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J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E L E T T E R S 2 0, 2 0 0 1, 1089 – 1091

Mullite ceramics derived from coal fly ash

Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, South Korea

Department of Applied Science and Engineering, Bath University, Bath BA2 9JT, UK

The stable intermediate compound mullite, which is Sumitomo Chemicals, Japan) was added to the coal
formed in a narrow composition range of the Al2 O3 - fly ash in order to increase a deficient alumina com-
SiO2 system [1] is a potential candidate material for position to stoichiometric mullite (71.8 wt% Al2 O3 ,
advanced structural applications because it has a high 28.2 wt% SiO2 ). The average particle size and spe-
melting point, low thermal expansion, creep resistance, cific surface area of the alumina powder were 0.6 µm
good chemical stability and high strength at high tem- and 8.23 g/m2 , respectively. The batch powders were
perature [2]. The important processing routes of mullite mixed and homogenised by ball milling in ethanol for
ceramics are: 24 h. After drying using a rotary vacuum evaporator,
the mixed powders were crushed in an agate mortar and
(i) sintering of mullite powder compacts [3–6];
passed through a 140 mesh sieve. The 3Y-PSZ pow-
(ii) reaction sintering of Al2 O3 - and SiO2 -
der, (20 wt%), was added to some batches. Rectangular
containing materials [7–10];
(10 mm × 10 mm × 50 mm) compacts were prepared
(iii) reaction bonding of mullite [11–13];
by die pressing at 20 MPa, and then cold isostatic press-
(iv) reaction sintering of chemically produced mul-
ing at 200 MPa. Reaction sintering was carried out at
lite precursors [3, 6, 14];
temperatures up to 1600 ◦ C for a given time after pre-
(v) transient viscous sintering of composite powders
liminary heating at 1400 ◦ C for 2 h in air with a heating
[15, 16].
rate of 4 ◦ C/min, using a super kanthal furnace. The
Crystalline mullite powder is not readily sinterable, crystalline phases of the reaction product were exam-
due to the low diffusion rates of the aluminum and sil- ined by XRD (D/max-IIA, Rigaku) with operating con-
icon species [7, 8, 17], consequently a high sintering ditions: Ni-filtered Cu Kα, 40 kV-20 mA and scanning
temperature (>1700 ◦ C) is required to reach full den- speed 8 ◦ /min. The sintered bulk density was measured
sity. The activation enthalpy for the densification and by the water immersion method. The sintered, polished,
grain growth of mullite is very high (700 kJ/mol−1 ) and thermally etched surfaces were examined using an
[18, 19]. An appropriate way to avoid such problems is SEM (JSM500, Jeol). Four point bending strength was
by reaction sintering of Al2 O3 and SiO2 mixtures; this measured at room temperature using a universal testing
allows a high degree of densification prior to mullitiza- machine (KSU-5M, Kyung Sung Testing Machine Co.)
tion. It also has the further advantage of low fabrication with a cross head speed of 0.5 mm/min, a supporting
costs [20, 21]. The temperatures and rates of mullite for- span of 30 mm, and a loading span of 10 mm.
mation depend on the properties of the Al2 O3 and SiO2 The morphology and characteristics of the coal fly
starting materials [7–9, 21]. The objective of this publi- ash are shown in Fig. 1 and Table I, respectively. The
cation is to report on the fabrication of mullite ceramics coal fly ash contained 56.77 SiO2 and 17.31 wt% Al2 O3 ,
using a fly ash precursor, formed as the combustion by-
product of coal fuel and to determine the properties of
resulting material. The effect of 3Y-PSZ addition on
the microstructural development and strength of sin-
tered mullite has been briefly investigated.
The coal fly ash yielded by combustion in a thermo-
electric power plant, Samchunpo, Korea, was used as
a starting raw material. The coal fly ash was examined
by means of XRD and XRF to determine the nature of
the crystalline phases and their constituent components,
respectively. The particle morphology was observed
using SEM. The specific surface area and particle size
distributions were measured using nitrogen adsorption,
BET [22], and a standard X-ray sedimentation tech-
nique. The coal fly ash was calcined at 600 ◦ C for 2 h
in air to remove residual carbon. On the basis on the
results of the XRF analysis, Al2 O3 powder (AES11-C, Figure 1 Scanning electron micrograph of coal fly ash.

C 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers 1089
T A B L E I Characteristics of coal fly ash

Agglomerate size
distribution (µm)
Chemical component SBET
(wt%) Crystalline phase (m2 /g) <30% <50% <100%

SiO2 (56.77) Al2 O3 (17.31) Fe2 O3 (8.27) mullite, sillimanite, 4.53 4.0 25.0 29.9
K2 O(1.22) Na2 O(0.42) P2 O5 (0.27) quartz
MnO(0.13) CaO(3.57) MgO(0.91)
TiO2 (0.80), Ig. Loss(10.33)

