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Remember to round both numbers to the same place value when estimating a sum or a difference.

Try yourself
Salma had MVR 7. She wants to buy a veg burger, French fries and a coffee. Estimate
the cost of three items. Does she have enough money to buy? If so, about how much
change will she get back?


1. Estimate each answer to nearest hundreds. Check if it is a reasonable

a. 76,549 5,876 b. 873,200 27,562
c. 53,889 970,235 d. 351,761 292,873

2. Estimate each answer to nearest thousands. Check if it is a

reasonable estimate.
a. 9,521 6,435 b. 909,005 782,576
c. 403,200 92,065 d. 852,759 762,408

3. There are 983 boys and 1,059 girls in a school. Estimate the approximate number
of students in the school.

4. A fishery industry produced a total of 9,801 tons of fish in

a year. If they had 3,856 tons tuna fish already produced
how much remaining fish produced? Find the reasonable

5. Farooq runs every morning before he goes to work. On Sunday, he

ran 0.54km, on Monday he ran 1.25km, on Tuesday he ran
1.50km, on Wednesday he ran 1.75km and on Thursday he ran
2.30km. His goal was to run 10km in these five days. Did Farooq
meet his goal? How long did he run? Estimate and find the solution.


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6. The seating capacity of a football stadium is 22,076. If 19,345 tickets are sold out,
estimate the number of empty seats.

7. Abdul Rahman went to fish market to buy two types of fish. Cost of one type of
fish is MVR 95 per kg and the second type of fish costs MVR 120 per kg. Can he
buy two kilograms of each with MVR 800?

8. To celebrate the World Green Day, a school planted saplings at school for two
days. On the first day 1,536 saplings were planted. Another 480 saplings were
planted on the second day. Estimate the total number planted.

9. Ali wants to buy a boat. He went to market to buy where he

had two choices: either to buy a new boat that costs MVR
28,750 or to buy a used boat that costs MVR 22,685.
Estimate how much he will save when buying used boat.

10. The table shows the attendance of Day Attendance

audience at two football matches. About
Saturday 5,928
how many more audience attended on
Sunday 9,845
Sunday than on Saturday?

Estimated product and quotient

You can estimate the products by rounding to their greatest place values.

Example 1  Find the estimated product: 832 479

Answer Estimate each number to nearest 100s.

832  Rounded to   800 and 479  Rounded to  500

Therefore, estimated product 800 500



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