject. Students . Only five students say (4) is their favorite subject. Ten students like science the best. like (2) as much as (3) 50

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