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a Witch and a Fairy

a short story by Lavi Lazuardi

Once upon a time, there was a witch who desperately wanted to become a
fairy. Everyday she will sit by the window still and ponder how her life
would be so much better as fairy. “Man, if I were a fairy, people won’t be as
scared as me. They would look up to and they praise me for doing magic if
I were a fairy! but when you are a witch, people would forbid you from their
land and be frowned upon. I wish i could have beautiful wings to fly, all I do
is get on a broom and for the best that i would let me fly. Ugh, who am I
kidding? I’ll never be as cool as a fairy”
While the witch was pondering, a fairy near her overheard her cries. The
fairy then approached witch. “Hey, hey don’t say that about yourself!
Everyone has their different abilities in everything. Like, heck I can’t even
do cool magic tricks like you do! And trust me when I say you’re just as
pretty as other fairies. With or without wings” The fairy claimed.
“Hey you’re right, i should be grateful for who I am. I shouldn’t care about
what others are saying, I know my worth and potential!” The witch
shouted. “That’s the spirit!” Said the fairy happily.
And that was the story of a Witch and a Fairy.
The end.

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