and consisted of mainly silicate minerals being a mix- according to the increase of shrinkage (10.2%). This
ture of flake-like and nearly spherically-shaped parti- infers that an increased volume fraction of liquid forms
cles with a specific surface area of 4.53 m2 /g and an with increasing temperature and the densification of
agglomerate size of 29.9 µm (<100%). With increas- powder compacts still continues after completion of
ing firing temperature to 1200 ◦ C, the quartz compo- mullitization.
nent of the coal fly ash disappeared while newly formed The sintered microstructures are shown in Fig. 4.
cristobalite was detected (Fig. 2). At 1300 ◦ C, the peak At 1500 ◦ C, relatively small equiaxed (<2 µ) and elon-
intensities of cristobalite and α-Al2 O3 decreased, and gated mullite grains (aspect ratio >6) coexisted. After a
the mullite peak intensities increased. At ∼1400 ◦ C, further increase in sintering temperature (1600 ◦ C), the
only the mullite crystalline phase was identified (Fig. 3). volume fraction of equiaxed mullite grains decreased
With increasing firing temperature up to 1600 ◦ C, the and the increased development of interlinked elongated
mullite peak intensities increased due to crystal growth. grains resulted in large voids being generated. In the
From the XRD results, the mullitization process of coal later stage of reaction sintering ( >1200 ◦ C), the liquid
fly ash with an addition of alumina powder is presumed phase sintering of low-Al2 O3 compositions produces
as follows: relatively large prismatic mullite crystals embedded in
a fine-grained matrix whilst for the high-Al2 O3 compo-
(i) one of the major mineral phases, quartz, trans-
sitions, an equiaxed mullite microstructure formed by
forms to cristobalite at around 1200 ◦ C;
solid state sintering [24]. In this study, the exaggerated
(ii) at ∼1300 ◦ C, mullitization starts by the reaction
grain growth of mullite was probably due to the par-
of cristobalite and α-Al2 O3 , and with increasing tem-
tial liquid phase sintering at temperatures >1400 ◦ C
perature, mullite production is increased,
because of the considerable iron oxide content
(iii) the mullitization reaction was practically com-
(8.3 wt%). Minor impurities containing alkali compo-
pleted at 1400 ◦ C and mullite crystallinity increased
nents, which help form low melting point liquids during
with further increasing firing temperature.
firing, were also contained in coal fly ash (Table I).
A study [23] of the temperature dependence of mul- The 3Y-PSZ particles (globular-shaped) somewhat
lite formation using various SiO2 crystalline phases and inhibited the grain growth of the mullite phase and
α-Al2 O3 as starting materials, reported that the forma- enhanced the densification (Fig. 4c and d). The aver-
tion reaction of mullite in the SiO2 glass and α-Al2 O3 age bending strength values for each of the five speci-
couple occurred by the solid state reaction of cristo- mens sintered at 1400, 1500 and 1600 ◦ C for 2 h were
balite and α-Al2 O3 at ∼1550 ◦ C, after crystallization 80, 169 and 115 MPa, respectively. The decrease of
of almost all the SiO2 glass into cristobalite prior to strength in the 1600 ◦ C-sintered specimens compared
mullitization. With increasing firing temperature, from with the 1500 ◦ C-sintered is considered to be due to the
1400 ◦ C to 1600 ◦ C, the bulk density (2.04 g/cm3 ), exaggerated grain growth of mullite, resulting in large
porosity (2.1%) and water absorption (2.0%) decreased, voids. The existence of 3Y-PSZ particles increased the

Figure 3 XRD patterns of mixed powder compact of coal fly ash and
Figure 2 XRD patterns of mixed powder compact of coal fly ash and α-Al2 O3 after firing at 1400 ◦ C for 2 h in air. All peaks correspond to
α-Al2 O3 after firing at 1200 ◦ C for 1 h in air. those of mullite.

Figure 4 SEM micrographs of polished and etched surfaces of mullite ceramics without (a, b) and with 20 wt% 3Y-PSZ (c, d) sintered at (a, c)
1500 ◦ C and (b, d) 1600 ◦ C for 2 h.

fracture strength of the mullite which had been sin- 7. Y . N U R I S H and J . S . P A S K , Ceram. Int. 8 (1982) 57.
tered at 1500 ◦ C (395 MPa) and 1600 ◦ C (215 MPa) for 8. P . D . D . R O D R I G O and P . B O S H , Int. High Tech. Ceram.
1 (1985) 3.
2 h.
9. A . P . S . R A N A , O . A I K O and J . S . P A S K , Ceram. Int.
In conclusion, low density (63% of theoretical) mul- 8 (1982) 151.
lite ceramics with low porosity can be fabricated by 10. P . B O C H , T . C H A R T I E R and P . D . D . R O D R I G O , Ceram.
the reaction sintering at ∼1500 ◦ C, of appropriate mix- Trans. 6 (1990) 353.
tures of coal fly ash and Al2 O3 powders. The fracture 11. J . S . H A G G E R T Y and Y . M . C H I A N G , Ceram. Eng. Sci.
Proc. 11 (1990) 757.
strength of mullite materials appears to be controlled
12. S . W U , D . H O L T Z and N . C L A U S S E N , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.
by the mullite grain shape and size, and the void size. 76 (1993) 870.
An addition of 3Y-PSZ powders inhibits grain growth 13. S . W U and N . C L A U S S E N , ibid. 74 (1991) 2460.
of the mullite and enhances the fracture strength. 14. S . K A M Z A K I , H . T A B A T A and T . K U M A Z A W A , Ceram.
Trans. 6 (1990) 339.
15. M . D . S A C K S , N . B O Z K U R T and C . W . S C H E F F E L E ,
Acknowledgments J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 74 (1991) 2828.
16. J . G . W A N G , C . B . P O N T O N and P . M . M A R Q U I S , ibid.
This study was supported financially by the Pusan 75 (1992) 3457.
Metropolitan City Government through the Institute for 17. P . B O C H , J . P . G I R Y and P . D . D . R O D R I G O , in
Environmental Technology and Institute (IETI), Pusan “Workshop on Advanced Ceramics” (Tokyo Institute of Technol-
National University, Korea (Project number: 99-10-12- ogy, Tokyo, 1986).
99-B-1). 18. M . D . S A C K and J . S . P A S K , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 65 (1982)
19. Idem., ibid. 65 (1982) 70.
20. I . A . A K S A Y , D . M . D A B B S and M . S A R I K A Y A , ibid.
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