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School Quirino State Course/year BTLED 1

Teacher Jonathan Bagaoisan Learning Area Mathematics in the
Modern Word
Date: May 12, 2023

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics in the Modern World

A. Content Standards Key concepts of compound interests
B. Performance Investigate, analyze, and solve problems involving compound interests
C. Leaning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
ctives a. Illustrates compound interests (M11GM-IIa-1).
b. Computes interest in compound interest environment (M11GM-
c. Students will be able to distinguish between simple interest and
compound interest (M11GM-IIa-2)
d. Explain the importance of understanding compound interest in
financial planning
e. Demonstrates the differences between simple and compound

II. Content Compound Interest

III. Learning
a. References
1. Teacher’s Guide!
Pages 03_28_08_PM.pdf
2. Learner’s Material Self-paced learning module;
Pages drive
3. Textbook Pages
b. Other Learning Projector, Laptop, Activity materials, chalk, blackboard, activity
Materials sheets, spin a wheel, flipchart, speakers.


Learning Teacher’s Activity Student’s
Guide Responses
A. Daily
Good morning, class! Good morning, Sir!
1. Greetings
(1 minute) How was your day going? Great sir.

It’s good to hear that you are all doing great


Use of ICT / Music Integration

Before we start our lesson. Let us ask the
2. Prayer Yes sir.
guidance of our almighty God and let us
(1 minute)
enlighten our mind completely understand the
lesson for this afternoon. So, may I request
everyone to please stand for an opening prayer
through video presentation.

Okay sir.
Before you sit down, make sure there are no
trash close to you and arrange your chairs
3. Classroom
properly in line.
Are we good with that?
(30 seconds)

(student’s answer
may vary)
4. Checking of
Is there anyone absent for today?
(30 seconds)
Okay so let me check it from our attendance

(The teacher looks at the attendance chart) Yes sir.

5. Checking of I’m glad that no one is absent for today.

assignment Yes sir.
Class yesterday I gave you an assignment,

Okay, pass in front of your peers, and the

person on the front should give to me. Is that
6. Reminders clear?

a. Classroom

Class before we formally start our discussion,

let me present to you our classroom rules.

(The teacher present power point slides on the


G — Great attitudes help learning

R — Rise above your problems
A — All ideas count
T — Try your best
I — Involve others when playing
T — Treat yourself and others with respect
U — Use your time wisely
D — Develop new skills daily
E — Enjoy learning

B. Review previous Class what is our topic that we had discuss last
lesson/presentin meeting, anyone? (The students raise
g the new lesson their hands)
(10 minutes) Yes, lovely.
The topic that we
had discuss
yesterday is about
simple interest sir.

So yesterday, we learn about how to get the Sir it is one - time

simple interest. Okay, so what is simple interest percent of an
again? amount of money

Brilliant! That is correct

Now to check you really understand our topic

yesterday, let’s play a game.

Do you want to play a game? yes sir.

So, everybody wants to play a game, right?

We will call this game “who am I” this can be

done through a group activity. In order to
begin, please count from 1 to 6.

Very good! Now that the all groups are ready.

Let me explain to you the mechanics of our

Once again, we will call this game “who am I” all yes sir.
you need to do is to name the preliminary terms
that we discussed last meeting about simple
interest. Okay?

Now, each group need a bond paper and

marker. So, I will provide this. Please take it.
What are you going to do?

Mechanics of the game:

1. Only one response per group should be
recorded as you write your response on
the bond paper.
2. I am going to play a song and while the
Yes sir
music is playing, you are going to pass
the paper with your groupmates and
when the music is stop, the one holding
the paper will answer the question flash
on the monitor.

Are you now ready class?

I think all of you are ready. So, as I call on your
group, tell anything you want about your group
it can be a jingle or a clap.

Are we good class?

Of course, if you got the correct answer, I will

add a score to our scoreboard. At the end of our
discussion, the group with the most points will
win and have an extra. Goodluck!
(The students pass
Now let’s start the game. the paper)

Pass the board!

(I will play the music)

(I will stop the music)

Kindly raise the hand who hold the paper.

Now this is your question.
Simple interest
1. It is a one - time percent of an amount
of money.

2. This is the amount of money borrowed Principal

or placed into a savings account.

3. It is the percent of the principal paid Rate

for having money loaned, or earned
for investing money.

4. It is the amount of the loan or Future value

investment plus the interest paid or
5. This is the fee charged for the use of

(The teacher always updates the score board)

Congratulations, that’s the end of our game.

Settle down class.

Please stay on your groups.

Based on the result of our game I can now

conclude that you really understood well our
previous discussion about simple interest.
C. Establishing a Do you want to play game again? Yes sir
purpose for the Okay let’s play a game again but these two
lesson groups only.

