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Essay Writing Practice

▪ Ximena Espinosa Vega / A01286879

▪ August 28, 2023

Do you dream or wish something you want to do the most before dying? We all
have kinds of dreams. Some exciting, some embarrassing, and some bit
unconventional and they are all equally valid. But why are we afraid of doing
them? There exist many reasons why, but the mainly one is because what people
will say or because we are afraid of experiencing new things. Here is where the
regret comes in. What is this thing call regret? The reason why regret feels so awful
is because, by its nature, it implies that there is something you could have done,
some choice you could have made, or some action good happen.

Do you have any regrets? Most people do. For many years, Bronnie Ware, an
Australian nurse, and counselor – worked in palliative care, taking care of
terminally ill people, most of whom had less than 12 weeks to live. As part of
therapy, Bronnie would ask about any regrets they had about their lives, and
anything they would do differently if life gave them a second chance.

Of all the responses she got from her patients, she noticed there were 5 regrets
that stood out. These were the most common regrets her patients wished they
hadn’t made as they course through life.

1. The wish of pursued your dreams and aspirations, and not the life others
expect of us.
2. The wish of didn’t work so hard.
3. The wish of have the courage to express my feelings and speak my mind.
4. Stay in touch with friends.
5. “The wish I had let myself be happier.”

“Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the
first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!” Viktor Frankl, 1946. Following
your dreams might take unexpected turns, but those are the exciting and
memorable challenges of living the dream. Unfulfilled wishes may lead to feelings
of regret or missed opportunities, so don’t let the fear take advantage over you.
Afraid of it? Fear makes you feel more alive. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You
don’t know how to start to lose the fear? Make a bucket list, this will help you have
a more organize way to know what you want and accomplish your dreams.

The bucket list is defined as “a list of things that one has not done before but wants
to do before dying”. It allows us to reflect on what matters most to us, our personal
values, and identify important life milestones and experiences that we want to
have, “Creating a bucket list can be viewed as another way of setting life goals for
yourself” psychotherapist Karen Balumbu tells.

Everyone has goals, wishes, and dreams for their future. Many refer to these
aspirations as a “bucket list” since it goes way beyond your daily to-dos and
includes ambitions for your entire life. Some people’s bucket list might include
traveling to exotic destinations, skydiving, or running a marathon. Others might
include more personal goals, like learning to play a musical instrument or getting a

As it turns out, science supports the concept of bucket lists and studies have found
out bucket lists can add more meaning to one’s life. A recent study found that
people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them and that
creating a bucket list will make life feel more meaningful. No matter what’s on your
list is a great way to keep track of the things that are most important to you.

Your dreams and your actions define you, don’t let others define you with what
they tell you to do and not to, don’t live a life with regrets and unfulfilled wishes.
According to the positive psychology program, making a bucket list will bring you
a lot of benefits, it gives you more focus, make us take actions, give us self-
confidence, and bring happiness. For those looking for some inspiration, here is this
site called that’s dedicated to allowing you
plan and track your goals and wishes. For everyone who’s reading this, it’s never
too late to love a life with hopes and aspirations.

Standford Medicine. (2018). What Is a Bucket List?

Consultants F. (Jan 24, 2017). How to create more meanings with bucket lists.

Deering S. (March 28, 2023). 50 bucket list ideas to help you live your life to the

Global Viewpoint. (December 28, 2022). 300+ bucket list ideas in 2023: unique, fun
& travel items.

Bluerock G. (July 7, 2023). The 9 most common regrets people have at the end of

Iwuoha J. (Jan 15, 2017). This study reveals the biggest regrets people have before
they die.

Zambrano J. (Aug 1, 2022). The power or regret by Daniel H. Pink.
Norbert. (April 7, 2023). How to follow your dreams: 19 reasons why + steps to start.

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