The Legend of Black Charro

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the legend starts when we were still walking on this world.

Time ago existed a man who was born in a humble home.

His parents loved him very much but never was enough his ambition always wanted more.

Charro always liked to be well dressed, sometimes he even didn't eat for days to save a few
pesos and with what he collected, he could complete a good hat.

However, he was tired of his inexhaustible poverty. No matter how hard he worked, the
money was never enough and he had to walk all day with his hands full of dirt.

Some time later, his parents died. Left alone, Charro's misery increased considerably so he
made a decision that would change his life: invoke the devil to ask for wealth.

It is not known how he got it, but finally, Lucifer showed up. That entity knew how to read the
eyes and the spirit of the man who had called him, so he immediately offered him amounts of
money that he could not spend even in two lives. The only thing he asked for in return was his

El Charro, at that time was haughty and brave so the Morning Star had not been able to scare
him and he accepted.

Time passed and little by little the youth of Charro began to say goodbye. Suddenly, he realized
that he was tired of spending his riches on women, gambling, wine, and expensive suits. At the
same time, the feeling of loneliness oppressed his chest and he barely let him breathe. No one
wanted him for what he was but for the riches he possessed.

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