Now group 1-3 are now stayed in one group and

same as group 4-6.

Mechanics of the game;

1. Each team will have a 20 pesos money
(play money) then they will play “jack n’
2. The team who will lost are gave 20 pesos
to another team.
3. The team who got more 20 pesos money
at the end will win the game. Yes sir

Is that clear class?

(The teacher let the student to play game)

Based on our game about jack n’ point what you

have learned about it? (Student’s answer
may vary)
How do you relate our game based on what you
have learned about the previous discussion?

Today we are going to tackled about compound


Before we talk more about compound interest,

let me just discuss to you what our intended
learning outcome for this lesson.

(The teacher will present the objectives)

At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to;

a. Illustrates compound interests

b. Computes interest, maturity value, future
value, and present value in compound
interest environment
c. Students will be able to distinguish
between simple interest and compound
d. explain the importance of understanding
compound interest in financial planning
e. Demonstrates the differences between
simple and compound interest. (Student’s answer
may vary)
as you can see from the pictures, these show
interest when it comes to money, interest into
passion, interest when it comes to personal love
and interest in terms to hobby.

So, based on your own idea, what is interest?


In English interest- is urge or wanting to know

and learn about something or someone

(The teacher presents the definition of interest)

In Mathematics interest- it certainly involves

money. It is the additional money that must be
repaid – in addition to the original loan balance
or deposit.
Yes sir
To know more about interest, let us define or
know what are the preliminary terms that are
related to it. And to make it more exciting we
will have an activity called “jumbled words”

Group Activity (Differentiated Activities/Instructions)

So, I’m going to group you into 5.

So here is the direction, you will be assigned

with jumbled words in which you’re going to
arrange it and you’re given the corresponding
definition in which we think is the best pair for
those jumbled words. Okay, are we good?

You’re only given 3 minutes to think and

cooperate with your group. After they’ll take the
time, you’re going to present your answer and
let see if those answer are correct


-the original amount of money, the

amount before any interest is applied;
refers to the original sum of money
borrowed in a loan or put into an


-The percentage of principal charged by

the lender for the use of its money; often
expressed as a percentage per year (or per
annum), e.g., 5% per year.

-the amount of all the interest earned
over a period of time


-a way of calculating the amount of

interest that is to be paid on the principal


-the addition of interest to the principal

amount of a loan or deposit, or in other words,
interest on interest

Because of that lets give a round of applause to

each and every one since you’ve got all the
correct answers

Now how you find activity? Fun and

challenging sir

Integration of Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

*Infusion of Higher Order Thinking Skills


Are there familiar terms, before knowing their

Some of them sir.
Yes Christine

Sometimes sir
And do we encounter these words in everyday

And at home, who usually talk about financial

Our parent’s sir

Of course, our parent. Good

In investing, borrowing or spending money we

should be always be reminded to be critical with
our decisions.

So, if you are to invest your hard-earned money

in a business, what are the things that you
should do to avoid scams? *HOTS
Invest to trusted
Anyone? companies

That is a great answer and a great idea it is

really relevant when it comes into dealing with
scams specially nowadays.

If you are borrowing money, what are the things So, we need to take
you need to remember so that you will avoid note the due date.
inability pay on due time?

Brilliant, that is correct.

And personally, we should always do that

This time were going to watch a video to know

more about compound interest

Video Presentation/ Use of ICT
We learn that in
A few moments later, after watching the video. compound interest
What is your realization? the more time you
have for investment
to grow, the more-
That is correct! free money to get

You have to invest, which would offer you a

better return investment. A bank that offers
simple interest or then that offers compound
interest? *HOTS
A bank which offers
Yes hero, you’re raising your hand compound interest,
since it is an
interest which is
paid not only not
only on the
principal of a loan
or deposit, but also
an accumulated
interest from
previous periods of
loan or deposit.
Therefore, the
amount could
rapidly increase in

Yes sir.
Brilliant, that is correct. Are we good class?

D. Presenting Okay for you to know how calculate the

Examples/ compound interest of a certain amount of
instances of the money. We can use this formula…

( )
A=P 1+

A=total A ccrued amount

P=P rincipal amount
R=R ate of interest
n=N umber of annual compounds
t=T ime period

let’s apply this formula in this example.

1. An initial deposit of ₱100,000 is made

into a savings account that compounds
5%annually. How much is in the account
at the end of five years?

First, we need to find the needed given using the

formula of compound interest.

When we say initial deposit, it is the principal

amount. Basically, our P=100,000 .05 sir

Then our rate is 5%. So, if we convert 5% into

decimal, what?

Okay our r =.05

Next is to find our n… and n is the number of

times accrued in a year. Meaning our n is Once a year sir

What does annually mean?

