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Baao National High School Pre-Test in Physical Education and

Senior High School Health 11 (H.O.P.E. 1)


Name: Grade 11 Score:

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1.This component/routine of exercise bridges the period between workout and rest. This transition is important to deter the pooling of
blood in the lower extremities.
a.Warm-Up b. Workload/Exercise load c. Cool down d. Stretching
2.This component/routine of exercise is the programmed activity that would elicit beneficial adaptations when performed regularly.
a.Warm-Up b. Workload/Exercise load c. Cool down d. Stretching
3.This component/routine of exercise increases blood flow to the working muscle without an abrupt increase in lactic acid
accumulation. This is essential prior to the actual workload as it prepares the body for more strenuous activity.
a.Warm-Up b. Workload/Exercise load c. Cool down d. Stretching
4.This type of stretch do not help with the warm-up activity because it relaxes and helps return the core temperature to resting levels.
This holds the joint in a stationary position for a period of time.
a.Static Stretches b. Dynamic Stretches c. Ballistic Stretches d. Isotonic Stretches
5.This type of steroid mimic the action of testosterone in the body. This is used for hormone replacement therapy in men with low
levels of naturally-produced testosterone.
a.Corticosteroid b. Anabolic Steroid c. Oxandrin Steroid d. Dianabol Steroid
6.What are the most harmful substances that you can get from tobacco smoking?
a.tartar, nicotine, and carbon dioxide c. tar, nicotine,, and carbon monoxide
b.tar, nitrogen oxide, and carbon dioxide d. caffeine, nicotine, and carbon trioxide
7.What are the kinds of tobacco smoke?
a.Mainstream, second-hand, third-hand smoke c. First-hand, second-hand, third-hand smoke
b.Primary, secondary, tertiary smoke d. Cigarette, cigar, e-cigar smoke
8.Why do people start smoking?
a.parents also smoke b. curiosity and rebellion c. stress and depression d. All of the above
9.What keeps people smoking?
a.pleasure, insecurity, and surroundings c. pressure, parents, stress, and depression
b.pleasure, fear of weight gain, and nicotine independence d. all of the above
10. What are the causes of lifestyle diseases?
a.too much physical activity, stress, and depression, insecurities c. parental model, genes/heredity, environmental factors
b.emotional stress, peer pressure, junk food d. smoking/vices, poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle
11. Undereating, overeating, consumption of various food and drinks, intake of low fiber,
high fat, high salt, and high sugar food are characteristics of ?
a.sedentary lifestyle b. lifestyle diseases c. poor dietary habits d. non-communicable diseases
12. Which of the following is an example of a cancerous and a non-cancerous types of tumors?
a.Lymphoma – Carcinoma b. Malignant – Benign c. Benign – Malignant d. Leukemia – Sarcoma
13. What are the lifestyle diseases caused by smoking, poor dietary habits, and sedentary lifestyle?
a.measles and pertussis c. tuberculosis and influenza
b.cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases d. a and b
14. What is the leading cause of death in the Philippines
a.cancer b. diabetes c. cardiovascular disease d. chronic respiratory disease
15. What disease is a result of insufficient or non-production of insulin in the body?
a.cancer b. diabetes c. cardiovascular disease d. chronic respiratory disease
16. This branch of health concerns the promotion of growth and development, and lowering the chances of acquiring diseases and
a.medicine b. nutrition c. nutrients d. food and drugs
17. This is the location of the stored energy inside the cell. This is also called as the “Powerhouse of the cell”.
a.Ribosomes b. Endoplasmic Reticulum c. Nucleus d. Mitochondria
18. These are important food substances that help our body function properly and provide the energy and facilitate growth and repair of
a.drugs b. vitamins and minerals c. carbohydrates d. nutrients
19. This is required by the body in large amounts that include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water.
a.nutrients b. micronutrients c. macronutrients d. food and water
20. When you exercise, when do you need to eat?
a.before exercise b. during exercise c. after exercise d. all of the above
21. What are the factors that affect weight control?
a.genetic/hormones b. environment c. energy balance d. food and water
22. This equalizes the amount of consumed calories to the amount depleted which consequently maintains body weight. b. eating habits c. energy balance d. physical activity
23. This maintains healthy skin, bones, teeth and hair, and aids vision.
a.vitamin a b. vitamin b c. vitamin c d. vitamin e
24. This helps protect the body from oxidative damage and aid in bone, teeth, and skin formation and resistance to infection.
a.vitamin a & b b. vitamin b & d c. vitamin e & a d. vitamin c & d
25. Deficiency of this mineral results in stunted growth.
a.calcium b. folate c. iron d. zinc
26. This helps in energy metabolism and is important for transporting oxygen in the bloodstream.
a.calcium b. folate c. iron d. zinc
27. This is the body’s natural relaxation response; tell the brain to calm down and relax.
a.deep-breathing b. relaxation c. venting d. self-blame
28. Making a pleasing image of your mind that stimulates stress reduction and relaxation.
a.physical recreation b. relaxation c. venting d. visualization
29. Planning ahead your schedule to keep away from stress.
a.relaxation b. visualization c. time management d. problem-solving
30. Escaping the problem entirely which could end up refusing that a problem even exists.
a.relaxation b. time management c. humor d. denial

II.A IDENTIFICATION. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.
a. Flexibility d. Speed g. Cardiorespiratory Endurance i. Reaction Time
b. Muscular Strength e. Agility h. Muscular Endurance j. Balance
c. Body Composition f. Coordination
1. The relative percentage of body fat compared with lean body mass.
2. The amount of force that can be produced by a single contraction of a muscle.
3. The ability of a muscle group to continue muscle contraction over a length of time.
4. The ability to use one’s joints fully in a normal range of motion.
5. The ability of the heart and lungs to function efficiently while one is doing strenuous activities for a long period of
6. The ability to perform a movement or cover a certain distance in a short period of time.
7. The amount of time to move once you realize the need to act.
8. The ability to change the position of one’s body quickly and to control one’s body movement.
9. The ability to maintain equilibrium while you are stationary or moving.
10. The ability to use body parts and senses together to produce smooth and efficient movements.

II.B IDENTIFICATION. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.

a. Aerobic Training b. Resistance Training c. Flexibility Training

1. Long and Slow Training 9. Weightlifting

2. Fartlek Training 10. Powerlifting
3. Shoulder Stand 11 Back-arching
4. Calisthenics 12. High Intensity Interval Training
5. Hypertrophy Program 13. Hurdler
6. Endurance Program 14. Plow Stretch
7. Hero 15. Zumba
8. Endurance Program

III. APPLICATION. Read the story and compute for the BMI. Write your solution on the problem with their corresponding category
given below. (5pts.)

Bronson, a Grade 10 student who loves to play video games, would rather play his computer than to go with his friends to play
basketball. He always eat protein-rich food (meat) and junk food but never veggies. His mother noticed his poor appetite and physical
activity. So, she checked the BMI of her son where she got the results of the following:

Weight = 57 kilograms
Height = 1.51 meters
Less than 15 - Starvation
15.0 – 18.4 - Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 - Normal
25 – 29.9 - Overweight
30.0 – 40.0 - Obese
Greater than 40 -Morbidly Obese

Prepared by:

Teacher II

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