That is correct, meaning our n=1

Then our time here is 5 so t=5

After we find the needed given, we should

substitute in the formula.

( )
A=P 1+
A=100,000 (1+
1 )

Using the PEMDAS rule…

A=100,000 1+
.05 1(5)
1 )
A=100,000 ( 1+.05 )5 Yes sir
A=100,000 ( 1.05 )
A=100,000 ( 1.276 ) None sir
A=₱ 127628.16

now take note that if we talk about money don’t

forget to put the symbol of Philippine money.

Is that clear class?

Good! do you have a question?

E. Discussing new If none let’s proceed to example number 2

concepts and
practicing new 2. After 5 years of 4% interest compounded
skills quarterly, an account has ₱61,009.502.
What was the original deposit amount?

This time class we are looking for the original

deposit amount. This is quiet difference from
our first example.

( )
A=P 1+

So, our A=61,009.502

Then what is our r?

Sir, Our Rate of
interest is .04
Yes lovely, you’re raising your hand?

That is correct

So, our r =.04

Sir our n=4
So, what is our n?

That is correct

n=4 since it is said to be quarterly. We have 4

quarter in a year.

Then time is 5
Then substitute the given into the formula

( )
A=P 1+
61,009.502=P ( 1+
4 )
4 (5 )

Sir we need to
61,009.502=P ( 1+0.01 ) divide both side by
61,009.502=P ( 1.01 )
20 1.22
Sir I think that is
division property of
Now what do you think that our next move to
find the value of our principal amount?

What rule is that?

Brilliant! That is correct.

The division property of equality states that if

both sides of an equation are divided by a
common real number

61,009.502 P ( 1.22 )
1.22 1.22
1.22 Yes sir

P=₱ 50007.79

That’s it our principal amount is approximately


Are we good?

If it’s the case tap your shoulder and say “good


F. Developing
mastery (Leads to Application of Game: Kajoot(kahoot)
Assessment 3) Okay let’s have an activity. This activity can
be done through a game. Before we play a
game, may I ask everyone to choose your own
partner and accomplished this activity. This
game called “Kajoot” Yes sir

Okay is it clear class?

Yes sir
Thank you so much.
So, do you have now your partner?
So, this is the mechanics of the game.

General Mechanics:
1. Solve what is
ask on the
problem by
applying what
you have
learned from the
2. Select the shape
that correspond
to the correct
3. Make sure you
put the shape
on your answer
sheet before the
time runs out.
4. A pair who can
got the correct
Are you ready young mathematicians?
answer will gain
an extra-reward.

1. ₱54200 at 5.6% compounded semi- Yes sir

annually for 2 years
2. Supposed you deposit ₱10,000in an
savings account earning 6% annually.
What is the compound interest after 2
3. Smokey borrowed ₱15000 from a bank
with an interest rate of 5% compounded
quarterly. What is the compound amount ₱15764.18
after a year?

4. Miss A leans that her savings account is

compounded monthly. If she has ₱12300in
her account now, how much will she have in 2 and ₱13256.73
½ years at 3% interest?

5. After 3 years of 7% interest compounded

annually, an account has ₱16,253.43. What ₱13214
was the original deposit amount?

Did you enjoy the game class? Yes sir

How’s you’re feeling right now? Happy sir

In real life we need to accept sometimes if we are

winning or losing right, that’s a part of a game.
Anyway. For the group who gain top scores, Okay sir
kindly claim your rewards later. Okay?

G. Evaluating For the evaluation part. Please do this activity,

learning which will serve as your quiz for this lesson.

1. Find the interest on Php 7,000.00

compounded quarterly at 3% for 5 years.
2. Miss Yu wants to do a time deposit on his
money to a bank account with an interest
rate of 3.5% compounded quarterly. The
balance of his bank account after two
years is ₱82400. What is the initial amount she

H. Making
Generalization Remember the facts:
and abstraction All right. Who among you can share what have (The students raise
about the lesson you learned for today’s discussion? their hands)

What are the five basic concepts of interest?

Sir the five basic
Anyone? concept of interest
is the principal
That is correct. amount, interest
rate, accumulated
interest, simple
So, I hope that you gain a lot in this lesson that
interest and
you may apply in your daily living. compound interest

Yes sir, thank you

So, Before I end our discussion, may I request sir!
everyone to please stand. So good bye
Good bye sir, thank
you for your

I. Additional For the application of this topic, we’ll have an

activities for activity. Same group 1-5 and what you’re going
application or to do is create a performance that signifies or
remediation shows the difference between simple and
compound interest and also for your
performance to be to have a good content also
apply the preliminary terms are related to it. So
here are the criteria of your performance.

V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
a. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

b. No. of the learners

who require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
c. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did this
e. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
f. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use or discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Student-Teacher Cooperating teacher

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